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MARRIED?! My heart pounds and mouth is so dry I can't speak. 

“In here, darling!” Lynnette shouts, and I shake my head to clear my thoughts and the ringing in my ears. “Catherine just called, we’re going to the club on Friday for dinner, Millie is throwing a shower for Mel.”

“That’s nice, but why are we going to that?” Richard asks, and it takes every fibre in my being to not vomit. “Did Millie invite us?”

“No, but Bernie’s son, Thomas, is doing the catering, and you know how it is damn near impossible to get a booking for E&Z. I was so disappointed that we couldn't get them for our anniversary…”

“Excuse me, Lynette...” I croak. “...may I have something to drink?” 

“Of course. Darling, get her some water. She’s had a bit of a shock.”

“Water? What shock?” He asks, not moving to do so.

“I would like something a little strong…”

“No. You tend to spit venom at imagined, and deserved, slights at will. You will not be doing this in our house, with our booze to aid that forked up tongue of yours.” 

“Linney, what is going on?”

“The Ugerstaachts are going to be there, so as well as getting that letter, Lindsay is coming with us to bestow congratulations upon the soon to be happier couple.”

His snort has me turning to him. “Richard, I would like to speak to my sister in private, would you mind…”

“I mind.” Lynnette snaps. “I have no intention, nor desire, to be alone with you. I have one thing to do and that is to talk to Richard Jnr, well, not so junior.”

“Linney!” Richard blushes, then holds out his hand which she takes with a smug look. “Um, Lindsay, you need to go to your room so we can lock up.”

“Lock up? What do you mean, lock up?” I ask, then frown when Lynette pulls some keys out of her pocket and hands them to him. “You are locking me in the house?!”

“Of course not, that would be irresponsible. You are free to come and go wherever you want, as long as the ‘want’ is the kitchen, your bathroom and bedroom.” Richard returns. “They are the only rooms without locks on their doors, I would hate for you to succumb to the destructive side of your nature. So, for all of our piece of mind, we have had new doors put in.”

“We will give you the list of house rules once we are finished, but right this very moment we need to get started.” Lynette nudges me. “So, off you go.” I stumble out of the room and make it halfway up the stairs before being stopped by a cough. “One more thing, Lindsay…”

“What is it?” I am too shellshocked to deal with her patheticness right now.

“Lights out at seven. Tuck the pillow around your head as I tend to get loud and will not be quiet because you are here.”




I look up as the shadow falls across my paper. I can say nor do anything as Luther sits opposite me. I have been reading up on him. For a man who is serving 15 years, he looks very pleased with himself. This I find galling!

“How’s it feel?” He drawls. “Being the ex-con and father, oops, ex-father of the First Man of Pittsburgh?”

“How’s Zaden?” I return.

‘I will introduce you to her, she should be here in 40 minutes.” He replies, and I shake my head. “Aww, come on, it will be nice for you to have someone to wave at through the glass on the other side of the visiting room, because there’s nobody coming to see you, are they?”

I stand up and try not to show my pain and annoyance. “I have a doctor's appointment…” I call over my shoulder. “...excuse me…”

“No you don’t, you just want to get away to lick those wounds on your raddled hide. Well tough, you will be there in 40 minutes.” He orders. There is something in his voice that makes me turn around. “40 minutes, or I shall come and get you.”

I clutch my side as he stands and saunters away.


I head straight to the visitor’s room, knowing that he will be there. I try not to elbow the guys ahead out of the way to see the visitors’ list. It takes another five minutes for the joyful and disappointed to move out of my way so I can check my name.

“Hey, Lute!” I turn to the yelling of Archie as he rushes towards me, his face full of hope. “Is she…”

“Yes. She’s coming and you get her all to yourself.” I smile at him.


“I have a bigger fish to fry.” I look him up and down. “Come on, man, you need to look better than that to meet my Pitbull!”




I look up as a throat is cleared. “Hi, you must be Archibald?” I gesture for him to sit, then put out my hand. He smiles as he takes it. “Comfy?” He nods and chuckles. “I have to ask you something, what does he call me?” 

“Pitbull. He made me put on a shirt and tie. Said I wasn't meeting you like that.” 

“Thought I recognised it.” I smile remembering it from the trial photos. “So, how has he been? Healthwise is he okay?”

“Yeah, he’s doing fine. More than fine. He’s relaxing a bit, though he’s pissed about Taylor being here, not told me why though.”

“Taylor? Which Taylor?” My heart begins to pound. “Not Craig Taylor?”

“Yeah...you okay?” I start to feel annoyed and used. “Though not as pissed as Taylor is to see him. Ruined his reputation in one fell swoop…”

“Ruined how?”

“He’s been living the life of the lord. Saying this, that, the other and none of it the truth. Lute came up to him and…”

“Lute? Is that what you call him?”

“Yep. He calls me Archie. So, back to Taylor. Now he is not in good health. I think he's got six months if that.”

I gulp. “Do you know what’s wrong with him?”

“Kidneys and liver failure. And…” He goes quiet, in fact the whole room does, I turn to see where he is gawking and join him in astonishment. What is he doing here?!



“Come in!” The door opens and a very confused looking Justin enters. “Hey, um, how you doing?”

“Fine. Why am I here?” 

“Your father is here and I want you to…” He goes pale and backs against the wall. “...calm down, please. Will you sit down?” He nods slowly. “Water?” I point at the jug, again he nods so I pour him a glass before he finally sits down. 

“Why? There will be no truce with him! Because of you two, I…”

“I know what we tried to do, and damn right there should be no truce, but, and I can't believe I am going to say this, you need closure. You need to say your piece to his face and walk away forever.”


I will my stomach to settle and use, as Brian says, that 1500 SAT frontal cortex of yours and think logically! He is right, I have always said my piece on paper, like the statement before the Paris show, but then nothing when he was jailed in San Francisco. I have, in a way, been giving him the last word. Not anymore.

“Will you stay?” 

“Would not miss it for the world!” Luther grins before it falters slightly. 

“I will ask, how about that? She can only say no, but deep down you know she won’t.”

“I hope not.” He replies quietly. We both go still when the door knocks. “You ready? Just say your truth and..." I snicker. "...what?”

“Solly said that at the trial, just say your truth.” 

“And that got you a son. This gets you finally free of his ghost.” I blink back tears at the simple enormity of what he has just said. I will finally be free. He has haunted me for years and I have pushed it down in denial. “You ready?”


“Stand by the wall. Come in.”

The door swings open and he strides in. “So she didn’t show after all?” He sneers. “You are in the same boat as me then.”

“No. He’s not. Sit down, Prisoner Taylor!” I snap.

“What the fuck is he doing here?! I want to leave!”

“Tough shit, you can't. You leave when I am done!”




“AAAAHHHHIIIIEEEE!” I scream as pleasure rips through my very core. I slump back down and gasp at the aftershock as he withdraws. I have never been so utterly ravished as I have now. There is a squelch as he peels himself off my  back, then the thud as he flops on the floor. I turn my head. “Wa...want to tell me what that was about?” 

“You didn’t like it?” He looks spent.

“No, hated every second. You must do that again immediately, but this time make sure you get it right...uunnnh…” I groan as I join him on my back. “...so?”

“Luther asked to see me.” I frown. “He found out that my sperminator is in the same prison as him, and…” I sit up quickly, furious that we have been taken in. I shake my head to clear it. “...no, that's what I thought too. Lie back down.” I look into his eyes, there is something there, no there's nothing there. “He said I needed closure to have the last word.” 

“And did you?” 

“Yeah. I told him what a cunt he was. Yeah, I said that. A disappointment, a fraud, and a waste of air. And I would make it legal and tell the world about him.”

“Make what legal?” I frown.

“I want to be emancipated from him.” I get up on my elbows. “I want him eradicated from my name. I want the Taylor name to be something to be proud of, and I can't be proud of it with him tied to me in any way.”

I roll on top of him and twirl his sideburns. “It’s gone. The haunted look in your eyes,  it's gone.”

“And it is never coming back.” He grins, stroking my butt. “Now, about me correcting that truly awful love making just now.”

“No, let me.”




“Jenny, you can't be serious?!” Leda looks at me then we both stare at a determined Jenny.

“If you don't want to look at it, I can always ask Uncle Solly, Uncle Adam, Uncle Ephie, and anyone else I can think of. This stinks to high heaven!” She points at the pile of papers she brought back with her. “He wasn’t allowed, I said allowed, to make a statement. Just BAM, jail. Maybe if they heard why, they would’ve understood better.”


“You are going to be bored out of your ass, so you might as well just look. What harm can it do?” Gus asks.

“I am not going to be bored out of my ass, I will have plenty to do. The wedding…”

“Aunt Zee and Aunt Ems.” He returns, and slides the papers nearer. “Just the first page, that’s all you need to look at.

“Fine. But like I said, I have plenty of other things to focus on. I am not adding to them!”


“Hi, Ephie, it’s Mel. Need you to dig into something for me.” I ignore the knowing looks and snickering. “Yeah, the case of the State vs Archibald Kingsman, need to check if his attorney is still operating and his connection to Gardner Vance.”




I try not to roll my eyes at the pompousness of this place. Every time we come here, I feel like we should talk in hushed, reverential tones, when instead they should be laying down some serious tunes. 

“Stop scowling, you are scaring the residents!” Faal growls before nipping my neck. “We won't stay long, just up to dessert. It is Millie’s night, put on party face.”

“Why are we here again?” I grumble, leaning against him then standing upright, for striding towards us, grinning, are Matt and Hunter. “When did you guys get back?!” I hug them both.

“Last night. Aunt Millie said we had to be here.” Hunter grins.

“You know why?” Faal queries.

“He does but he’s not telling!” Matt grumbles. “Gus! Hey, bro, what gives?!” 

“Nope, not telling, and…” He trails off and glares behind Matt. “...oh hell no!” 

Faal and I both step forward whilst Matt turns around. “What is she doing here? I need to speak to…”

“Stop, Zee, just look carefully. What do you see? Does she look happy? This is her haven, her place of hauteur. Yet she looks like she would rather be anywhere but here.” 

I do as he says and he's right, she looks miserable. “You good?” I ask Gus, and he nods then turns heel, no doubt going to find Jenny. “Still going to find out why though.” I mutter.

“It was a delay not a stop. Go and see, my lig.”

I make my way over to Millie and Harold, who look as cross as I feel. “I shall find out, my dear.” I hear him say, and he gives me a quick smile as he heads to Lindsay and her companions.

“Her sister and husband.” Millie explains. “And I think a bit of payback is the reason why. They have never gotten along, even more so since Richard. He’s her fourth, and has remained impervious since their courtship began.” 

“She would try to get anything that she deems should be hers.” I snort. “Or did she play it off as looking out for you, sister dear...what? That's not what she said, surely?”

“That’s exactly what she said!”  Millie gasps and grabs a drink. “So you will stay, I saw Gus’s face and will understand if…”

“We're staying.” I reassure her. “Now where is the kitchen?”

“The kitchen? Why?” She frowns as Harold comes back smiling. “What's with the grinning?”

“Because Thomas is catering…” I reply.

“Yes, we know that.” She continues to look puzzled, Harold less so.

“And Zeon hasn't seen him for a week, so I need to get him out of there!” 

“Ah. Down the hall, second on the right!” 

“Won’t be long!” I call over my shoulder and head to cool my brother’s jets the way I know best!


I smirk as my lig goes to do some mischief. My humour is short lived as Lindsay approaches. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gus and Jenny also heading my way. This should be interesting!

“Good evening, Fa…” She stops as Gus and Jenny reach us. “...oh my, just look at you two! You look...”

“Yes, just look. Don’t speak. We’re here for Uncle Faal!” Gus hisses. “Come on, let’s get away from that!”

“Please, I just need something from you, Faal!”

“Actually, you need two things: first, hand off arm.” Jenny orders, and she drops me like a smoking gun. “Second, to speak through me as his legal representative, unlike my brother, I have no emotional attachment to you still. Not even the hatred he feels. So, what do you want?” She glares at Jenny who looks at her watch then her. “Ten seconds and we’re gone.”

“It is about the money you said I no longer owe.”

“What of it? We said you don’t owe it, so you don't.”

“Oh, I see what this is.” Bernie startles us all. “I had wondered why you were back amongst us, but your mother not.”

“What is this, Aunt Bernie, some waspshit?” Gus demands.

“Yes. She has sent her here, maybe to see what Ronald is up to. Tell her that he is doing wonderfully, happily married and not missing her at all.” She regards her for a few seconds. “No, no, that’s not it. I will find out and report back.” With one more filthy look at Lindsay, she rejoins Arnold, who, after looking across nods then leaves the room.

“I need confirmation in writing that you won’t call the loan in.” Lindsay forces her hand back down. “That's all. I swear.”

“You will have it notarised in the morning. What address should it be sent to?” I clip out. “Send word via Bernadine. Now my wife is coming back, I will not lie to her if she asks what you are begging for. She is the only person that can change my mind.”


I look over my shoulder, thinking it an idle threat, but Zee is coming back so I step away from them and make my way around the room to rejoin Lynette and Richard.

“How did it go?” Lynette smirks. “You were looking most desperate.”

“He said I will get the letter tomorrow, notarised. Once that is done, then the money is mine and we need not have our paths cross again.”

“Of course, sister dear, of course.” She retorts. “Ah, here comes the people of the hour, doesn’t she look radiant?!” She puts her drink down. “Come on, let's go congratulate the happy couple!” 

“I will wait here, she doesn’t wish to…”

“Fine.” Richard cuts across me. “Let's go, Linney.”

I decide to head to the bar, leaving their billing and cooing behind me. It doesn't take long to get served and I sip my drink, smarting at the way Jenny talked to me and how Gus didn’t correct what she said. Surely he can't actually hate me?!

“Lindsay? It is Lindsay, isn’t it? Lindsay Peterson?” I look at the gentleman, for a few seconds, I can't place him. It must show. “ Gardner Vance, I used to be Brian’s…”

“I know what you used to be.” I stop him. “I never had you down for a patron of this place.”

“Been a member for a while. Forgive me for prying, but are you alright?”

“I have been better.” I sigh, and my tears start to burn my eyes. “Everything was going great until he came along and captured his heart!” I sniff. 

“Who? Mind if I sit?” I shake my head and he signals for a drink.

“Justin. Justin bubble butt Taylor.” I snivel. “If he had just gone and stayed gone it would’ve been fine!”

“Ah yes, the new First Man, he does seem to have the ability to sway the normally unswayable Brian Kinney.”

“He must give very good head!” I look at him. “It was him who started the posters against Stockwell. Yes, Brian joined him in the crusade, but he started it!”

The enormous cheer makes us both look over our shoulders, Mel and Leda are being hugged and kissed by everyone; then Debs comes out with tears running down her face.

“Debs! What’s happened?!” I call out. At first, I don't think she will talk to me, but then she smiles and my heart sinks. “She’s pregnant, isn't she? Mel, I mean?”

“Yep. She is. Taylor just blurted it out. So happy!” 

As she disappears down the corridor, I knock back my drink. “So, you wanna fuck?” I ask him, waiting for the instant dismissal that will end my day just perfectly!

“Yes. I have always wanted to. Let’s go.”


Chapter End Notes:

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