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Mayor Kinney

* 45 *

Justin walked into the lecture hall at PIFA. There were about ten minutes till the lecture was to begin. He found a seat and opened his notepad getting ready to jot down whatever words of wisdom the professor chose to bestow on them this day.

"Hey Taylor," a voice said from behind him.

Justin turned to see one of his least favorite people sitting a couple of rows back. He had met this pompous ass when he was with Ethan. He tried to remember his name, something like … Marshall or Martin. Martin, that was it. "Hi Martin," he said trying to be civil.

"Saw your mug in the newspaper yesterday. You and the President! Must be nice having a boyfriend who can introduce you to all these famous people."

Justin stared at the guy not knowing how to answer that statement. Now he remembered why he detested this guy. He always made Justin feel like he absolutely knew nothing about anything, always found a subtle or not so subtle way to put him down.

When Justin did not respond, Martin said, "So are you and the President on a first name basis now?" Martin chuckled at his attempt at humor and so did a couple of others sitting near him.

Justin could feel the blood rush from his neck to his cheeks. Fuck, he hated this guy! He wracked his brain for a good comeback, but couldn't think of anything to say. He turned back to face the front knowing they were snickering at him.

"Hey Taylor, too good to talk to the likes of us?" Martin persisted.

"I fucking got to meet the President. What about you, asshole?" Justin retorted turning back and giving Martin his best evil glare as he said those words.

Martin glared back at him. "You only got to meet the President because of that fucking boyfriend mayor of yours," Martin spat out.

"What's the matter? Jealous?" Justin demanded his voice getting increasingly louder.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," the professor stated calling them all to attention and effectively putting an end to the exchange between Justin and Martin.

Justin knew his cheeks were burning. He felt like shit too. He couldn't believe that he had allowed Martin to get to him like that. All the students who had been present must have heard the shouting match between the two of them. Shit! Shit! Shit!

Justin sat in silence for the rest of the lecture. He refused to look around him to see if others were observing him. He wanted to shrink into the floor and disappear. Finally the lecture was over and Justin grabbed his books and fled out the door as quickly as he could. Thank God Martin wasn't able to catch him again.

Justin made his way to the coffee shop on campus hoping to grab a sandwich and hide in his work space until his afternoon class. He couldn't explain why he had felt so embarrassed and had gotten so angry at Martin's comments. Maybe it was because sometimes he felt like he really was nothing more than a pale reflection of his older, stronger, more affluent partner. And that pissed him off! He wanted to be his own man, but ever since he had hitched his wagon to the Kinney star, he had somehow gotten lost in the shuffle. It wasn't Brian's fault. It probably wasn't even his own fault. But he had let it happen. He hadn't been forceful enough, hadn't asserted himself enough, had been too ready to follow along behind Brian letting him make all the decisions and stand in the forefront. Justin shook his head in frustration.

He had felt good meeting the President and Senator Kerry. How many people could say that they had met either of them, let alone both? But he had only been able to do that because of Brian. Everything was because of Brian; his whole fucking life, as Martin had so kindly reminded him. Martin had made yesterday's great experience seem like something he was not entitled to. And maybe he wasn't. That was what really bugged him.

"Justin," a voice called to him as he pocketed his change from paying for his sandwich. He groaned inwardly but looked back to see who had spoken. He prayed it wasn't Martin or one of his gang of morons.

Justin sighed with relief as he saw who it was. "Hi, Cal," Justin replied. Cal was in some of his classes and they got along quite well.

"I heard what that asshole Martin said to you in the lecture hall," Cal said.

"You and everybody else," Justin grimaced.

"He doesn't know what the fuck he's saying. He was just trying to get to you."

"I know, but there was some truth in what he said. That's what made me so upset."

"Let's grab a table and we can talk," Cal suggested. "If you want to…" he added watching Justin's face.

"Sure," Justin said deciding that he would like to talk to someone impartial.

They sat down at a table in the corner and Justin unwrapped his sandwich no longer sure that he even wanted to eat it. Cal watched him for a couple of minutes.

"Justin, are you okay?" Cal asked.

"I … I don't know. I feel so strange like my whole life is for shit, and … and there's nothing I can do about it."

"That sucks," Cal sympathized. "Have you talked to Brian about this?"

"We did kind of talk about it a while ago."

"What did he say?"

"He says he's going to stop being mayor at the end of his term."

"Really? Is he doing that just for you?"

"What do you mean?" Justin asked with a frown.

"I mean is he quitting just to make you feel better? He's pretty popular as the mayor. He could probably win another term."

"Yeah, he probably could," Justin admitted. "He is doing it partially for me, but he also thinks he wants to start his own ad agency. He never really intended to get into politics."

"He's kind of an unlikely candidate to begin with," Cal said with a grin.

"You mean because he's openly gay?"

"Well, yeah! Who would have thought he'd get elected in the first place?"

"Yeah, it was a surprise. And to Brian too!"

"It must have made both of you proud that he got elected and that he's been so well accepted as the mayor."

Justin stared at Cal. "What do you mean 'both of us'?"

"I remember when I first figured out that you were Kinney's partner when he was campaigning. I sort of knew who you were back then, but I started paying attention to what was in the papers and watching for you guys on the six o'clock news. I thought you two were awesome together. I don't think Kinney would have won without you beside him."

"You don't?" Justin asked in surprise. "Why?"

"He didn't exactly have a stellar reputation before he hooked up with you. If he hadn't been able to show that he was in a stable relationship, the press would have had a field day with his past. You gave a face to a gay relationship. You were always there supporting him and answering their asinine questions calmly and truthfully."

"You think so?" Justin asked grinning a little bit and wrinkling his nose in the cute way he did when he got a compliment he wasn't sure he deserved.

"He would have been toast when they started in on his tricking. With you there, he could say that was all behind him. As far as I'm concerned you won that election for him," Cal said sincerely.

"I think you give me way too much credit," Justin chuckled.

"I don't."

"Hey Taylor, hiding back here in a corner?" Martin asked coming into the coffee shop and spotting his prey.

"Fuck!" Justin muttered.

"Does your boyfriend know you're having a date with someone else?" Martin asked with an evil smirk.

"Why don't you mind your own business, and fuck off!" Cal demanded.

"Speaking of which, why don't you?" Martin retorted.

"Piss off! We're busy," Cal said.

"I'm not hungry anymore," Justin said as he stood up. "Thanks for the pep talk, Cal. See you later. Oh, and Martin, I have a suggestion for you," Justin said sweetly.

Martin looked at Justin quizzically and asked, "What?"

"Go get a boyfriend of your own. That is, if anybody would have you, you pathetic fucking loser." Justin turned on his heel and marched proudly out of the coffee shop. He could hear Cal chuckling with glee as the door closed behind him.


When Justin got home that evening Brian was already there. He told Justin that he had ordered some food which would be arriving before long. They grabbed a beer and sat down to wait for it.

"So how was your day, honey?" Brian asked in that little falsetto voice that he used.

"For shit!" Justin replied.

"What? What happened?" Brian asked sitting up and taking notice.

"I don't know if I ever mentioned a guy named Martin to you?" Justin said looking at Brian.

"I don't think so."

"I first met him when I … I was with Ethan." Justin was suddenly sorry that he had brought this up. Brian tried not to wince and looked at Justin telling him silently to get on with it. "He goes to PIFA and is a musician. He's also a colossal asshole. Thinks he knows everything about everything, and is only too happy to point it out to you. He always tried to intimidate me, and … usually he succeeded."

Brian frowned. "Why would you let anyone intimidate you? You're smart and funny and better than this asshole Martin!"

Justin chuckled. "You've never met Martin. He's pretty smart."

"Not if he picks on you," Brian declared. "Justin, you don't need to take shit like that from anybody."

"I know, but he always knows what to say to get to me."

Brian stared at Justin. "Did he say something about you and me?"

"How did you know?"

"It was a guess. But I know it bothers you … my position, and … for lack of a better way of saying it, your non-position."

"Yeah," Justin agreed. "I'm not even officially the little wife, but they call me that so they can make fun of me."

"So what did he say?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter anymore," Justin sighed.

"I think it does or you wouldn't be in this funk, and you wouldn't have brought it up."

Justin sighed again. "He had seen our pictures in the paper … the ones with Kerry and Bush. He ragged on me about getting to meet famous people because you were my boyfriend."

"That doesn't sound so bad," Brian said expecting worse.

"It was bad enough," Justin said remembering. "He made me feel like I didn't deserve to meet the President."

"Of course, you deserved it. You help me so much. I couldn't do any of this without you."

Justin smiled a little. That was what Cal had told him, but it was even nicer to hear Brian say it. "I kind of got into a shouting match with him in the lecture hall. Everyone was listening."

"Did you shout him down?" Brian asked with a smirk.

"Would you be proud of me if I did?"

"I'm always proud of you no matter what happens."

Justin smiled for the first time since he came home. "That was definitely the right thing to say."

"It was? That's good, but I just spoke the truth."

"I know and that's why it sounded so good."

"Did you win the shouting match?"

"No, I didn't. The professor interrupted us and I … I couldn't think of a good comeback."

"Shithead always works for me," Brian said knowingly.

"Fuck! I never thought of that one." Justin chuckled.

Brian snorted. "I have plenty more where that came from."

"I know."

"So what did you say?"

"I called him an asshole."

"I don't use that one very much. People usually use it on me."

Justin shook his head. Brian was right about that. "I asked him loudly if he was jealous because I got to meet the President and he didn't."

"Good one."

"Thanks, but then the professor came."

"And that was the end of it?"

"No, he found me in the coffee shop later and started in again."

"Fuck! That guy needs a life."

"And a boyfriend."

"A boyfriend?"

"I had been sitting with Cal, another student that I know pretty well. We were talking about Martin and how he made me feel like shit. When Martin started in on me, I was going to just leave, run away, but then I remembered what Cal had said. I told Martin to go get a boyfriend of his own, if he could find one that would have his sorry ass."

Brian laughed out loud. "That's the way to go, Sunshine!"

"You think so?" Justin asked looking questioningly at Brian.

"I do."

"But I'm always worried about somebody overhearing me curse or queen out and using it against you."

"Don't ever hesitate to defend yourself," Brian said seriously. "If there are consequences, we'll deal with them. Regardless, don't let shitheads like Martin put you down."

"I don't intend to." Brian nodded in agreement. "You know, Cal told me something that I thought was interesting."

"What's that?"

"He said that he didn't think you'd ever have won the election without me," Justin stated watching to see what Brian's reaction would be.

"He's right."

"You agree!"

"Yeah, didn't you think I would/"

"I kind of thought he was right, the way he explained it, but I never thought you'd give me that much credit."

Brian winced a bit internally. He knew he didn't tell Justin often enough just how much he thought of him and what he was worth. "What explanation did he give of his very observant remark?"

Justin chuckled. He always found it funny when Brian talked in that supercilious voice. He used it when he was giving credit where credit was due, but it also meant he didn't like handing it out. "He said without a stable relationship and charming partner … that being me, of course. You never would have won the election."

"Why not?"

"He said the press would have eaten you alive about your past lifestyle, and you would have had nothing to refute what they said."

Brian looked thoughtfully at Justin. "He's absolutely right," Brian said. "But he's missing one essential element of the equation."

"Oh, what's that?" Justin asked with a frown. He thought Brian was going to tell him that he wouldn't have won the election without Charles either … or that his own brilliance in marketing himself had been an invaluable part of the campaign.

"The day I asked you to be my partner and you agreed was the luckiest day of my life." Justin beamed a sunshine smile at Brian. "It came about because of the election, but it was the best move I ever made."

"You mean that?" Justin asked.


"Thank you, Brian. It means a lot to me to hear you say that."

"I should probably say it more often. It's the truth, even if I take it for granted."

Justin was about to fling himself into Brian's arms when the buzzer went off indicating that their food had arrived. Brian hauled himself up and went to let the guy in. Justin watched him thinking about how much they had both grown and changed since Brian had become mayor. The fact that they had just had that conversation was pretty miraculous in itself.

In the bad old days Justin knew he would have kept it all to himself and stewed about it until he made himself sick. He never wanted to upset Brian with stuff like that. He was always worried that Brian wouldn't care or wouldn't listen or would slough it off like he did most things. Now they could actually talk about these things, and Brian was nothing if not supportive.

Justin felt proud of himself for stating what was bothering him. He liked standing up for himself. He could discuss things with Brian now without expecting the man to fix everything for him. And Brian should be proud too. He now verbalized things he always kept to himself. He actually gave out the occasional compliment, and Justin always knew he meant it when he said them. He would listen and be supportive when needed. He would even change his life for Justin if that was what was needed. Justin decided right then that he needed to talk to Brian about another term as mayor. Maybe Cal was right.

"Hey, bottom boy, get that ass of yours over here and help me with the food," Brian called from the counter where he was unpacking the food.

Justin grinned realizing that he had zoned out. He hadn't even heard the delivery guy come or go. "Who you calling bottom boy, Willis?" Brian had made him watch an old sitcom on one of the rerun channels. He had actually liked "Different Strokes".

"You! Where were you just now?"


"What about?"

"Don't worry. The drama is over for today."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, but there is something I want to talk to you about," Justin said with a serious look on his face.

"Is this going to give me indigestion?" Brian asked.

"I told you it wasn't anything bad."

"Good! I'm still new at this supportive partner role. There's only so much queening out that I can handle before I blow."

Justin giggled. He knew Brian was right.

They took their plates over to the sofa and ate a bit before Brian finally asked, "So what is it that you need to say?"

"Cal told me something else today, and it got me thinking," Justin said.

"Cal sounds like a real sweetheart. Remind me to tell him to mind his own fucking business."

"Briaaan," Justin said not so much as a whine but as a scolding.

"Just fucking tell me," Brian said dropping his plate onto the floor. He was no longer hungry. He needed to hear what Justin had to say before he could even look at his food. He didn't care whether Justin said it was good or not.

"He reminded me that you are a pretty popular mayor," Justin said with a smile. He thought he should get the flattery out of the way and pave the road to the more serious part of this talk.

"Very observant lad by the sound of it," Brian said smugly.

Justin snorted but not too loud. "I told him that you were quitting after this term. That we had made that agreement."

"Yeah, we did," Brian acknowledged.

"Is that still the plan?"

"Of course. I would have told you if anything had changed."

"Told me or talked to me about it?" Justin asked.

Brian immediately saw the error in his choice of words. "I would have talked to you, partner dear," he said not able to keep the sarcasm out of his words.

Justin decided to let that pass. "Cal wanted to know if you were quitting because of me," Justin continued.

"What did you tell him?"

"I said I had something to do with it, but that you also wanted to start your own agency. Was I right?"

"Yes," Brian said slowly.

"Brian, be honest. Would you run again if I wasn't in the way?"

"You are never in the way," Brian stated. "Did you hear me?" he asked and waited till Justin nodded. "I'm not running for mayor again because I want you to be happy, and I want my own agency, and I want you as part of whatever I'm doing."

"What if I said I wouldn't mind if you ran again?" Justin asked eyeing Brian and waiting for his reaction.

"What? Why are you bringing all this up again?"

"What happened today made me realize something. I am not going to be a victim … of anybody. I can do whatever I want to do, and it's me who decides how I feel about what I'm doing. All the Martins in the world aren't going to make me feel bad anymore."

"Who gave you the chutzpah injection today?" Brian asked with a smirk.

"I gave it to myself. Standing up to Martin made me realize that whatever people may think of me and my relationship with you, it's what we think and know that's important. I graduate in a few months and if you want to work together and start the agency, I'm with you. If you want to be mayor, I'll get a job somewhere else, but I'll still be there beside you all the way."

"You're something else, Justin Taylor."

"No kidding."

"No kidding. You got balls! That's why I … love you."

"You got a good set of your own, Mayor Kinney. I love you right back."

"I'm not hungry for food anymore, but a little lie down would be good," Brian grinned suggestively.

"You do have the best ideas. That must be what makes you such a great mayor."

"Come on, little woman," Brian said with a smirk and received an alarming glare from Justin. "Or maybe I should say, come on, big man!"

"That's better," Justin said putting his arm around Brian's waist as they walked up to the bedroom.

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