[Reviews - 24] starstarstarstarstarPrinter ePub eBook

Brian attends Justin's new opening.

Rated: E
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Justin Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Tags: Brian/Other, Canon Divergence, What if...
Genres: Angst, Canon Divergence
Pairings: Brian/Other
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 7962 Read: 2988
ePub Downloads: 17 Published: Nov 14, 2019 Updated: Nov 14, 2019
Story Notes:

This story was inspired by Simon's ‘The Other Foot' series which veered off from canon in Season 3. The original character of Steve Brenner belongs to Simon. The original characters of Ryan, Margaret and Carlyle belong to me.

Although this fic is based on Simon's AU series ‘The Other Foot,' it completely ignores the epilogue to the original story. Personally I enjoyed Simon's series; I just want to explore a bit more of Justin's life with a stronger Justin. His character didn't show much growth in the series of stories and, in a way, he reminded me of Michael. You don't have to read Simon's series to read my fic/fics. Basically all you need to know is that shortly after ‘the greatest reunification since Germany,' Brian is forced to move to New York when Vangard merges with a company owned by Steve Brenner who wants to semi-retire. As part of the merger, Steve (who can't stand Vance) has demanded that Brian is to run the New York office. Brian falls for Steve and eventually breaks up with Justin (at Christmas!). This fic is set ten years after the breakup with Brian and uses one or two variations of events from other fics in her series.

After asking Simon's permission, this is one take on how I see the future of Justin and Brian in Simon's AU.

Beta: Only me. All errors are solely mine!

1. Chapter 1 by Deb Tanner [Reviews - 24] starstarstarstarstar (7962 words)