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Author's Chapter Notes:

sorry for the short chapters but if i were the reader, i'd prefer getting short chapters than waiting a long time for a long chapter!

Always happy to read your comments!

By Friday Brian was convinced that whatever shitstorm had hit the Munchers it needed to be addressed fucking last year!  Over the last four days, Gus had asked to call momma the second he finished his breakfast and after his night bath. On the first two days he even asked to speak to his momma during lunch. Brian and Justin had indulged him every time. It wasn’t lost on either of the two men that Gus never asked to speak to mommy and blatantly refused to do so whenever Mel asked him if he wanted to. Last night he’d asked Mel to put the phone on Jenny’s ear so he could tell her he missed and remind her of his voice. Needless to say it caused Justin’s allergies to act up.

“Daddy, it’s time to call momma!”

“Do you want me to call mommy today instead?”

“I don’t want to talk to mommy, I want to talk to momma.”

Brian took his phone out and dialed Melanie who picked up mid first ring. Momma seemed to be as anxious to speak to her Gussie as Gussie was to speak to his momma.

“Hello Mel! How are you today? How’s Jenny?”

Brian internally cringed at the small talk with Mel but he couldn’t find it in him to be bitchy to the bulldyke.

“We’re good! How are you guys? Are you enjoying your break? How’s my little boy doing? Is he enjoying himself?”

“We’re good and enjoying every second of it! Your little boy is doing great and is about to snatch the phone out of my hand.”

Brian asked Gus to sit on the couch, gave him the phone and a kiss on the top of his. He got up and made a big production of clearing the breakfast table but was completely focused on his Sonny boy.

“Hello momma! How are you? I miss you and Jenny a lot! […] I love you too! […] Yes I am being a good boy! […] Yesterday we watched a movie in bed. It was Aladdin. Momma there’s a man who lives in a tea-pot! Sometimes he’s blue.  And the princess is very beautiful but you’re more beautiful! […] Yes I loved it and daddy said he will buy it for me. […] Today the man who brings the food heard me talking about Aladdin and he asked me if I want to go to Disney. I told him we’ll go when Jenny gets bigger. I don’t want to go without her momma, she will be sad. Can we come again and go to Disney? […] Yes momma I am sure I don’t want to go without Jenny. […] Today we’re doing shopping! We’re going to buy toys and gifts. […] Daddy said I can get anything I want but I told him it’s not all for me. It’s for you and Jenny too. […] But mommy always buys things for herself. […] Yes momma but only one thing for mommy. […] Goody! Don’t forget to give a lot of kisses and hugs to Jenny for me. […] And tell her I miss her. […] I love you too momma. A lot a lot a lot! […] Bye momma, I will call you tonight!”

“Daddy, momma wants to talk with you.”

Brian came over and took the phone and sent Gus to the bathroom. Justin followed Gus to supervise the cleaning up and dressing up. Out of habit Brian braced himself to the biting tones of Mel.

“Hey Mel.”

“Listen Brian, if you planned to take him to Disney, I’ll call him in a bit and tell him that he will be able to be Jenny’s tour guide if he’d already been there. I’ll convince him it won’t make her if he went without her.”

Who the fuck was this woman? But then again, Mel had always loved Gus. Even if this talk had happened two years ago, she would have made sure that Gus wasn’t missing on anything. Brian remembered when Mel first got pregnant. He was afraid she would forget about his Sonny boy and solely focus on her biological child. Mel had proven him wrong and proven to be the better parent.

“Actually going to Disney never crossed my mind. We were always going to be shopping today. Anyway, I’m sure he’d be happier to go to Disney with Jenny.”

“Okay then. Take care of my boy Brian.”

“I am taking care of him Mel. Don’t worry.”

“I know you are but I’m mom, I worry! Fuck me! I’m turning into my mom. Anyway, give Gussie some kisses from his momma, tell him Lindsay sends her love I don’t want him thinking she’s not thinking about him, and enjoy the rest of your trip. All three of you.”

Brian Kinney wasn’t a man easily silenced but fuck him she’d had him there.

“I’m a lawyer and Ted is a very bad liar when I cross examine him. Don’t kill him, he didn’t say anything but I enjoyed seeing him squirm. Your secret is safe with me.”

“Okay thanks Mel! I’ll speak to you tonight.”

Somehow he didn’t care that she knew about Justin being with him. The whole family was going to know on Sunday that they tied the knot. What he cared about was that fucking Lindsay was apparently always buying herself new shit while complaining about money! What he also cared about was that fucking Lindsay hadn’t called her son in four days and apparently didn’t bother asking Melanie about him.

Chapter End Notes:

Next chapter: the shopping trip highlights

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