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Wild Child

Chapter 16

Brian was close. Greg had been torturing his dick in a most satisfactory manner. Brian groaned and then sat bolt upright.

"What was that?" he asked pushing Greg's head away.

"What was what?" Greg asked licking his lips.

"I heard a crash."

"I didn't hear anything," Greg said bending down and continuing his ministrations on Brian's cock.

"Stop," Brian said shoving Greg away.


"I heard something. I know I did," Brian said getting up and going to his window which faced the road. He looked out and could see what looked like steam or smoke pouring out of … of his fucking Corvette. It was wrapped around a tree in the front yard. "Fuck!" he yelled as he grabbed his jeans and yanked them on.

"What are you doing?" Greg whined. "Come back to bed. I wasn't finished."

"Someone was trying to steal my car. Call the police."

"Brian! What are you talking about?"

"Shut up and do it. They may be hurt."

Greg got up slowly and looked out at the car and the tree. He wondered who would try to steal the Corvette. He wondered if he should get dressed but that seemed like too much effort. He picked up the phone and then hesitated. Maybe he should let Brian place the call. He laid back down on the bed playing with himself. Brian could take care of it.

Mrs. Hadley met Brian as he came down the stairs. "There's an accident on the front lawn," she said.

"I know. We need to see if anyone is hurt and why the fuck they are stealing my car."

The two ran out the door heading for the car. Brian's long legs and younger age got him there much faster than Mrs. Hadley. Brian yanked open the driver's door of the Corvette and looked at the face of his son. Gus had apparently slammed his head into the steering wheel. His forehead was bleeding again and Gus didn't seem to be able to focus on his father.

"Gus?" Brian said. "Gus, talk to me."

Gus moaned and his head lolled back against the headrest. "Gus!"

"Justin," Gus managed to say. "See Justin."

"Gus, it's me, your father. Gus!" Gus' eyes flickered open and then closed. "Gus!" Brian said almost screaming with fear and worry.

"We should get him to the hospital," Mrs. Hadley said.

"I asked Greg to call the police. Go see how long before they'll be here," Brian ordered. "And bring some towels or something to stop the blood," Brian added. Gus' blood covered Brian's hands and chest where he held onto the boy. "Gus, oh God, Gus."

Gus' eyes opened and he looked at his father. "Cowboy Chicken," he mumbled before his eyes closed once again.

That name that Gus had called him made Brian remember their game from so long ago. He gulped and pulled Gus tighter against him. Where were the fucking police and paramedics?

Just then Mrs. Hadley pulled up in her car. She leapt out despite her age and handed some clean towels to Brian. He used one to staunch the bleeding from Gus' forehead. "How long before the paramedics will be here?" Brian asked.

"They're not coming. Greg didn't call," she stated.

"What the fuck? I told him to."

"He said he thought it would be better if you did that. I brought my car. If Gus doesn't have any broken bones, we can get him to the hospital in ten minutes."

"Good idea," Brian said. He had already checked Gus over as best he could so he carefully lifted the semi-conscious boy out of the Corvette.

Mrs. Hadley held the back door of her sedan open and Brian set Gus inside as gently as he could.

"I'll drive," she said and Brian ran around to the other side of the car getting in beside Gus and cradling his head and neck as much as he was able.

"Justin," Gus moaned again. "Need Justin."

Brian frowned. Why the fuck was Gus calling for Justin, and why had he been in his damn Corvette in the first place?

Mrs. Hadley took off as soon as she got behind the wheel and had them at the hospital in under ten minutes. She pulled into emergency and got out. "Stay there," she ordered as she disappeared inside, only to reappear moments later with an orderly pushing a gurney. The orderly and Brian got Gus onto the gurney.

As they wheeled him inside Gus moaned," Justin, Justin."

"Fuck," Brian muttered. "Why does he keep asking for Justin?"

Mrs. Hadley opened her mouth to explain and then thought better of it. Brian didn't need more things to worry him. He was worried enough about Gus.

It took some time for all the paperwork and explanations. Gus was wheeled into a cubicle to be looked at while Brian showed his insurance and other documentation.

Mrs. Hadley sat in the waiting room. She was kicking herself for not taking Gus to see Justin. She had thought she was doing the right thing by following Justin's wishes. Now she could only hope Gus would be all right, because her failure to help him had been the reason Gus had tried to take the car to see Justin. The poor kid had thought he could get all the way to Pittsburgh in the Corvette. She knew that was what had happened as soon as she had heard Gus call for Justin. She wiped her eyes and waited.

When Brian finally came out, he looked so shattered. His bare chest was still streaked with Gus' blood.

"There's a restroom over there," Mrs. Hadley said indicating the facility she was referring to. "You may want to get rid of that.

Brian glanced at his chest noting that he didn't have a shirt and that he was covered in blood. "Yeah, I guess I better before I scare someone."

Brian disappeared into the restroom. He started the water and then looked at himself in the mirror. He remembered that other time when he had been covered in someone's blood. With a shudder he started washing himself. He saw the water reddened with Gus' blood disappear down the drain. Gus had to be all right. He couldn't go through this all over again.

Some minutes later Brian returned to the waiting room and sat down beside Mrs. Hadley. She looked at him with teary eyes. "Is Gus going to be all right?" she asked forcing her voice to work.

He looked at her and realized how worried she was and how much she cared for his son. He was lucky to have her around. "I don't know yet. They're still in with him." Brian ran his hand through his hair.

Mrs. Hadley patted his leg. "He's in good hands," she said.

"He fucking better be. What the hell was he doing in the Corvette?" Brian asked looking into her eyes, his face full of worry.

"I … I think I should come clean and tell you everything," she said softly.

"What?" he frowned wondering what the hell she was talking about.

"Gus saw an article in the newspaper," she began. "It was about a new show at the Sidney Bloom Gallery featuring the works of Justin Taylor."

"I know," Brian said simply.

Mrs. Hadley looked at her boss wondering that the man had known this and not said anything. "Gus asked me to take him to see Justin."

"He did? Fuck!"

"Yes, and I drove him into Pittsburgh. The day we saw the movie, we … we also went to the gallery."

Brian's raised eyebrow and scowl told Mrs. Hadley that he was not at all pleased with what she had done. "What happened?"

"Justin hadn't arrived from Europe yet, but Mr. Bloom was very nice to Gus and promised to tell Justin that Gus wanted to speak to him. There were a couple of tense days before Justin finally called."

"He called?"

"Yes, but it was late at night."

"Why didn't I hear the phone?"

"I gave Mr. Bloom my personal number. I didn't think you would be too happy about all these doings."

"You're fucking right! What did Justin say?"

"He … he said he didn't want to get involved."

"Involved?" Brian frowned. "Involved in what?"


"Um is not an answer. Tell me!" Brian ordered.

"I told him what Gus wanted and he didn't want to get involved."

"And just what did Gus want him to do?" Brian demanded although he had a sneaking suspicion that he already knew.

"He wanted Justin to talk to you about Mr. Fernley."

"Oh fucking shit!" Brian reacted.

"Mr. Kinney," a young doctor said coming into the waiting room and looking around.

"Yes," Brian said standing up.

"I'm Dr. Khan."

Brian nodded. "How's Gus?"

"He has a concussion."

"Shit! Is it serious?"

"Did he have a recent blow to the head before tonight?" the doctor asked not answering Brian's question.

"He fell against a tree and split his head open earlier in the day."

"And what happened tonight?"

"He crashed my car. I think he hit his head on the steering wheel."

"Was he unconscious?"

"Not exactly, but he seemed to have trouble focusing when I got to him. He kind of drifted in and out all the way here."

The doctor nodded. "The concussion is not a mild one. We've cleaned up the blood and stitched his head, but I believe he has given his brain a substantial bruise."

"Will … will he be all right?" Brian asked trying to keep his voice from breaking.

"I believe he will, but he seems very agitated."

"Can I see him?"

"Yes, in just a minute. Do you know who this Justin is that he keeps asking for?"

"Yes," Brian said almost in a whisper.

"Would it be possible for Justin to come here? It might help Gus to settle. We'll be keeping him overnight for observation and maybe tomorrow as well."

"I … I don't know how to get in touch with Justin," Brian said slowly.

Mrs. Hadley opened her purse and handed a piece of paper to Brian. "Justin gave me his cell number in case Gus needed him. I think Gus does."

Brian nodded taking the piece of paper from her. "Can I see Gus now?"

"Follow me," the doctor said.

Brian entered the cubicle apprehensively. Gus looked pale as he lay on the gurney, his eyes closed.

"Gus," Brian said gently.

"Dad?" Gus asked opening his eyes but not focusing too well.

"It's me, Sonny Boy. How are you doing?"

"My head hurts."

"I'm sure it does. Gus, what were you thinking?" Brian said before he could stop himself.

Brian watched tears well up in Gus' eyes. "I'm sorry, Dad. I just wanted to see Justin."

"I know. Mrs. Hadley told me. Don't cry, Gus. It'll make your head hurt more."

"I'm sorry, Dad. I really wanted to see Justin."

"At least you know I'm your dad," Brian said ignoring the last part of Gus' statement.

"What do you mean?" Gus asked trying to concentrate.

"You called me 'Cowboy Chicken'."

"I did?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised that you remembered that."

"I liked when we played Cowboy Chicken. It was fun," Gus said trying to smile but it came out more as a grimace.

"We're going to take Gus up to his room," an orderly said unlocking the brakes on the gurney.

"I want to see Justin," Gus repeated.

"Can I come with him?" Brian asked.

"Of course."

"Can you wait one second while I get Mrs. Hadley from the waiting room? She'll want to see Gus too."

"Sure," the orderly said.

Brian went out to the waiting room and called Mrs. Hadley. She gladly entered and put her hand on Gus' arm. "I'm so glad you're all right," she whispered.

"Please call Justin for me," Gus begged.

"Gus, stop worrying about Justin. Just rest," Brian said sternly.

The orderly started wheeling Gus out and the two adults followed.

"I think you should call Justin," Mrs. Hadley whispered to Brian.

"Stay out of this. You've caused enough trouble," Brian said through gritted teeth. He never appreciated being told what to do.

"Yes, sir," Mrs. Hadley said abruptly and hurried ahead to hold Gus' hand as the elevator doors opened. Brian followed them in.

Once Gus was settled in his room, Brian suggested that Mrs. Hadley go home. Brian intended to stay the night with his son.

"You need some clean clothes. I'll go back to the house and bring you some."

"Why don't you go home and ask Greg to bring me some clean clothes," Brian suggested.

"Of course, if that's what you wish."

"It's what I want."

Mrs. Hadley went over to Gus to tell him that she was leaving. He held onto her hand and begged once more. "Call Justin, please."

"You rest, Gus. I'll see you tomorrow." She turned and with a glance at Brian left the room.


"Gus, close your eyes and try to rest."

"I want to see Justin," he persisted.


Finally Gus knew he wasn't going to get his wish. He closed his eyes and drifted off. Brian sat watching his son. He wondered how everything had got so out of whack that his son who was not yet thirteen had stolen his car and tried to drive it to see his ex-lover. Brian shook his head. He knew that the root of the problem was Greg. Greg and Gus were like oil and water. They just didn't mix. And there didn't seem to be much that Brian could do about that.

Brian knew that Greg could be selfish, but he was the best sex Brian had had in years. He was insatiable and Brian had to admit that he loved that. Greg made him feel young and virile, like the old stud of Liberty Avenue, not the one he had been for the last few years, going through the motions without really finding the satisfaction that he sought.

Brian wasn't ready to give up his young lover. They suited each other too well. It was nice to know that Greg was always there, always ready, always turned on. Brian smiled slightly. If only Greg would take more of an interest in Gus, and not be so snarky to the kid, everything would work out. He'd have to talk to Greg about that … again. Greg was supposed to be the adult. If only he would act like one where Gus was concerned.

Sitting in the chair beside Gus' bed, Brian had lots of time to think. He wondered if Greg had called his office and resigned. The man had been most eager for Brian to agree to support him while he tried to find a job closer to the mansion. Brian knew deep inside that Greg had no intention of looking for a job, but that really didn't matter. He could afford to support Greg, and Brian got lots of benefits in return.

Thinking of Greg, Brian looked at his watch. Mrs. Hadley had left almost forty minutes earlier. Greg should have returned with some clean clothes by now. Brian wondered what could be holding him up.

"Mr. Kinney, I need to wake your son," a thirty-something nurse said coming into the room.

"Okay," Brian said standing up. He took Gus' hand as the nurse said his son's name and gently shook the boy's shoulder.

"Justin, Justin," Gus mumbled as he tried to focus on what was happening.

"My name's Barbara," the nurse said. "Do you know where you are?"

Gus looked around and then focused on his father. "Hospital?"

"Yes, Gus. That's good. You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened to you?" Barbara asked.

"Car … hit a tree. I feel sick," Gus groaned.

"Here," Barbara said holding a pan in front of Gus. "If you need to throw up, go ahead."

"I…" Gus started but then bent over and threw up in the pan that Barbara held in front of him. "My head," Gus moaned as she let him slide gently back against his pillow.

"It's going to hurt for a while. Try to sleep," she told the boy as she went into the bathroom and disposed of the contents of the pan. She returned with it freshly rinsed out and set it on the stand beside the bed. "He may need this again," she said.

"I think he's already asleep," Brian said holding Gus' hand.

"That's the best thing for him."

"Could you stay with him for a few minutes? I need to make a phone call."

"Sure, he'll be all right. Usually after they throw up, they rest for a while."

"I'll be back as quick as I can." Brian left the room and headed for the front of the building. He needed a fucking cigarette and he needed to find out where Greg was. It was after midnight.

Brian went out the main door only to run into Mrs. Hadley returning with a bag of clothing for him. "Where's Greg?" he asked as he took the bag from her.

"He … um … he doesn't like hospitals. He said he'd be waiting for you when you come home."

"He did, did he?" Brian asked not at all pleased.

"Should I go up to Gus?" she asked.

"I think you should go home and get some sleep. You've been a big help. Thank you."

"I … love that boy. He's a good kid," she said fiercely.

"I know and I appreciate it. The nurse is with him until I come back. I need a cigarette and I wanted to make a phone call."

"To Justin?"

"I was going to call Greg." Brian watched her face fall. "Thanks again for everything you've done tonight."

"I didn't mind in the least. I'll come in tomorrow morning and spell you off."


"Good night, Mr. Kinney."

"Night," Brian said absently. His thoughts were on Greg. Why hadn't Greg come to support him? Even if he didn't like Gus, he could have made things easier for Brian. It would be nice to have someone there to tell him everything would be all right and hold onto him when he was scared that he might lose his son.

Brian pulled out a cigarette and lit up. He took a long drag and exhaled slowly, letting the nicotine course through his system. He drew his cell phone out of the pocket of his jeans. His thumb played with the number for the mansion and the number of Greg's cell phone.

With a sigh, he pulled the piece of paper out of his other pocket and dialed the number written on it.


"Justin, this is Brian Kinney."

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