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On Saturday morning, Brian woke up at the crack of dawn, unable to fall back asleep. They had made love until the late hours of the night, which resulted in barely three hours of full sleep for Brian. Though, apparently, his brain had decided that was enough.

Brian had learned how to make waffles, so he was waiting for them to cook when his phone buzzed on the counter top.

“Morning, Evan,” he answered promptly.

“Brian, you’re awake!”

“Yes. Why?” He plated the cooked waffles, adding more mixture for new ones.

“You’re not home. You didn’t come home last night.”

Brian froze. “Where are you?”

“Home. I changed my mind on our plan. Surprisingly, I don’t need anyone else. You’re enough to satisfy me. Just like before.”

“Is that a joke? I clearly remember you fucking other guys,” Brian retorted. “As for where I am, it doesn’t matter.”

“Did you go home with one of your tricks?”


“Then you can leave. How about breakfast at Toscana Sunrise?” Evan asked, excitedly. “I could pick you up from wherever you are. I see your car is here.”

Brian finished the waffles, glaring out the window. He had to think fast and get out of this mess. “I’m staying for breakfast. See you later.” He hung up, hating himself for what he had to do in order to be happy.

He carried the plate of waffles and the maple syrup upstairs, setting them on the bedside table before returning to the kitchen to make coffee. When he returned, Justin was in the same position he had left him – spread eagle, snoring softly.

Brian leaned over Justin's back, kissing his shoulder, earning a soft grunt from Justin.

“Wakey, wakey, Sunshine.”

Justin tugged the pillow over his head, mumbling something unintelligible.

“I made you breakfast in bed, and you’re acting like a brat.”

Justin poked his head out from under the pillow, cracking an eye open. His nose twitched adorably, making Brian catch his lips in a soft kiss.

“Good morning.”

“Morning.” Justin pulled away, smiling. He rolled on his back, stretching and yawning loudly. Slowly, he sat up, leaning against the headboard. “One could get used to this,” he said, accepting his coffee cup.

“I decided to spoil you. Now, don’t get used to it.”

Justin's eyes widened when Brian offered him the waffles. He grabbed one after pouring liberal amounts of maple syrup on it. “Fuck! Delicious,” Justin moaned loudly, licking syrup off his fingers. “I ov u oh muah!”

Brian laughed, resting his back against the headboard, enjoying his coffee.

“Haf one!” Justin pushed a waffle to Brian's lips. Brian had no other choice but to bite into the cookie. Then Justin descended, licking his lips, prying his mouth open.

“I thought I was sweet enough without the excess of maple syrup on my face,” Brian joked.

Justin smirked. “I plan on sweetening every inch of you.”


“I promise to clean you afterwards. Thoroughly. With my tongue.”

Brian's dick stood at attention, making them both chuckle.

Brian linked his hands behind his head. “My body is ready.”

Justin threw his head back, laughing loudly. He gulped more coffee before setting aside his cup and the waffles. Armed with the syrup, he turned Brian into his breakfast.


On the drive back into town, Justin was curled up in the passenger seat of his car. His arms were wrapped around his stomach, and he was regretting his choice of fun.

“I told you not to do it, but do you ever listen to me? No. You had to pour every last drop of that thing on me,” Brian admonished him, though there was concern into his eyes.

“Let me die in peace,” Justin grunted. “Fuck. Why didn’t you stop me?” He pressed his hands into his stomach as another cramp hit him, followed by a wave of nausea.

“I tried, but you wouldn’t listen.”

Justin's phone ringing made him moan pitifully. “Hey, Mom,” he mumbled.

“Are you running late? We’re waiting for you to start brunch.”

“Shit. Uh, raincheck? Besides, didn’t you cancel it yesterday?”

“Tuck’s feeling better! You’re coming. Tuck made waffles.”

“I’m going to be sick,” Justin groaned.

“You don’t like waffles anymore?” His mom asked, surprised.

“I’m gonna vomit! Pull over,” Justin demanded, throwing his phone in Brian's direction. The second they were parked, he opened the door and bent over. He was aware of Brian talking to his mother, but that was the least of his worries.

When he felt human again, he took a sip from the bottle of water Brian handed him, rinsing out his mouth. Justin shut the door, slouching in the seat, refusing to even look at Brian.

“Your mother expects both of us for brunch, dear.”

“Did you mention to her that I’m currently dying?”

“Did you barf up your brain? She wants me there!”

“She likes you, Brian. Didn’t you say that you were besties after I left? I bet she thinks we’re just friends.”

“I hope so.”

Brian kept a hand on Justin's leg for the rest of the drive, moving it to his back when he moaned pitifully.

“Maybe your mom has something against nausea?”

“Next time I decide to do something so utterly stupid, stop me. You can bodily restrain me if needed.” Justin cringed as another cramp hit him. “I’m never going to be able to look at maple syrup the same again.”

Brian chuckled, parking in front of Jennifer's house. “Ready?”

“Not in the least.”

Justin stood so close to Brian that he was leaning into him while he waited for his mom to open the front door. She gave them a disapproving look, ushering them inside.

“Shit.” Justin headed to the bathroom, ready to expel all of the maple syrup and cum from his body.

When he joined everyone in the living room, Brian stood promptly. He helped him down, offering him water.

“I thought you made up an excuse for not coming,” his mom said, worried.

“It’s indigestion,” Justin lied, his face burning in embarrassment. “You had cancelled brunch, so I accepted Brian's breakfast invitation. I ate too many waffles.”

“I could make you something else,” Tucker offered.

“Some orange juice, please.”

“So what’s going on?” his mom asked, the second the three of them were alone in the room.

“We work together. We’re friends,” Justin explained.

“I thought you stopped lying to me, honey.” She glanced at Brian, who was busy cutting around the yolk of an egg. “This is dangerous.”

“I feel too sick to argue with you, Mom. Leave us alone. Where’s Molly?”

“At a friend’s,” Tuck answered, returning with Justin's OJ.

“Thanks. You let her spend the night at a friend’s?” he gasped.

“You were allowed to stay over at Daphne’s. I don’t see why she shouldn’t—”

“Mom, half of the time you thought I was at Daphne’s, I was in Brian's bed.”

“Molly doesn’t have a boyfriend,” she explained.

“That you know of,” Justin and Tuck said at the same time, then shared a knowing look.

“What? You know something and you haven’t told me?” Jennifer rounded on Tucker.

“I’m just saying, hon. She’s eighteen.”

Brian had his lips pulled inside his mouth, watching entertained. Justin caught his eye, grinning.

“Feeling better?” Brian checked.

“A little.”

“Want the yolk?”

Justin contemplated if it was wise to try eating, but the decision was made when Brian lifted his fork with some of the yolk on it. There was a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, and Justin could only imagine what Brian was thinking. He was probably remembering the way they used to share food and divide the parts they each liked.

“Just friends, my ass!”

Jennifer’s exclamation made both Brian and Justin snap out of it. Justin leaned against the back of his chair, realizing he had been invading Brian's personal space.

“Jen,” Tuck gasped, surprised by her language.

“Friends who want to bone, maybe,” she added, laughing.

“Mom!” Justin pressed his hands to his face.

“Jen, you know I respect both, you and your son. Believe me, I’m trying to get out of this situation and make everything right,” Brian said in a serious voice.

Justin watched amused as his mother blushed. She stammered, before answering. “Of course, you do. Knowing your history, I assumed…”

“You assumed correct. I love Justin too much, and I can’t stay away. We’re both careful, so don’t worry,” Brian explained.

“I thought we were keeping it a secret,” Justin gasped, ignoring his mother’s scandalized look.

“You told Daphne; I don’t see any harm in telling your mother.”

“Who’s next? Debbie? Michael? Might as well shout it out loud in the middle of the busiest shift at the diner,” Justin muttered, pushing away from the table. “I need a smoke. Don’t follow me!”

He couldn’t believe Brian had outed their supposedly taboo relationship to his mother. She might smile and be nice in front of Brian, but she would give Justin hell when she caught him alone.

When he found himself outside, Justin realized he didn’t have any cigarettes or a lighter on him. Upset with himself, he stomped back inside.

Brian was in the middle of explaining how he planned to regain his clients while showing everything he hadn’t done anything illegal to earn their stigma.

Justin grabbed Brian's jacket from the sofa, searching for the smokes.

“Hey! What the fuck?” Brian snapped.

“I want a ciggie and a lighter,” Justin muttered.

“Right pocket. One,” Brian insisted.

Justin noticed there were only three left, so he accepted to enjoy one lone cigarette. “Thanks,” he whispered, passing Brian on his way out. He made a cup of coffee before taking a seat on the front step.

He barely got two drags of the ciggie when the front door opened behind him.

“I said I wanted to be alone, Brian.”

Justin felt the anger rising in him when Brian had the nerve to sit next to him. When he turned to give him an earful, he gasped. Tucker was to his left, wearing a sheepish look.

“Did they send you to pacify me?” Justin rolled his eyes, taking a sip from his coffee.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better, thanks.”

“No, I mean…you weren’t well earlier.”

“Yes.” Justin nodded. “I’m feeling better, but Brian managed to upset me by confessing to Mom. What the fuck is wrong with him?”

“Sometimes, it’s okay for other people to know about a secret. Of course, those people have to be trustworthy.”

“Speaking from experience?”

Tucker linked his hands between his spread knees. “When Jenny told you about our relationship, I was scared shitless. We planned it, but it still scared me.”

“This is different. Neither of you risked jail!” Justin inhaled nicotine. “Fuck,” he spat.

“I was a teacher at Molly’s school. I was her teacher. It’s kind of similar.”

“Yet, nothing like what we’re facing.”

The front door opened again, and this time Brian was there. “Can we talk?”

Justin nearly choked on his spit. It was the first time Brian wanted to talk about their current problems.

“I’ll be inside,” Tucker said, allowing them some privacy.

Brian sat close to Justin, plucking the cigarette from his fingers, taking a hit. “Your mom said you’re looking for an apartment.”

“And I’m not having any luck.”

Brian exhaled to the sky. “Promise not to bite my head off, before you think through my proposal?”

Justin was mesmerized by the poofs of smoke leaving Brian's mouth as he talked. “And what do you propose?”

“Move into Britin.”

Brian had a talent of oversimplifying everything and making it look natural. In truth, Justin moving into his engagement present from Brian would be one of his dreams coming true, he had always feel safe there. But Brian would be the one visiting, giving him a sense of an imaginary life that might never be possible.

“You call the shots. If you don’t want me over, just say the word. If you want to bring someone home, I won’t care. But I draw the line at you paying all the bills. We can split.”

Justin smiled. “I think that’s a good idea. Did you ever bring anyone there?”

“Absolutely not!”

“Then I won’t do it, either. That house is ours,” Justin said gently. “It’s sacred.”

“So this means you agree to move in there?”

“Yeah. I’ll have to talk to Daphne, but I might move in next weekend.” Justin shrugged. “Thank you.”

Brian kissed his cheek, offering him the last of the cigarette. “I’m sorry for telling your mom.”

“Don’t be. She’d have gone ballistic if she found out later.”





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