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I am trying not to show fear, but it is very difficult not to! I had never heard of ‘delving’, and when the truth came out about all four of us, the room went quiet. Now it is just the Aldermen, Elder Statesman Angelina, Maurice and Rodney, Lord Victor, Emmett, and, although I am not sure why, Master George and Master Drew. My only relief is that Justin is not here to witness this!

“Where are the Master Lieutenants?” Michael asks.

“Securing everything for repatriation.” Alderman Caroline answers.

“Repatriation?” Thomas quavers. “What does that mean? All I did was put the powder in his food. I didn’t do half the stuff they did!”

“You don’t expect us to believe that, do you?!” Alderman Lorelle thunders. “Every Vamp, pure or half, knows what effect that has! You are as guilty of their crimes as they are!”


“Silence, Thomas! By them, I mean Sapperstein and Dixon, not the other two. Actually, get them out of here!” They leave in silence. “You can come in now!” 

The side door opens and Justin enters, followed by Master Lieutenant Kinney.

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world!” He states as he approaches us.

“You may proceed, Master Lieutenant. Halfling Thomas is first.” Alderman Caroline orders.

He grabs Thimas firmly by his chin. “Open your eyes, Halfling, take one last look around.” 

“Please. I just…”

“Why do it?” The question is a surprise to both of us. “Delving gives us the what, not the why, so why blindly follow them in this? You might as well tell us.” His grip on his chin tightens, making Thomas wince.

“I wanted to be the head of the household! Sapperstein said I would be, if I helped them.”

“I see. Bring it to me!” A man approaches with a tray. “You’re very lucky, Halfling, being so young. Now eat.” 

“I don’t understand…”

“I said eat, not speak!” Justin spits. “You do not want my assistance!” The room is silent as he does as he’s bid. “Did you enjoy that? Part of your last meal as a Halfling.”

“My last meal?” Thomas questions, then gasps before dropping to the floor, as he writhes around for a while before going still. At first I think he’s dead, but then he slowly sits up, and there is a young boy, no older than 13! “What? No! I don't want to be human! I don’t want to be!” 

“Be grateful for two things: one, you were so young when you matured into a Halfling, or you would suffer a much worse fate!” Justin snaps, causing Thomas to frown. “Nobody is born a Halfling, you are only born or made Pure. Some humans don’t change, some do; again be grateful! Take him away and make sure he finishes it!” He orders.

“What are you going to do with him?!” I demand as the shouting and swearing of Thomas fades away.

“Making sure he never matures into a Halfling again, it is very rare but possible. We’re not taking the chance.” Alderman Caroline states.

“Don’t look so appalled, you conniving fucker!” Emmett snaps. “The things you had him do to Lord Victor! She's been planning for years, not only to get absolution for Michael but to be the one thing she wanted, felt was her right, which was to be Queen! Not Ladyship, but Queen, the first Queen Halfling!” 

“Queen?” Lord Victor echoes. “How?”

“Of course she didn’t tell you.” Alderman Earl sighs. “Rodney, perhaps when you two are alone, you could explain it. The less people that hear, the better!”

“Tell me now, please. I do not want my home sullied with...wait, she didn’t? She surely didn’t suggest that, as she and Michael are not biologically related, that they marry?!”

“Not suggest, no, but the thought did cross her mind.” Alderman Rodney winces. “But then came the other idea, didn’t it Dixon? Once Michael ascended, you and Deborah would marry, he would then abdicate and she would rule. But I can assure you, Dixon, that Thomas is unharmed…”

“...you on the other hand will not be.” I look up into the cold eyes of Justin. 

“Bring it to me!” Master Lieutenant Kinney orders. The smell is appalling! Whatever is on the plate seems to be still moving. “Move, Justin.” 

“Is that what he had?” He asks as he backs away.

“No. This is the heart. Brandon kept it functioning. Now you can eat.”

“I refuse!” I snarl, then start running. I’m surprised to make it to the door but then I’m yanked back to where I was then swiftly turned around. When I’m faced with Brandon, I try to step back, but can’t. In fact, I can’t move at all. “What is...umph!” 

“Chew or take it down whole, either way you are ingesting it!” Brandon states before my mouth is ‘snapped shut’. “Whole it is then.” I try to stop my swallowing, but it hits my stomach in seconds. “Let him go!” 

I try to make myself vomit, but nothing comes up. In fact, nothing is happening to me. I don’t understand, I feel no pain, I don’t look or feel any different.

“Well, that didn’t work, did it?” I assert smugly taking in their incredulous looks.

“It worked perfectly.” Justin replies, before a man hands him a long rectangular object which hides him from my view. He sets it up on it’s stand, then comes to my side. “Do you know what a wraith is?” I try to think, but my mind is foggy. I shake my head to clear it, which he takes that to mean no. “It’s a ghost-like image of someone, especially seen shortly before or after their death. Turn it, please!”

Brandon obeys and it’s a mirror…but I can’t see myself. I can see everything but me! “What have you done?!” I demand.

“Turned you into a wraith, bringing you as close to death as we can without killing you. Now, you have two choices: live as a wraith, although they are more commonly known as a ghost and all that entails. Or ask to die.”

“I would rather live and haunt you for eternity than beg for you to end my life!” 

“Oh, sorry, did you think you could roam freely?” Elder Statesman Maurice snickers. “Oh no, no, of course not! You need to be somewhere secure and safe from causing any more harm.” 

Before I can comprehend his words, I find myself in a vessel that I can’t get out of. “Ghosts are supposed to be able to go through things!” I bellow. Nothing but silence greets me.



“Now remember, all, we’ve promised them time alone!” Angelina declares as Brian and Justin leave. “By all, I mean you, Rodney. Leave them be, or I will let them lock your powers off for the entire time we’re there!”

He looks horrified. “You wouldn’t?!”

“We would!” Maurice asserts. “Victor, get him to behave!” 

I take Rodney’s hand. “Want to tell me where they’ve put him?” I ask but he’s plotting, I can tell. “Rodney, leave them alone or I will dump you!” 

“Why is everyone threatening me?!” He pouts.

“Because you are a nosy little bugger. Now tell me where Dixon is!”

“You know that gaudy bauble necklace which Sapperstein wore all the time? Well, we popped him in there, and put that back around Sapperstein's neck. It was Brian’s idea, payback for keeping Justin ‘chained to thinking he was a Halfling’.” I nod in approval. “Now, are you ready?”

“Yes. Let’s just get this over with.” I sigh, but I don’t feel any sorrow for what is about to befall them. They were prepared to incapacitate me to take the Coven. I nod at the guards, and they open the  doors. Deborah and Michael come in first, then Queen Jennifer. 

“Queen Jennifer, please take that seat, you two remain standing.”

“Alderman Lorelle, if I may be able to speak as to my reasoning behind…”

“What, Deborah?!” I growl. “What reason do you have for lying to your best friend like that?! After all, as a Halfling, he was in no immediate danger, and…”

“He had Herma! He’s my son! I couldn’t let him suffer that! What would you have done, Vic?!”

“Well, for a start, I would’ve shared the cure with the rest of the country!” He bellows. “You found the cure, saved it for Michael, then let people suffer for another ten years until they found a cure that finally eradicated it. Ten fucking years!” 

“The queues.” Emmett growls. “For miles and for days they queued to end their suffering!” 


“I am in charge of your punishment! Well the start of it.” Emmett states. “And Michael, deciding to flirt with Drew to try and make David jealous didn’t anger me one little bit, it angered me a lot!” As he turns to me, I think back to all the things I have said and done to him. “And as for you, your ex-Ladyship but definitely Ladyshit, well good things come to those who wait, and I’ve waited long enough!”

Whilst we’ve been standing there, between us and them is a table. The only sound in the room is the soft thunk of glasses being put down. I recognise the two servants, who fill them, from the coven kitchens; and I feel their hatred.

“The coven wanted to play a part.” Emmett explains. “Now, in one glass is what you want so badly: absolution. But in the other, is what we want: retribution. Bottoms up!”


We step to the table. Although identical in design, one is copper the other bronze. I think back to the lessons from those insufferable brats and remember something! “Ma, drink out of the copper one! All curative medicines were put into copper bottles, to keep their purity!”

“Are you sure?!” She demands.

“Yes!” I grab the glass and start to drink, she quickly follows. “Tastes a bit bitter, but don’t all medicines?” 

Nobody replies, they just stare at us. “Well?!” Ma demands. “Which one did we drink?!”

“Retribution of course.” Emmett grins. 

“Of course? So, there was no absolution in either glass?!” I snarl.

“Yes, there is!” Alderman Caroline seethes. “We, unlike you, do not lie, especially when it comes to something as serious as this!” 

“Vic!” Ma shrieks as with one sweep of his hand he sends the other glasses flying into the wall. “You saw what he did!” Ma shouts. “He’s taken away our chance of…”

“He saved you from a double world of pain.” Drew retorts. “But Emmett was a little devious, it has to be said.”

“Devious how?” Emmett bats his eyes. “I said it was in the glasses, they made their own choices.”

“What does that mean?” I demand, before turning to a chuckling Queen Jennifer. “Unless, you’ve forgotten, you are next in line on the chopping block, so I would keep your snickering to yourself!”

“If only you would use your brain as much as you do run your mouth!” Emmett snipes. 

“I demand an answer!” I shout. “And what happened to my father?!”

“Both glasses had retribution on your table.” Uncle Vic explains. “But the ones in front of the Aldermen have absolution. As for your father, he made his choice to live his life until he asks someone to end it.”

“And to Thomas, what happened to him?” Ma asks. “Who was that young boy being taken into a room, shouting and cussing?”

“That was him. He is being returned to his homeland.” Alderman Lorelle explains. “And was reverted to the age he was when he matured. There is a family waiting for him, to…”

“Why?!” Ma demands. “He was poisoning my dear brother, why was he given a free pass?!”

“Dear brother! What rot! Besides, he wasn’t given a free pass. He has to start from age 13, plus he will never mature again, but he will always have the memory of being a Halfling.”

“How old was he before you turned him back?” Ma’s voice shakes.

“91. He has a lot of memories, but nobody will believe him.” Alderman Earl retorts. “So we come to you two. We thought and fought long and hard about a suitable punishment. Finally, we have one...”


I look beseechingly at Vic, but he turns back to talk to his boyfriend! “Did you even try to save our lives, Vic?!”

“Who said you’re going to die?” He fumes. “And if the tables were turned, would you? I know Michael wouldn’t.”

“So what is going to happen to us then?” Michael demands.

“You’re getting what you wanted, to be made Pure - albeit second generation.”

“Pure?” I repeat. “As in Pureblood?” 

“Yes.” Vic replies. “The transformation has already begun, but it can be stopped if you wish.”

“No!” We both shout.

“How long until we are finished?!” Michael paces excitedly.

“In about 2 minutes.” Emmett replies. “There will be the slight issue of the purge; once that is done, then there is no turning back.”

“We’re going to be Purebloods, why would we want to turn back from that?!” I sneer..



Well the purge was disgusting, but we’re Purebloods! Ma and I exchange delighted smiles.

“So we’re on the same level as the Master Lieutenants in purity?” I query, before running my tongue over my teeth. “Ma! My fang is back!” 

“And the scar has gone!” She grins.

“The answer to your question, Michael, is not quite. You are going to be Pure in the oldest sense of the description.” Emmett fangs lengthen as he smiles. “And what that means is, those things you two thought were myths and fairytales, are actually true of the first few generations. They did have sensitive eyes, spent hours having to avoid the sun, fire, crosses, and other holy symbols...”

“Big fucking deal. We’re Purebloods!” Ma points out before turning to Queen Jennifer. “I’ve always wanted to do this!” She stares hard at her before frowning. “I know you’re an empty headed blonde, but surely you must be thinking something?!” 

“What a fool I was to ever befriend you.” She replies coolly. “But what’s done is done.” 


“Be quiet Deborah, we need to tell you the rest. As befitting a Pureblood, you would need a coven, and this is it.” They fling their arms around each other in delight, and I roll my eyes at their greed and stupidity. “Now that this business is concluded, we must get to the station.” I order, once we leave the table, they quickly take the centre seats.

“Why, what’s happening?” Michael demands. 

“Oh yes!” Emmett chirrups, causing them both to scowl. “Lord Victor, King Craig, and Queen Jennifer are adicating, so the ascension can finally begin.”

Whilst Deborah looks annoyed, Michael is relieved. “Ah, having to rule without responsibility fills you with joy, doesn’t it?” I ask. He answers by resting his feet on the table. “Well, we will leave you to get familiar with your new surroundings.”


As the door closes behind them, I let out a whoop of joy! “Ours! This is ours! Look at it, it’s fantastic!” 

“Yes. much better than Le Mont!” Ma beams. “Let’s go find the servants, show them how we want things done!”

As we go from room to room, we find no one, but do find the kitchen. “It’s a little basic, but the staff can bring it up to snuff when they come.”

“And what staff would that be?” We turn in surprise to find Uncle Vic. “This is for you and only you. You want it brought up to snuff, do what the second generation Vamps did and do it yourself!” 

“We’re Purebloods, we don’t do manual labour, that’s a Halfling’s job!” I sneer. “In fact, why don’t we call ex-Queen Jennifer to come and do it for us, now that would be befitting for a person of her now lowered status, wouldn’t it, Ma?!”

“She’s an abdicant…and has been absolved of her wrongdoings.”

“What?!” We shriek. “How?!”

“She led the Aldermen to Thomas, thus saving my life and those of the children. You remember them, don’t you?”

“She was most likely in cahoots with him!” I declare. 

“No, she wasn’t.” He snipes. “But I am curious as to how you'd get her to be your serf, with no powers?” 

“We...no powers? What do you mean, no powers?!” I look at Ma, who looks as stunned as I feel.

“Powers are passed down from generation to generation. They are built up, honed, and perfected; and since you ‘skipped’, as is the want of you two, you’re powerless. But don’t worry, here you’re safe. Nobody can harm you, and there are plenty of creatures for you to feed from. Did you know a drop of blood can sustain you for years? As long as you block out the lights and never leave, you’ll live for a very long time! However, there is one way, this can be stopped…”

“How? Please, Vic, tell us how?” Ma pleads.

“You ask the ascendants to reverse the ruling.” 

“Then that's what we will do. Agreed, Michael?” I nod, there is no way I can stay in here all the time with just her. I have wants and needs, and they have to be met! “So, who are they, and when can we meet them?”

“You will find out once they’ve ascended to the crown, which is in four days time. You can meet them when they're back from their honeymoon.” He smiles. “In the meantime, I suggest you start boarding up the windows. I’ll see myself out.”



Ever since we boarded up the kitchen and this room, we’ve done nothing but pick splinters out of our hands and bitch about our predicament. 

“I wonder what they’re like? The ascendants, notice he didn’t even give us a clue?” 

I stop picking and start thinking. “Of course, I should’ve known. Christopher and David!”

“Those two simpletons!” Michael shouts before slumping back on the seat. “But we can win them around, can't we?”


“Yes, Michael, I'm sure we can.” I  smile and resume picking.

Chapter End Notes:

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