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He is looking embarrassed, I am not sure if it is at being caught or what he has drawn, but I am waiting for him to open the cupboard door. Having gotten him in bed then watched him drift off, curiosity was beginning to get the better of me and I kept imagining the picture. So when, after a couple of hours of me ruminating as I said but he called fidgeting, he turned in my arms and asked if I wanted to see just one, I could not get out of bed fast enough.

“How many have you done?” I am sitting on the bed, trying not to smile as I spot he has the same comforter as me. And since there have been no deliveries, this means he has gone out, by himself. Jewel has been busy at Woody’s, so I know she hasn't taken him.

“More than one but less than ten.” He replies from inside the cupboard. “Uh, this one, you can see this one.” My heart beats faster as he approaches with a canvas. “My mom.” He says, and I feel disappointed but then he turns it around and I am stunned into silence. “You hate it?”

“When did you do that? May I touch it?” He nods. I sit on the floor in front of it and touch my face. “How, how have you made me look like that?”

“That’s what you look like, well to me anyway.” He replies. “As for when, after you did my exercises for me. I called my mom and asked if she could bring some canvases and paints over. I just wanted...to see if I could…”

“My study. The wall above my desk.” I murmur. 

“What about it?” I hear the confusion in his voice and look at him. 

“That’s where I want to hang it, if you would sell it to me…”

“I won't sell it, you can have it.”



He has that look on his face I have seen once before, and it was when we went to the police, but I have heard that tone more and more since he got here. 

“Fine. So why can’t I see the other ones?”

“You can, but just not yet.”

“Here or back to mine?” I stand up, then take the canvas, resting it against the cupboard door.

“Promise me. Promise me, you won't look.”

“Why, are they naughty?”

“No!” He exclaims, but blushes.

“I promise. So where are we going?” He answers me by clambering under the covers then holding them up for me. He frowns when I don’t get in. “What?”

“Be right back, just getting your water.” I head back to my room and am back in less than five minutes. He is smirking as I have two glasses. “Okay, I wanted to see what the fuss is about over ice cold fizzy first thing.” He grins and takes the tray. “Get on with it, Jeeves.” Five minutes later, he is looking pleased with himself. “Alright, I will concede it does feel good and wakes up a body.”

“Hah!” He chuckles. “So the posing…”

“At the weekends?”

“Hmmm.” He takes my glass and puts it with his on the side then lies down. “Today is going to be rough…” He looks up at me and opens his arms. “...come have a cuddle.” I rest my head on his chest and we go quiet. “Do you really think you should do what I said we should to Lindsay?”

I had spoken to Daph about that, and whilst she could understand our reasoning, speaking from a place of anger and disappointment...

Start of flashback




“Do you see my side?” I growl, but instead of rubbing my shoulder as normal, I squeeze my hand and imagine it is Justin’s, and start to calm down. “They had no right. And I want…”

“To commit fraud.” Daph interrupts, and that surprises me. “It doesn’t matter that she sperm-jacked you, it is not your sperm and you know that! If it was then that would be different. And have you considered Gus and Jenny in this?”

“What do you mean?”

“How would they feel if you did that to her, regardless of what she did, aren’t you lowering yourself to her standard, in fact even lower?”

“But she...they…” I protest.

“Claim that they were going to speak to you after they had collected it. You have to allow her the opportunity to do that, then tell her the truth that it isn’t yours.”

“And if she doesn’t believe me and uses it anyway?” 

“Then that is down to her. And as long as there are witnesses to the conversation, then the law states she has made an informed choice.” We sit in silence for a while. “What are you thinking?”

“I think that he, Gus, would be so disappointed in me.” I sigh and scrubs my face. “In fact, I know he would be. I would...I would be like him. He blamed me for her leaving him.”

“How so?”

“He never hit him, it was always me, and always when it was just us. He said...he said that if I told anyone, then the next time would be worse.” She says nothing. “He preferred him to me. Think because he at least looked like him a bit, being blonder. You being a ginge is an embarrassment.” I sigh. “I think I was four. We had just come in from shopping, I remember him being angry about something, they were shouting. She said I had distracted her and that was...was…”

“The first time he hit you?” I nod and blink back tears. “Don’t do that. We agreed that to heal, you need to feel…”

End of flashback


It's been an hour, finally he is sleeping, but I am boiling with rage. I manage to reach across for my phone and scroll through the numbers. I pause for a second when I see his name and smile, Pearl changed it to ITWB...icky twat wanker boy. Steeling myself, I begin to compose a text, telling him about Brian knowing what his reaction will be, then can’t hit send.

“That could be called provocation.” Brian mumbles. He takes the phone and reads it. “Think on it, if at lunchtime you still want to send it then we will.”

“How could they be like this?” I ponder.

“People are wired weird.” He sighs.

“There’s weird and there’s fucked up. And not recognising that the blame for their fuckeduppyness lies with them, so they take their shit out on who they perceive as weaker than them. You as a child, and me as, ugh, an ingenue and muse.” I glare at him when he grins. “It’s not funny.”

“No it's not, and this is me being derisive. It’s pathetic and cliched. And patheticness needs to be derided.”

“True.” I stroke his hair. “What do you use?” I sniff it, it smells gorgeous. And feels so soft.

“Ironically Shu Uermura, Art of Hair.” He rolls onto his back and adjusts us so that I am tucked under his chin. “You can borrow them if you like, you have to use the whole regime or it doesn’t make sense. What’s so funny?”

“I just got the irony, the Art of Hair.”

“Go to sleep, you twit.” He snickers.




I try to keep the concern on my face. His brow furrows as he tastes the short ribs then scowls as he chews. “It’s spot on, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Do you know who is doing this?”

“Yes. Now you’re not going to sue or anything like that?” I ask, hoping that our new plan works.

“Not sue, but issue a cease and desist order. These may not be copywritten, but they are mine! Specific to me!” He fumes. 

“She’s a home cook, not affiliated to any restaurant. She just cooks for the fun of it, and…” I start to panic as I have never seen Blake like this. “...she has a representative you can speak to, to maybe reach a comp…”

“What’s his contact details?! I will also get my attorney to…”

“Uncle Blake, woah, calm down a bit. Just meet them and see what agreement you can come to. She’s a nice lady, has been so welcoming to me, Mom, and Jay…” His face softens at the mention of his favourite taster. “...and so is he.”

“Alright, I will meet with him, what’s his name? And where is he? LA?”

“His name is Ted Schmidt and he’s here in Pittsburgh.” I hand over the business card. “So can I tell him to expect your call?”

“Yes, I will definitely be calling him. Actually, might do that now.” I shake my head, still fuming at what’s happening now. “Pearl, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, my friend, Jenny’s father, is having his rights removed.”

“Oh that’s awful for him…”

“Her, he’s the one that asked.” His face falls. “Absolute shitkicker! And all because he’s jealous of the relationship that Gus, that’s Jenny’s brother, has with his dad, and instead of trying to be better, he decides not to bother!”

“Jesus, some people! I would give my right arm to have kids, but first I need my dream man.”

“Aww, you will get someone, Uncle Blake, it just needs to be the right time, place, and person.”

“You have such a romantic soul for one so young.”

“I just want you and everyone that I love to be happy, and everyone that I loathe to be in as much pain as possible.”




I had hoped it would just be me, Mel, and Lindsay here for this, but Ted, Jenny, Gus, Brandon, and Ben are here too. 

“Uh, Mr Novotny, you need to read the statement, confirm it and sign.” The Judge calls out.

I am startled to see the bailiff in front of me, holding a piece of paper. “Sorry, Your Honour, uh, yeah, that’s fine, can I have a pen, please?”

“Mr Novotny, you are a shopkeeper by trade, is that correct?”

“I run a comic book store, if that’s what you mean.” I return slightly sniffily. Shopkeeper, this is more than a mere shop this is a haven for animation! “Why do you ask?”

“Because as you have not retained the services of an attorney, I need you to read the document thoroughly to make sure you understand everything.”

“The salient points for me are that I am giving up my rights voluntarily, and the support money that I paid for her from the age of three onwards will be returned.”

“Not quite, Mr Novotny. I understand from Ms Marcus and Ms Peterson that the day you asked for the rights to be revoked was the 13th, correct, Ms Marcus?”

“Yes, Your Honour. Are you going to ask about the payment due that month?” 

“Yes; did he pay it?”

“No. As it was due on the 15th, I advised him that this would not be needed. And also Jenny Marcus Peterson was three and a half when he began to lose interest.”

“Thank you. Now, Mr Novotny, you paid $1000 a month in support, and the months due to be returned to you total 126. Therefore…”

“That much?!” I gasp. “So I am getting back over $125K?!”

“And losing your daughter, don’t forget that!” Mel snaps.

“Ms Marcus…”

“Apologies, Your Honour. This is a very hurtful and distressing time right now.”

“I understand. To answer your question, yes you are getting that amount back, and once that is signed, you agree to there being no communication between yourself, Ms Jenny Rebecca Marcus Peterson, Ms Melanie Marcus, and Mr Gus Marcus Peterson; the latter also known as Gus Marcus Peterson Kinney?” Someone whistles behind me, I am stunned. “If there is to be communication, it is to be between you and the intermediary, who, according to this, is a Theodore Schmidt. Is that your understanding, Mr Novotny?”

“Where is what you just said in here? And when did he start using Brian’s last name?” I glare at Ted flapping the paper at him. “Well?!”

“Mr Novotny, your questions go through me. In response, I believe the use of the surname began when they returned to Pittsburgh, and the non-communication and intermediary conditions is on the second page, point 12.” 

“Thank you, Your Honour.” I read the rest of it in silence, it doesn’t seem to be too bad. With a shrug, I signal for the pen. “Why him?” I question, jabbing the pen at Ted.

“Ms Marcus?”

“Mr Schmidt wishes to formally adopt Jenny. He is her godfather, Your Honour.”

“Oh, I see. Are the papers being prepared for this, Ms Marcus?”

“They are complete. We just need to book the process, and get....”

“One minute. Bailiff, could you call in my clerk please?”

“Yes, Your Honour.” The bailiff heads out, but is back within minutes with a bespectacled woman.

“Catherine, sorry to interrupt your day, but what have I got scheduled for the rest of the afternoon?” 

She checks the tablet and pushes up her glasses. “Nothing until 5pm. What do you need me to do?”

“Has a home study visit been undertaken, financial assessment taken place, and is it since birth that he has been her godfather?”

“Um, yes, Your Honour, to all three. He passed with flying colours.” Mel replies, looking as confused as I feel.

“Then I see no reason that a temporary foster order can’t be granted today, with a permanent order in six months time.”

“P...ardon!” Mel gasps. “Your Honour, are you serious?!”

For the first time since we got here, he is smiling. “Yes I am. I see no reason why his tenure as father shouldn’t come to a swift end and Mr Schmidt replace him from this point onwards.”

“But Your Honour, what about the…”

“That will be settled upon signature and notarization, Mr Novotny. And judging by that being your first question, and your dismissive attitude to the feelings of anyone but yours; I suggest you sign quickly and collect your winnings!”

“Winnings, Your Honour?” I demand, he’s been looking at me badly since we started this!

“Yes, you win your freedom! The revocation of the rights of Michael Charles Novotny are so ordered.”


It is just Lindsay and me in here now. Brandon and Ben insisted on taking the rest for a celebratory drink before dinner.

“I thought that was out of line.” I watch and wait for her to say something. She gives a small nod. “It’s what is best, but he didn’t have to make me look like such an ass. So why not you?”

“Why not me what?” She replies, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

“Your name wasn’t on the thou-shalt-go-through-Ted list.” I scoff.

“Because I still see you as my friend and understand that sometimes things just don’t sit comfortably. Like Gus moving into the barn and Mel and Jenny in the cottage, this is not right nor comfortable for me. Give it time, they will get over their slighted feelings.” She stands and puts on her coat. “So what are you going to do then, about the dinner I mean? Got the impression that neither Brandon nor Ben want you there.”

“I am still coming. I have to apologise to Brian.” She looks surprised. “Yeah, I know I am not one for apologising, I take after him in that respect. But I am his brother and I should be the one there, don’t be upset but..”

“One where and why would I be upset?” She frowns.


“I love you Lindz but I can't do anything there. And I do appreciate you taking me in. But I need to, quite frankly, fuck and be fucked. So I am going to ask Brian to let me live in the loft.” Now she is just open mouthed. “Yes I know Ben is in it now, but he has a house with Hunter. So he can go there, being his monastic self. The loft is perfect. Brian will be fine once I apologise. Family before friends after all.” She smiles, we are the same in that respect. If we want something badly enough, we will keep going until we get it. “And speaking of family, I called my biological father during the break. We’re meeting next week. Can’t wait to tell them that tonight!”

Chapter End Notes:

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