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Last night was excellent fun, but whilst Lord Victor looks very relaxed, Lady Deborah looks all of her years. She wasn’t present when I put him firmly in his place, but after she was informed of his behaviour she immediately went to see him. 

It is 0759, and I am beginning to get a little pinched. 

“Master Michael is here.” Emmett announces. The smile on his face is so malicious; Lady Deborah’s thoughts on him even more so! 

“Thank you, Emmett, now please, take your seat. I will grant him entry.” He quickly joins Lord Victor. The hall quietens till the only sound is the clock. “I'm waiting for my apology!” I bellow.

“Good morning, Elder…” Michael stops talking and walking as he takes in the fullness of the hall. “...oh. I thought it would be just the two of us.”

“Why? You called me a shitbag and said I was behaving like a hoodlum in front of everyone, so naturally, I feel you should apologise to me and them. I would afford you the same courtesy if I was stupid enough to behave like that. You may begin.”

“I’m sorry that I snapped at you yesterday. I feel embarrassed and ashamed by the way I acted. It will never happen again.”

“Why did you feel that you could talk to anyone, let alone me, with such arrogance?” I ask.

“I don’t understand the question.” He replies, but I feel the clench of his fist.

“Never mind. The apology, as generic as it was, is accepted by me, what say the rest of you? Who speaks for the coven?” The stunned silence stretches on. “I am serious, he must be forgiven by one and all, so who accepts?”


“Lady Deborah, please, you will always accept your son. It has to be someone else.”

“Of course, Elder Statesman.” She demurs. Like her son, I feel her annoyance at the silence.

“I will accept.” David stands. “On behalf of the coven, I accept.” 

“Thank you.” I nod. “Now, if you could take your seat, the Master Lieutenants will take us through the rest of the day's activities.”


Brian and I decided to keep fang-gate quiet until we are in Lithgow or Ireland. We are still having a heated discussion about where that should be. He wants Lithgow because of the ortaniques, and, to be honest, I can see his point; but I want Ireland, just in case we need to come back quickly. He said after training we can toss for it. I suspect he doesn’t mean with coins, well I hope not! He is the best...

“Master Lieutenant Taylor, the floor is yours.” Elder Statesman Maurice prompts.

“Yes, thank you.” I feel the excitement in the air. I look at Brian, he smirks again; we need to talk some more about this Warlock thing! “Today we will be training Michael, Christopher, and David on the art…”

“David? Why is he joining the training?” Lady Deborah sounds confused as opposed to snarky.

“As the person who would rule by his side, why would he not?” I ask.

“Can we please save all questions until after he has finished?” Elder Statesman Angelina demands.

“Of course.” 

“Thank you, Lady Deborah. As I was saying, all three will be trained on the art of axe throwing. Yes, this is unusual in that it is old fashioned, much like the bolass, but that is the advantage to it. Nobody presently outside this coven will see it coming should it need to be pressed into action.” This causes surprise to most, but not all attendees. “Any questions before we begin?”

“Yes.” Equerry Sapperstein stands. “What do you mean that nobody presently outside this coven will see it coming?”

“Exactly that.” I reply smoothly. “The training starts in an hour, so…” I am interrupted by Hunter standing up. “...is there something wrong?”

“There is someone outside…” He waves his iPad at me. “...should I let them in?” 

“Excuse me, Hunter…” Lady Deborah stands. “...whilst I appreciate the deference you are showing them, this is our coven, and it is us that say who can and cannot enter.”

“My apologies, Lady Deobrah…” Hunter swivels his head slightly. “...Lord Victor,  may I let them in?”

“Yes, you may.” Lord Victor smiles. 


People are smirking, much like they were last night! Michael and I exchange looks as we wait for whoever to come in. When the door opens, Hunter is first. He looks unimpressed.

“Elder Statesmen, Aldermen, Lord and Lady Deborah, esteemed guests, this is James Dixon. He wishes to converse with Lord Victor and Lady Deborah.” 

“Thank you, Hunter.” I snipe, still smarting from his deference to Vic. “What business do we have, Mr Dixon?”

“It has recently come to my attention that I am the birth father of Master Michael.” 

“I beg your pardon?!” Michael gasps, looking from me to him. “How is this possible?! I mean, I know how, but how are you here?!”

“I am here to get to know…” James pauses. “...I am sorry, but don’t I know you?”

“To whom are you speaking?” Vic asks.

“That guy there. I do know you, don’t I?” James asks, pointing at Master Lieutenant Taylor.

“Yes, I was your son until my Mother left and took me with her.” James blinks a couple of times. “So, are you going to answer his question?”

“Your son? Does that make us brothers?!” Michael gapes. “I thought that there was a…”

“No! Like you, I was adopted. Besides, I am a Pureblood. You and he are both halflings, and…”

“I am a grown up, and so is he!” James snaps. “We are older than you, you will treat us with respect!”

“Excuse me, Mr Dixon.” Vic approaches him. “I am older than you. Besides, Michael has never treated me with respect. Having met you, I can somewhat see where he gets his attitude from. What proof do you have of your lineage? Anybody can come and say that they are whatever.”

“I can assure that my line to Michael is true. And…”

“Lord Victor, it is.” Elder Statesman Angelina states, which silences the hall and causes James and Michael to smile. “The lines are proven. Now the question is, how did you find this out?”

“A member of his birth mother’s family approached me. Sadly, it was a deathbed revelation.”

“What was her name?” I ask.


I regard this miscreant who made Justin’s life miserable. “When? And how did you find your way here?”

“Who are...oh! Master Lieutenant Kinney!” He strides towards me, hand outstretched. “It is truly an honour to meet you! I have such respect for you, the skillset is incredible!” I take his hand and enjoy his wince as I squeeze. “I never in a million years thought that my training would in some way enable Justin to be your Master at Arms.”

“It didn’t. He achieved what he achieved by himself. She is my Master at Arms, Melanie Marcus.” Mel waves from where she is sitting. “And this strapping fellow is Benjamin Bruckner. He is Master of Arms for Master Lieutenant Taylor. In other words, he is my equal, so, if you are treating me with such respect, you will do the same for him, unless, of course, you wish to disrespect us both, which won’t impact our decision making at all.”


I feel Sapperstein’s glower. “I apologise, Justin, for…”

“Master Lieutenant Taylor.” He interrupts. “And whilst I thank Master Lieutenant Kinney for his defence, I do not want your apology. I long stopped wanting things from you.” He walks past me. “In light of these new developments, perhaps Michael and his Daddy could be allowed to get to know each other? We can reschedule the training for tomorrow.”

“That’s an excellent idea!” Michael declares. “Come…”

“I said we could, not that we would. We will simply have it later in the afternoon instead.” Justin states. “Be ready for four pm, not a minute later.” He turns back the Elder and Aldermen, they nod, then he leaves without looking back. He is swiftly followed by Master Lieutenant Kinney and their Masters at Arms.

Now that is galling! I had heard of the Master Lieutenants, obviously, but never thought he would ever amount to one! 

“Dad. Can I call you Dad?” Michael, being right in my face, startles me. “Well, can I?! I have never had one before!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Michael, of course you’ve had a father, you’ve just not known who he is!”

I turn to the owner of the exasperated tone. “And you are?” I sneer.

“David. And I notice you didn’t answer the questions.” He retorts. “Why have you suddenly decided to turn up now? Surely she must have told you of the pregnancy?”

“Why would she have told him? Why are you speaking to my father, your future father-in-law, for now, like that?!” Michael gets between us. “Apologise immediately to both of us; because of your rudeness to Dad and how long you took to accept my apology!”

“I am glad you noticed that, Michael!” Lady Deborah growls. “By humiliating my son, you have tainted his authority and leadership of…”


“I understand that, Alderman…”

“No, you clearly don’t!” Lord Victor snarls. “Before you incur further wrath, take them to your quarters and have a jolly family time in there!”

“Come on, Michael, James, let’s…”

“Not before I get our apologies from David!” I assert. 

“Nope. Like your Uncle said, you are your father’s son!” David snaps before walking out.

“Are you sure you want to have him as your consort?!” I fume. “He is so rude and disrespectful!”

“Only to me though. He seems to be all sunshine and flowers with Christopher!” Michael grumbles as he leads us out.


“Sapperstein.” I call over my shoulder. “You can return to our Chambers.” He looks surprised. “I know that you have been worried about the build up of your duties whilst you have been here.”

“I...yes, whilst that is true, but…” He babbles before Maurice beats Angelina in blooming him away, still babbling. “Now everyone else, please return to your duties!” I wait for the hall to clear. “Maurice, if you could…”

“The hall is still sealed.” He interjects with a smile. “What’s going on?” 

I get comfortable. “JR happened. As Lindsay was taking her up to bed last night, she asked to stay with her, as in at her coven.” Eyebrows go up. “And she wanted Gus and Hunter to go with them.”

“Ah...I had wondered why they weren’t here, but how was Hunter…”

“He ran back. It’s not too far.” I chuckle briefly. “She feels creeped out by Sapperstein, said she felt the same way about Michael.” 

“Hmm, an interesting revelation.” Angelina sighs, then smiles. “But I am more interested in what Justin said…”

“You noticed that too?” I chortle. 

“We all did, but the denser amongst us haven’t taken it on board.” Angelina smirks. “I wonder how he is going to reward him for his ingenuity.”




“What?” Brian bats his eyes.

“Please take a seat. Comfy?” When he nods, I straddle him before placing kisses down his neck. “So, you War-flexed with a vortex after the hall was sealed?”

“Uh huh.” He replies, before cupping my butt. “No matter how hard they try, they will be unable to tell Dixon what happened over the last few days. Nobody can…”

“So any ideas as to why he bloomed him?” I squirm at his palming. “And where to, is he back in Iceland?”

“Nope, Wales. So that makes Ireland the most sensible choice.”

“Hmm. Shame; I was looking forward to the toss off.”

“Oh, that is still going to happen!” He growls, before flipping me on my back, then sliding down my body.


Chapter End Notes:

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