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Chapter 17

“I had forgotten how beautiful this place was,” Jonna said as she stood on the patio looking at the ocean below them.

John put his arm around Jonna’s shoulders.  “It is, isn’t it.” Jonna leaned into her dad.  “It has been far too long since we came here. Your papa and I have some great memories…..”

“Dad, I don’t want to hear it,” Jonna stepped on tiptoe and kissed his cheek.  “I’m just glad my dads love each other and love me.”

“Well, I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Have you looked at your papa lately?  He is so out of my league. He is still the most beautiful man I have ever seen.”

“Daddy, I can’t look at either of my dads like that but since you mentioned it, my friends drool over you equally.  Do you think Hannah is really doing well?”

“Oh, honey, I am sure she may have a bad dream or two but from what I can tell, she felt safe because of you and by the time you were separated she wasn’t too scared of the kidnapper.  He seems to have treated her well. You are the one who…”

“When does Zia Angi arrive?”  Jonna changed the subject.

“She was going to try to get an earlier flight but right now she plans to be here tomorrow.” John faced Jonna and tilted her head up so she could look into her deep brown eyes, so like Tony’s, “Jonna, we understand you are uncomfortable talking to us but, baby, if you need to talk to someone, we are here.  Even if you just want to tell us how horrible men are, we can take it.”

“Oh, Daddy, you aren’t horrible men.  I am so lucky to have my three men in my life and when Papa told me about his …..”

“Yes, Tony and I worked through that soon after we met and all we have ever wanted for both our children is they are happy and eventually find someone you are happy with.”

Jonna put her head on her dad’s chest and held onto him tightly.  “Daddy, can I just live with you forever? I will take care of you and Papa when you get old.  I can feed you and read to you.” 

John was sure he felt her trembling, “You  know you can stay with us as long as you want. You are forever our daughter and you will always have a home with us but, honey, I really hope someday that fear will be gone and you will find an amazing person to be your one and only.”

Matty walked out in a pair of trunks and got in the pool.  He started swimming. He turned at the end and came back. “Jonna, come join me.”

“I….I don’t think I am ready for a swimsuit.

“Well, you know we don’t care.”

“Maybe later, Matty, but I will sit and watch you.”

As his kids talked he went back inside hoping for a few minutes with Tony.  He found him at the counter, making espresso. Moving close he pressed his body to Tony’s back, he bit his ear and then asked, “When does Angi get in?”

“She thought she would be here around 2:00.”

“I would say we have at least twenty minutes before the kids come in.” John slid his hands into the front of Tony’s shorts and began long teasing strokes.  He reached lower and began to fondle his balls.

“Oh, mi amore, the children…..”

“They are hardly children.  Matty has been with more people than I have.”  John could feel Tony getting close to climax so he shoved his other hand down the back of the shorts and with one gentle push his finger was buried deep and he began to milk Tony’s prostate.  

Tony leaned against John as he came. “Oh god,” Tony sighed as he turned and kissed John.  “When was the last time we did something like that.”

“Far too long.” Tony turned into John’s arms and as they ground together and their tongues danced they heard the door open.

“I’m just passing through.  Don’t stop on my account.” Jonna’s sweet voice said and before they could separate, she was gone.

John started to withdraw but Tony held him close.  “I think we need to give her a little space, darling.  She’s not going anywhere and neither are we. I love you, John Montefiore.”

“I love you, too, Antonio Montefiore.”

“You two could just as well go screw already.” Matty walked over and picked up the espresso Tony had made for himself and started sipping it.  “Have you heard from Brian and Justin?”

This brought seriousness to Tony and John. John moved away from Tony and washed his hands quickly before moving to Matteo’s side.  A text came in sometime overnight. John Smith didn’t make it.” John put an arm around Matty’s waist as he felt his knees buckle.

“What have I done?  What’s going to happen to me? I killed a man!  I’m a murderer.”

“Oh, Matty, you aren’t a murderer.” John held his son close as Tony came up from behind him and brought his arms around them both.

Tony continued, “Brian has lawyers working on it.  He said the man’s real name is John Smith and they do know what he did to your sister.  Brian is cooperating enough to say he will tell them more once the autopsy is complete and they have a cause of death.

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to do it.  I was just so angry with what he had done. I don’t think Jonna will ever be the same.  She told me some of what…...he wasn’t a man.”

“I hope she will start to heal.” John said.

“Did you know she won’t swim?  She doesn’t want her skin showing, she is covered with bruises and she is still in such pain. She is much stronger and braver than I am.”

“Angi will be here soon. Hopefully Jonna will begin to talk.”

“Maybe Jonna doesn’t want to talk!” All the men turned around to see Jonna standing there.  What if I just want to forget it all? Just quit talking about me!” Jonna turned her back to them.  In a whisper she said, ”Please, just let me be. Not only am I...dirty but I got Matty in trouble, too.”

Matty started for her but his dads held on to him.  “Let’s give her a little space.” Tony said softly. “Face it, as men, we can’t relate to what she feels.”

Brian spent a good part of the morning on the phone with his lawyers.  They expected to have cause of death by the end of the day. Before they said goodbye, the lawyer said, “Brian, did you know your daughter is interested in taking the bar? She wants to apprentice under me.”

“You’ve met my daughter.  Her IQ is higher than I can count.  Would you be willing to take her on? My guess is she could probably take the test today and pass it.”

“Yes, I remember talking with her at a holiday party you had.  She couldn’t have been more than ten and we had a conversation beyond what many lawyers could understand.  I just wanted to get the Ok from you.”

“Try saying no to that girl.  Just remember she is carrying my grandbaby and insist she doesn’t overdo it.”

“Well, I’ll do my best.  I have a friend who may be able to pull some strings to get her in the next testing for the bar.”

“When is it?”

“Less than four weeks.”

“Well, I guess that way she won’t stress over it too long.  It is totally up to her but if you can manage it, that would be best for all of us.” Brian was laughing as he hung up as Justin walked into the office.

“It’s nice to hear you laugh.  Who was on the phone?”

“My lawyer.  He said they should know how he actually died by this afternoon.  Can you believe that loser was really named John Smith? Oh, Dan called earlier too.  He’s working with the police and passed on the three names you had narrowed the employees to and the police are waiting for verification but they know who let him stay at the suite.”  Brian moved his chair backward and reached for Justin. “Come here, Sunshine.” Justin sat down on his lap, “I’m going to have to go to Vegas later this week. Will you come with me?”

“Of course I will, Brian, I can never sleep when we’re not together.  “Brian, how worried are you?”

“I’m not that worried yet.  I’d be stupid if I wasn’t concerned but I have good lawyers.  Oh, and that is what I was laughing about. Since last night, Brinn has managed to get on the next list to take the bar and she has four weeks to study.”

“Oh, shit, do you think her marriage will survive?”  as Justin started to laugh, Brian’s mouth came down on his and instantly the humor was gone and the passion began. The kisses very quickly had both of them smoldering. “Fuck!” Justin struggled to move his legs so he straddled the office chair but his leg would no longer let him do it.

“That’s what I was hoping to do.”

“I’m sorry, Bri, I just can’t make my leg….”  Brian quieted him with a kiss.

“I am sure we can come up with another way to make love.”  Brian laid Justin across the desk as he pulled down his pants. “I am sure we can come up with several…..” 

“Hey, Red, where are you?”  Dan had just walked in from the office.

“I’m here, Darling Dan.” Marcus smiled as he walked in from the office. 

“Where’s Hannah?”

“Becca is talking to her in the office.”  He pointed to the room he just walked out of.  “She is going to talk to her and see what Hannah might need after this.”

Dan took his hand and led him to the sofa across the room.  “I just read a report from the FBI about Kim.”

“DId she say why she did this?  Why she took Hannah? I never thought she was all that interested in her niece.”

“Kim didn’t say much but the guy did.  He is trying to get a lesser sentence, of course.  Kim’s plan was to keep Hannah until she wanted to stay with her and then she was going to start asking us for money.  Like we would just give up our daughter like that. They are both working on a plea for the kidnapping but now they are trying to figure out what charges should be brought against them for Jonna’s rape.  Both will definitely do jail time.” 

Marcus threw himself at Dan and both ended up lying on the couch.  “Thank god!” They kissed for a few more minutes before Dan moved a bit away.  “You know Hannah asked about going on vacation?”

“Did you come up with something? She really wanted Danny and Elliott to come but they can’t leave with the practice this close to opening.  If they agree, how about we go there and help them with some of the work and make it a sort of staycation.”

“That sounds like it would be good for all of us.  If Becca wants to see Hannah again soon, we could even make that work from their house plus Hannah really does love spending time with that son and son in law of ours.  Maybe this summer you and I will be able to sneak away for a weekend, knowing she is safe with them. Face it, I think we could use time alone when things settle down. I think we have a couple things to talk about but now isn’t the time.”

“Yes, Darling, we do.  You don’t doubt how much I love you, do you?”

“No, Red, I know you love me as much as I love you and this will wait but not forever.  And maybe I am just being silly, but please, just don’t spend time alone with Justin. I know it is irrational but ….”

“I won’t, Dan.  I will keep my distance unless I know someone is around.  You don’t have to worry, but I do understand.”  

The men began to kiss again and as the activity began to get a little heated a small voice from the next room said, “Daddies, we can hear you kissing.  Is it safe to come in?”

Dan and Marcus laughed, “How about we come to you?” Dan stood and offered his hand to Marcus.  Both men adjusted the pants to make things the least noticeable and they went to talk to Becca.

Angi stepped out of the taxi.  She could smell the ocean and hear it if she listened closely even though it was down the cliff.   

“Aunt Angi!” Matty came running around the corner of the villa.  Angi stopped and took a deep breath.  

For a split second she pictured Gus coming around the corner.  That Kinney blood made the most gorgeous men. “Matteo Montefiore, you get more handsome everytime I see you.” She kissed both of his cheeks and hugged him.  “So, give me a quick update about your sister.” Matty paid the taxi and grabbed her bag. 

“She hasn’t talked to any of us since this morning.  I think we were smothering her a little. I hope she will talk to you.  She won’t put on a swimsuit because of all the bruises. He hurt her so badly and not only physically.”

“Oh Matty, you have the biggest heart.” They walked around the side of the house. 

 “I screwed up big time but we can talk about that later,” he said as his dads swooped her up and kissed her. 

Tony held his sister for a long while, “How are you Angelica?  I hear you are a free woman right now.”

“I am. Easiest way to lose 160 lbs. I am fine, big brother.  How are the two of you holding up? It is not easy watching a child suffer, especially one as special as Jonna.”

“We hope that having a woman she is comfortable with will help her.”

“Time and security are probably the best medicine.  Where is she?”

Tony told her what bedroom she was in, “We’ll take your bag to your room.  You go say ‘hi’ to Jonna.”

Angi softly knocked on the door, “Jonna, I want to see my beautiful niece.”

“The door is open,” Jonna’s voice came through the door.  Angi walked in and saw her niece staring out the window. She walked up behind her and the girl turned and they hugged.  Jonna held on for a long time. “Are my dads mad at me?”

“Oh, bella, they are not mad at you.  They hurt for you. Your dads wish they could help but know they can’t understand.  If you want to talk about anything I will listen. If you have questions, I will try to answer them.”

“Zia Angi,” Angi looked at her niece and saw the little girl she used to be, “Every time they look at me I think they are picturing what happened.  It was so gross. He….I knew it would hurt but I never thought …..my friend does it with her boyfriend and she said it hurt a little bit the first time. but now she likes it but it hurt a lot and he ….. How can my dads like sex like that?  I am so confused about everything. Maybe I’ll just be a nun. Then I don’t have to worry about sex at all.”

“Oh, Jonna, I am sure that is what you are feeling right now.  What do you say we have a girl’s night in? We can eat pasta and watch movies.  I am sure there is gelato in the freezer. No boys allowed.”

“I’d like that, Zia Angi.  I’m not overreacting, am I?”

“Oh, you are not overreacting but if you were, you are allowed.  I was thinking about taking a swim before the sun starts going down.”

“I can’t,” Jonna said and turned her back to Angi.

“Oh, Jonna, why do you say that.” 

“My daddies would be horrified if they saw all the bruises. Unless I wore pants, they would see my legs.”  She slipped her yoga pants down and Angi had to do all she could not to react. She could see that they were starting to turn green but it was still purple and blue on most of her inner thighs.  She slowly pulled the pants back up, being careful not to put pressure on the most sensitive areas.

“That has to be so painful.”

“As long as I can just sit or stand at my own pace, it’s not so bad.”

“You are a brave woman, Jonna.”

“I don’t feel that brave.  Matty is the one who went after the guy.  He’s not going to hurt anyone else.” Angi wondered what Jonna was talking about but she would ask her brother later.

“I am going to tell the boys they are not allowed and have my brother make us that amazing pasta he makes so well.”

“Zia Angi, thank you.”

“For what, bella?”

“Just for treating me like me.”

Brinn lay gasping on the bed, “Who knew orgasms would get so much better when you’re pregnant.”

“I am willing to see if it can get even better!” Zach smiled as his mouth moved down to her breasts.  Her nipples were getting more sensitive each day and as Zach’s tongue flicked lightly from one to the other, she already began to climb. Just as she climaxed her phone rang.

“Oh shit,” she grabbed the phone.  “I’m late for my first study session,” she answered the phone. “Hello, I know, I’m late. Will be leaving here in five minutes.” She was already moving to the shower. “I really am sorry.”

Brian sat across the desk from his lawyer, “You were right.  She hadn’t left yet. I will plan on a thirty minute buffer for each session.  Now, Brian, that great nephew of yours is out of the country, right?”

“Yes, he’s at our villa in Ibiza. Jonna is recovering there with her family.”  Brian stated.

“I can make that work for now. You are going to have to go to Las Vegas tomorrow.  The police want to question you. They want to question Matteo, too, but I know you can talk around that for at least a week.”

“So, how much trouble am I really in?”  Brian stretched his legs out in front of him.

“You aren’t making it easy for me.  Your nephew killed a man in your presence.”

“Do we know what killed him yet?” Brian took a swig of coffee out of his mug.

“Well, he had a massive bump on his head from the fall.  He had a concussion which could definitely be part of the cause. He also had a cracked rib and internal bleeding.”

“That’s not right.  Matty never hit him there.  He broke his collarbone I’m fairly sure but that was the only real injury Matty could have caused.”

“They are trying to determine if some of the injuries might have occurred slightly earlier.  Had he had a fight with someone before the two of you. If they had surveillance videos they could tell but somehow that all disappeared.” Brian’s lawyer glared at him.  “You don’t make life easy, Kinney. So I told the detective you would be in Vegas by noon tomorrow.”

“Justin and I plan to leave around 2:00 today.  We should be there by 4:00. Do you have the detective’s information?”

“I’ll send the information to your phone.  I suggest, unless you want to run into your daughter, you better get out of here.”

“So I fucked up.  It isn’t the first time.”  Brian walked to the door. “I’ll be in touch unless I’m locked up.  Then Justin will be in touch.” Brian walked out the door. As he got into his car, he saw Brinn’s car come around the corner.  He stayed where he was until she had parked and rushed in. He then pulled out and drove toward home. How could he have been so rash.  If he had left some of the videos maybe they could have found some evidence. 

When Brian arrived at the vineyard he found Justin packing.  “The plane is ready any time we are.”  

Brian walked over and wrapped his arms around Justin but didn’t say a word.  Justin let him calm down and then spoke, “Do you want to tell me what got you so upset?”

“I might have hurt Matty’s case rather than help it,” he explained that there may have been an attack on John Smith before Matty but they will never be able to tell now.”

“Brian, there is nothing you can do about the missing time.  Maybe they can go further ahead and after and see if they find anything suspicious.  Worrying isn’t going to help.” Justin wrapped his arms around Brian’s waist. “I hope you didn’t get us a room in that hotel.”

“No, we are not staying at our lower end hotel this time.  And the penthouse suite in this place is amazing, including a hot tub on the roof.  Remember that place we stayed,” Brian caught his breath when Justin unzipped Brian’s pants and slipped his fingers inside.  Brian caught his breath as Justin began to gently caress him. After a few moments he took Brian’s hand and led him over to the chair where Justin sat and took Brian’s hips drawing him close. His hands slipped under the waistband and he gently slid his hands down over Brian’s hips and ass and he opened his mouth as he guided Brian into his mouth.  He never got tired of the feel of his strong cock, and the taste of him, he needed nothing more than him. The feel of his skin….Brian couldn’t go to prison. Brian began to move in and out as Justin graspend his hips firmly and Brian grabbed Justin’s head.

Brian’s fingers were entwined with Justin's thick hair.  There was more silver in with the blond each year but Justin was still the most handsome man he had ever seen. Just thinking about Justin was making him almost lightheaded.  His hands came to rest on Justin’s shoulders as his breathing got back to normal. Justin slowly rose and looked into Brian’s eyes. “I guess we better get going to the plane.” 

Brian pulled him close and kissed him.  He explored every millimeter of his mouth. As they separated Brian held onto him just a moment too long. He must have also been thinking about what might be.

Brian and Justin quickly finished packing and soon the plane was in the air.  It wasn’t long and Brian was dozing. Justin knew he hadn’t been sleeping as well as he normally did.  Justin helped him lay down with his head in his lap. Justin ran his fingers through Brian’s hair as he drifted into a deep sleep.

Angi and Jonna had a wonderful night but Jonna got tired because of her medication and after she was sound asleep, Angi went out of the main room and poured a large glass of wine.  She looked out to the pool area and saw John and Tony sharing a lounger. She knew they didn’t want her there at this moment but she didn’t care. She made enough noise coming out the door so they knew she was coming. She dropped on the chair next to them.

“I’m sorry.  I know you don’t need me here but  I …..” She drank most of the wine all at once.

“What is it, Angelica?” John asked, reaching for her hand, being closest to her. 

“Jonna is such an amazing young woman. Have you seen the bruises….no I know you haven’t.  She has to be in constant pain but she was worried about your reactions. Don’t let on that I told you this but Jonna won’t swim because you would be too horrified at her bruises.  They are starting to fade.” Angi lit a cigarette.

“How can you smoke those things?” Tony asked Angi in Italian.

“Don’t leave John in the dark,” she said in English.  “I only smoke under stress. Tonight I could smoke the whole pack. She is so brave.  She is worried she will never want to have a real relationship when her friends are just starting to explore and she can’t imagine even being touched.”  

John tugged her hand a little telling her to come closer.  He pressed against Tony and the double lounger held all three of them.  John pulled Angi close to him and Tony’s hand also rested on her shoulder.  “What can we do for her?” John asked sincerely.

“I think you are doing it.  Unless a therapist tells you to, don’t press her.  I think she is working it out in her own head and she has such an amazing support system.”  She kissed sweetly on the lips.  

“Hey, Ang, he’s mine remember?” John wiggled his ass against Tony’s cock and he moaned.

Angelica smiled at her brother, “It has been a while since I have had the physical contact of a handsome man.’

“And Tony, she definitely smells better than you do sometimes.” John breathed in her perfume.  He was not serious about Tony. About the only time he didn’t enjoy the smell of Tony was if he had just come from a long workout and even then the smell of his sweat always gave John a hard on.

“Um, John, I don’t know what you’re thinking about but I am betting it has to do with my brother and not me.”   She gently patted his crotch feeling the erection that had just grown. John jumped a bit making him press more firmly again Tony who then groaned himself.   “I think I will let the two of you alone,” she said as she moved off the lounger. “Where is my nephew? I have barely seen him yet. Maybe I will spend a few minutes with him and then I promised Jonna I would sleep in her room.” They pointed her in the direction of his room and she left them alone.  Before she was inside she heard the distinct sound of two zippers.

Angi tapped on Matty’s door, “May I come in?”

“Sure, “ Matty’s voice came through the door.  Angi walked in and dropped on the bed next to him.  He didn’t even look in her direction, “I fucked up so bad Aunt Angi.”  

She linked her fingers with her handsome nephew, so grown up and yet, so young.  “Are you sure it is as bad as you think?”

“I killed a man,” he said it so softly Angi wasn’t sure she heard it correctly.

Angi didn’t want to show Matteo her shock, “Tell me about it.”  She squeezed his hand gently and listened to the whole story.

When Matty was finishing it up he said, “Dad and Papa don’t know I know he’s dead.  I found it online today. I was so stupid and now I got Uncle Brian in so much trouble, too.”

“Well, your Uncle Brian can handle almost anything.  If anyone can make this all go away it is him. Speaking of your family, how is Gus?” she said on a lighter note.

“Gus is alright.  His kids are cute and his son is so much like Brian everyone is worried.”  This had both of them laughing a little. “But his lover moved away and he is not as good as some may think.  But what do I know, I don’t know anything.”

“Why do you think he isn’t as good as most think?”

“Maybe it’s because I’ve been around him when it was just the guys. I think he would screw almost any guy that showed up and I don’t think that’s Gus unless I was blind when I was a kid.  I mean there was Seth but he was devoted to his family and Seth.”

“You’re right.  That’s not Gus. It’s not like Gus to be uncertain or out of control.”  Angi commented.

“You know I would never want a different family, even my crazy Mom, but, really, what has Gus ever had to do?  He is a great architect but his dads have always gotten him out of stuff. I know, I know….I’m hoping they can get me out of trouble now but, I heard he fucked a guy New Year’s Eve that Brian paid off to get out of town.”

“That doesn’t sound like Gus at all and Gus had an incident when he was your age too.” Angi yawned.  “I’m afraid I need to get some sleep. I told Jonna I would sleep in her room.” She kissed her nephew, “Tomorrow you can tell me about your latest playmate.”

“Not much to tell right now.  Cait and I are still friends but She’s in New Orleans and I am staying in California, hopefully not as a ward of the state.”

“I love you, Matty.  I’m here for you, my love.”  She walked toward the door.

“I love you too, Zia Angi.”

Gus arrived in L.A. late afternoon.  He had talked to his dads just before leaving and they were ready to go to Vegas.  He knew it was a serious situation but his pops could get himself out of anything. After checking into his suite and looking over his design for the meeting tomorrow, he was ready to cut loose.  Besides the suite he also got a simple room in the hotel. He would find an escort and take him there. That way they wouldn’t think money. They would just think businessman. Gus put on his favorite jeans and a silky, clingy shirt.  Now he just needed to figure out where to go. He had looked online and asked a few of his gay coworkers so he had possibly four places. He figured he would try the closest one first. He would enjoy dancing but he was more interested in finding someone to fuck.  

Gus had barely entered the club and there were two men at his side. The three of them ended up sitting at a table and having a bite to eat before they  moved out to the dance floor. It wasn’t long and Gus knew who he wanted to spend the night with. He could feel the guys hard cock pressing into his thigh and the man could kiss like none other. It was only about 10:00 p.m. when the men left the dance floor and moved out onto the street. 

Gus found himself pressed against a brick wall with the man’s hand down his pants. “What’s your name,” the man mumbled as his mouth moved to Gus’ neck. “I’m Joe.”

“Seth.  I’m Seth.”

“You have a place we can go?” Joe asked Gus. 

“It’s a couple blocks from here.”

“So what are we waiting for?” They decided walking would get them there quickest and Gus used a side door that opened with this room card.and within five minutes they were naked.  Gus had a pile of condoms on the nightstand. 

Gus poured each of them a drink and his ‘guest’ offered him a pill but Gus wasn’t interested.  He put on a condom and as Joe started to fly, Gus entered him. Soon Gus was glad he was high. He thrust over and over and over.  He was in his own head but the body he pictured entering wasn’t Joe. As soon as he picture Seth, he shouted and ejaculated. As soon as he had cum he slipped a condom on Joe and bent over a chair.  Joe went forever. By the time he finally came, Gus’ ass was sore but he finally had something else to focus on.

After giving him a few minutes, Gus  said, “I have a meeting early in the morning.  Would you mind leaving?”

“Nothing like a quick fuck!  Wife and kids at home? She know you’re doing this?”

“As a matter of fact, she does. Turn the light off when you leave.”

Joe pulled on his clothes, grumbling all the time.  He slammed the door when he left.

Gus lay in bed not able to sleep.  Eventually he got up and poured another large drink and drank it down before falling back on the bed.  Soon he was sound asleep with visions of Seth dancing through his mind.

The flight to Las Vegas was smooth.  Justin fell asleep but woke when Brian’s mouth closed around his dick. Justin’s fingers entwined in his hair as his head bobbed.  “Oh, god Brian. That feels so amazing.” Soon Justin was unable to sit still. He thrust to meet Brian until he held Brian’s head still and he emptied himself and just as he Brian’s mouth moved up to Justin’s the pilot told them to take their seats and put on their seatbelts.

Brian called the detective as soon as they were settled into their room.  He was told to come down to the station at 10:00 a.m. Brian’s attorney couldn’t make it however, a local attorney was going to sit with Brian during the questioning.   Truthfully it was more filling Brian in on what they knew then questions although they were sure there would be some questions. Brian stood on the balcony looking out over the city.  

Justin walked up behind him and encircled his waist. His head dropped onto Brian’s back. “You’re awfully quiet.  Did the detective say something you didn’t tell me?”

“No, he said very little.  Sunshine, do you mind if we stay in tonight?”

“I already ordered dinner.  It should be here in about half an hour.”

Brian turned and pressed his lips to Justin’s forehead and then his cheek before Justin turned to meet his lips. There was a little desperation between them.  Neither wanted to think that there was a possibility they would be separated soon. Justin wasn’t sure he could deal with it and he was fairly sure Brian couldn’t. Brian was in great shape for a man of his age but losing his freedom was more than Justin thought he could take.

By the time their meal arrived they were in robes.  They had left the last thirty minutes undressing each other.  There was no rush tonight. Their skin was glowing from the touching and kissing that had been going on. They let the server in and as he set up the table for them Brian and Justin stayed in each other’s arms kissing the whole time.  The server interrupted, “Excuse me, gentlemen? Is there anything else I can do for you?” The look on the servers face told them he did mean anything else.

“You are about 20 years too late for the anything,” Brian smiled at the good looking man.  He handed a $100 to him.

“Oh thank you, sir! You own this hotel, don’t you?”  he asked Brian.

“We are part owners, yes.”

“I knew I had seen your picture somewhere.  It was in the HR department. I’m sorry, I should get out of here so you can eat while your food is hot. Did you just get married? Is this your honeymoon? I’m sorry, I’m asking too many questions.”

“You are fine,” Justin smiled at the young man.  “We have been married over twenty years, together for over thirty.”

“Wow!  You don’t look much older than that.”

“Brian, I think we should get this guy a promotion,” Justin smiled at the young man.  “What’s your name?”

“I’m Randy.  Now I am leaving.  Have a nice night. If you don’t mind, just set the cart out in the hall when you are done,” and with that Randy was gone.

Justin had picked a meal of appetizers and salad.  They sat next to each other instead of across from each other and fed each other bites. As the meal went on there was more and more touching and kissing until Justin loosened Brian’s robe and his finger moved over Brian’s cock.  When Brian was fully erect, Justin straddled him and as Justin lowered himself slowly, Brian held his dick in place. He watched Justin’s face as he impaled himself. Brian guided Justin’s face down to his own and as their lips met, Justin sank down the remainder of the way.

Brian grasped onto Justin’s hips and began to thrust upward, hard enough to worry he might be hurting Justin but after this many years he knew Justin enjoyed a little discomfort.  As he came deep inside Justin he grabbed Justin’s erection and after a few swift pulls Justin cried out in release. He fell against Brian’s chest and felt his heart beating there.  It was strong and rapid at the moment but as he laid against him, it began to slow.

Brian shifted a bit,“Let’s go try out that huge tub out on the balcony.  I can’t decide if it is a bathtub or a hot tub but it looks inviting.” 

Justin got up and then Brian stood next to him. “I love you, more each day, I think.” Justin kissed his cheek and then led the way.

Danny and Elliott, sat on either side of Hannah’s bed.  “Is this bed really for me?”

“Of course it is, Hannah Banana.  We want you to come visit us and to do that we need a room just for you,” Danny bent and kissed her cheek.  “Well, since you are snug as a bug in a rug, we will let you get to sleep.”

“Danny, can you stay a little while? I….” she brought her mouth to his ear and whispered, “I sometimes wake up and get scared I’m ….”

Danny smiled at her, “I will lay with you as long as you want me to or until you are asleep.” He looked at his husband, “El, would you mind making sure everything in the kitchen is put away.  I‘ll be out shortly.”

“Hannah, you can keep him as long as you need him.”  Elliott kissed Hannah and then walked to Danny and gave him a long lingering kiss before walking out the door.

Danny snuggled next to Hannah, “You know, Hannah, you have four men in your life that love you more than you can imagine.”

“Danny, do you think Jonna will ever like me again?  I don’t know what happened to her but she got hurt and it was all because they wanted me.”

“Oh, Hannah,  Jonna did get hurt but she doesn’t blame you.  It wasn’t your fault. She is on a vacation just like you are but when she comes back, I am sure she will come visit as soon as she can.  Would you like to talk to her tomorrow?”

“Can I?”  Hannah yawned and rested her head on his chest. 

“Of course,  unless she isn’t near a computer.  I will talk to her in the morning.” Danny kissed her head.

“I love you, Danny.”

“Oh, sweetheart, I love you, too.” Moments later Danny heard the deep heavy breathing and knew Hannah was asleep.  He carefully got out of bed and left the room. He walked to the kitchen and found Elliott opening a bottle of wine, “Have my dads come out of their room?”

“No, and I don’t expect them to come out until morning. I am sure they needed a night by themselves.  Hannah’s been sleeping between them ever since she got home and the weeks she was gone...well, they need this time.”

Elliott put his arms around Danny and kissed him, “You’re a good big brother.”

“I try.  I wish I could have been to my sister, Katie.  I miss her.”

“Maybe she can come and visit.”

“Maybe she can.  She’s in college now. I’ll have to see if she could visit this summer.”

“You know she is welcome.  This is a big house and family is important.”  Elliott poured a glass of wine for each of them and guided Danny to the sofa. They sipped wine and talked about their new clinic.

“You know, this house is huge.  We were so lucky to find it but there is so much room….”

“Danny, not tonight, please.  I know you want a family but…..we need to get our practice started.  Maybe in five or ten years….”

“El, why don’t you want children? You love Hannah.  I’ve seen you with kids at the clinic. They love you.  Why El?

“Please, Danny, not now.” He emptied his glass of wine and stood up, “I think I will go do some paperwork.”

“No, Elliott, please. I didn’t mean to upset you.  I just feel like although we share most everything you are keeping something from me,” Danny moved to him and put his arms around him.  “Please, don’t go to the office.” He kissed him, moving his hand down the front of Elliot’s jeans

“I’m sorry I pushed you.  You have some reason and someday, I hope, you’ll tell me.”

“Does there have to be a reason?”

“No, but I know my husband and ….I love you.  I don’t want to fight.” Danny pressed his body against  Elliott’s.

Elliott crushed Danny’s mouth as he pushed him backward.  The next thing Danny knew he was flat on his back on the dining room table and then his pants were being tugged off.  “You know you drive me crazy but god, I love you, Danny Reed.” Elliott took his time entering Danny and then as he moved slowly, he bent and kissed him. As they climbed higher and higher before they climaxed together. As Elliott moved out he offered Danny his hand, “Let’s go to bed. I have a feeling we aren’t done for the evening.”

Dan and Marcus watched Danny and Elliott move to their room.  They walked into the kitchen and rummaged for something to eat.  They had both worked up an appetite. They sat by the small kitchen table with cheese and grapes.  “A week ago I couldn’t imagine being this happy ever again.” Marcus said as he popped a grape in his mouth.

“The only thing that could make life perfect was knowing all charges would be dropped against Brian.” Dan said as he raised Marcus’ hand to his mouth. “Red, I …..you and Justin, do I need to be concerned? I promise if you tell me no, I won’t bring it up again.”

“You know I love Justin and Brian, the same way you do but Dan, you are my husband. You are the only person I could imagine spending the rest of my life with and if you were the only person I kiss the rest of my life I would die a happy man.”


Dan realized he had been holding his breath, “Red, I have been worried that maybe I ….I know I shouldn’t have blocked you out.  I am so used to getting focused on a case….. I just didn’t know how to handle it when we were the case. I love you, Marcus, and I will until my dying breath.”

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