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Well, whatever plans she had for today, what with her bellyaching about a headache, they were all for naught. First it was a nice early 0500 wake up call for her tag; now she is here to help with breakfast. 

She tries to pull her elbow out of the grip of the head of the kitchens, but is stopped by the hard clearing of my throat. “As I was saying, Mrs Cameron Peterson, the kitchens are this way. You are expected to be here by 0630 for your shift at 0700, fully dressed with gloves, and absolutely no attitude. Do we understand each other?”

“Perfectly. At least you have my name correct.” She cuts her eyes at me and sniffs.

“I may have, but the same can’t be said for others.” A woman approaches. “This is Anna, I repeat Anna, who is your, for want of a better word, boss. I shall leave you in her more-than-capable hands.”

“Did you hear that? My name is Anna, not whatever connotation you sought to put on it whilst you were Lady Muck during your faux tenureship. Now let us go and set up for breakfast. I will be watching you like a hawk; we wouldn’t want any mishaps. You know how the denizens like to complain about bad service, since you used to lead the barracking”

She goes a little grey under that considerable amount of panstick, then follows her to the kitchen. 

I smile, then head back to the van, satisfied that she will be contained both here and at home!




The brisket on toast has gone down a storm, it is the lamb scotch egg that I’m worried about, it is my first ‘recipe’. I don’t know how it came to me, but just know it did. “Tell me what this is again.” Ems orders fork hovering, George is still on the brisket.

“Lamb’s shoulder scotch egg, which is the remains of the finely chopped lamb shoulder mixed with pork mince, wrapped around a soft boiled chicken egg, rolled in flour then egg, then flour then egg, before double dredging in breadcrumbs before deep frying.” 

“Are there any…” Justin almost whimpers.


“I love you.” He sighs, then puts down his fork.

Nobody says a word as Ems slices into the egg. Considering it was my first attempt, I am very pleased with the crunch that echoes around the room and the ooze of the egg. As he takes a forkful he stares at me. “Big Bad, how long have you been able to do this?”

“I only thought of it this morning, and…”

“Don’t even.” He interrupts. “There were mutterings about there being differences on the menu, but with the few staff changes in the diner, I thought nothing of it; but this…” He points at the brisket. “...I know it’s from there. And you’re not the type to ask, but you are the type to learn.”

Justin stares at me, but instead of ‘blowing it off’, I decide to confess my other secret. “So whilst you and Slick were being trained by Ems, I got my own epicurean groove on.” 

“Why not come to me?” Ems looks down at the table.

“Because…” I wrap my arm around a still stunned Justin. “...I wanted to prove her wrong, to show her that I could cook.”

“Who, my dear boy?” George pulls out a chair and I sit down.

“My Mom. She always said my food was shit, and that was why she drank, to wash away the taste.” Justin’s gasp gets my attention. “What’s wrong?”

“Did you tell Michael that?” He demands, and at first I think he is furious, then I get what he’s saying. “Did you?”

“Yeah, years ago, and...oh shit!” I grab my jacket whilst he quickly puts his on. “Straight to his office. Enjoy the food, boys!”



“He wouldn’t seriously try this as a defence, would he?” I look at Brian and Justin, they both nod. “But you having a place that you loved to cook in, Brian, does not necessarily tie into him being exonerated of these charges. He knew about…”

“I provided the food for the diner, as well as Ems, so it could be argued that I set him up maybe?”

“Did you contact him prior to his abscondment?” I ask.

“No, of course not!” Brian exclaims.

“Then let Melody Chen explain to him how that is going to play out.” I glance at my watch and smile. “I won’t charge you for this needless appointment. Go home and relax.”




“So we can get rid of these then?” I take out the menus from the drawer. “Since you are going to be a good homey housefrau and cook every night?” 

“You’re not too mad?” He asks.

“No, I’m actually very proud of you. Ems won’t say anything of course, but how have you managed this? Wait, are these what you produced?!” I wave the menus at him. “All of this?! I can’t...how long for?!”

“Like I said, years ago, I would watch the cooks in the diner, and always had a table by the kitchen in restaurants.” I sit down, incredulous at this revelation, then I remember the eggs and am about to say something when he shakes his head. “I will fry them off whilst you let the boys out!” I gape at that. “We can have the masala ones tomorrow.” He smiles. “Tell me what is Baloo’s favourite meat after steak, chicken and turkey?”

“Good point!” I grin, and head to the lounge to go grab our boys.




I lace my fingers around the back of my neck and sigh, then lift my head. “Is there anything that you can provide that proves this sudden theory about Mr Taylor-Kinney setting you up?” I hold up my finger. “And unless the answer is yes instead of ‘well no’ then you should say not a thing.” I’m relieved at the silence. “So I am taking this and putting it in the shredder in my office. Anything else to try? This time unless the answer is no, remain quiet.” Again the silence stretches on. “Client attorney meeting is now concluded. Please return him to his cell. Thank you.”

As we walk in opposite directions down the corridor, he calls out to me. “Nancy and Lindsay were right about you, you’re not very good!” 

“I am very good, Mr Novotny or Grassi, depending on the day. It’s just that you are oh so very bad!”

There is nothing but the clack of my heels as I head towards my car.




I summarily dismissed the words of that Brandon character as scaremongering, but my attorney has taken them so seriously that he is demanding I do a DNA test to disprove them; which, of course, I’ve refused to do. She could’ve taken those gloves and done that to herself is my argument! 

“That’s as maybe, but surely you would want to prove your innocence of at least one crime?”

I sit straighter in my chair. “What are you implying?”

“You know exactly what I am saying, not implying. You are guilty of all the charges laid down against you, you have proven that by offering a no contest. But if you can disprove the parentage of the child, then…” We both look up at the door in surprise when it knocks.; I think both our hearts sink at the sight of Josian Momtalinga. “...this is a…”

“I’m aware of the law and how to exercise it, so spare me your pontifications. I’m here to tell you that a DNA test is not required. We’ve confirmed that the child is yours, so that charge will also be added.”

“Impossible!” I splutter. “Where did you get my DNA from?!” 

“From the dress of your first victim, Lynnette Peterson-March, I presume?” My attorney sighs whilst rubbing his forehead. 


“My sources are my own, but know this: the victim will not be accepting a no contest offer either. Good day to you both, or not as the case now is.”

Chapter End Notes:

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