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Chapter 6

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas flew by.  Brinn and Zach had spent a weekend with Zach’s family to celebrate Christmas and talk wedding plans. Besides getting ready for the holiday and planning a wedding, Brinn and Tammy were also verifying a few tests of their trial leaving no time to think of anything else.  On December 23, Tammy and Brinn were sitting in Brinn’s office finishing up the addendum to their results. Brinn yawned as she hit the send button. “I am so tired.”

“You have been pushing yourself so hard, Brinn.  Now you can have a couple weeks off and then six weeks to the wedding.”

“Oh, since I meant to do this a couple weeks ago, do we have time to do that blood draw? I don’t want you to have to come back tomorrow.  Never mind.”

“I have to come to town tomorrow anyway.  I don’t mind coming in for half an hour. Let me take the draw.  Then you will know you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You and I both know that George is clean but I do understand why you need it verified.”

Brinn pulled out her bottle of whiskey.  “I haven’t had a shot out of this since the night we sent in the original report.  Thanks, Tammy. I know I was on my way to trouble. I just couldn’t see the end.”

“Brinn, I just helped you focus. I could never have done anything like this without you. I may go back to general medicine someday but right now, I am loving this.”  Tammy took the blood draw and put it in the refrigerator. “I plan to come into town in the morning so early afternoon I will give you a call. Is your mom excited about the wedding?”

“Yes and no.  She’s mad I didn’t have her involved with the dress shopping.  It was a little better when I explained about Emmett and the designer.  And of course I want her to be at the wedding and of course she will be an honored guest but my dads are my parents.  I just don’t want there to be tension with her and them. If I have to make up a position for her I will to keep the peace.”

“And how is Zach’s health?  Has he tried our supplement yet?’

“No, he has been so healthy.  He is taking his treatments and he takes baths with the aroma therapy sprinkles is all he needs.  Next time he is having an episode I will start him on it. Well, thanks again, Tammy. I think you’re right about Geo.  He is a good guy and he would never have risked anything with me but it will be one more thing I don’t have to think about.  How are you and Lindsay doing? Is Mel coming for Christmas?”

“No, Lindsay is flying out tomorrow.  Jenny asked them to come and since they have been spending so much time here it was only fair.  I understand. I just have a feeling she isn’t coming back, at least not for a long while. And that’s Ok, too. Maybe it is time for me to look for someone who wants to be with me, alone.”

“That makes sense to me.  Have you seen Seth at all the last couple weeks?” Brinn asked Tammy.  Tammy had confided in her about Thanksgiving night. “ I hear he might be seeing someone.  I don’t know who she is.”

“Yes, we talk every few days.  He is a great guy. He told me he met someone.  He hasn’t given me any details but he seems excited about her.”

“Is she from the area?”

“Not close enough.  I have a feeling if it works out your dads are going to need to find a new manager.”

“Is it bad that I think that might be good? Gus and Shelby deserve that.”

“I agree, Brinn.  I’d miss him but he needs to live his own life and let Gus and Shelby live theirs.”

Christmas Eve dawned with a few snowflakes.  Brian and Justin were still drinking their first cup of coffee when they heard little fists on their door.  “Grandpa, it’s snowing.” Gage stood there grinning from ear to ear. “Can you come out and play with me?”

“Well, how about you come in and have a cup of hot chocolate while we finish our coffee and then maybe we can go out and play for a while.  “Where is your sister?” Justin asked.

“Papa, I have two sisters,” Gage smirked at him.

“Well, unless Tally learned to walk last night, I know she is at home with your parents.”  Justin looked at Brian and had to laugh. Gage had so much Brian in him.

“Taylor will be here any minute.  I got my snowsuit on faster than she did.”  He smiled proudly.

“It sounds like we will need two hot chocolates.” Brian said as he walked toward the door hearing Taylor approaching.

A half hour later the four of them were outside building a snowman.  Soon Justin was packing a snowball and it hit Brian in the back of the neck.

“What the ….” Brian looked up and saw the smirk on Justin’s lips.  He looked at Gage and Taylor, “Are you going to let him get away with that?”  

Taylor ran over to Justin’s side and soon the snow balls were flying from both directions.  Justin got another good hit on Brian and then Brian moved in. He nailed Justin and knocked him flat on the ground.   Justin made a grunt when he hit the ground. Brian saw the look of pain cross Justin’s face.

“Oh, shit!  What did I do?”

“Just help me up,” he said softly.  “I will make an excuse to go into the house.  I’ll be fine. Maybe take the kids for a ride in the cart and then drop them at home.  I’ll just take something and put ice on it.” By now Brian had Justin on his feet. Justin kissed him.  “Love you, Grandpa.”

“Love you, too,” Brian smiled at him.  “Hey guys, Papa and I have a few things we need to do so I am going to bring you back home.”

“What are you going to do?” Gage asked.

“Haven’t your parents ever told you not to ask many questions at Christmas?”

“Are you wrapping presents?” Taylor questioned.

“You two are just too smart.”  Brian smiled at both of them. He made sure Justin made it inside and then he scooped up both of the kids and carried them to the garage where the cart was parked.

Tammy had gotten to the lab around 8:00 a.m..  She expected to be out of there within the hour and then she could pick up the last couple gifts she needed.  They were already purchased. She just needed to pick them up and she was dropping something off at Seth’s. But it was 10:00 a.m. and Tammy was still sitting in the lab. She had run the labs three times and they came out the same every time.  She finally cleaned up the equipment and left.

After picking up the gifts she stopped at Seth’s.  “Hey, Tammy, what a nice surprise.”

“I’m glad you’re still home. You are going away later, right?”

“Yes, I will be at my parents for a couple days and then we are going to Vegas for the weekend.”  Seth smiled.

“We, you and, I’m sorry I forgot her name.”

“Dulcie.  I really do like her and she’s cool with me being bi. I will never have another Gus but I might need to scratch an itch at some point.”

“And how far away does she live?”

“Yes, it is too far away.  I am looking for a job near her. Please don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t but I think that is perfect. It will do you good and you will be able to find another job.”

“Thanks, Tammy.  Not to rush you but….”

“Oh, I’m sorry, ya, I just am bringing this over.  You are a good friend and I will miss you when you leave. I feel like we just found each other.  I feel like I can tell you….”

“I feel the same way.  Speaking of which….no, never mind.  I need to get out of here so you can head to your family.”

“Tammy, this sounds kind of serious.”

“I just have some news I have to tell someone that will be a total surprise and not necessarily a good one.”

“Just send me good vibes while you are driving.  I can use all the support I can get. We’ll get together once you come back and I will tell you all about it.”

Tammy and Seth hugged, “Merry Christmas, Tammy.  I will talk to you soon.”

As Tammy drove home her phone rang, “This is Tammy.”

“Hey, Tammy, I know I really wasn’t nervous but you said you were going to call before lunch and now it is after 3:00.  You aren’t trying to get up the courage to tell me something, are you?”

“Brinn, can you meet me at Stone House in 10 minutes? I’m almost there.”

“Sure, Tammy, you’re scaring me.”

“I’ll be there in a couple minutes.” She hung up and started thinking about what she was going to say.  By the time she pulled up Brinn was standing on the porch with a bottle of wine in her hand. “Hey, Brinn, you brought me wine.  Thanks!” she took it out of her hand and entered the small house. 

Brinn followed her in and took the bottle out of her hand, setting it on the counter and taking out the corkscrew.  “Grab us two glasses and I will open this up.”

Tammy came back with one wine glass and one bottle of water. “Oh, you aren’t in the mood for a glass?”  Tammy made the move obvious of putting the bottle of water in front of Brinn. “Ah, shit. I did catch something and I can’t drink on the medication.”

“Brinn, sit down.”

“Damn, Tammy.  Tell me what the hell is going on.”

“Take a deep breath and think about it, Brinn. Six weeks ago you spent the weekend with a nice guy.  I never thought to ask you. I know you didn’t use condoms but I guess I figured you must take some kind of birth control.”

Tammy made eye contact with her and saw the realization sink in.  “Oh shit,” Brinn sagged. “It never dawned on me. You know with CF Zach and I couldn’t conceive on our own so I haven’t taken anything in years.”

“Brinn, you are pregnant.  Obviously you know six weeks.  I don’t know what you want to do but if you are going to end the pregnancy we will want to do it soon.”

“God, Tammy, what am I going to do?”

“I can’t tell you what to do but I think you need to talk to Zach. And if you can’t start with him, tell your dads.”

“God, Tammy, I need to think.  I can’t believe how stupid I was.  How could I not think of getting pregnant or at least taking the morning after pill.”

“Brinn, I know you didn’t want this, not now, but sweetheart, maybe this is the way for the two of you to have a child.’

“Oh, Tammy,” Brinn started crying, “I don’t think I am ready for this and Zach thinks I slept with a stranger. I didn’t lie. He just assumed and if it was a stranger, I wouldn’t hesitate like this, not to mention, George needs to be told if I keep …..I just can’t say it.”

“Brinn that tells me a lot.”

“If Zach wants me to end it, I will. But, if he tells me….tels me to go through with it….” Tammy wrapped her arms around Brinn and held her.  

“Brinn, you have a little time, just don’t wait too long.  I know you know this.”

“Tammy, I need a couple days to process this.  I might talk to Daddy and he’ll tell Dad. I just don’t …. After tomorrow I will tell Zach. I just don’t want to dampen the holiday for anyone.”

“I understand, Brinn, and if you need me, call, come over. I’m here for you. I will be at your dads in the afternoon.  They invited me in the morning but I don’t want to interrupt your family time. The least I can do is give you that.”

“I better go.  Zach will wonder what is up.  Oh, I am going to tell them that I am on an antibiotic because of a UTI and that’s why I can’t drink.”

“I will go along with that.”

“I have drank so much in the last six weeks.  What if the baby…”

“Don’t worry unnecessarily.” Tammy kissed her cheek. “If you don’t mind saying, you are going to be a great mom whenever you decide to have a child.” She walked Brinn to the door.  “Call me if you need me and I will see you tomorrow.”

Brinn walked across the lawn threw the snow back to her house, back to Zach.  She looked at the lawn and pictured Zach and a child making snow angels in the fluff.  She placed her hand on her stomach. Could he really love another man’s child?

“Hey, Lulu, you are standing out here in the snow with no coat on, crazy woman.”  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.”

“Now that will heat me up from the inside out.  What time do you want to eat? It needs an hour and a half in the oven.”

“How about we eat around 7:00?  I think I can come up with something to do for the next couple hours.”

“Let me program the oven and it will start at 5:30 so it is ready at 7:00.”

“I’ll open a bottle of wine, unless you prefer something else.”

“Oh, I have a mild UTI so no alcohol for me.  Tammy confirmed it and put me on an antibiotic for w few days so I will stick to water or soda.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.  Do we have to avoid sex?”

“No, I caught it early.  It isn’t causing me pain, just a little discomfort.  I really want to make love. Please, Zach.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” Zach picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.  

An hour later, Zach had his breathing machine on and Brinn laid in his arms.  How could she be so happy and so nervous at the same time? She knew he loved her but could he accept this baby? Could he accept it being George’s? “Hey, Chase, this is the last Christmas as single people.

“Lulu, I haven’t been single in my heart for six years.  I have been looking forward to becoming a family since day one, although you  were just a baby.”

“Do you think you will want a baby someday? I mean we could adopt or do in vitro.”

“Nothing would make me happier than to have a family with you and I don’t care how we get them.  Once they are with us they will be part of us. They will be our family.”

Brinn couldn’t look at him.  She didn’t know if she could stop crying.  Could she really wait to tell him? If only she knew how to tell him.  She wanted to talk to her daddy. Maybe she could come up with a reason to go early tomorrow.  Did she really derail her life for a weekend of good sex?

“Lulu,” Zach said for the third time. “Where are you?”

“Oh, I was with you and our kids. You were making snow angels.”

“Now that would be fun.” He put the mask back on.  He was about to take it off and say something else but she stopped him.  

“Finish your treatment.  I’ll be right back. I want to make sure I set up the oven correctly. I will be back in a few minutes.”  She kissed his forehead and then slipped on her robe and left the room. She texted Justin, ‘I need to talk, Daddy.  Can I come over at around 7:30 tomorrow morning.’

Moments later she received a text back, ‘I’ll have the coffee on.’

“Who was that, Sunshine?” Brian walked up behind him and slipped his arms around his shoulders.

“Our daughter wants morning coffee with her daddy.”

“Just you? “

“I am sure she wouldn’t kick you out of your own house?”

“Any idea what she wants to talk about? Is it wedding plans?”

“She didn’t say, darling,” Justin rested his head on Brian’s shoulder.  “Last year at this time we were planning our trip of a lifetime. It almost became the trip that took our lives.”

“Everything seems so much more special now. What are we going to plan for this year?” Brian kissed Justin’s temple.  “Aren’t you supposed to go do that show in Sydney that got postponed last year?”

“I’m not sure I am ready to go back….”

“Sunshine, we can take a private jet to Sydney.  We can stay in the most luxurious hotel they have to offer. Maybe we could spend some time in Bali again.”

“Bri, I’m not sure. Maybe just a trip to Ibiza.   Maybe we need to spend a couple months there. I always seem to get inspired there and it is just…”

“A safe place. Our place.  Maybe we can spend several months there.  Maybe Dan, Marcus, and Hannah can come once everything is straightened out.  Maybe John and Tony can visit and then Gus, Shelby and the kids. Maybe the old gang can come. I think a change would do us good. This last year was not the best accept for Tally.”

“After the first of the year we will get some plans in place.  Maybe starting right after Brinn and Zach get home from their honeymoon.”

“That sounds perfect. Now I better start dinner. I thought we would just have some salad.  I have some fresh bread and I can make some salmon to go on top.”

“Anything you make would be great. I plan to spend the evening molesting you while we watch old Christmas movies.”  One of Brian’s arms moved down his front and he gently stroked Justin’s fly. Justin turned around and hugged Brian, pressing his body tightly against him. 

“Why don’t you pull out the salad ingredients and I will start some salmon.”  They worked side by side in a comfortable silence, kissing and touching as they worked, soft Christmas music playing in the background as snow came silently down.

Dan and Marcus had come back home a week earlier.  While they had been gone, Dan had extra security installed and a judge had put everything on hold until after the first of the year. One of the judge’s stipulations was that he be made aware of where the family was.  They were not allowed to leave town without contacting the judge first. They were glad they could be home for Christmas. Danny and Elliott had arrived early in the day and now the family of five sat around the table eating pizza and catching up.  Danny and Elliott talked about their jobs and how much they enjoyed helping people. 

“Did you talk to your family in KC?”  Marcus asked Danny.  

“I did.  We are going to fly out there at the end of the week.  They haven’t met El yet and I’m not sure if Don will see me but I can’t wait to see Katie and Teri wants to see us.  But you guys know you are my parents, right? Don and Teri may have made me but you raised me.”

 After eating, they went to the living room where the large Christmas tree stood.  Hannah passed out the gifts to everyone and then she squeezed in between Danny and Elliott. She smiled up at the two men and then linked her arms with theirs.  “I’m glad I have two brothers now.”

“So, am I Hannah Banana.”  Danny dropped a quick kiss on her head and then there was nothing quick about the kiss he gave El. Eventually, Hannah moved her hands above her head and pushed them apart.

“Guys, it’s time for gifts.  You can kiss later.” 

“Sorry, Hannah,” this time Elliott kissed her. “You are right.  I will finish that thought when we go to bed.”

“I am hoping you will finish it multiple times.” Danny winked.

Hannah opened her gifts first and then Elliott and Danny opened theirs.  Hannah had painted them each a picture that Marcus had framed. And then they each had an envelope from Dan and Marcus.  Elliott opened his first. He looked at it and then looked at it again. 

“Holy ….” he looked at Hannah and didn’t complete the comment.  “Dan, Marcus this is far too generous. We are doing alright. I promise I can take care, no we can take care of each other.”

“Elliott,” Dan started, “I know you can take care of Junior and I totally understand you want to and I promise we will let you. But we want you to start out level.”

“Elliott what is it?” Elliott handed the paper over to him.  “Oh, Dads, this is amazing!”

“Danny, what did he get?” Hannah asked.

“Hannah, your dads paid off all of my medical school bills.”  Danny squeezed Elliott’s hand.  

“It is just so much.”

“We expect the two of you to take care of each other.  We know you will but starting out with all that student debt isn’t necessary.  Now you can start a practice together if you want to or your you can buy a house or….”

“Elliott, we could start our own practice.  We could find one of those small towns we talked about and make a real difference.”

Elliott’s mind started working.  They had talked about someday moving to a town that needed a doctor and start a practice there.  Now they could do that. “Oh, that would be amazing.”

“And remember, we are willing to give you a loan but you will pay that back.”  Dan smiled at Elliott.

“I just feel like I should have spent a lot more on your gift.” They all laughed.  “Go ahead, open yours now.”

Marcus moved closer to Dan on the loveseat and he opened the envelope.  He opened the Christmas card and after the printed word, in Danny’s handwriting it said,  ‘Once the Hannah situation is settled we would like to have Miss Banana for a minimum of two weeks so the two of you can have time alone’.

“Oh, what a perfect gift.” Marcus walked over and Danny and Elliott stood and hugged him. “I love you all so much but a little time alone would be amazing.” 

Dan pulled Marcus into his arms and kissed him.  “This old man will never turn down time alone with you.” Dan brought his mouth up to Marcus’ ear, “And I don’t plan to let you walk normally for sometime.”

“God, we need to get this court case over quickly so we don’t have to worry about Hannah and,” Dan claimed Marcus’ mouth again.”  

“If you can’t beat um, join um.” Danny stepped into Elliott’s arms and they, too, began to kiss.

Hannah looked from one couple to the other. She shrugged and went to her bedroom.

Gus finally got Gage in bed.  He had eaten a few too many Christmas cookies and he just couldn’t settle down.  Finally, he crashed into a deep sleep still talking about his Christmas presents. Taylor had gone to her room on her own and now, when Gus checked, she was curled up under the blankets.  He walked over and straightened the bedding before kissing her forehead. She looked so much like her mother. He brushed her hair back and then walked out and moved toward his bedroom. He expected to see Shelby feeding Talia but instead he found the bedroom empty.  He heard a noise coming from the bathroom and turned toward it. There stood Shelby, lit from behind, wearing a silk corset and nothing else. Gus couldn’t breathe for a moment. She was so stunning. It always amazed him how after having a baby her body went back to this amazing woman.  He would love her even if she didn’t look like this but …

Shelby walked up to him, “Hey, Gussy, are the kids asleep?”

“Oh, yes, Talia?”

Shelby pulled off his shirt and reached for his waistband, “Gussy, Tally is sound asleep and I would guess she will be for at least six hours and I am sure we can find something to do for at least half that time.” 

Gus stepped out of his pants, now naked in front of her. He reached between her legs and ran a finger along a thin layer of fabric and then he found the slit running through the center.  He had her sit on the ottoman and lounge back onto the chair and then he dropped to his knees. He found her hot soft center and began his mission, to see how many times he could pleasure his wife until they both lost all reality.

Brinn and Zach finally ate dinner closer to 8:00 than 7:00. Brinn couldn’t seem to stop looking at him and yet she couldn’t look him in the eye.  “Lulu, darling,” Zach kissed her hand, “did I do something wrong? In bed maybe?”

“Oh, no, Chase. Really, you didn’t do anything wrong.  You are so amazing. I just can’t….”

“Lulu, is this about your weekend in Tahoe?”

“How can you just act like I didn’t do anything when I was unfaithful? I told you and you didn’t blink an eye.  You just accepted it. Zach you deserve so much more.”

“Oh, Lulu, Tia Brinn Taylor Kinney...we do need to talk about the name….I love you. If you had slept with a different guy every week, every night, I wouldn’t blame you. All you wanted was what was best for me and I thought that was what was best for you.  Brinn, whatever happened, I forgive you and I don’t want you to think about it again. Now, I wasn’t sure when I was going to give this to you but when we went home last weekend I picked it up. It is the last piece to the set I had made for you.” He pulled a small box out of his robe pocket.  He flipped it open and nestled in the box was a ring. It was the letters B and C. The B was channel set with diamonds and included two topaz stones in the loops. The C, was also outlined in small diamonds with a heart in the center made of platinum. It could have been very gaudy but instead it was done very stylish.  It looked a bit like art deco but with an upgraded style.

“Oh, Zach.  I…”

“If you say you don’t deserve it I am just going to have to find a new fiance with the first name that starts with a B and I can’t think of any Bonnie or Beth or, god forbid, Britney, I want to marry.”

She stood and dropped her robe before straddling his lap.  She reached down and opened his robe before sitting down on his lap, letting his cock enter her.  She dropped her forehead gently on his. 

“I love the ring and I love you.  And I plan to use the name Brinn Chase for the rest of my life or as long as you want me to.”  Now she slowly began to move as she felt Zach begin to grow inside her.

Brian and Justin lay in bed speaking softly.  “What time are we expecting everyone other than Brinn that is?”

“10:00 for brunch.  George brought everything over earlier today.  The most we have to do is make mimosas and the juice is ready.  I have to put some things into the oven at around 9:00. I am worried about Brinn.  Ever since I got her text I have had this gnawing feeling and if it was anyone else I would say I was just worrying but it’s Brinn.  We both know that Brinn and I….”

“Yes, Sunshine, you and Tia Brinn have always had a connection   What kind of feeling are you getting?”

“That’s the weird thing.  I keep going from an overwhelming feeling of love and then dread.  It’s like she is being torn in two directions.”

“Do you think I might be able to distract you?”  Brian’s tongue ran along Justin’s jawline.

“That will probably do it.  Are you sure you’re Ok that we aren’t doing gifts?”

“You give me a gift every time we ….” Brian stopped talking as his lips traveled down Justin’s body.

“That is almost too sappy for you.    Where is the cynical, power hungry man I met over 30 years ago who didn’t know how to lovveeeeeeeeeeeeee,” Brian’s mouth closed around Justin’s cock. “Oh, god, there he is.”

The coffee had just finished when there was a knock on the door.  “Hey, Brinny,” Justin opened the door and instantly Brinn clung to him.

“Oh, Daddy…” She sobbed on his shoulder.

Justin guided her over to the sofa and then brought the tray with mugs and a carafe of coffee.  He poured them both a mug and added the cream and sugar he knew she liked. 

“Your dad was wondering if you wanted to talk to both of us or just…”

“Daddy, will he be mad?”

“Of course not as long as I can tell him later.”  Justin wrapped one arm around her. “What has you so stressed, baby. Oh, my, that is a gorgeous ring.”

Brinn moved even closer as she sipped her coffee.  “Daddy, I really screwed up. I don’t know what to do!  This is bad, really bad.” Justin looked at her and drank his coffee.  He let her process her thoughts and finally after drinking most of her coffee she set the mug down and then turned her body toward Justin, “Daddy, I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, Brinn, that’s amazing!  Did you think I would be mad about that? Sure you’re a little young but…..oh,....Brinn,  it can’t be Zach’s can it?” She shook her head as she threw her arms around him again.  

After she calmed down a bit he poured her another cup of coffee and then said, “Brinn, when did you find out?”

She told him about Tammy running STD tests and how the test kit she used had a pregnancy test in it too so she just ran it. It had to be George’s and Zach doesn’t even know it is George and she didn’t know if she should tell him.  Maybe she shouldn’t keep it. Maybe …..”

“Brinny, sweetheart, so are you about six weeks along?”

“Yes, so I have to make up my mind pretty soon.  I don’t know what to do.”

“Brinn, it is totally up to you.  It is your body but, you know Zach can’t father a child and this,” he laid his hand on her stomach.  “This is part of you and Zach loves you so much. I think you should talk to him about it.”

“And George?”

“I don’t know, Daddy.  He is going to know as soon as I show and Zach acts like he doesn’t want to know who it was but it’s George.  I don’t know if not needing to know includes not knowing it was a friend. Daddy, what do I do?”

“Brinn, don’t do anything impulsive.  Think about it. You know Zach loves you.  If we need to buy George off, we would do that for you.  He could start a new school in LA or something. Brinn, today is a day for family and loved ones.  Danny and Elliott will be here for a few days. Maybe talking to Danny will help. And, Brinn, you know we are always here.”

“Oh, yes, Danny!  I need to talk to Danny.  He will listen and know what to do.”

“Well, I don’t know if he will know exactly what to do but he will be able to give you good advice.”

“May I join you?  I brought my own cup.”  Brian came around the corner.  He went to pour himself a cup and then saw Brinn’s tear stained cheeks.  “Oh, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Brian’s heart instantly ached for her.

“Dad, I need to get back to Zach. I am sure he is done with his breathing treatment and, well, we will be here at 10:00.”  Brinn hugged and kissed Brian and then hugged Justin. “I love you both.”

“Oh, Brinny, we love you and Zach, too.”  Brian walked her to the door and then came back and found Justin bringing the coffee to the tray back to the kitchen.  “So, what has Brinn so upset? She looked devastated.”

Justin put his arms around Brian’s neck, “Our girl has a problem and we can’t do anything about it.”

“What is it, Sunshine?”

“Brinn’s pregnant.”

“She’s a little young but she loves Zach and Zach loves…. Oh shit.  George?”


“What is she going to do?  Has she told Zach?”

“She isn’t sure what she is going to do.  For today, she is going to try to enjoy herself.  She is going to talk to Danny. He will listen to her and he will give her good advice.”

“Well, at least we didn’t invite George today. Damn, I hate it when I feel useless.”

“I offered to buy George off,” Justin laughed ironically.. “We could be upset with him but I am sure he thought she was on the pill and he was free of any diseases.”

“I could be upset with him but it won’t do any good.  What do you think Zach will say? Or will she just take care of it and not tell him?”

“Oh, Brian, you know our girl better than that.  She will tell him everything, even if keeping the father a secret might be better.  But, that isn’t Brinn’s style.”

“No, you’re right. It isn’t. Looks like we have two hours until everyone starts arriving and an hour until we need to start the food.” Brian gently bit Justin’s neck. “Any ideas what we can do for an hour?”

“Oh, a thing or two might cross my mind, if you think you can distract me from this Brinn thing.  I’m worried about her.”

“We both are but all we can do is be here for her and we might as well be happy while we wait,” with that Brian undid Justin’s fly and thrust his hand downward.

“Such an animal,” Justin said lightly.  “The least you can do is take me to bed first.”

“Ya, the first place I ever had you was in bed but there have been many places since.”

“Maybe this year we should try to reenact all the places we have made love,” Justin chuckled.

“Even if we could live long enough, we would never remember every place although I do miss those steel beams in the loft sometimes.”  Brian pinned Justin against the doorframe and with one hand undid his own fly and then managed to get both pants down at the same time.  He thrust into him and he cried out. “Hang on, Sunshine, this might be a wild ride.”

Brian was in rare form and very soon both of them orgasmed with such power they both had to rest against the wall for a couple minutes.

“Damn, Brian, my leg is cramping.  Help me to the bed. Once he was laying down and Brian was massaging his thigh, Justin started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Brian asked.  Brian found the knot and started working it.

“Fuck!” Justin shouted. Brian lightened his touch.

“Sorry, but what was funny?”

“My body never cramped up back then.”

“I do remember a few times, ok lots of times, you walked funny for a few hours.”  He rubbed Justin’s thigh a few more moments, “I’ll go put the food in the oven. You run a bath and soak that leg a little while.” He leaned over and kissed him and helped him to his feet. “You Ok to get in there yourself.”

“I’m fine.  It’s much better already.”

“Well, I will get things started and then maybe I will have time to join you for a few minutes.”

“Brian, hurry,” he kissed him once more before limping to the bathroom.

A couple hours later Justin’s leg was feeling much better as the family ate brunch.  Justin beamed as he looked around at their family. He could honestly say he loved every one of these people and he would give his life for everyone of them. He looked at his beautiful grandchildren and thought of Brinn and wondered if next year there would be another little one at the table.  

Brian’s hand moved behind Justin’s neck and he squeezed gently as he kissed him.  Then he whispered, “We are so lucky!” Brian’s lips found Justin’s again and this time it didn’t stop quickly.  Gus and Brinn along with their partners all picked up rolls and on Gus’ nod they threw them at the men. All four hit the men.  “What the….” Gage and Taylor were laughing when Brian and Justin looked around the table and then they laughed, too.  

“So, if everyone is done eating, is there anyone here that would like to open some gifts?” Justin smiled at Taylor and Gage.

“Now that is a stupid question, Papa.” Gage responded.

“Gage, show some respect for your papa,” Shelby threw Gage a stern look.

“Papa knows I love him, Mom, but that was a silly question.  I’m sorry, Papa. I didn’t mean to be rude.”

Gage ran over to Justin and hugged him as they all stood up.  

“It was kind of a silly question.” Justin started to pick Gage up and Brian noticed him flinch so he helped boost Gage up.  “You are growing up far too fast, Gage. Promise you will never get too old to give your papa a kiss and say you love me.”

“Papa, I will always love you.  Just don’t make me kiss you in public, deal?”

“That is a deal, Gage!”  Justin held him tight.  

Brian brought his mouth down to Gage’s ear and whispered, loud enough for Justin to hear, “That was a pretty silly question but I love your silly Papa anyway.”

“That is pretty obvious,” Gage smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around Justin’s neck.  Justin’s heart was almost too full to handle it.

As everyone opened gifts and enjoyed each other's company, Brian caught himself looking at Brinn and she had a distant look.  She was doing a good job hiding it but he could see a distant look. As they started cleaning up all the paper and boxes, Brian walked over and offered Brinn his hand. “Hey, Brinny, I want to talk to you.” He looked at everyone else who had an odd look. “I’m the father of the bride to be and I can talk to my baby girl.”

Brian wrapped his arm around Brinn’s shoulders and led her to his office.  As soon as the door was shut Brian pulled her in his arms. “Oh, my baby is going to have a baby.”

Brinn pressed her face into his warm shirt.  “Oh daddy, so do you think I should have the baby?”

“Sweetheart, I can’t make that decision for you but I think I know your heart and I can’t see you terminating this.  It is part of you and with Zach being unable to…. Well it seems like this might be an answer ….I’m sorry, it really is totally up to you.  I just wanted you to know, I am here if you need anything, no matter what you decide. Brinny, you’re my baby girl.” Brian quickly wiped his eyes.

“Daddy, are you crying?”

“Ah, shit,” Brian held onto her tightly.  I haven’t totally adjusted to you getting married and now…”

“I love you and daddy.  I just wish this time you would tell me how to take care of this. I am going to talk to Danny and….I know you are always here for me if I need you.  I have always known that except for that brief lack of sense when I left with Tina.”

“And you are the best daughter we could have asked for.”  They stood their embracing for a few more minutes.

“I guess we should join the rest of the family.  The rest of the guests will be a couple hours but I asked Danny to come over early.  He may or may not bring Elliott right away. I told him he could because I don’t want him to think he has to keep a secret from his husband, just like I knew Daddy would tell you right away.” Brinn kissed Brian sweetly on the lips, “I love you. I couldn’t have had a better life.”


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