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Chapter 15

“Gage, I get the feeling there is something you want to say,” Trent said as Gage sat down for dinner near the end of the week.

“Trent,  do you think my dad would come out so I can talk to him?”

“I am sure he would be here as fast as his truck could take him. Should I see if he wants to join us for dessert?”

“Will you stay with me while I talk to him?”

“I will follow your lead, Gage.  If you want me to stay, I’ll stay but if you want me to leave, just ask.”

“Ok, I’ll talk to him.”

Trent texted Gus and immediately got a response, “On my way from town.  Will be there in 30 min.”

Gus was with Sam at the office when he got the text, “Sam, my son wants to see me.  I need to go.  Do you got this?”

“Yes, you gave me enough information.  I will be able to finish it now.  Thanks and good luck with Gage.”

“Thanks, Sam.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”  Gus jumped into his truck and drove away.

Sam watched him pull away and, before finishing her work, she called George. “Hey, plans tonight?”

“No, I was just leaving the school and going to head home.”

“Well, how about coming to my place and we can order pizza and watch a movie or something.”

“How about I bring a fresh pizza from here and then we can bake it  and if the something you mentioned is what I am hoping for…”

“Your pizza sounds great and we can talk about something after we eat.  I will be home in half an hour, does that work?”

“That’s perfect.  What do you want on your pizza?”

“It doesn’t matter.  The more the better...just no pineapple.”

“Oh, sounds like I have to do some convincing about that.”

“George Thomas, you will never talk this Italian into that.  See you in 30.”

Gus arrived at Trent’s and was nervous all of the sudden.  He had called Shelby and let her know where he was heading and he would see her later.  Now he stood at the door and waited for Trent to open it.  He didn’t care if Gage saw him, he kissed Trent when the door opened. “Thanks for texting.”

“Gage asked to talk to you.” Trenton said quietly, “He wants me to stay with you while you talk.”

“Of course, that’s fine, Pen.  Is he ready to come home?”

“I’m not sure but he wants to talk to you anyway.”  

Gage came into the living room from the hall.  Gus wanted to hug his son so badly but stopped himself.  “Hi Gage.  It’s so good to see you.”

“Hi Dad. We’re having sundaes.  Do you want one?”

“I actually haven’t had dinner yet.”

Trent touched his arm, “I’ll heat up our leftovers and you can eat dinner while we eat ice cream.”

Five minutes later the three sat around the table.  Gus was eating leftover pasta  and glancing up at Gage from time to time, but he was going to wait for Gage to talk first.  Gus finally said, “The pasta’s very good.  Is that some of George’s sauce?”

“It is.  He sells it now so I just buy that and I just cook the pasta.  He is such an amazing chef.”

“Yes, and just a great guy…”

“Dad, you aren’t here to talk about George. You’re here because…. Why didn’t you tell me, tell  us earlier.  If you hadn’t sprung it on me I might have been able to get used to the idea but to tell a guy that his new cousin is really his brother is a lot for a guy.” Gage looked his dad right in his eyes. 

“I’m sorry, Gage.  I really am.  I didn’t tell you at first because sometimes the pregnancy doesn’t take and then she said she was pregnant and well, I thought you might think it was weird because she is my sister but you know we aren’t related by blood.  Gage, you are right.  I should have told you.  I forget how grown up you and your sister are.  Please, Gage, will you forgive me.  Your mom and I both want you home and so do your sisters.”

Gage turned to Trenton, “Trent, thank you for letting me stay here and for just letting me be me while I was here.”

“Dad, maybe, if you can wait a minute I will give you most of my stuff and then I will come home after school tomorrow since transportation will pick me up here.”

“That sounds perfect, Gage. Take your time getting your bag together and if something gets left you know Trenton will be around.”

Gage walked around and Gus stood, taking his son in his arms, Gus kissed both of his cheeks, “I love you Gage William Kenney!” the emotion in his voice was thick.  And then Gage was gone.  

Trent pulled Gus onto his lap and put his arms around him. After they kissed, Gus said, “Thank you, Pen.  Who knows what would have happened if he hadn’t come here.”

“I’m glad he did.”

“Is he still crushing on you? Not that I would blame him.”

“Well, maybe a little.  I might find out tonight.  The boy has no taste and is totally straight. I’ve seen him get a hard on watching some movies with girls in swimsuits,  He has never had that with a guy in a speedo.” Trent couldn’t resist putting his hand in Gus’ lap and stroking him through his jeans. “I don’t want to pressure you but if you can get away sometime this weekend, even for a couple hours, although I would love you for a whole night.” Trenton kissed his neck and then almost pushed Gus off his lap when they heard Gage coming down.

Gus took Gage’s bag and hugged his son before walking out the door.  Trent followed him and after a quick kiss, Gus said, “I’ll let you know if I can get away and I promise you, I want to come here. It’s just...”

“Don’t explain.  I know. I love you.” Trenton saint softly and with that Gus was gone.

When Sam arrived home 45 minutes later, she found George sitting on her steps. “I am sorry. I know I’m late, she said as she rushed up the steps.  She began to move past him but George caught her around the waist.  He pulled her close for a kiss.  George, I probably stink.  I was on a site for a good part of the day today.”

“You smell like a woman I am very fond of,” he said as he gave her a second, longer kiss.  “Who knew a girl in grimy jeans and a dirty T-shirt could be so damn sexy.” Sam squirmed out of his arms and opened the door.

“I am going to get out of this dirty clothes.  I will be back out in fifteen minutes.  I am sure you can take care of the pizza yourself.” She disappeared into the bedroom and fifteen minutes later she walked out with damp hair in a messy knot on top of her head.  She wore clean jeans and a T shirt.  Her face was void of make up but her natural glow made her more stunning than any woman he had seen.

“God, you are so gorgeous,” he walked over to her and, placing his hands on either side of her face, gave her a long   invasive kiss. He moved one hand to the middle of her lower back pulling her in closer. She willingly melted against him.

They finally separated when the oven timer began to sound.  George pulled the pizza out while Sam opened a bottle of red.  “I have to say I am getting used to having all the wine I want at my fingertips and then you bring me dinner… I am getting spoiled.”

“You work hard.  Someone should spoil you.” George sliced the pizza.  “The living room ok?”

“Perfect.” She grabbed a roll of paper towels and the wine with two glasses and they both sat on the floor by the coffee table. 

Sam had heard all about George’s last girlfriend and couldn’t imagine this sweet man with a woman like that. Sam, however, hadn’t talked about her past at all.  That wasn’t missed by George.  Anytime he asked her a question, she artfully diverted the question.  All he knew was that she got divorced about a year and a half ago.  Maybe tonight was the night to find out a little more about her he thought as he filled her wine glass.

“If I didn’t know better, Geo, I would think you are trying to get me tipsy.  Are you trying to get into my pants?”

“No, well not tonight.  I am trying to pry into your past life.” He saw her stiffen up. “I’m sorry, Sammy, I don’t mean to push you but,” he reached over and brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes, “I’m becoming really fond of you and I just want to get to know you a little bit. I mean, I know you were married but I don’t even know where you lived or what the asshole did to lose you.”

“He’s not worth my breath.  It is a part of my life I like to forget.” George draped his arm around the back of the sofa seat and she moved closer. “For now can I just say that he wasn’t a very nice man and I would much rather have you in my pants than my brain.” She straddled him and tugged up on  his shirt until she managed to get it off him.  “I promise when the time is right I will tell you more but right now,” she pulled off her own shirt and for the first time he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.  Her small, firm breasts made him forget about everything but feeling his mouth around one of them.

An hour later they lay in her bed, “Sammy, the asshole wasn’t violent was he?”

“He beat me down but now with his fists,” was all she said.

“I can’t imagine someone with your confidence would put up with…”

“It has nothing to do with putting up with something.  He had me sure that I was a loser. I just worked in construction...probably because I wanted to be with more men.  I was probably sleeping with half of them anyway. How long could my body keep that up? A woman isn’t tough enough to do that very long.”

“Fucker, who is he? I’ll set him ….”

Sam kissed George, “He’s not worth it.  I found enough strength to leave.  I lived in my truck as I finished my architecture degree. Please don’t tell Gus that.  I fibbed just a bit on my resume.  Who is going to hire someone who is homeless? And then they gave me this!” She waved her arm over her head.”

“The Taylor-Kinney clan is amazing.  They just accept anyone.” George rested his hand on her stomach, “Sammy, we’ve been a bit careless with birth control.  You do use something, don’t you?  I know I have been far too careless and I know it isn’t your responsibility.”

“I do, and we are trusting each other that neither of us have anything.”

“I promise you, I get tested regularly.  Not because I am with that many people but because I work in food service and people get a little picky when it comes to that.”

“George, you said people, not women.  Not that is matters but are you bisexual? I guess it would matter if you were seeing someone besides me if this goes somewhere.  I can’t be as understanding as Shelby.”

“No, I have been with one man a few times but no one else has ever interested me.  

“May I know who it is?”

“Have you met Matteo and Nora Montefiore?”

“No, but I think I have seen a picture of the family.  I have an office at headquarters and both Tony and John have an office there although John isn’t there often.”

“Oh, of course! Well, before Nora came in the picture.  Everyone else had someone so we just sort of ended up together a few drunken nights but he is my best friend and nothing more.  Why would I need his ass when I have,” his hand moved to her ass and he pulled her closer.

“Geo, I have no idea where this might go but I want to tell you right now. I will not get married again,  not after last time. I just won’t belong to anyone again.  Why am I even talking about this? Talk about scaring someone off. We have never even gone on a date.”

“You’re right but I want to change that.  Tomorrow’s Friday.  I have an early evening job but should be done by 8:00.  How about I make reservations for 9:00.  I’ll be here at 8:30, if you want to.”

“I would love to.  This is a real date, right?  Like wear something besides jeans?”

“Yes, and maybe then you can tell me a little more about your life, like where you grew up and if you have siblings.”

“Tomorrow, but now, I don’t care if you sleep here or go home but I need to get some sleep.”

“Well, if you don’t mind,” he relaxed his arms around her and as she turned away from him he spooned up behind her. “I’m getting to like having your warm body next to me.” 

Sam was enjoying the warmth of his body as well but she couldn’t think beyond that at the moment.  Everything was going too smoothly, her career had to come first.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               March had turned into April and then it was May.  The twins were growing well and after Zach’s mother returned home, they had hired a nanny to help with the twins.  She fit in well.  She was loving and professional. She would stay through the summer and then they would reevaluate their need for assistance.

Danny and Elliott had been spending their days at the clinic and most nights at the hospital.  Their patient, Connie, was holding on by pure willpower. The nurses would tell them she would hold on only so she could her daughter in the evening but everyday she was less alert and in more pain.  Everyone, including Elliott, hadn’t expected her to still be alive.  Danny would stay with Emma until she fell asleep and then he would go through emails to see if anyone knew Connie.  Through her social security number he found out where she was born and then tracked down where she went to school which led to her parents' names.  He was sure he was going to find someone but it didn’t work that way.  What he found out was that Connie was an only child of only children.  Her mother had died while she was in high school and her father committed suicide right after she graduated from college leaving her all alone. He found her previous job but no one there knew who Emma’s father was.  She had dated someone but he was gone before the baby arrived so she truly had no one.  There was no one for Emma.  

Danny didn’t want social services to find that out.  He knew the foster system.  They tried but it would break his heart to see this little girl get lost  in the system. Tonight she had climbed up onto his lap with a book and as he read to her, she moved so her arms were around his  neck and soon she was asleep.  When Elliott came to take him home, he found them both sleeping in a rocker.  He gently lifted the little girl out of Danny’s arms.  Danny’s first instinct was to hold onto her tighter but when he opened his eyes he let her go.  El laid her down and kissed her cheek before pulling the blankets up.  Danny walked over and put an arm around Elliott and as he looked down at the beautiful, little girl a tear ran down his cheek. “What’s going to happen to her? It just breaks my heart.   What if they can’t find a place….”  Elliott pulled him close.  

“Darling, I wish there was something we could do.”

“El, what if we become foster parents.  Maybe if we started the classes they would let us take her home.  Living in a hospital isn’t good for anyone.”

“But Danny….let’s talk about this in the morning.  I’m just too tired.” Elliott said.  Danny looked at him and he could see how worn out he really was.  

“El, tomorrow let’s take the day off.  I think we both need it.  I don’t think there is anything that can’t be put off or Tammy could take care of it.  We need time for the two of us.”

“That sounds perfect,” Elliott said as they leaned on each other as they walked out the door. 

By the time they arrived home, they had heard from Tammy and she encouraged them to stay home.  She had seen how tired they both had gotten.  It wasn’t only from lack of sleep but from the stress of getting far too close to a patient and her situation. And when they fell into bed, they both fell into a restless sleep.

Danny woke before it was light and took a cup of coffee and a blanket and went outside to watch the sun rise. He hadn’t slept well. He tossed and turned and when he did fall asleep he heard Emma crying for him to come back.  He couldn’t let that little girl go into foster care with strangers.  He picked up his phone and called his dad. He hoped he still woke up before the sun now that he was retired.  “Junior, is everything alright? It isn’t even 6:00.”

“Dad,” hearing his dad’s voice had him choking up for some reason. “Dad, can you come over? I need to talk to you, or I can come there.”

“I’m on my way.”

Twenty minutes later Dan pulled up to Danny and Elliott’s house and came around the side of the house with a thermos of coffee.  “Danny, what is it?”  Danny hugged his dad for a long time. Dan held onto him tightly stroking his hair and kissing his cheek. 

“Dad, you and Marcus are still foster parents, right?  I mean because Hannah isn’t able to legally be adopted you/ve had to keep it up.”

“Yes, is it that little girl you told me about?”

“Dad, she has no one.  Her mom will not make it another month and I just can’t see that sweet little….she is just a little older than Hannah was when I found her.”

“Danny, I am too old to start with an infant.  I...I’m retired.  I’m ready for my grandbaby to come.”

“Dad, I just want you to say you’ll be responsible for her but El and I will actually take her.  We just need someone to take her until I or we can become  foster parents.”  Together they sat on the porch swing and Danny put his head on Dan’s shoulder.  

“Junior, have you talked to Elliott about this?”

“Dad, it doesn’t matter because I am...that little girl needs me just like Hannah needed you and Marcus.”

“But, Danny, have you really thought about this?  You have a baby on the way already.  He or she will be here in less than 2 months.”

“Dad, all I really want, need is for you to talk to a judge that can give us temporary custody.”

“Danny, I can try but you might have better luck talking to Matteo or Brinn.  They can plead your case.  There is really no hope for her mom?”

“Connie is out of it most of the day now.  The only time she seems to focus at all is when her daughter is with her.”

“Danny, call Matty.  Have him create a document that the mom can sign today.  Have a couple witnesses that say she is of sound mind and she really has to be.  Get her to sign the power of attorney where her daughter is concerned. Then I don’t think you need to be foster parents and if Brinn and Matty can’t help you I can check with a couple lawyer friends but you know the Kinney-Montifiore names hold a lot of wait around here.  Brian has as many if not more connections than I do.  But, Junior, you need to make sure Elliott is on board with this. You have your child to think about.”

“I know, Dad, but look at her.” Danny pulled his phone out and showed him pictures of the little girl first sitting on her mom’s bed and then as she stood by a little doll in a small rocker. “She is so innocent.  She didn’t ask for any of this, just like Hannah didn’t.  Emma is…”

“Oh, son, she is beautiful.  I’ll help if I can.  If I need to cancel our trip…”

“No, you and Marcus need that trip.  It is your retirement trip with Brian and Justin.  If I need you in the next couple days, I’ll call.  Dad, look!” He pointed east as the sun was just peeking over a mountain in the distance.  “I have to have faith that all this will work out.  That precious sweet child needs a family and somehow we are going to give her just that.” Danny laid his head on Dan’s shoulder. “Dad, thank you for coming out.  I needed to talk this out. Can I make you breakfast?”

“Danny, are you out here?” Elliott walked up wrapped in his robe. “Dan, you’re here early.”

“I was just leaving.  Junior, call if you need me.” Dan kissed his son and hugged his son in law before walking to his car and driving away.

“Danny, what was Dan doing here?”

“I woke up early and I …..El, I didn’t sleep at all.  I keep picturing Emma all by herself and I just can’t….” Danny walked over to Elliott.  “El, we have to do something.  Dad suggested we talk to Matteo and have him write up a power of attorney for Connie to sign, giving us custody of Emma.”

“Danny, we have a baby on the way already.  Do you really think we can handle two? We don’t know how to be parents.” Elliott tensed up.

Danny wrapped the blanket he had around his shoulders around Elliot as well, “Darling El, you do know how to be a father.  You have one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen and you’re a doctor for god sake.  You know how to take care of their bodies and we both have enough love to fill their souls. Elliott James, I don’t know how I can go on without knowing that little girl has a home. 

Elliott pulled him close and kissed him.  His tongue invaded Danny’s mouth and he pressed Danny’s hips so tightly against his own that both of them felt the pressure of the other’s erection. “It’s too early to call Matty.  Come back to bed with me and as soon as his office opens we will call him.”

“El, you’re sure?”

“I have been trying to figure out what to do the last couple weeks.  I just hope Matty can get the document done while Connie is still able to make a decision.”

It had been a long time since they had made love.  They took their time, exploring every inch of each other’s bodies with hands and mouths.  When they couldn’t hold on any longer Elliott offered himself to Danny and as they cried out together, Danny whispered, “We can do this, El.  We have enough love for 100 children.”

Elliott wiggled his ass against Danny’s pelvis, “Don’t get any ideas, two is perfect.”

Two hours later they stood outside of Matty and Brinn’s office.  They were surprised when Brinn pulled up at the same time Matty did.  “Danny James, why didn’t you call me? You call my little brother to help you with a momentice life decision?”

“Brinn, you are the new mother of twins out on maternity leave.”

“Danny, you have to know I would have helped you with this in the middle of labor!  Plus, I had the twins fed and the nanny is there, so I am getting the first break since they were born. “ 

Matty walked up and everyone hugged.  “Let’s get this paperwork started.” Once they were all sitting in Matty’s office  he continued, “First thing I need to know is, does the mother know about this document? I mean have you talked to her about it?”

Elliott looked over at Danny, “We haven’t.  She doesn’t want to face the fact that she isn’t going to get better.  There is no family to take her daughter and she can’t fathom her daughter being given to strangers to raise.”

“Do you think Connie will be open to the two of you raising her daughter?” Brinn asked.

“I think she would be if she will face the fact she isn’t leaving the hospital.”

Brinn looked between Danny and Elliott.  “I want to go talk to her, one mother to another.  I think I can relate to her.  Can you get me in to see her?”

“Brinn, you would do that?”

“Of course, I will.  Can we go now?  I want to talk to her and I will swear to her mental clarity.  Matteo will start on the doc so once we get the Ok, we can get  Connie to sign it and then I will get it filed.  I know a judge who will look at it today if I bring it to him personally.  He is a grandfather who is pro family, no matter  the gender of the parents.  Love is love.  So, let’s go talk to Connie.  Just so you know, I am going to emphasize that as a single mom she really should have a place for her daughter, having nothing to do with whether she is sick now or not.  If she signs it I can’t imagine anyone opposing it later with no family.”

“Do you really think we can get this done?”  Danny asked her.

“Oh, Danny, I would never get your hopes up if I didn’t think it was going to happen. Let’s go.”

Two hours later, Brinn stood in front of Connie for a second time.  Danny and Elliott had been amazed at Brinn’s ability, mom to mom, to speak the truth to Connie and although Connie still didn’t admit she knew she wasn’t leaving she was well aware that it was important to plan for her daughter’s future.  She was thrilled with Danny and Elliott being willing to be Emma’s guardian. She had signed the document along with Danny, Elliott, and Brinn as the Notory. Brinn then contacted the judge who was already waiting for her call and went over there to get it processed.  Brinn had Matty add a codicil that stated Danny and Elliott could take her out of the hospital for up to 23 hours at a time which guaranteed  they would bring Emma to see Connie every day but not resign the little girl to be stuck there all the time.

By 2:00, the paperwork was filed and legal.  Danny and Elliott left with the little girl and the keys to Connie’s house to get some of the little girl’s clothes.  Once in the neat and tidy home, Danny and El found the nursery and the child’s clothes.  Emma sat on the rug in the room and started playing with her toys.  They soon realized Emma had grown a lot since Connie had entered the hospital.  They took a few new outfits Connie had bought in advance for her.

“Connie loves her little girl so much.  You can see she shopped for sales. She planned ahead.  We need to try to remember to tell Emma all this as she gets older.”  Danny said with his voice showing his feelings.  

“We have taken on the challenge to raise her as well as her mom would.”  Emma toddled over and tugged on his pants so he picked her up and kissed her rosy cheek.  “Oh, Emma, we promise to do our very best for you,” he turned toward Danny.  “I think we need to go buy a toddler bed.  We need to prepare another room.”   They called Molly and asked if she could do a room in a hurry and by the end of the day she had sent some painters and put a  fresh coat of paint on the walls and Molly said she would come over herself the next day to add the little touches every little girl needs.

By the time they went to bed that night they were exhausted but as they kissed over top of the little girl sound asleep between them they both fell into a deep restful sleep for the first time in weeks.

Brian and Justin, along with Dan and Marcus entered the plane along with John and Tony. The six men were heading to Ibiza.  Dan and Marcus had nearly canceled when Danny and Elliott had taken Emma home the week before but Shelby offered to have Hannah stay at their house during the next two weeks and she would spend the weekend at Danny and Elliott.  She was old enough to understand that their lives changed drastically in the last week.  

John and Tony decided to stay at a nearby place right on the beach but when Brian dropped them off they found out the reservations had gotten screwed up.  “Damn,” John said as he walked back to the car.  “I guess Tony and I will fly back home.  They screwed up our reservations so they don’t have a room for us.”

“Unless you two have a problem with seeing our naked asses for the next couple weeks, there is plenty of room at the villa. You can have the room off the kitchen.  I didn’t hire anyone to stay in the villa with us.  Someone is coming by a couple hours a day but they won’t need that bedroom. We are staying in the Master, of course, and Dan and Marcus are sleeping in the pool house.  We will all have our own privacy and we can share the public areas as much or as little as we like.”

“We just had wanted to spend time on the beach,” Tony said as he walked up behind John.

“Once we get settled at the Villa I will make a couple calls.  Maybe I can find you something on the beach for you at least part of the time.”

John and Tony climbed back into the vehicle and the six  men proceeded up to the villa.  An hour later each couple was unpacking in their individual rooms.  John and Tony emptied their luggage and then both dropped onto the large comfortable bed.  I swear, I could sleep for a couple days,” John said as he rested his head on Tony’s shoulder. 

“Well the last couple days you have flown from California to the far side of Spain.  What do you say you ditch the clothes and I will give you a massage to work out some of those kinks.”

“Umm, don’t work out all my kinks I have become fond of some of our kinkiness,” John laughed as he pulled off his shirt and then stood and dropped his pants.  He laid face down on the bed and felt Tony’s naked thighs press against either side of his hips and then he felt the oil being squirted along his spine, followed by the firm touch of Tony’s hands.  He worked the muscles using a long, firm pressure. John groaned when Tony found the muscle in his lower back.  He wasn’t 25 anymore and that spot was what always got him and Tony knew it.  Soon the pain lightened up as the tension went away but soon John felt another form of tension.  Tony had gone to his ankles and started to work his way up. John started trembling.  Tony moved John’s knees up, raising his ass in the air.  Tony now slipped one hand between John’s legs while he brought his mouth to the puckered bud between his cheeks and as his tongue began to probe John lost control.  Tony’s hand was now slick with cum and he probed John deeper with his fingers before entering him with his erection. He started out slowly but soon John moved his hands to brace himself for the onslaught of Tony’s love. He ended up being pulled up straight as Tony’s arm wrapped around him, holding him tightly against him.  As he drove in the last time he bit John’s neck as he exploded inside him.

Moments later as they laid side by side, Tony rested his head on John’s chest. “How long has it been since we took that much time to love each other.  It seems like all we take time for is the physical release but not a real connection. God, I needed that.”

“I have never stopped loving you, Tony Montefiore.”

“I know, John.  It just seems like both of us have somehow put work ahead of our relationship. Maybe we need to reevaluate what we really want and what is important to us.”

“I think this trip was exactly what we needed.  Think we are too old to go another round?” John asked as his hand moved down Tony’s well shaped body.

“God, I hope not!” Tony responded as John rolled over pinning him to the mattress. 

Brian and Justin unpacked and walked down the outside staircase to the pool naked. They entered the pool and Brian pulled Justin to him. Over the years they had made improvements to the pool and one of their favorites were two built in loungers in the shallow end of the pool.  They were curved concrete that were perfect to lie on just below the water’s surface or to lean over to make love.  It was only a few minutes before Marcus and Dan joined them in the water.

“Brian, do you mind if I borrow your husband and lend you mine for a bit.”

Brian smiled.  He knew Marcus was still a bit nervous, even after all these years, when he and Brian paired up.  “It’s fine with me but you know my husband has a mind of his own and since I know your husband does too, I am guessing you requested this.” Brian looked at Marcus.

“I did!” Marcus said bravely as he turned to Brian and kissed him.  “It is time I get over this.”

Brian looked over at Justin and Justin nodded as he moved to Dan. Thirty minutes later when Marcus came for the third time just from the use of Brian’s hands and mouth, Marcus seemed to have finally lost  his nervousness.  As soon as they switched back to their own husbands both Marcus and Justin bent over the in pool loungers and Brian and Dan claimed their spouses back. What a great way to start vacation!

Shelby had called Trenton and set a date night for them.  Gus was going over there straight from work and going back to work in the morning.  They had caught an hour here and there but it had been more than two months since they had spent an entire night together.  Gus showered and changed at the office.  He was just heading out of his office and heard his name being called. 

“Gus, you got a minute?” Sam came rushing down the hall.  She stopped and saw Gus was cleaned up and smelled amazing.  “Oh, you don’t have time.  Meeting Shelby somewhere?”

“Actually, going to Trenton’s for the night.  But I have a minute.  What do you need?”

“Can you look over this spreadsheet?  I just need your initials on the last column.”

Gus looked at it and initialed it.  “Remind me tomorrow to talk to the accountant.”

Sam looked at him confused.  “Ok, what for?”

“Because there is no reason for me to have to initial these every time you have to make an adjustment.  Let’s say if it is under $50,000 you can give the Ok.  More than that, run it past me.”  

“Wow, thanks for the confidence.”

“Sam, you have been doing an amazing job.   You have made my life so much easier.”

“That’s why you hired me, isn’t it?”  She smiled at him.  “You look great by the way.  I hope you and Trent have an enjoyable evening.”

Gus looked at her, “You have any plans? Word on the street is Geo is spending a lot of time at your place which by the way, has my sister pissed because she wanted to set you up.”’

“I haven’t met your sister yet.  I know she is on maternity leave right now but I look forward to meeting her.”

“I am sure you will meet soon.”

“And as for George, he is a great guy.  We have been spending a lot of time together.”

“I hope it works out...if you want it to anyway.  George deserves someone like you.”

“Well, I’m happier than I have been, probably ever. In my adult life.  I love my job.  I have made some amazing friends.  I have a great guy in my life. It almost scares me.”

“Well, I hope you stay happy here.  Well, I have a beautiful man waiting for me and it sounds like you do, too, so I will see you in the morning.”   

Sam wondered if she should call George and invite him over but she realized he was there every night he wasn’t working and if he was working he let her know.  She decided she would go home early and  make it a real date for them, too.  George had taken her out more than once but they usually preferred to just stay in so she texted him and told him she had dinner tonight. She rushed out of the office and after stopping at the grocery store,  went home and threw some bread in the oven and while it was baking, she took a quick shower.  She put on makeup and a slinky dress before putting her hair up in a twist leaving down a couple little wisps on each side of her face.  She went back and pulled the bread out before she threw together her homemade pasta sauce.  Well, it wasn’t the kind that took all day because she never had all day but  this would have to do. She had picked up a premade antipasto platter.  She wished she had time to create her own but she didn’t have time.  The last thing she did was pull together a simple dessert.  Her grandma’s panna cotta was a simple dessert that she was just putting together when she heard the key in the door.

George walked in with a bouquet of flowers.  “Wow, not only does it smell great you look,” he walked over and, handing the flowers to her, and kissing her so she nearly did a backbend. “Not only are you stunning but obviously you know how to cook.”

“Well, I can’t cook like you but my ex gave me no options even though he hated everything I made.” She turned out of his arms.  “I should put those in water.  I need a vase.”  She started fumbling on the top shelf of a cupboard.

“Sammy, let me get it for you.” George reached up and took it down.  

“I shouldn’t have made dinner.  I know I can’t cook.  What was I…” Tears came to her eyes.

George pulled her close and held her tight.  “You were married to an asshole who needed to make his wife feel like shit so he could feel like more of a man.” George pulled the spoon out of the pot and tasted the sauce, “Oh, man, I knew it would taste as good as it smelled. Are those clams supposed to go in?”

She wiped her eyes, “Yes, I was going to add them when I threw the pasta in. I thought we might like to start with the antipasto.”  

The food was actually amazing.  George ate every bite and when she said there was dessert he groaned. “I am going to have to wait awhile before I can even think about dessert. You’ve been holding out on me.”

Sam blushed, “Well, I did start with what I do the best,” she said quietly.

“Stop doing that,” George pulled her close. “How can a woman who is so amazingly confident at her job, feel so inadequate in her own kitchen? If I ever meet your ex it won’t be pretty.” He stood and helped clean up the counter before leading Sam to the sofa. Once he sat he pulled her onto his lap. His hand found its way between her legs and up under her skirt.  To his surprise she wasn’t wearing anything under it and as his fingers brushed her clit she brought her mouth to his and soon his zipper was open and she lowered herself down onto him but she didn’t move.  She just leaned against him as his arms went around her.

“George, I’m really trying.  I’m trying to forget him. I try not to go into that place.”

“Well, anytime you need reminding, just call me.  I don’t need to hear this back but I love you, Samantha Giovanni and I hope some day, you’ll feel the same.  Right now all I need is for you to know you are perfect the way you are.”  She now began to move slowly up and down until her ex was a distant memory.

Gus arrived at Trenton’s house and found all the lights were out in the house but he could see the flicker of candlelight in the windows. Before he knocked the door opened and Trenton took his hand, gently pulling him into the house.  The kiss was slow and seductive and before Gus could realize it his shirt was off and Trenton was leading him out to the back of the house. “Pen, I….”

Trenton kissed him again.  They were out on the porch where Trent had dinner waiting. “I hope you don’t mind but I made a cold dinner so in case we wanted to…”  Gus started pushing Trent backward until they were at the bed. Gus reached out and began to undress Trent and soon they were lying down and, slowly and deliberately, they brought each other to the peak and then slipped back down until they were again on the verge.  Eventually, they lay with their heads on the opposite ends and slowly they both made each other cum at the same time.

Gus flipped around so he could kiss Trent and then just hold on to him.  “I have missed you, Pen.  I have missed the sex but much more, I have just missed being with my best friend.”

“God, Gus, I love you and I have missed you so much.” Trent got up and brought the food over to the bed.  For the next two hours they talked and ate and talked and kissed and then slowly they made love and Trent held onto Gus, still inside him, as they fell into a deep sleep.

Danny heard the phone ring in the middle of the night and knew it couldn't be good.  He reached over to the other half of the bed and found it empty.  Elliott hadn't made it home.  He looked at the screen and as he expected it was him. "Hey, El, you still at the hospital?"

 "Danny, bring Emma to the hospital now.  It's time for Connie to say goodbye."

"Are you sure...."

"I hate it but she's asking to see her and I can't deny her that last wish."

"On my way."

Thirty minutes later Danny lifted the still sleeping Emma out of her carseat and carried her into the hospital.  He nodded at the nurse as he walked past him with the little girl held against his chest. He walked into the hospital room and found Elliott holding Connie's hand.

 ''Connie, Emma's here. Danny brought Emma." 

Elliott kissed Danny and gently took Emma from his arms and laid her next to her mommy.  She didn't wake but snuggled up to her as she slept.

"Thank you," it was more just mouthing the words but she brought her dry, cracked lips to Emma's soft hair. "Smells so good."  She said as she took as deep a breath as she could. She laid silently for a few minutes and then pointed to water so Elliott helped her take a sip.  She then took a breath.  This time her voice was a bit stronger, "You were right.  I knew you were but I didn't know how I could leave her." Emma smiled in her sleep at the sound of her mama's voice and snuggled closer. "But now I know I can go.  She has a family.  Please, tell her I loved her more than anything in this world."

She took one more breath and kissed her daughter before she was gone.  

Elliott gently lifted his new daughter into his arms and Danny walked over, putting his arms around both of them. "I'm glad she didn't wake up.  I don't want this to be the last memory she has of her if she would remember it at all." Elliott said softly as he kissed Emma's cheek.  "I'll go tell the nurses she is gone and get the death certificate signed.  Why don't you take her back home.  I will follow you soon." 

"No, El, we'll wait and ride home together. You are exhausted. We can come back into town and get the car tomorrow.  We will have to make some plans anyway."

"Take her down to the Dr. lounge.  I'll find you when I am ready to go."  They hugged before Elliott walked toward the nurse’s station.

An hour later, Emma was back in her crib.  Danny held Elliott in his arms as he cried.  It was never easy losing a patient but he had grown close to the valiant woman.  Danny had, too, but he had spent a lot more time with Emma than her mother.  Tomorrow they would have to make arrangements and in the near future they would go through Connie and Emma’s house and try to decide what a mother would deem important for her child to see and know who she was.  It would be difficult but together they could make it through this.  They could do anything as long as they were together.

The next 10 days flew by.  Ibiza was just what all of them had needed.  John and Tony spent part of the time at the beach and the rest of the time at the villa.  All six of them just disengaged from the rest of the world most of the time.  Brian, Dan, and Tony checked back with their offices a couple times but even that couldn’t stress them out.    As the last days came to a close, a message came through from Danny telling them of Connie’s death.  

All of them decided they would pack up and leave in the morning.  It was only one day earlier than they had planned but everyone understood that Danny and Elliott needed Dan and Marcus right now.  John took a nap while everyone else packed.  They had another pilot lined up in England and then once they got to NYC, John would pilot the rest of the way home. All six men were tanned and relaxed as they flew home.  

After leaving England, John and Tony went to the bedroom to sleep so John would be rested when it was his turn to take over.  Brian and Dan talked business while Marcus and Justin sat on the back sofa and spoke softly.

“Did you get a chance to talk to Danny?” Justin asked as Marcus put his head in Justin’s lap.

“We didn’t have a good connection but I did get a text through.  They know we are on our way home.  

Justin ran his hand through Marcus’ hair.  “I know it is a horrible situation but Danny and Elliott are so amazing for taking in that little girl and they will be so good to her although they will have their hands full, for a while anyway with the new baby almost here.”

“Well, Dan and I have been talking about it and the hospital have offered Elliott an amazing job and Danny is planning on staying home for a while so, if they take us up on our offer, they are going to move in with us for the time being.  I want to help as much as I can.”

Justin bent over and kissed his cheek, “If we can help in any way…”

“If they move in with us they will have a village to help.  I know they will have regrets leaving their place and their clinic but they have had a good offer on it and Tammy and Marissa are up in the air with what they will be doing. I think the time is right.”

“So, Dan, how does it feel becoming a grandpa?”

“You should know.  Your oldest will be 16 in a month or so.”

“You’ll soon learn how great it is. You know how wonderful it was holding Hannah but when you realize the child you raised is now raising one of their own…. I don’t have a clue how my kids became such good parents.  No, that’s not true,” Brian looked back at Justin.  “We both hit the jackpot when it comes to love.”

“You aren’t going to get any argument from me. Look at them.  They are just….” Dan stopped as Justin and Marcus stretched out side by side on the sofa and tried to nap.

Brian put an arm around Dan and they decided to try to sleep, too.


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