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Wild Child

Chapter 33

"Gus, what's wrong?"

Gus sat in his father's car in the parking lot at Bramley. He knew something bad was going to happen today. He just didn't know what it was. But he knew it would involve Jason Goodman, and what he had decided to do about Jason.

"It's nothing," Gus said as he opened the car door.

"If something happens or you don't feel well, call my cell or call Justin. Okay?"

"Okay, Dad, I love you."

"I love you too, Sonny Boy."

Gus closed the car door, and Brian realized that Gus hadn't protested when he called him Sonny Boy. Something was going on only he didn't know what it was.

Brian drove out of the lot. He had already decided that he wasn't going in to Kinnetik. He was going back to Britin, getting Justin and they were going to pick up the Corvette. He was excited to see if Steve really had been able to resurrect the old car. He would take Justin for a ride in it. Brian smiled to himself putting his worries about Gus out of his head.

Gus made his way into the building when the bell went. He hadn't seen Ravi and wondered if he had come to school today. Maybe he was going to quit Bramley after the way Jason Goodman had treated him. He got his books and headed for the first class. There was still no sign of Ravi.

In his third class of the morning, Gus was just taking his seat when Ravi walked in. He smiled at Gus and sat down beside him. "Hi," Ravi said.

"You're not mad at me anymore?" Gus asked with his own smile.

"Thanks for getting me away from Jason yesterday," Ravi said.

"I wish I could have done more. He'll still be after us today."

"I know," Ravi replied, his face falling.

The teacher started the lesson and there was no more time to talk. At lunch Ravi and Gus sat together. Ravi said he'd been to a dental appointment in the morning. That's why he had been late. Gus told him about his new computer. They finally exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addresses. During lunch, they saw nothing of Jason and each of them was glad of that fact.

As lunch ended and the boys were heading outside, they saw Jason sticking something that looked like bags of pot into his locker.

"He must be getting ready to sell for the weekend," Gus said to Ravi. The weekend was always the most lucrative time. He knew that from personal experience.

They quickly escaped outside for some air until the afternoon classes started. They were standing in the shade of one of the big trees when Jason Goodman grabbed Ravi from behind and pulled him around the tree, shoving the small boy up against it. Gus heard the sound of Ravi's head hitting the tree, and felt sick to his stomach. He stared for a moment and then started to run away. He heard Ravi call his name, but he kept on going.

Gus ran smack into Tony, the nice prefect. "Hey, what's wrong?" Tony asked.

"Jason's got Ravi and he threw him against a tree. I have to get the principal," Gus gasped.

"Go to the office. I'll go help Ravi," Tony said.

Gus looked at Tony in disbelief. The prefect seemed to have believed him, and more than that was going to help. Gus ran to the office as quickly as he could. The secretary didn't want to let Gus in to see the principal, who was apparently having lunch in his office. When she refused his repeated pleas, Gus decided to take matters into his own hands. He quickly dashed around the counter and ran to the principal's door.

He pushed it open and yelled, "There's a prefect picking on one of your younger students. You need to help him." Gus stood panting in the doorway as he stared at Mr. Jennings.

"What do you mean, Gus?" Mr. Jennings asked as he stood up from behind his desk.

"Please, you have to come with me. It's Ravi. Jason's hurting him."

"Jason?" Mr. Jennings asked, but he hurried around his desk and followed Gus outside.

When they got to the tree, Tony and Jason were wrestling with each other. A scared Ravi was standing nearby and some of the students were chanting, "Fight, fight, fight!"

"Enough!" Mr. Jennings yelled and the students fell silent. "What is going on here?" he demanded.

"He attacked me," Jason yelled, pointing his finger at Tony.

"That's a lie," Tony retorted. "I told him to leave the little guy alone."

"What little guy?" Mr. Jennings asked.

Everyone turned and looked at Ravi. Ravi went pale and didn't know what to say.

"Jason was harassing Ravi," Gus said stepping forward. "That's why I came to get you."

"What do you mean by harassing?" Mr. Jennings asked.

"He threatens Ravi all the time. He tells him that his kind isn't wanted here," Gus blurted out.

"Is that true, Ravi?" Mr. Jennings asked.

Ravi looked scared, but he nodded his head "yes". Gus let out a sigh of relief that his story was being corroborated. He had been afraid that Ravi might be too scared to admit what had happened. He knew Ravi's parents didn't want him to cause any trouble.

"He had Ravi shoved up against the tree and was menacing him when I got here," Tony added.

"Let's take this inside," Mr. Jennings said, remembering that most of the school was listening to all this. "Office, now!" he ordered.

"You're going to be so sorry," Jason muttered to Gus. He spat out the words, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"Don't be so sure," Gus said with more bravado than he really felt.

Once inside the school, Mr. Jennings sat them all down in various corners of the office. "They are not to speak to each other," he said to the secretary. "Call me if they do." He glared at each person letting them know that he would brook no nonsense. "Jason, come into my office."

Gus felt his courage sink. Mr. Jennings was starting with Jason. Gus could only imagine what kind of story Jason would come up with. The rest of them would likely be at fault, according to Jason anyway, and they would end up trying to defend themselves. What had he done?

Gus looked over at Ravi, who looked scared to death. He tried to smile at the smaller boy, and he mouthed, "It'll be all right."

Ravi shook his head and shrank even lower in his seat.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jason came out of the principal's office and took his seat at one side of the room. He looked smugly at Gus, and Gus knew that he had come up with some cock and bull story that the principal had believed.

"Tony, I'll see you next," Mr. Jennings said.

Tony got up, gave a look to Gus, and then passed by Jason on his way into the principal's office. Jason smirked as Tony went by. Gus had a very bad feeling about this.

"Ms Hardy," Jason said to the secretary a few minutes later, "I need to use the washroom."

Ms Hardy looked uncertain, but then nodded. Jason went to the office door. "Don't be long," she said. Jason disappeared out the door.

After a couple of minutes, Tony and Mr. Jennings came out of the office. "Sit down," Mr. Jennings said to Tony, who looked slightly shaken. "Where's Jason?" he demanded looking around the office.

"He had to use the facilities," Ms Hardy replied.

"He wasn't to be out of your sight," Mr. Jennings scowled and headed out to the hall. "No one else goes anywhere."

After a minute, Jason reappeared followed by Mr. Jennings. He sat down in his chair with a little smirk. Gus couldn't help but think of that same look on Greg Fernley's face when he had got Brian to do something that Gus didn't want him to do.

"Ravi, come in, please. No one else moves." Mr. Jennings glared at each of the other three culprits. He and Ravi disappeared into the office.

Gus shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He wondered why he was the last one to be interrogated. It was probably because of his record up in Toronto. Somehow this was going to end up being his fault. He just knew it. But he wasn't going down without a fight. He would do his very best to take Jason Goodman with him. Gus glanced over at Jason who sat serenely on his chair with his head back and his eyes closed. Gus scowled, but underneath it all, he was very worried.

Finally the door to Mr. Jennings office opened and Ravi and the principal came out. Ravi looked somewhat ashen and didn't even glance at Gus.

"Call their parents, all of them," Mr. Jennings told the secretary. He did not seem pleased with what he was hearing. "Gus, come into my office."

Reluctantly Gus followed the principal into his office. "Sit down," Mr. Jennings ordered. "Let's hear what you have to say for yourself."

"Um … I'm not sure what … what you mean," Gus stammered.

"Why did you come and get me?"

"Because Jason was picking on Ravi, and I wanted it stopped."

"And what would you say if I told you that both Jason and Ravi deny that any such thing was happening?" Mr. Jennings asked. He sat behind his big desk, his fingers tented and waited for Gus to answer.

Gus felt the color drain from his face. Ravi hadn't backed him up. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he had let Jason off the hook. And by doing that, he had effectively screwed his friend. Gus took a deep breath. "If Ravi said that, it's because he doesn't want to cause trouble. His parents don't want him to make waves here."

Mr. Jennings stared at Gus. After a minute he said, "Tell me about Jason."

"What about Jason?" Gus said frowning. He felt like he was being sucked into something without any idea of where it was going to take him.

"You don't like Jason, do you?"


"Why not?"

"He … he's not very nice."

"In what way?"

Gus sucked in a breath and debated what to say. He could just say that he didn't like Jason and that the prefect picked on smaller kids. That would probably cause the least trouble, but then nothing would change, and they would have to put up with Jason's harassment for the rest of the year. Or, he could tell the truth of what he knew about Jason and stand up for himself and Ravi and all the kids that Jason bullied. He could also spill the beans about the drugs. Gus felt the little vial which he had put in his pocket that morning. He remembered what Dr. Marla had told him about standing up for himself. He also remembered how his father had stood up to Greg the night before. He made his decision.

"Jason is a bully. He picks on the smaller kids, and anyone who's different, like Ravi."

"You mean he's prejudiced?"

Gus nodded. "And … he … he…"

"What, Gus?" Mr. Jennings said in a gentle voice. "You might as well tell me it all."

"He gave me this," Gus said and held out the vial of coke which he had retrieved from his pocket.

"Is that…?" Mr. Jennings asked holding out his hand to take the vial.

"Cocaine, I think," Gus said.

"Why would Jason give you this?" Mr. Jennings frowned.

"It's an old trick. The first one's free, and then you pay through the nose once you're hooked."

"And are you hooked?" Mr. Jennings asked pointedly.

"No," Gus said emphatically. "I haven't even opened it."

"How do you know all this?"

"I had some bad experiences in Toronto," Gus admitted.

"But you haven't touched drugs here at Bramley?"

"No, but I've seen Jason selling to other kids."

"But … he's a prefect," Mr. Jennings said looking like his world had suddenly been tossed upside down. There were drugs at Bramley, and apparently many students were involved, maybe one of his prefects.

"There are good prefects and bad ones," Gus said thinking about what Justin had told him about St. James.

"So it seems," Mr. Jennings said with a frown. "Are you sure about all of this?"

"Yes, and I saw Jason putting packets of pot in his locker this morning," Gus said deciding that now was the time for everything to come out.

"Is that right?" Mr. Jennings asked raising an eyebrow. "So, if we went to Jason's locker right now, we should find marijuana inside, packets ready to be sold?" Gus nodded. "And what would we find in your locker?" Mr. Jennings asked staring at Gus.

"Huh?" Gus asked.

"I said, 'What would I find in your locker?'"

"My books and stuff," Gus said suddenly feeling like he wanted to throw up.

"Jason tells me that you and Ravi are the ones selling drugs, and that he was trying to make you both stop. That's why he was threatening Ravi."

"That's a total lie. It's Jason that's selling." Gus felt his heart start to pound.

"So if we go to your locker, there won't be any drugs inside?"

"There … there shouldn't be."

"You don't sound very sure of that."

"I'm not selling drugs," Gus stated emphatically, but he had a sinking feeling about what Jason might have been doing when he went to the restroom.

"Then let's open your locker," Mr. Jennings said.

"I … I don't know," Gus stammered.

"If you aren't selling then there should be no problem."

"Then open Jason's too," Gus said defiantly.

Mr. Jennings looked at Gus wondering just what he was dealing with. The buzzer on the phone rang and Mr. Jennings picked it up. "I see," he said. "I'll be right out. Your father is here, and so are the other parents."

Gus followed Mr. Jennings to the outer office. He saw his father and Justin, both looking worried, standing amidst several other adults, two of which had to be Ravi's parents. They were all on the outside of the office counter. Jason, Ravi and Tony were still sitting in their assigned chairs behind the counter.

"What's the meaning of this?" demanded a big man.

"Mr. Goodman, I'm trying to get to the bottom of some very serious accusations," Mr. Jennings started to explain.

"What does that have to so with my son? He's a prefect!" Mr. Goodman demanded.

"I need to have each student go to their locker and open it," Mr. Jennings said. "Do I have your permission?" He looked pointedly at all the parents. They looked confused but nodded, giving their permission.

Mr. Jennings led them all out to the hall. Tony's locker was first. He opened it and Mr. Jennings found a few packets of pot after a brief examination. Tony looked horrified and started to explain that he had no idea where it came from. "Silence!" Mr. Jennings ordered. He stepped to the office door. "Call the police," he told Ms Hardy, who looked terrified. "Jason, open your locker," he commanded.

With a smirk, Jason opened his locker. Nothing of interest was found.

"See, I told you," his father protested.

"Please, be quiet until this is completed," Mr. Jennings said. "Ravi, open your locker," he ordered as they moved down the hall. Gus held his breath. He almost knew what the principal was going to find. Sure enough, Mr. Jennings pulled out some more packets of pot. Ravi's parents looked mortified, and Gus could see tears start down Ravi's face.

Brian and Justin looked at Gus. Gus walked determinedly to his locker and opened it. He already knew what was inside. Jason had obviously planted the pot from his locker in theirs when he supposedly went to the washroom. Gus wondered how he had been able to get into their lockers. But it really didn't matter. They were all doomed. Jason was going to win. He'd get off scot free and they'd be the ones in trouble. Sure enough, Mr. Jennings pulled out the largest amount of pot from Gus' locker.

"I guess we have our answer," Mr. Jennings said. "I guess I shouldn't have made an exception for you, Gus. I thought you wanted a fresh start, and I tried to give you one. You've let us all down."

"But," Gus began. "This isn't mine or Ravi's or Tony's. It's Jason's pot. I saw him put it in his locker this morning." He looked at Brian who was visibly upset. Gus hated that his father thought that he had let him down once again.

"Then how did it get in your lockers?" Mr. Jennings asked pointedly.

Gus looked at the floor. He really didn't have an answer as to how Jason had worked the switch.

"My son is not doing drugs," Brian said stepping forward. "He is not selling drugs."

Gus smiled wanly at his father. It was good to have Brian defend him. "It's not my stuff, Dad."

"I know, Gus."

"You may believe that, Mr. Kinney, but the evidence says otherwise."

"Then the evidence is wrong!" Brian stated.

"Mr. Jennings," Tony interrupted. "Jason has a list of lockers and combinations."

"I do not!" Jason hastily interjected.

"Yes, he does," Tony argued. "He showed it to me when he was planning to sabotage some of the lockers by filling them with oatmeal or jello or sauerkraut or something else disgusting. He thought he'd get rid of some of the kids that he didn't think belonged here at Bramley. Ravi's locker was one of the ones he was planning to do."

"That's a lie!" Jason replied suddenly looking frightened. "Shut up!"

"I don't have to shut up," Tony replied. "I'm sick of all your schemes, and God knows what else you're involved in. You think you run this damn school!"

"I run this school," Mr. Jennings said, although he felt like he had really lost control.

"Mr. Jennings," Justin said stepping forward. "I think I saw Jason dealing drugs out of the trunk of his car one night after school."

"What?" Mr. Jennings reacted.

"That's a fucking lie!" Jason yelled. The blood vessel in his temple looked like it was about to pop.

"There's one way to find out. Let's look in the car," Justin said reasonably.

"No!" Jason stated. He looked pleadingly at his father.

Mr. Goodman looked stunned, but had to back up his son. "I don't see why Jason should have to open his car when these boys are the ones that have the drugs."

"Perhaps the police can convince him otherwise," Mr. Jennings said as two officers walked down the hall towards them. Mr. Jennings walked over to them to explain the situation.

Each of the parents moved to be beside their child.

"Are you all right, Gus?" Brian asked.

"I'm scared, Dad. Those drugs aren't mine. I swear!"

"I believe you," Brian said giving his son a hug.

"Jason," one of the officers said. "You can open your car voluntarily or we'll pry it open for you."

"You can't do that!" Jason's father protested.

"We have probable cause, and a witness who says he saw your son selling drugs." The officer looked at Justin who nodded.

"That guy! He's a fag … and a liar!" Jason yelled.

"He's my father's partner and he is not a liar," Gus retorted.

"Let's go, son," Mr. Goodman said realizing that they were beat. He dreaded what might be found in Jason's car.

Some time later, Brian, Justin and Gus walked out the front door of Bramley Hall. Brian had one arm around Gus' shoulder and a big smile on his face. The other arm was around Justin's shoulder. They all looked relieved and excited.

"I think it's time to go home," Brian stated.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," Gus said. "I didn't think anybody would believe me."

"I'll always believe you, Gus," Brian said. "You haven't lied to me yet, and I hope you never will."

Gus grinned and shook his head. He knew he would never lie to his father, at least he would try never to do that. "And thanks to Justin for thinking about what we had seen in the parking lot."

"You're welcome," Justin smiled.

"I have one smart partner," Brian said kissing Justin's cheek.

"I'm glad it turned out the way it did," Gus said. "I thought for a while that I was going to get blamed for everything."

"They found enough drugs in Jason's car to make it clear who the dealer was," Justin replied.

As they reached the parking lot, Gus looked up to see the Corvette parked in one of the visitor spots. "It's fixed!" he said. "Does it work all right?"

"Better than ever," Brian smiled.

"Your dad had just taken me for a ride in the revitalized Corvette when we got the call to come to the school," Justin explained. "Do you want to drive with your dad and I'll bring the Mercedes?"

"Sure," Gus said.

"Gus," a voice called. It was Ravi and his parents who were just coming out of the school. "Thanks for trying to help me. Maybe Jason won't be back at Bramley to bother us anymore," he added.

"I hope so," Gus said.

"We'd like to thank you too, Gus," Ravi's father said holding out his hand to shake Gus'.

"That's okay," Gus said shaking the proffered hand. "Friends stick up for each other, right, Ravi?" Ravi nodded. "Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Anand, this is my father, Brian Kinney, and his partner, Justin Taylor."

"Nice to meet you," said the Anands. They all shook hands. "Perhaps you could come over to our house this weekend, Gus. Maybe you and Ravi would like to play together?"

Ravi and Gus exchanged exasperated looks. They were too old to play, but parents never understood that.

"Yeah, we could hang out," Gus said. "Call me, Ravi." The Anands walked away to their car.

Just then Tony came out of the school with his parents. He waved and gave a thumbs up to Gus, who returned the gesture.

"Looks like you've made some friends, Gus," Brian said.

"Looks like," Gus grinned.

"Then I think we should head home and have some quality family time together," Brian stated with a straight face.

"Huh?" Gus and Justin reacted. "Who are you?" they both asked at the same time.

"I'm Brian fucking Kinney, and I am the luckiest man alive."

"You got that right," Justin said as he kissed Brian's cheek.

"I'm glad you think so, Dad," Gus said as he kissed Brian's other cheek.

"I know so," Brian smiled. His world had never looked brighter. "Let's go, men."


Gus got into the Corvette with his father. The Anands waved as they drove past in their car. Justin walked over to the Mercedes. He stopped and looked at Brian and Gus who were laughing together as Brian started the Corvette. It was good to be home, to really have a home and a family … with Brian and Gus. This was everything he had ever wanted, and now finally it was what Brian wanted too. They were a family in all the ways that mattered. He started up the Mercedes and followed his partner out of the school. It really was time to go home.

The End.
Thyme is the author of 54 other stories.
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