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This place is amazing! I look around. It is in the middle of nowhere, a huge, sprawling ranch, which, if you were a paranoid horror freak like Godiva was, would have you having conniptions, fantods, the vapours, and the heebie jeebies!


“Sweet Mary and Joseph!” I yelp, glad I didn't put the roof off my jeep up or I would have a concussion! “Where did you come from?!”

“Bridle path.” Drew replies, getting off his horse. “You okay?”

“He’s a beauty.” I get out of my jeep then reach back inside. “I came prepared.” I hold out an apple, his horse looks pleadingly at him.

“Be gentle.” He orders. I marvel at the softness of his lips as he takes the apple from me before dropping it on the ground and stomping on it. I look at Drew, he smiles. “Doesn’t like them whole.” He explains. We watch her finish the apple, then swish her tail. “Her name is Hudson. The other one is Rock.” He clicks his tongue, and, gambolling towards us, is another horse, a beautiful white and grey.

“Good thing I brought a whole bag.” I smile, and grab another apple. “Gently.” I tell Rock. He snorts then takes it off me, crunching happily. “So.” I stroke Rock’s nose. “I was wondering what you were doing for dinner on Thursday?”

“Nothing, why? Want to help me put them in?” Drew replies, smiling when I nod.

“Well, you see, Jewel and Brian are opening Woody’s, and…”

“Why didn't she just call and ask me?” He frowns as we get to the stables.

“Because I am asking you.” I copy what he is doing, and soon Rock and Hudson are stabled.

“So you are asking me for her? Seems a little juvenile.” 

“You for…” I stop him from walking further. “...look at me.” I order. He turns around. “Never use the word little where I am concerned.” He smirks. “I am never wrong, well maybe a little off centre sometimes. Now, don’t do the defensive bombastic...they are not the same thing, or stoically silent denial...nobody who has horses called Rock and Hudson, is a single man at your age, was in the spotlight for as long as you were with no lady off his arm, and lives in this place with that level of chintz, in a stable, is straight.”

He says nothing for a few seconds. I think he is annoyed, but he smiles. “I wish you had been my spokesman, hell, even a friend back then.” 


“I always wanted to come out, but wasn’t allowed to.”

“I make very good coffee. I wasn‘t sure...wait there.” I call over my shoulder and go back to my jeep. I swing the basket as I rejoin him. “Wasn't sure what you liked, so got samples of some delicacies. Shall we go in and chat?”



“How did you get here?” I ask as he looks around admiringly.

“You gave Jewel your card, Pearl gave it to me.” Emmett replies over his shoulder, putting the basket on the counter. “So who was stopping you?” 

“Everyone.” I sigh. “There wasn’t a single person in my corner, not even my family.”

“Ah, families, they can be the worst of all enemies.” He tilts his head. “It must have been very tough, especially in such a manly profession.”

“Yeah, and then there was the scare.” I am surprised that I blurted it out just like that. I have never told anybody about it. 

“What happened? Did you bare…”

“No! Hell no! Got carried away, condom broke. He didn’t think to tell me, and…”

“You didn’t think to ask?” He sits opposite me. “How long ago was it?” 

“Three years. Came back clean, but it forced me to take stock and think is this what I want to do for the rest of my life? I was being privately tutored to become a vet, and…”

“Privately tutored?!” He giggles. “How bougie!”

“Well, I could hardly turn up at Pierpoint, could I?” I point out only a bit defensively, but smile when he pats my hand. 

“As a matter of interest, are you in touch with your family?” I shake my head. “Me neither, nor is Jewel. I am gay, she is bi, and one day the ‘twain’ met so we have Pearl. Our families were a mite distressed by our friendship, then incandescent at our coupling. They told each of us that the other had died.”

“You are joking?! That is horrible!” I exclaim. “But how did you two find each other then?”

“She is one of the best sommeliers in the world, and I…” He sneaks a look over his shoulder. “...am the Sabitier, food critic and columnist to the…”

“No you’re not?!” I gasp before leaping up. “Be right back! Do not move from there!” I dash to find my iPad, then scoot closer to him when I get back to the table. “You know what I do every Sunday? I put your podcasts on, and make myself a sumptuous meal. You sound so different!”

“Voice filter, my lilting tones are a bit distinctive around here. It was Godiva who suggested It.”

“Who’s Godiva? She’s someone obviously important, you lit up just then.”

“He, and he was. He died a few years back, I am widowed.”

“My condolences, were you together long? Mind if I look? I gesture at the basket, he shakes his head. “Thanks.”

“From diagnose till death. Fortunately for him, but not for me, it was quick. He had an aneurysm.”

“Ouch.” I squeeze his shoulder and he rests his head on my hand.


They say the smallest gestures garner the biggest reactions. As I rest my head against his hand, tears prickle, then flow. “Oh, Emmett, have you even begun to mourn him?!” He gasps, sitting back down. 

“No! I loved him so because he accepted me, Pearl and Jewel! I am too afraid to open up to anyone else in case they don’t!” I wail. He scrambles to get tissues. ”I am so…”

“If you say sorry, I will not come to dinner with you!” He growls as he helps to clean my face. “And I mean you, not Jewel.” I blink at him. “I am Dr Drew Boyd, veterinarian, not Drew Boyd ex-Iron Man.”

“But the press…”

“Fuck the press.” He interrupts. “They haven’t bothered with me since I retired! Yeah, they sniffed around for a while, but I was focused on my practise, so they got bored.”

“Oh.” I am actually twiddling my thumbs under his gaze. “So...see anything you like?”

“In the basket, yes, in front of me? Well, I like his voice both with and without the filter, Rock and Hudson approve, so it’s a good start. Let me ask you something...can we take it slow?”


“Yeah, you are still grieving, but interested...clocked that the moment I met you. I have never dated a guy.”

I smile and get up. “Slow it is, but first, what is your favourite recipe?” 

“I have several, but right now I am trying to perfect fish and chips, by chips I mean French fries, cannot abide steakhouse chips…why?”

“Because…” I pick up his iPad and start to scroll. “...I know the best recipe, so I shall record it for you.”

“No voice filter?”

“No, no voice filter.”





“Got by you again!” I laugh as Tonka hops out of Justin’s reach. He puffs his hair off his face and rolls up his sleeves, Tonka is watching him carefully, his nose twitching. “I would do a fake swerve to your right, and…”

“Don’t say anything, they can understand!” He hisses, then goes still. He goes left, but so does Tonka. He whoops with joy as he grabs him. “Gotcha, you little rascal!” He tucks him under his chin and sits on the sofa next to me. Beam has gotten comfortable in my lap,  and is nibbling on a carrot. “They are so beautiful.”

“Yeah, mischiefs, but beautiful.” I hand him a carrot, he bites the end off before sharing with Tonka. “So what time is Jewel coming? Do you have an appointment with Daphne this week?”

“Jewel is already here, she’s at the cottage introducing Holmes and Watson properly, and at three tomorrow. You?”

“At nine, have to go to Kinnetic for a pitch. And speaking of pitches, loved the mock ups for the magazine, but you’re not overworking yourself, are you?”

“No, it keeps my mind off it.” He twists the cushion tassel. I take Tonka and Beam to their indoor hutch. “I feel so stupid.” He sighs as I retake my seat. “Why are you all the way over there?” 

“I am less than an inch away. If I get any closer, I will be in your lap.” He looks away, going slightly red. “Come on, come sit in my lap, let’s talk.” He is settled in seconds. “Justin, you are not stupid, don’t ever let me hear you say that about yourself. You were controlled, manipulated, bullied, and most importantly, assaulted. It takes time to change a mindset. Think about it this way: it is the beginning of the end for him, and the start of the beginning for you. Do you want me to come with you, to Cali?” He looks astonished. “I like you and you like me, remember? So do you?”

“I remember, and yes, please. And how long is your pitch tomorrow?”

“Won't finish until at least one, but I could be there.”

“Good. I will stumble, and, most probably, cry, but I want to talk about it. I want you to know what is going on in my head, okay?”

“Same here. Actually, hang on a second.” I reach for my phone and wait for it to connect. “Hey, Ted, look, can you do the pitch yourself tomorrow? I have to be somewhere else. Thanks, Ted. One second.” I stop him from speaking, and dial another number and put it on speaker.

“Hey, Brian!” Daph answers. “How are you?”

“Am okay, but wondered if you are free at ten?”

“Yeah, can move your appointment to then, can I ask why?”

“Hi, Daph, it’s Justin. He's not moving his appointment, I am. Can I have the slot at ten?” She doesn't answer. “Daph?”

“Again, why?”

“Because, we need to talk to each other about what’s in our heads.” Justin answers. “Before we go to Cali to start proceedings against Ethan.”

“Good! Excellent!” She cries. “See you guys tomorrow!”

“See you!” We reply. 




I am pouting, officially, full on pouting! Holmes is in love, and the person he is in love with is no longer me! I sigh as he gazes adoringly at Mel as she strokes his ear, his tail is whipping across the loveseat. 

“So are they pure bred?” Mel asks after I glare her into putting the treat back in the bowl. “You know the moment your back is turned…”

“At least give them one each, you are heavily favouring Holmes!” I point out.

“I am making up for you casually dropping tidbits from your pocket whenever you are near him!” I look across at her and we start to laugh. “Are you nervous?”

“About Woody’s? Yeah. Not the opening itself, but for Debs. She’s only known the diner and cooking for family, this is completely different. High speed chop-chop-chop...what?”

“Once the denizens know who is cooking, they will wait as long as they need. Did you know she used to do a big cook once a month in the diner, but stopped when the new owner wanted her to charge people?”

“Oh, for crying out loud, what is it with folk these days?!” I grouse. “Why...” The door knocking stops my bitching.

“Anyone in?!” Someone calls. Holmes and Watson go nuts, rushing to the door. I smile as Mel opens it, and the person outside is floored. “Ooof, get...stop! Chanel, this is Chanel make up!” Is screamed.

“Oh my god! Do something!” Mel shrieks.

“Everybody off!” I bellow, and snap my fingers. Their butts are down, but tails are swishing.

“Are you alright?!” Mel exclaims, helping her guest. I stop Watson with a look, he whimpers, I am unmoved. 

“When did you get dogs?!” The lady splutters, dusting herself down. “I am...Jewel!”

“Hey, Leda.” I grin. “Gently!” I order, and once Leda drops to her knees, Holmes and Watson are all over her again. 

“Uh, what?” Mel looks from me to Leda.

“She repped for me in Cali.” I explain.

“Oh, my darling boys!” She peppers their faces with kisses. “You have grown so much!”

“Who has first dibs?” I laugh.

“She does!” Leda swings a still stunned, but now giggling, Mel around. “How do you two know each other then?” She puts her down and gives me a huge hug.

“Through Gus. Pearl, him, and Jenny are good friends. He was her buddy in school. We moved back for my community service, and to look after Jay...now Justin, which led to my new job.” I hand her some treats, and they are quickly gobbled. “I am still here, you know!” I grumble as I lose the love entirely. “So you two are…” Mentally I cross my fingers.

“Friends, good ones, that's it.” Leda grins, then her face falls. “Am here to talk about the hopeful lynching of Lindsay, her, thank goodness, ex. Shit, sorry Mel, but she chafes my chuff so much!”

“You two have something in common, although she was a lot more polite.” Mel laughs, heading for the wine I bought earlier. “Can I interest you in a…” She stops at the clunk of the glasses on the table. “...silly me, what a question.”

“Indeed.” Leda snickers. “This one, polite? What do you mean?”

“When she first met Lindsay, she called her a silly old trout.” Mel explains, and Leda coughs up her wine.

“Trout? You called her a trout?!” She gasps, I shrug, then giggle. “Does Pearl know about that?”

“Ummm...oh no, no, she doesn’t.”

“Keep it that way, because if she tells Jenny…” Leda is trying to look stern, she is not doing very well!

“Ah, good point, will…”

“What does trout mean, Jewel?” Mel is trying for censorious but the laughter is in her voice.

“Truly revolting obnoxious ugly tithead.” I sip my wine as she absorbs that.

“Is there any more?” She asks, and I check the bottle and nod. “Not wine, acronyms?”

“Oh yeah!” Leda snickers. “Lots!”

Chapter End Notes:

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