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“So how soon can we get this ball rolling?” They laugh as I roll up my sleeves at the same time. “Pook!” I mutter, and that makes them laugh harder. “Oh shush, you will wake them!” I look across at my still dozing nieces and smile.


“Still can't get used to you not swearing like a paratrooper on furlough!” Momma teases me. “But since you look like you are going to combust, let’s take them up and you can let loose that tongue of yours!”


She takes MJ and I take DJ, we creep up to their bedroom and Momma shakes her head when I go to put her in her bed.


“Of course! I keep forgetting they sleep together during the day. It is so odd how in tune with each other they are. Must be a hellcat thing.” I tuck them in, and after switching on the monitor, we head back down.


“Go…” Mom orders.


“What a fuck of cluster bomb of shit fuck of a pisspotting mess!” I spit. “Oh, that felt so good to say!”


“Any more?” Uncle Faal smirks and I shake my head. “I couldn't have put it better myself. As for the rolling question, if you guys are serious about this…” I look around and everyone nods. “...then we will get the ball rolling next week. He is not going anywhere and is stable. Besides, we have to finish setting up the office for our new Councilman, and there's the little matter of two little ones needing their shots.”


Zee snickers and Uncle Faal blushes. “You can search me first. Please, my lig, I will be good and calm.”


“Alright, you can come, but not inside. You are staying in the car with Vince.” Aunt Zee decrees and he looks somewhat mollified. “At least you won't put a gun to his head!”


“Gun to his head?!” Uncle Justin gasps. “An actual gun? You didn't say that, you said he threatened him!”


“Nope. The lummox got special dispensation to keep his gun with him, and…”


“Let's go eat!” Uncle Brian declares as he stands up but is blushing.


“Let's hear this first!” Papa Bear orders. “Sit down, Son.”


“In my defence…” Uncle Brian blusters.


“And be quiet, I want to hear this from Zee. Please continue.”


Start of flashback







“Holy Mother of God!” I growl as another contraction hits me. “That one pinched!” I try to think of the greater good of bringing our daughter into this world, rather than the pain I am in. I look up when the door opens and Brian is immediately by my side. “How is he?”


“Worrying about you. How you doing?” He pulls out his phone. “Promised him I would keep a running commentary.”


“Tell him it's like when I popped back his dislocated shoulder, but it, no...on second thoughts not that. Just say it, holy hellfuck, hurts!”


“Okay.” He quickly sends the text. “Want something for the pain?” He wipes my forehead and takes my hand. “Squeeze on the next...aiiiiieeeeee!” He shrieks as I grip hard.


“Sorry! So sorry, but that was super close!” I grip the handrail of the bed instead while he tries to ease the throbbing in his hand.


“I heard screaming! Who's screaming?!” Faal bellows from the other side of the door.


“Me!” Brian rushes to stop him from coming in. “She's got a grip, your wife!”


“Faal! Go back and sit down now!” I shout, and then press for the nurse.


“No, I am staying here! I can do this!”


“Excuse me, sir, either in or out!” The doctor barks.


“Geliefde, please!”


“Okay, my lig, but no more screaming, Brian!” He moves to allow them in, and walks slump shouldered back to the waiting room.


Ten minutes later nothing has happened.


“Stubborn little brat, just like her father!” I yell, and everyone looks confused. I nod at the door; Brian opens it and Faal almost falls on top of him. “She's changed her mind and is not ready just yet.”


He smiles and sits on the edge of the bed. “Do you want me to…” Brian gets up to leave, but Faal shakes his head. “...no, I will be back in a minute, need to call a godfather-to-be anyway.”


The doctor and nurses follow him out then it's just us, he rubs my stomach and clears his throat. “Now look here, Bubble, we have waited years for you and it's time to come out.”


“Yeah, that is not...ouch, buggering hell!” I yelp as Bubble decides to do as her Daddy says and arrive. Quickly, the doctor and nurses rush back in, and Faal is hauled out by Brian, but again she settles down. “For crying out loud!” I wail. “I just want this to end! I can't do another 72 hours, Brian I can't!”


“Seventy two hours? You were in labour with Matt for three fucking days?” Faal throws the door open in glares at me. “You never told me that!” He takes off his jacket then points his gun on the doctor, who swallows hard, and the room goes quiet. “Now you will give her as many drugs that is safely possible and get Bubble out of there in the next hour or someone will be taking something out of you!”


He nods. “Prep her for a c-section and I was going to suggest that before you pulled a Rambo on me Faal!”


“Of course you were, Doc, of course you were. Now, Brian...Brian? Where are you?!”


“On his way to be treated for concussion.” A nurse calls from the corridor, while struggling not to laugh. “He tried to get out of the way of the door and smacked into the wall.”


“You knocked out my birthing buddy, you dipshit! Now you will have to come!”


An hour and five minutes later, Faal is blubbering as he cradles her to his chest, I hear a ruckus outside and it's Brian demanding to be let in. Everyone looks at Faal and he nods.


“Want the hell hap…” Brian begins, but on seeing a bloodied and blubbering Faal bursts into tears. “...is she okay?!” He manages to choke out.


“Perfect, just perfect. Do you want to hold her?” He just opens his arms. “So do we get to find out now?”


“Excuse me! Mother would like to hold baby when she finds out her name, not father and godfather!”


“Sorry!” Brian places her in my arms, then clears his throat. “Mr and Mrs Ugerstacht, it is my great honour to tell you that she is Deborah Jennifer Carla Ugerstacht. Or DJ for short.”


“DJ, I like that, it suits her.” I murmur, and then kiss her head.


“Ewww!” Brian declares. “Gross!”


“So you don't want to cut the cord then?” Faal takes DJ and places her on the table, then picks up the scissors and waves them at him. The resulting crash silences the room. “Gonna take that as a no.”

End of flashback


“I blame the concussion for my weakness.” Brian sniffs as we all chuckle. “I didn't faint with MJ, cut the cord and everything!”


“You tried to do it with your eyes closed first.” Justin adds. “And almost cut your finger off!”


“How does that comment get you in my ass tonight?”


“I never said anything, nothing, not a word! Did I? Nobody heard a thing, right?!”


Aunt Zee is laughing as she heads out to sort dinner.


“Uncle Brian, you sure he never got it out of you? Their names I mean?” I grin.


“Nope, he didn't, despite how close he took me. Never did.”


“Close he took you? I don't understand, can you explain?”


The no almost pins me to the wall.


“Oh, edging, why didn't you just say that?”


“How do you know about edging?!” Dad demands.


“Orange is The New Black, Season 2. Hank watched the finale without me, said he couldn't wait. I showed him that he should've done.”


“You’re kidding, right?” Papa whispers, his face ashen.


“No. You lot don't call me the Pitbull for nothing! Never did it again.” I have never heard a room with all our family in it so quiet.


“Psych!” Aunt Zee’s voice blasts out from the monitor.


“Not funny!” Papa snarls as his colour comes back.


“It was, and it was Uncle Zeus’s idea!” I giggle.


“Junior give me your phone, no more shenaniganing!” Grandpa growls with a smile. “When and if Cyn calls I shall give it back.”


As I watch my family slowly start to relax, I know for now, everything is okay.


Chapter End Notes:

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