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It’s been a whirlwind. We'd been getting every scrap paper that we would need. Leda and Uncle Ren were trying to find a judge to hear it tonight with no luck. Poor Mel and Lynette were stuck speaking to Lindsay, who was stalling. Brian, Justin, Gus and Jenny were with Daph, Hunter and Emmett, making sure they were all in a good headspace. 

Now we're stacking the food in Hunter’s van to take to the Diamonds, both that and the Diner are going to be closed for the next couple of days to get the Trout Marley Ghost laid to rest!

“You never said…” I pause to test the goose. “…still too warm. Uncle Ren, why is Michael in jail?”

“Licence violations.” He chuckles.

“Eh?” Carl frowns. 

“He had two of them, which is against the law.”

“Why the hell would he have two, and why didn’t anyone notice?” Brian looks sadly at the food, he brightens when Justin whispers in his ear. “Are you serious?!”

“What about?” Pearl swipes a tartlet then her eyes widen. “Uncle Brian, has he asked you to get your tattoo done?!” 

“Yes, also that I will get one too, which he can choose.” Justin replies, he clocks Brian’s widening smile and gulps. “Not on my ass, near my wedding tackle or rude!” We chuckle at the deflated Brian’s expression.

“Mom please?!” She bats her eyes. 

“Please what?” Mel asks tiredly - oh how I hate that Trout! “Before you answer, can we at least open some more booze? Everyone is staying here, right?”

“Correct. Before you have any booze, come with me.”

“Momma Jewel?” Jenny takes my hand. “She might be getting…”

“...a headache. Yeah, I know, we won’t be long.”

“Less than a frigging year and she can read Mom better than her!” Jenny seethes.

“And this is where we go box!” Gus asserts. 



“Now that the edges have been taken off!” I call as Ben and Brandon rejoin us. “I want to know about the idiot being back in jail!”

“Yeah, why would he have two licences?” Jenny demands, kicking off the swing chair that she and Pearl are sharing. “Are you saying yes to the tattoo Momma Jewel? If so, can I have one, Mom?”

“Yes I am, and…” Jewel glances at Mel, who nods. “...same for you, though we get to say where.”

“Wait, if they’re getting tattoos can me and Hunter get them too?” Gus pleads.

“How about this?” Zach smiles. “Get an artist over for Pearl’s birthday party. Of course, we would have to clear that with Stefan’s parents.”

Jenny goes fuschia. “So back to the idiot!”

“The two licences…” Renwick smirks..”...were in the surnames of Novotny and Horvath.”

“Why does he keep using my name for shitty things?!” Carl snaps. “So how long is he in there for?”

“Well…” Renwick opens the brandy. “…at least overnight. The licence was immediately invalidated, the speeding tickets on it, not so much. He has to pay them before he’s released, and those tickets were transferred to his real licence.”

“But how did they find out?” Jenny giggles.

“I told them.” Ted declares. We all look astounded. “Remember when he was arrested in Babylon? He dropped it, so I waited for the right moment.”

“Oh dad, I am so proud of you!” Jenny kisses his cheek. “So now what…” She’s interrupted by his phone ringing, as he talks his smile gets wider and wider. 

“Right, everyone, we've got a hearing in Chester County in four hours!” 

“What?!” Renwick gasps. “How?!”

“Before he answers that…” Brian’s had his hands behind his back since he sat down. “...I know I shouldn't have looked, Blue, but now I have…can we just have one sip? Just one, please I promise I won’t ask again until the wedding!”

“Sip of…” Justin frowns.

“Please tell me you didn’t go into the back kitchen…” Daph sighs. “...and you don’t have a bottle of Aika Geisha whiskey in your hands?”

“Aika Geisha whisky…” Zach echoes. “...well Justin; you sure know your…”

“I thought you had bought it.” Justin interjects. “How did you know about it, Daph?”

“Because that’s mine.” Jewel shifts. “And I am crap at wrapping, so asked Daph to do it.”

“Oh.” Brian looks so crushed. “What’s the occasion?”

“I got both 29 and 38 year olds.” He pulls out his phone, whilst she holds out a glass. “So you going to open your wedding present?” 

Bran catches the phone and Justin the bottle. Brian slowly sits down, shaking his head. “You can’t be serious, they cost…”

“My money, your silence, now open.” She orders. 

“Excuse me!” Ted exclaims. “Custody hearing, remember?!” 

“Okay, um, we can’t accept that…”

“You speak for yourself!” Justin exclaims, starting to open it. 

“Jewel, either you accept payment...” His tone silences and stills us. “…or I will fire you.”

“For the love of God!” Ted steams. “I will give her the money if it gets us going! Now how much is it?!”

“Sixty two thousand dollars….” Justin slowly gives him the bottle back. “…for the pair. The 29 year old is $29K and the 38 year old is $33K.”

“Mom!” Pearl gasps.

“That’s what they’re worth now! They weren’t when I bought them over twenty years ago…twelve of each.” 

“A crate…” Ted gurgles. “That’s…that’s almost three quarters of a million…”

“Where are they?!” Mel demands. 

“In the barn.” She grins. “Now we’d best go before Ted has an aneurysm!”



We're all exhausted; Blake, Debs and Jewel are at the diner, sorting out food. Zach made Jewel go with them because she was losing her temper. Brian is massaging Justin’s hand, and Lynette and Zach have taken Lindsay to stay with them to ensure her first stop tomorrow is the bank.

However, as of an hour ago the kids have just one mom, for now, and two dads! To say that Ichabod was pissed was an understatement…

Start of flashback



“So how did you manage this?!” Renwick whispers, whilst keeping an eye out for Lindsay.

Ted grins. “Remember the judge that oversaw the termination of his rights?” Mel nods. “I had to do a foster to parent interview with his colleague. Well he sat in; I was really pissed off and ended up telling them everything about Lindsay. Judge Ichabod gave me his number, and said to call if I needed him. We were in need, so I called!”

His face darkens as I hear Lindsay's vinegary tones. “I was a bit rash at the time, DA Paulson and…”

“We will continue this conversation in court!” He raps out and stalks inside; we all follow quietly. “Your Honour, thank you for seeing us at this late hour.”

“DA Paulson.” Judge Ichabod returns as he reads. “Are all parties present and agreed on this document?”

“Well…” Renwick’s pause stops his reading. “…the defendant is changing her mind…”

Slowly his head rises then for three minutes he says nothing. “Fine, the defendant will take the stand. Bailiff swear them in!” 


“Well…” Judge Ichabod glares. 

“If I may Your honour…” I interject.

“You had your chance to interject five minutes ago.” He states coldly. “From what I’ve heard and read, you are lucky to not be facing fraud charges!” 

“Fraud?” I gulp.

“Yes…” He turns to the Bailiff. “…where is her attorney?”

“Your Honour, I can answer…”

“And I would’ve directed the question to you if I wanted that.” He sneers over his shoulder. “So?”

“Ms Peterson declined.” She smirks.

“Well that was another unwise decision to make.” He growls turning to me. “The removal of the rights of Lindsay Peterson to the children Gus Marcus Peterson and Jenny Rebecca Marcus Schmidt is so ordered. The damages to Ms Marcus to be determined and any visitations to be court mandated and…” 

“Your honour!” My gasp echoing around the silent courtroom. “What do you mean damages?! Besides, I want to retain some rights to the children!”

“No, you either have them or you don’t. As for the damages, you caused emotional suffrage to Ms Marcus by your constant threats of eviction, your deception over the ownership of the cottage and before you object further, let me finish my ruling!” He breathes deeply. “With regards to the cottage left by your late parents to your children, which you inferred was yours. Now that the true ownership has been established, you are to vacate immediately.”

“Immediately?! I need more notice to collect my…”

“Silence, Ms Peterson.” He snarls. “It is my understanding that the residence was furnished from the monies from their inheritance. Therefore, you cannot take anything, except your clothes and other personal effects. This is the copy of the Warrant of Possession order to give to your attorney. Now, with regards to the inheritance to yourself and Lynette Richards, it was to be shared 50/50. Again you manipulated the situation to suit your own ends. You will, by 1000 tomorrow, pay the balance of the inheritance she was rightfully due. I…”

“Richards? Why have you reverted to mother’s maiden name?!” I fume. “Daddy did nothing to you, and…”

“Ms Peterson, you have been…”

“Your Honour, if I may answer that?” Lynette simpers, he slowly nods. “I haven’t forgotten Daddy, that’s your MMO. I’ve…”

“You mean MO, modus operandi?” I snipe, then glare at his sniggering. “Your Honour, may I ask…”

“In your case, she’s correct, is it malicious modus operandi perchance?” Lynette smirks, the rest of them titter and grin. “And you are dangerously close to contempt so be quiet and let Mrs Richards finish.” 

“Thank you, Your Honour. I’ve married Zach and his surname is Richards.”

“You’ve done what?!” I whisper.

“Become my wife.” Zach smiles, whilst I, despite my feelings for Matthew, am infuriated. I hate the fact that any man prefers her over me!  “I would like it placed on record that it was always Lynette and it would never be you.”

“Duly noted.” Judge Ichabod titters. “Anybody else want anything added to her record?”

“If I may…” Brian drawls, the room throbs with anticipation. “...suggest that Ms Peterson be held in custody…”

“Brian!” I cry.

“Of Mr and Mrs Richards, so that she doesn’t get lost on the way to the bank tomorrow morning to transfer the money?”

“Your honour…” Mel’s look is scathing. “...I am her ex and know how she operates. I think this is an excellent idea of Mr Kinney’s, and…”

“It is so ordered.” The judge sits back in his seat. “I understand that there is someone else in her former residence…” He looks through the papers. “...I have no name for them here, what will happen, will they be allowed to remain?”

“Your Honour…” Renwick smiles. “...that would be Michael Novotny or Horvath depending on which licence he showed…”

“Licence?” He frowns. “Explain please.”

End of Flashback


She huffs again, looking at her watch. “Problem?” I ask.

“What is taking so long? I am exhausted and feel that you all have gotten more than your pound of flesh!”

“We saved your ass, well Renwick did!” I snap. “Or didn’t you notice how he didn't mention the breaking and entering you did to the loft?!”

“We had keys…” She begins.

“…but no permission to enter!” I snap, only the doors opening and Ted’s tired expression stops me from giving her a brat slap. “So we can go now?”

“Just waiting for…ah, here they come.” Ted replies as Emmett and Jewel run down. “Straight in, please!” 

“Jewel Johnson?” Judge Ichabod booms. “You and I need to have a talk about a record that has cropped up…”

“Oh dear…” Lindsay chortles as the door closes. “…her past seems to have caught up with her. I do hope this won’t impact Mel’s licence at all.” I have never wanted to claw a pair of eyes out so much, but remain impassive and shrug. “I think I will take a nap, wake me when they're…” The door opening shuts her trap and my heart sinks at their astonished expressions. “…so, what happened?” She crows. 

“Judge Ichabod has signed the death knell for Mel and Jewel...” Emmett begins, frowning at the Trout’s smile. “…oh how you take pleasure in the pain of others. The pleasure is all theirs. I meant the death knell on their singledom, he’s signed their marriage licence.” 



“You cannot be serious?!” She exclaims, looking between the three of us; myself, Zach and Sheriff Lawson, who Judge Ichabod sent to meet us. “I need my cell to call Matthew, the bank and my bank card…”

“You can call Matthew from mine.” Zach asserts. “Please hand them over so we can go to bed!”

“I don’t want to hear about you two going to bed!” She snaps.

“Then the quicker you give him your card and phone, the quicker you can put the earplugs in and pillow bite in frustration!” I snap. 

“I don’t see why I can’t stay with Matthew! It’s not as if I will ignore the court order!”

“You ignored the wishes of your parents!” Judge Ichabod stepping out of the police car stuns us. “Give them to me!” Shaking, she obeys. He smiles as he pockets them. “Sheriff Lawson will meet you at the bank at 0900 sharp, if you so much as a second late Ms Peterson, you will be taken to jail. After the bank transfer is completed. Your bank card and cell will be returned upon completion or your release, whichever, is up to you.”

“I will be there on time.” She grits out.

“Although I am not sure you will want the phone back…” Zach chuckles.

“Why not?” She demands.


“When Michael’s released and finds out he’s homeless, who do you think he’s going to call?” 

She gulps. “Your Honour, may I use my phone to call my boyfriend to arrange for a new cell?”

“Yes you can…” She looks relieved. “...after the transfer. Let’s hope that it’s a busy discharge day tomorrow. Good night.”




Chapter End Notes:

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