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Glass Houses

Chapter 10

The Kinney-Taylors were enjoying some ice cream in the sun porch as the evening started to fall towards night. John, Bobby and Patrick came from their side of the house each carrying a bowl of ice cream.

“Great minds, and all that…” John said as he saw the others seated at the table in the sun porch, each with a small bowl in front of them.

“Ice cream?” Justin asked.

Bobby nodded. “It’s perfect for such a warm evening.”

The Anderson-Morrisons joined the others at the table.

“We had a phone call from Lindsay,” Justin volunteered. “She was wondering if we were having a barbecue and fireworks for the Fourth.”

“Hm, we have been remiss in dealing with the impending holiday,” John said.

Bobby and Justin laughed. “You sounded just like Brian,” they said in unison.

“Hm,” John said again, “I thought I sounded very professorial.”

“What’s professorial?” Bree asked struggling with the big word.

“My dad’s a professor now,” Patrick said proudly. “It means he sounds like a professor.”

“Oh,” Bree said. She wished she was as smart as Patrick, but she never seemed to be able to catch up to her cousin.

“A very fine professor he is too,” Bobby added giving his spouse a kiss on the cheek.

“Fucking too many professors around here,” Brian mumbled.

“Brian!” Justin said sharply.

“What’s up?” Bobby asked with a frown.

Justin gave him the look that said ‘not in front of the children’. Since Bobby could take a clue, he immediately changed the subject.

“So, do we want to have a barbecue for the Fourth?” Bobby asked.

“Why not?” John posed.

“I’m okay with it,” Justin said.

“What about you, Brian?” John asked. He had a worried look on his face about what was bothering his brother.

“I think it would be just peachy,” Brian said in his most sarcastic voice.

“With lots of fireworks,” Bree piped in not picking up on her father’s tone of voice.

“And hamburgers,” Patrick added.

Brian looked at the children and their happy faces. He realized he was being a total grouch, and all about something that he had no control over, and maybe about something that wasn’t even a problem. At least that was what he was hoping for.

“Why don’t we invite the guys who’ve been working so hard on the greenhouse and the B&B?” Brian said suddenly, taking everyone by surprise.

“Are you sure?” Justin asked.

“I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t sure,” Brian told them all.

“Then a barbecue it is,” John declared.

“With fireworks,” Bree said.

“And hamburgers,” Patrick added.

“And all of our cwazy wittle family, times two,” Brian said feeling a little better now that they had something ‘positive’ to look forward to.


“Hello!” Gerry called out as he gingerly entered the greenhouse which appeared to be abuzz with movers and shakers.

“Back here!” a familiar voice called out above the noise. Gerry had followed the path that joined the cottage garden with the greenhouse looking for his patients. One of whom was elbows deep in a humongous decorative pot, a small tree was resting close by waiting to be planted. Gerry followed the noise.

“Hi. I knocked at the cottage but no one answered. The wolf led me here,” Gerry said as Beau loped in then sat next to where Gerry was standing. Brian chuckled.

“That is Beau, supreme commander and number one guard dog of our lane. I'm not sure if you were formally introduced the last time you were here. But if you passed his test then you must be okay,” Brian said as he straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag then extended his hand to shake Gerry’s.

“I am extremely glad I passed the test,” Gerry said with a smile. “That’s one dog I want on my side.” Beau gave a woof then trotted out of the side door to parts unknown. “What does he do all day?” Gerry cocked his head toward the retreating dog.

“Patrols, keeps an eye on the kids, visits whoever is home on the lane. Did you bring your bags?” Brian asked.

“In my car, I’ll get them later. Uh, what’s going on in here?”

“Just a little gar-gar,” Brian replied with his tongue in cheek. “You said no one answered at the cottage? Justin’s home with the kids,” Brian mentioned with some concern. Just then Todd walked in pushing a dolly holding more pots.

“I saw Justin with the kids trooping behind him heading for the stream. They look like they had enough supplies to stay for the day,” Todd explained, knowing that Brian would need to hear it.

“Supplies?” Gerry asked.

“Justin likes to paint down there and the kids have become his assistants,” Brian explained. “They make a picnic out of it.”

“That makes sense. And since both my patients appear to be occupied, can I help? I’m a big strong guy, put me to work.” Gerry smiled broadly as he flexed his muscles. Brian laughed as Todd tried not to drool.

“Sure. See that grouping over there.” Brian pointed to a large group of tropical palms and fruit trees. Gerry nodded. “Those benches go around them.” Brian then pointed to a set of curved benches.

“Aye, aye, cap’n!” Gerry saluted and then went off to move said benches. Todd was staring at the handsome therapist.

“Hey, Todd, how’s it going?” Brian teased at the preoccupied look on Todd’s face.

“Fine,” Todd automatically responded, not thinking at all except about their large new helper. Todd did a double take then glared at Brian making him giggle.

“You’ve got it bad. Go, introduce yourself. I’ll call you when I’m ready to pot this sucker,” Brian said cocking his head at the tree.

“Is he gay?” Todd asked hopefully.

“He’s not sure. But I do get a ping from him and I’m never wrong,” Brian said smugly. Todd frowned. “He’s an old friend of Bobby’s. A physical therapist to the stars, and he’s going to spend a few weeks here getting me and Justin back on our feet, so to speak,” Brian commented as he looked down at his special boot. “He’s very gay friendly and more than a little bi-curious. I think the right man can turn him to the dark side. If you’re lucky, that man could be you.” Brian smirked.

Todd sighed.

“Look at it this way, when was the last time you got laid?” Brian arched a brow.

“I can’t remember that far back.”

“Then what have you got to lose?” Brian asked. Todd shrugged then hightailed it over as Gerry was about to lift a bench.

“Matchmaking again, Mr. Kinney?” Emmett asked as he walked toward Brian.

“Maybe,” Brian admitted. “When did you guys get here?”

“About an hour ago. My boys and I were just airing out the cottage.” Brian arched his brow. “Lots of bad vibes,” Emmett said cryptically. Brian nodded. “When did Ben and Mikey leave?”

“Not a fucking clue. Help me with this.” Brian had Emmett hold the tree while Brian loosened the root ball then the two friends lifted the tree to set it into the prepared pot.

“Ooo, I feel just like Davy Crockett!” Emmett gushed.

“More like Davy Cock-it and what has he got to do with planting?”

“I don’t know, I just feel woodsie. And he was an outdoorsman,” Emmett grinned. Brian shook his head; he had the strangest friends.

“Speaking about wood.” Brian pointed his chin toward Todd and Gerry and the sparks that were flying.

“Mmm, my, my, my, is it getting hot in here?”

“We are in a hothouse,” Brian snarked. “Maybe I should turn on the overhead sprinkler. I may never get these trees planted before the barbecue if those two are going to make goo-goo eyes at each other all day,” Brian said with a ‘woe is me’ tone.

“Oh, pshaw. I had a word with John, don’t you worry your gorgeous head over it. Your number one party planner has it all in hand, pardon the pun.”

“Including fireworks? And I’m not referring to ones in here.”

“Including fireworks. Richie hinted that Candy had a thing for fireworks.”

“And Richie has a thing for Candy,” Brian countered. “Can you handle it if your transvestite son falls in love with a female Goth?”

“We’re handling it so far. Drew thinks they’re sweet together.”

“And what do you think?”

“I love Richie so much; I want him to be happy. Candy makes him happy.”

“You’re a good dad, Emm,” Brian said sincerely.

“Oh, B-Brian,” Emmett blubbered.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, you big fairy, stop the waterworks and help me with this other tree.”

Soon, Richie and Drew joined the men in the greenhouse. By the end of the day the majority of the larger plants and trees had been potted and arranged to Brian’s satisfaction. They were all hungry, sweaty and filthy.

“Hey, you guys look like you’ve been playing in dirt!” John poked his head into the greenhouse doorway. Somehow the construction boss looked pristine in comparison. He laughed when the guys all gaped at him. “Bobby and I have the grills going. Go clean up then come and eat!” John disappeared out the door.

The guys looked at each other for a moment. No one had to tell them twice. Emmett and his boys scurried to their cottage. Brian invited Todd and Gerry to break in the new greenhouse shower as Brian hosed himself down before going to his cottage to shower.

Within an hour the men and extended family of Edna’s Treasures were enjoying the summer night with good food and good friends.


“Right this way, Mr. Novotny,” the nursing assistant called out into the waiting room. Michael slowly followed waiting for the worst.

“Michael, it’s been a while,” Michael’s doctor greeted him cordially.

“Hi, Dr. Klein,” Michael greeted then sat up on the examination table.

“What brings you in today?” Dr. Klein looked over Michael’s chart then began his preliminary exam. Michael had gone for a bunch of lab tests days before his appointment.

“I, uh, haven’t been feeling well,” Michael mumbled.

“Breathe,” the doctor said, his stethoscope in his ears. “Again. One more. Your lungs are clear. Blood pressure’s fine and your heart...” The doctor listened to Michael’s chest. “...still beating. Let’s have the tech do an EKG then meet me in my office. We’ll talk.” The doctor patted Michael on the back then disappeared out the door and into another exam room.

Michael sighed then laid back as the tech came to do the EKG.

“Come in!” the doctor said without looking up from the chart. “Have a seat.” The doctor studied the lab results then finally looked up at his patient. Michael was pale even with the tan and there were dark circles under his eyes. He also appeared to have lost weight. Never having that much weight to spare, it made Michael look a little gaunt.

“Michael, you’re negative,” the doctor announced first. Dr. Klein was gay; the majority of his patients were gay and that was the first and foremost news his patients all wanted to know. The doctor accommodated them all by saying that first.

Michael visibly shrunk into the chair then burst into tears. The doctor flew out of his chair to squat in front of his patient. “Did you believe that you converted?”

Michael nodded.

“But you and Ben are so careful. And with his current cocktail, his viral load is practically nonexistent. Why would you think it?”

Michael shrugged.

“Michael, did something happen, are you no longer monogamous?”

“Nothing’s changed,” Michael finally said. “But I thought...look at me. I’m so tired and everything hurts and sometimes I just can’t get through the day. I can’t sleep. It even hurts to brush my teeth. If I don’t have...HIV, then what do I have. Is it cancer?” Michael asked in horror. He was terrified.

“Michael, is Ben out there?” The doctor pointed toward the door. Michael nodded. He and Ben were still not talking in full sentences but Ben had insisted on accompanying him. “Let me send for him,” the doctor said as he stood up to get to his phone. “Please have Professor Bruckner brought into my office.”

“Ben, good to see you,” the doctor greeted when Ben entered the office. “And no, Michael isn’t positive,” the doctor said as he shook Ben’s hand.

“Is that what this is all about?” Ben asked as he immediately went to Michael’s side. The doctor said nothing as the tableau before him played out. “Michael, as far as I know, we never had a broken condom and unless you...”

“I never broke our vows,” Michael said.

“Then why? And I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me what was going on with you?”

“I thought, I don’t know what I thought. I’m just so tired all the time and I have purple bruises and my body hurts.”

“Oh baby!” Ben cried as he pulled Michael into his arms. The doctor allowed Ben to console his spouse for a minute then he gently maneuvered them onto the small sofa that was in his office. He got a couple bottles of water, made sure they wouldn’t be disturbed then put a chair in front of them so he could speak to both of them.

“Michael, your white cell count is a little high but that could happen even if you had allergies. Overall your lab work is not much different than the last time. You are one of the healthiest men that I know. I know your mother; you come from tough stock. If all my patients were as healthy as you are, I’d be looking for another career. Your symptoms are rather vague.”

“Are you saying he’s making this up?” Ben growled.

“Not at all,” the doctor said as he raised his hands in surrender. “What I’m saying is that there isn’t one particular disease that your symptoms are pointing to. And that in itself is significant.”

“You lost me,” Ben said, his fingers intertwined with Michael’s. They hadn’t felt this close in months. Ben could feel Michael relax next to him.

“I have to run a few more tests but I think you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Now I have to be honest with you, this has no cure but we can treat the symptoms and if you’re careful, you can go into remission. Michael, this won’t be easy,” the doctor cautioned.

“We can get through this,” Ben stated. “We’ve gotten through worse, we can beat this. Together,” Ben said emphatically.

“Together,” Michael repeated as he gazed into the eyes he loved so much. Ben kissed him chastely then the kiss deepened as the partners who had gotten temporarily sidetracked, reaffirmed their love.

The clearing of a throat finally separated them. “I’m going to give you some instructions and literature on what you’re going to be up against. I want you to schedule these tests then come back in two weeks so we can discuss the results. In the meantime, go find yourself a quiet place to relax. If you insist on going to the store, no lifting anything heavier than a one dollar bill.”

“I promise you, Dr. Klein, Michael will follow all of your instructions,” Ben stated.

“Good, now go home, take a nice long shower and get some...rest,” the doctor said with a knowing smile.

Michael and Ben left their doctor’s office a little relieved and a little scared. As they drove home, Ben ventured a suggestion.

“Babe, I understand that the store is one of the most important things in your life but I’d like for you to take a break for a while, and when John finishes that cottage, I’d like us to use it. Please, Michael. For as long as it takes for you to get better. Let me take care of you for a change. For most of our life together you always watched my back. Let me do this for you.”

“What about school?” Michael said weakly. The emotion of the day was overwhelming.

“I’m tenured; I’ll take a sabbatical.”

“But you love your job!”

“I love you more.”

They were silent for the remainder of the ride home. When they got back to their house, Ben helped Michael take a leisurely shower then he put Michael to bed.


“No, Michael, your health is the most important thing to me. I love you more than anything in this world. Go to sleep, we’ll discuss it later. We don’t have to make any decisions at this moment. Just get some rest, Babe. I love you,” Ben said as he kissed his sleepy spouse.

“Love you,” Michael murmured as his eyelids closed. Ben settled into a chair near their bed, took out all the material their doctor gave them and began to do what he did best, research. He vowed that by the time Michael woke up, he would know everything there was about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


“So, who’s going to be my first victim?” Gerry asked Brian and Justin during breakfast. Emmett and his men joined the family of Edna’s Treasures for breakfast to finalize the barbecue. They were all sitting around the kitchen. Gus had grabbed some toast as he flew out the door to drive into Harrisburg. His boyfriend was flying in and Gus couldn’t wait to see him.

“Later, Pop!” Gus yelled before the front door slammed shut.

“Justin!” Brian answered.

“Brian!” Justin said at the same time in response to Gerry’s question.

Gerry looked back and forth between the two men. “Decide, because you’re doing entirely different exercises,” Gerry said with hands on hips.

“Him!” Brian and Justin each pointed at the other man.

Gerry sighed. “We’re flipping a coin,” he declared as he dug a quarter out of his pocket. “Call it!”

“Tails!” both men said then burst out laughing.

“You’re not going to make it easy for me, are you?” Gerry asked with a scowl. “Okay, you’re forcing me to choose,” he said as Brian and Justin nodded. “And you won’t argue with me when I make my decision?” Gerry asked as he glared at his precocious patients. Brian and Justin nodded. Gerry closed his eyes, covering them with one hand then pointed with the other.

“Yes!” Brian hissed as he pumped the air with his fist. “Well, Sunshine, go get your balls warmed up,” Brian said smugly as he pointed toward their bedroom. Justin grumbled but he left the kitchen to go get his balls, his exercise squeezie balls, from their bedroom.

“You do know that I chose him on purpose,” Gerry confessed to Brian.

“I know. Stupid, you’re not,” Brian said as he started clearing the table of dishes. Emmett waved him away as he grabbed the plates.

“My mama raised no fool. Besides, he really is close to one hundred percent. He just needs to strengthen his arm but I’m sensing something. He seems to be holding back and I don’t know why. Your doctor is very pleased with both of you. It’s like he’s frightened of something. Most of the time I have to stop my patients from doing too much but Justin is the opposite. I’d like to push him to work harder but I get the impression his hesitation has nothing to do with his injury.”

Brian said nothing but slightly nodded his head.

“It might help if I knew the whole story,” Gerry said gently, hoping that Brian would inform him. Instead Brian threw a poignant look at Emmett then stood up and walked out. “Well, that went well,” Gerry grumbled.

Emmett gave Drew and Richie a look. They took the hint, gathered up the children and hustled them out the door.

“Gerry, let me tell you a little story,” Emmett began as he poured two more cups of coffee.


“Hey, Sunshine,” Brian said as he walked into their bedroom. “Gerry’s waiting. Whatcha doing?” Brian asked as he sat on the bed watching Justin shuffle through an old portfolio. Justin pulled out an old sketch.

“Do you know what this is?” Justin handed a sketch to Brian. Brian shook his head although the sketch was clearly a denim jacket. Brian waited until Justin explained. “This was part of my entrance exam to PIFA when I decided to go there instead of Dartmouth. Back then it felt so good holding a pencil in my hand and drawing exactly what I saw. Nothing could stop me except a baseball bat.”



Justin flexed his right hand as if he was experiencing a cramp. Brian immediately took Justin’s hand into his and gently massaged. Large blue eyes looked into Brian’s then began to spill over with tears. Justin began to tremble.

Brian said nothing as he drew the younger man into arms.

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