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I'm throwing this out there because I love season 4 gapfiller, and I really want a new story to read that's a little bit hurt/comfort, a little bit angst, etc. 

I would love to see some detailed gapfiller of Brian's POV of the Liberty Ride, from his motivation/decision-making process to meet the group in Toronto and participate anyhow (and why it was important to him to do it)...then why he kept going even after breaking his collarbone. His thought process behind what he said to Michael about "if I can survive this, I can survive anything." Then the two of them finishing the ride together. After that, maybe picking up with Brian and Justin at home.

Please no anti-Michael...I feel he was very much in the supportive friend role here, just as Brian was for him with the wedding.

I've never read or found anything that was very in-depth about this time period from Brian's point of view, and it seems like there are a lot of gaps to fill.

I'd love to read this...please someone write it!

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