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Again I look at the queue, within which is Michael and Lindsay and their guests. This I could do without, but it is what it is. However, I know that look on her face; she’s got someone by the balls. The question is, who?!

“Storm, let’s let them in, okay? This is you, you know how to…” I pull him into my arms and brush his lips. “...what?”

“Nothing, just wanted to do that.” I kiss him before opening the door. “Welcome to the new Woody’s! Come on in, Kings, Queens, and Inbetweens!”

“What the hell have you done, Kinney?” Someone shouts out, my heart sinks. “It looks fucking incredible! We thought you would give us a divier version, but you give us this! Thank you!”

“Hey, Brian, Bran! How are you both?!” Michael sidles up to me. “I would like to…”

“Michael, ladies first, don’t you think?” Lindsay cuts him off, and he goes quiet, which is both a relief and a surprise! She looks around the place. “No Mel, no matter, I can catch up with her later. Brian, this is Matthew. He is…”

“Michael’s dad. Yeah, I know. So that makes you, George.” I look him up and down. “So, Michael, how’s the brotherly love going?” I ask.

“What do you mean by that?” Michael’s eyes dart between Bran and me. 

“Mom told us about him. You know, the same Mom you’ve not bothered with once she stopped wiping your over emotional ass. She said he remarried and had kids. You two look similar, so it stands to reason you are halves of his ‘coin’.” Bran smiles before turning to Lindsay. “So you and Matthew are?”

“Good friends.” She links arms with him whilst looking around. “Brian, what you have done in here is…” 

“Is what?” I prompt as she stops talking and is glaring at the bar. 

“Lindz, you...oh, I see. What is Leda doing here?!” Michael demands as he watches her, Mel, and Ben work behind the bar, laughing and joking with the LA crowd. 

“And why is it any of your business who works for me?” Jewel asks, approaching holding a glass of red. 

“Works for you?” Lindsay questions. 

“Here, Maestro, from your pocket rocket.” She hands me the glass. “Bran, yours is behind the bar from your stud muffin. Oh, heard about the loving harmony you two had, hats off.” She salutes him and heads into the kitchen.

“So, Brian…sorry to interrupt.” Todd beams. “The food smells great! What is it? Who is cooking, and…”

“Ladies and gentlemen!” Jewel suddenly calls out. “...please, can everyone take a seat? Except the curtained off table, as this is reserved for family and friends. Food will be served in ten minutes!” 

“Let’s sit down, shall we?” Lindsay coos, and pulls Matthew along after her.



“To drop-kick and roll some asses? Absolutely!” Reva replies. 

“She grows on you, doesn’t she?” I grin at the use of one of Pearl’s favourite phrases, and watch as she makes sure that her Dad and Drew are okay. Yes, they are ‘out’ in public, enough for any media to see, but still sheltered. Everyone else who can right now have taken up seats. Once we got wind, via blabbermouth Michael, that they were coming, all plans for a beard date went out the window. Reva played nice with George, but only after we said she could book Daph and tell her all about it; at least she got the rest of the scoop and we are ready for them. “Gonna check on Debs, have fun!” I whisper.

“Oh I will!” She whispers back.


“Hello, and you are?” I ask an approaching Trout and Testicle.

“Reva darling, how lovely to see you.” The Testicle tries for a kiss. I stop him with a look. Unlike Testy Jnr, he picks up a hint! “This is Lindsay Peterson, a good friend of mine.” He waves Testy and Warty forward. “You, of course, know George, but this, this is my other son, Michael. Your half…”

“I know him already. So you are…” 

“I know the owner, Brian. He is the father of our son, Gus, and…”

“Mom! Over here! Oh wow, don’t you two look incredible?!” I try not to gloat as Mom and Aunt Jen brush by them without acknowledgement. I look at my watch, then at them. “So what can I do for you?”

“You can seat…” Testicle starts.

“Aunt Lynette, you look stunning!” Gus calls out, scurrying to greet her. “You’re not backing out on this, are you?!” 

“I am not, but I don’t think you’d let me anyway, would you?” She smiles at him.

“Uh, Gus, aren’t you going to say hello? There are a couple of people I would like you to meet.”

“Hi, I can meet them properly later. Aunt Lynette needs me more. Now stop tugging! I got you, let’s sit and sip!” He pulls her past a gaping Trout and Warty and into her seat.

“Excuse me, Michael.” He looks over his shoulder at Carl. “I need to get by.” 

Seat by seat, Mel, Leda, Ben, and Brandon join the table. 

“Finally!” Jewel gasps as she rejoins us. “Nerves settled, staff prepared, it is time to rock and roll. Now I am off the clock, proper work starts Monday!” She flops into a chair. “Um, why are they standing there?” She gestures at them.

“We’re waiting to be seated.” Trout seethes. 

“Oh I see! You should’ve said!” I exclaim. “I am so sorry, that table opposite is free…”

“But there are seats at this table, Reva, why can’t we sit there?” Testicle asks.

“Because, whilst those seats are not occupied at present, they will be, so this table is full. I would grab that one whilst you can.” 

“Gentlemen, please grab the table whilst I speak to Brian. Won’t be long.” Trout states before heading towards the kitchen whilst Testicle, Testy Jnr and Warty do her bidding. 


“Can I help you, ma’am?” A waiter asks as I head behind the bar to make my way to the kitchen.

“I need to speak to the proprietor and father of my child, Brian Kinney. Please let me through.”

“Sorry, nobody but employees are allowed behind the bar now, Jewel’s Rules...and she is scary. I will get him to come to your table. Which one is it?”

I am at boiling point, but try to remain calm. Everything is setting up nicely, I have Michael right where I want him, as I told him when we got back home. He shouldn’t have ran his mouth, and now I could be his stepmother. It depends on my mood and the day. But the best thing is that I have been hearing that Gregory is back in town. I told him to meet me here because I wanted to show off Matthew as my ‘I am over you’ date. Lynette being here - looking passable I suppose, is a bonus.

“As I said…” I take a step but he remains unmoved. “...I am the Mother of Brian’s son, who has…”

“Well, until you pay me to do my job, you remain on that side of the bar. You want to speak to Brian, you either call him or tell me the table you’re at. Which is it to be?”

“The second VIP table opposite the first one, obviously! If I have not seen Brian in ten minutes, I will be back, and you won’t like how he responds to this treatment. Especially when he explains to you and her crew that Jewel’s Rules do not apply to me!” I snap before joining Matthew and the others. 

“When did Brian get there, and who is that he is talking to?!” I demand as I take in who is now seated at their table.

“You left, he came.” Michael answers before he and George start snickering.

“Excuse me a minute. Oh, Michael, I would love a glass of champagne, top shelf. Thank you.” That wipes the smirk off his face, especially when Matthew tells him to get a bottle instead. Oh yes, running your mouth was bad for you, but good for me! I stride up to the table. “Brian, sorry to interrupt, but may I have a word? Sorry, Mr...uh?”

“Richards, Zach Richards, and please carry on. He was just telling me who’s who on the table.”

“Oh, I can fill you in much better than Brian.” I smile. “Who don’t you know at the moment?”

“Thought you wanted to speak to Dad.” Gus calls down. “Besides, you are about to sit in Aunt Lynette’s seat.”

“Aunt Lynette?” Zach asks. “So would that make you Lindsay?”

“Yes it would. Who has been talking about me? I hope they have been saying only good things.”

“Me, and if I had to say good things about you, I would have to lie, he doesn’t like me to do that.” Jewel stares me down. “Brian, could you go to her table or wherever, so that she can say whatever it is and have done?”

“Let’s go, Lindsay.” Brian sighs before frogmarching me to the bar. “What is it?!”

“Who is Zach to you, and why is Leda here?!” I demand. 

“Leda was invited by Jewel, as was Zach. As to who to me he is, nobody yet, just met him. So you would need to speak to Jewel. Now is that all? I have an opening night to enjoy.”

“No! Gus was dismissive to me, but that can be dealt with later. I want you to move the children to our table so that we can join you.”

“Really? And which children would those be?” I quail slightly under his glare. “I am not moving Gus or Jenny. Jewel, who is my sommelier, will not move Pearl. Ben, who is my dear friend and boyfriend of my brother won’t countenance Hunter being moved, so again, which children?” 

I look across at the table. “There is a spare seat opposite Carl. I could sit there and...”

“I am not moving Debs! She's our Mom, or do you only remember motherhood status when it suits you?!”


“Hey, son…” Carl calls out as he approaches. “...you are needed to help Bran on prying duties.”  

“Maybe I can help. Debs and…” 

“No, she needs her sons. Oh, and this very large double whisky!” He takes it from the waiter with a smile, and hands it to Brian, who doesn’t return my smile. “Now go get her.”

“Come on, Bruh!” Brandon orders Carl smiles as shoulder to shoulder they head, still chuckling, to the kitchen.

“I’m going back to the table, they could be a while.” Carl calls over his shoulder. 

Fuming, I am about to do the same, when I spot Gregory coming in. I make sure he sees me, before I slink back to join the others. “Have you pulled something?” Matthew asks as he gets up to let me take my seat. “You looked like you were limping. Do you need some ice?”

I decide that silence is the best answer!



“Mom, come on!” Bran tries to peel my fingers off the fridge door. “I thought he was kidding with the prying. Blake, come and help!”

When I see Blake in tears of laughter, I realise how silly I am being. “Okay, I can do this. This is Liberty Avenue, let’s go!” I chuckle, but then Brian starts to hiccup. “Oh shit, get Justin and Carl!” I order before leading Brian to the sink. 

“Debs?” Ted frowns.

“He only hiccups when he’s triggered. Head over the sink. Come on, Brian, take deep breaths, through the stomach not the chest. Remember, chest breathing won’t give you enough air to calm whatever this is down. Stomach, not chest, is best.” I repeat whilst rubbing his back.

“Honey, what...oh no…okay, need a napkin full of ice!” Carl orders, and Brandon leaps to get it. “Okay, apply it to the back of his neck. Not you two, it has to be Justin, he’s the one he spends the most time with, so needs to know this. Base of his skull. Kiki did it to bring him back, like cold shock therapy. Untested, but it works for him.” 

Slowly Brian’s breathing regulates, and he regains some colour. “Son…”

“No.” Carl interrupts. “Needs to be Justin.”

“Brian, speak to me.” Justin gently mops his face, which reminds me so much of Kiki and her gentleness with him..

“She, I mean Lindsay, wanted to move the children, to get rid of them as if they were nothing. She...she did that once, my adopted mother, but only moved me outside. It was so cold. Thanksgiving Day. They were eating dinner. I sat in the garden for almost two hours until they finished. I didn't have a jacket. I tried to keep warm by walking up and down, but she, not him, said I had to stand still, as it was safer because it wouldn’t annoy him so much.” We all catch the moment he pushes it down. “Enough about that now. Let’s enjoy this evening. Please?”

“As you wish.” Justin replies. “But when we get home, we’re having a nice deep bath. I am going to be giving you a massage, and you are drinking brandy laced hot chocolate, understand?”

“With pleasure.” He sighs. 

“Come on, guys.” I order. “Let’s leave them to it.”

“Thanks, Debs.” Justin smiles, whilst I get everyone else out. “Do you want to check our plates before they go to the table?”

“Oh my God!” I sniff as Carl holds me. “He told him, he must have done…”

“Reckon so.” He strokes my back, just like I did with Brian.

“Dad, I don’t…” Brandon begins.

“Kiki, whenever he was like this, would get him to concentrate, to focus, on something else until he was ready to deal. Yes, the ice pack works to a degree, but getting his head back into the present needs him to focus.” Carl explains with a watery smile. “He trusts him enough to have told him that.”


I try not to look at either the table opposite or for the return of the others. I am feeling very smug indeed for one reason. Whilst Trou...Lindsay, must call her Lindsay, can see the table, she can't see me, but can see Lynette, who Zach is being oh-so-charming with! 

“He’s playing his part very well.” I giggle at Leda.

“Mel…” Leda takes a sip of her drink. “...he’s not playing, neither is Jewel. She really likes you.”

“She does?” 

“So does Pearl, which is why she and Gus are now friends, that’s it.”

“What are you talking about?” I scrutinise her face, taking her hand when she sighs. “Leda?” 

“You two have the most protective, unselfish, and self aware children I have ever met. The attraction, all those years ago, was instant for her, and that little flame still burns. Gus and Pearl realise this, so have stepped back. They want their moms to be happy, and you, despite absolutely nothing happening, make her happy.”

“She likes me like that?” I blink, because it was the same for me, but I would never cheat on Lindsay; well, not literally. What was in my fantasies then and now is no longer her business!

“Very much.” Leda grins.


“Kings, Queens, and Inbetweens!” Brian strides out holding a tray. “I have great pleasure in serving the opening night menu, and I make no apologies for not totally catering to vegetarians. We are all about the meat here! So we have short rib Wellington, roast duck pies, chicken and pea risotto, lamb cutlets, and veal ribs with fixings, so salad. See, not totally heartless! There's also bread, fries, and angel hair pasta, she wanted me to emphasise that. This will be served per table, for tonight only, so you don’t get a choice. Now the wines, as selected by Jewel Johnson, who will be in charge of Woody’s from Monday, compliment the food, which brings me neatly onto our beloved Diamond Store. A deli counter is going to be added in the next couple of weeks, which will be run by Chef Blake…”

“Who cooked the food?!” Someone calls out.

“No he didn’t. Woody’s kitchen will be run by the one and only Debs Horvath…”

The whooping and hollering almost makes my ears bleed, and when Todd rushes up and takes the tray from Brian, much to the annoyance of a couple of tables, I have to swallow very hard.

“...quiet, not finished!” Brian orders. “...the menu will change daily, so if you can’t for some bizarre reason get here to eat, it will be available for take away at the store from ten. Now serve!”



I top up Lynette's glass. She smiles, clinks mine in thanks, before turning back to Gus. She is utterly enchanting. I catch Jewel’s eye and shake my head. She is, despite what she said, in work mode. She gets my drift, but I know it won’t take her long to snap right back into it.. 

“Everyone! Desserts!” A waiter yells. “They are egg custard tarts, gin and lemon pots, and lychee and coconut cream with sesame praline!” 

“Can we have them to go?” Todd calls out, I met him when he came over to hug Debs and tell her how proud he was of her, how proud everyone on Liberty Avenue is.

“Yes you can!” Debs replies. “How many want that?!” Soon I am in the kitchen, putting desserts in mini cooler bags. “Such a brilliant idea, Jewel!” Debs declares as she admires the bags. “But I don’t get why ‘B-WooDS is on there.”

“B for Babylon, Woo for Woody’s and DS for Diamond Store. Gonna provide nibbles for Babylon too.” Jewel explains, Brian looks surprised. “Okay, I sprung that, but think about this trifecta you will have. During the day, Blake runs Diamonds, and he does his thing. He cooks whatever he wants, but come the evening, it’s all about Woody’s food. Debs and him can combine to make nibbles, easily frozen, but can be freshly cooked - and I mean freshly, not slung in a microwave. Set a specific time that food can be served in Babylon, say between 1130 and 0130, and that shower space, make it more inviting. Do you know why people leave around midnight?” She takes our silence as a rightful no. “Because they need to get clean. They are well fucked, but itchy, cum is itchy, so give them a reason to not go home. The area next to the kitchen, change that to a dining space.” 

“How fancy and how much?” Brian frowns.

“Doesn’t need to be fancy. As for price, nothing. You have tables and chairs in the loft space doing nothing.” Again, Brian looks surprised. “I walked around and listened. People love Babylon, but know it can be so much better. Look what happened when Woody’s was revealed, they expected grunge and were so happy it wasn’t.” 

“Brian...can I team up with Jewel to do this?” Ben asks. “I am on hiatus for a few months, and...well, you’ve seen what I did to the loft.”

“Okay.” Brian smiles. “Now let’s get these out to the body lickers of Liberty Avenue!”

“That had better include you!” Justin chirps.

“Load up a bag!” He leers.



I sit back in my chair and survey the room. There are just family and ‘friends’ now. Most of the remaining patrons have been shepherded out, having been heaping praise on Brian and giving Ben and Jewel ideas for Babylon. 

“Are you okay?” I ask of Lynette.

“Yes, thank you, Zach, I am. I had so much…” 

“Lynette. Lindsay and I would like to speak to you, so if you could, as my wife, disentangle…”

I slowly stand. “She is your ‘estranged wife, and her estranged sister’ that came to be because you two were going at it behind her back. Ergo, you are not in a position of power. Either of you.” I walk around the table, which causes him and Linsday to track backwards to where I want them, outside of the curtain, which I swiftly close. “Brian, if you could ensure we are not disturbed further, that would...Reva and Pearl sit down!” Gentle chuckles reverberate around our little nook as the pair of them exchange sheepish but regretful looks, then retake their seats. “Brian?”

“Give me two minutes.” He chortles as he heads out. What we hear next is harping and carping as the ‘egos’ of those outside are escorted out of the building and the blinds and shutters closed on any gawking! “That what you had in mind?”

“Perfect.” I reply. “Reva, can you do me a favour?”

“Of course.” She smiles.

“I suspect you always wanted a little sister, correct?” She nods. “Well that little one there is far too much like her mother. They’ve only had each other, who they will die for. Teach her to pick her battles. We already have a slugger in Jewel…”

“We need a Stinger in Pearl. Got it.” Reva grins.

“And Jenny.” I add.

“With pleasure. We will, let me see, start next weekend.”

“Now, Mel, has Jewel cooked for you?” I ignore the horrified expression on Jewel’s face.

“She has. Some lovely chickened tendered dish, so good.”

“And Leda has confirmed her interest?” I continue as Jewel starts to slide under the table, no doubt to stab me in the foot to stop me putting it further in my mouth!

“She has. Which I return.” We all go silent and wait for Jewel to sit upright. “And I would very much like to kiss her, if she is agreeable?”

“I am, um, but…”

“Everyone, let’s leave them to their first kiss in private.” I order.


“Wanna take a seat?” Jewel pats her lap. “Being six foot plus has its minus points.

“I am not that short!” I giggle as I sit down. “So you aren’t one for PDAs?”

“Yeah I am, but not in front of my Dad or boss.” She replies, before holding my chin then laying a kiss on me that I feel trickling down to my toes. 

“I was supposed to kiss you.” I mumble.

“Then do so.” She smiles; and who am I to refuse such delightful order?

Short rib Wellington:


Roast duck pies: https://www.deliciousmagazine.co.uk/recipes/roast-duck-pies/

Chicken and pea risotto:


Cutlets: https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/spiced-marinated-lamb-chops-with-garlicky-yogurt,

Veal ribs: 


Egg custard tarts: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/custard-tarts

Gin and lemon pots:


Lychees: https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/frozen-lychee-and-coconut-cream-sesame-praline

Chapter End Notes:

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