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Chapter 6

It was after noon when Jenna walked out of her room. She walked to the kitchen and dropped a coffee pod into the machine.  As she turned to grab her favorite mug only to find her father slipping it under the machine.  He reached out and brushed back his daughter’s unruly hair. “Good morning, Jen.” Tyler wrapped his arms around his daughter and she held onto him.  

“Dad, I” she moved away from him.  “How long are you staying this time?”

“Do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?”  Tyler asked.

“Hasn’t Dan already given you your next assignment?”

“No he hasn’t.  In fact it will be at least two weeks before I go  again, maybe longer.”

“Don’t you have someone to go to?”  Jenna picked up her cup of coffee and looked up at her dad.

“Jenna, I am really sorry I have been gone so much.  I guess I just ran away from my pain but in the meantime I left you and your mom alone to deal with your own.”

“You didn’t answer my question.  Do you have someone else?”

“Jenna, I think that is for your dad and I to talk over,” Molly walked over and kissed Jenna on the cheek as she put her own cup under the machine.  “Sweetheart, your dad and I need to talk to each other before any of this conversation goes any further. Would you like me to make you some breakfast or ….”

“I just want toast. I can make it.” Jenna said as she walked to the toaster.  

“Jenna, we are going into my office to talk. You need to….”

“I know, I’m grounded until the end of the year. May I sit in the backyard.  I need the fresh air.”

“That’s fine. Jenna, we know we all need to talk..  None of us are free of fault right now. We all have things we need to change.” Molly walked toward her office without a look back to see if Tyler was following her.

“Honey, your mom is right.  We both love you.” Tyler went to hug Jenna but from her reaction he knew now was not the time. He turned and followed Molly as Jenna took her toast outside.

Tyler followed Molly into the room and shut the door behind them.  “Molly, I’m…”

“Don’t tell me you're sorry.  Please, I just want to know what happened. How did you…” Molly started.

“Fine, you want to know everything, I’ll tell you everything.” Tyler snapped back. He saw the look on her face.  “I’m sorry, Taylor, I’m just so tired.  I haven’t had a good night's sleep in months.”

“A guilty conscience has that effect on most people.” Molly responded back with the same sharp tone.  But then she took a deep breath, “You’re right. We are both tired, not just because of last night.  When you’re gone, I can’t sleep as well and you’ve been gone so much.”

“I know,” Tyler said softly.  “Timing was just horrible.  Losing Mom like that and I know I withdrew.  And we have been so busy that Dan can’t hire and train quickly enough. I know that isn’t an excuse but I just…  I still can’t believe she’s gone.” Molly had to walk over to her husband and sat next to him.  She took his hand and laced her fingers with his. “It was my first trip to Chicago.  She was working a case but needed a more experienced agent to help. We clicked.  She’s a great person and when I came home at the end of the week, she had made a comment that the next time I came out we would have to go out for dinner and karaoke.  We had talked about music a couple times.  Molly, you know how many trips I’ve made to Chicago this summer.”

“So, you went out to eat?”  

“We did, more than once.”

“Did you….”

“We got closer than we should but, Molly, I have not had sex with anyone but you since the day we got married  Actually since the first time we had sex. I just was away from my family and I had lost Mom and we had a lot in common. The last time I was in Chicago she made it known she wanted to take the relationship in a different direction and I told her I loved you.” He took a deep breath and looked into Molly’s eyes. The only time Jenna could have heard anything was just before I flew out there last time.  That’s the only time she called me.   I told her as much as I enjoyed her company I would never be interested in anything more.”

“But you said you had kissed her?”

“I did  just before I came home.  I said goodbye but she cornered me and, well…. That is all it was, one kiss. Then I told her that would never happen again, that  we would never go out again.  Molly, honestly.”

“I know I didn’t make it easy.  Every time you came home I only complained about you being gone and Jenna acting up. But I felt like you could have said no to Dan. I felt like you didn’t want to be home with us.”

Molly didn’t fight Tyler when he pulled her into his arms.  “Oh, Molly, I just couldn’t face Jenna’s pain when I was in so much pain myself. I was so weak.”

“I would have been there for you, Tyler.  Why didn’t you talk to me?”  Tyler kissed her, pulling her close and she was out of fight.  She pressed herself against him and soon she felt him tremble in her arms as he began to cry. “Oh, Tyler, I’m here.  I love you.”

Jenna had nibbled at her toast and then laid down in a hammock.  Her head hurt and her stomach was still a little off, although the dry toast seemed to have helped.  She had finished her coffee and set the cup down and as she lay there in her own thoughts a bottle of water appeared from behind her. She jumped and looked up to see Justin standing there.  He moved the water closer to her and she took it.

“You’re dehydrated.  This will help.”

“Thanks, Uncle Justin.”  She opened it and started sipping on it.

“You mind if I share that with you for a while?”

Jenna didn’t say anything but it was a large hammock and she scooted over a little. “Thanks,” he said as he got in, “I’ve been up all night.”  He kissed Jenna’s forehead. 

Jenna took his hand, “You’ve been painting I take it?” She looked at all the colors on his fingers.

“Yes, I’ve been painting water.  Do you know how hard it is to do a painting that expresses water? Do you ever dabble in the arts? Mol never painted or anything but it comes out in her design.”

“I don’t think I’m very artistic.”

“If you ever want to throw some paint around, I have lots of it and canvases.  Maybe you would like to work in clay.  I used to love the feel of clay when I had frustrations to get out.”

“I’ve never thought about it.”

Justin thought he saw a little spark in Jenna’s otherwise flat expression. “I have a lump of it here. Why don’t you come by sometime and try it?”

“I don’t know if…” she was silent for a minute.  Finally she said, “I haven’t been in there since …”

“Since your grandma passed away?”  Jenna nodded and Justin pulled her close.

They swang silently for a couple more minutes.  “Uncle Justin, why are you staying here?  Taylor said you weren’t fighting.”

“It’s hard to explain but you know I love Brian more than anything else in this world, right?”

“Yes, you two make it obvious far more than is needed.” Justin tapped her nose as if scolding her.

“I want this series, maybe my last big contribution to the art world and how can I do my best when I never have to work for anything in my life.  I never have to suffer. Being away from Brian makes me feel need.”

“Ok, that’s enough description but I think I understand. Needing someone or in my case, missing someone helps you go to another place?”

“That’s as good an explanation as I could give,” Justin replied.

Just then Molly and Tyler came out the door.  Justin kissed Jenna’s cheek, “I think that’s my cue to leave.  Come by later.  I could use the company.”

“I’ll think about it.” Justin got up and started moving away, “Uncle Justin?”



“Anytime, sweetheart.” Justin squeezed Molly’s hand as he walked past.

A half hour later Tyler, Molly, and Jenna sat together in the hammock. Tyler had told Jenna the truth and Molly apologized for the distance she had put between them because Tyler had been gone so much. 

“And Jenna, you have to know there will be consequences.” Molly said to her daughter.

“Jenna, we don’t want you to think about this as punishment but we want to figure out why you are doing all of this,” Tyler pulled his daughter close.  “I am going to ask Dan if he will have me stay here at least most of the time.  I have missed out on way too much.  You are going to be gone, just like your brother before we know it.” 

“We aren’t going to give you a set number of weeks.  It will all be in your willingness to work with us. We don’t want to make this hard on you, Jen.  We just don’t want you to end up hurting yourself permanently.”

Jenna’s eyes welled up with tears. “I promise to try. I don’t know why I’m doing….. I miss Grandma!” 

Molly kissed her husband and daughter and slipped out of the hammock, letting them have some time alone.

Gus and Trenton had spent time in the hot tub and then, after some lunch, they ended up in bed.  Gus introduced him to several other toys and in mid-afternoon they dozed off.  When they woke, they lay in each other’s arms talking.  “Trenton, you don’t talk about your family much.  When’s the last time you saw them?”

“It’s been 25 years.  That’s not totally true.  My mom came by about 20 years ago to see if I had finally come to my senses.  As soon as she realized I was ‘still gay’ she left.”

“Are your parents still alive?” Gus asked.  

“My mom is. I saw my father’s obit over 10 years ago.”

“Didn’t you say you had a brother or sister?”

“My brother is no better than my parents.  I was an embarrassment.  He was already a lawyer when I came out. He was sure if it came out that his brother was gay… remember this was over 25 years ago.”

“Hasn’t he ever looked you up or haven’t you checked on him?”

“I don’t think I ever told you I changed my name for my book and then later had it changed legally.  My brother did thank me for that, sort of.  That’s the last time we spoke.  It went something like, ‘thank god no one will know we are related now’.”

Gus kissed him softly, “I can’t imagine what that’s like. All of my parents just wanted me to be happy. They saw me go through my share of guys and a few girls.  Pops was a little upset when I chose Shel over Lucky.  I think when Dad ended up with Lucky for a short time, Pops realized I had made the right choice.  Lucky is an amazing man but Shelby is what I needed. However, right now all I want is….” Gus moved on top of Trenton and after very little effort, Gus slipped a condom on Trenton and lowered himself onto the erection. Gus placed his hands on Trenton’s chest and began to move up and down slowly. He watched Trenton’s face and when he felt the time was right he moved faster and faster until both men shouted their pleasure at the release. Gus didn’t move off but lowered himself down to kiss Trent and for what might be the first time, Trenton clung to him, not allowing him to move off for several moments.

Trent loosened his hold and Gus rolled off of him but didn’t move far.  “Gus, this weekend….I know I will never be an outwardly social person but you have helped me so much.  You have shown me how to live again.”

“Pen, you just needed a little reminder that you are so worth all you can have.”

“Gus, don’t freak out on me but, I love you, as much as I know how to but I understand your heart belongs and should belong, to your wife and family.  I’m not wrong in thinking you love me, too? I mean not like your wife and kids but…”

“Yes, Pen, you definitely have a place in my heart.  I care for you so deeply but I can never be confused again about who owns my heart.”

“I know, Gus, and I don’t ever want to put you in that position.  You will always belong to your beautiful family and that’s how it should be. What do you say we shower and maybe take a little walk along the cliff walk?”

“You want to be out in public?” Gus was surprised.

“This public place is so far off the beaten bath, now one would care.  And, you know, the only reason I don’t want to be in public is for your reputation, not mine.”

“Pen, I’m a Kinney. I’m expected to have a rep.” Gus smiled at him, “And I think a shower and walk sounds perfect.”

Soon the weekend was over.  Gus had dropped Trenton off at his place late Sunday afternoon so he could have the evening with his family. They embraced a long time before Gus left him at the door of his home.  As Gus drove home he called Brinn, “Hey, Bro.  You home?”

“I will be in about 15 minutes. I just wanted to see if you talked to either of our dads over the weekend. I was wondering how they were holding up.”

“Well, I didn’t know this until afterward but they were together Friday night but sometime after midnight they found out Jenna was missing and they went over there to help.”

“Jenna is missing?”

“Not anymore.  They’ve been struggling since Brenda died but it sounds like they are on the right track now.  Tyler is taking some time off until they can work stuff out but Dad was disappointed when Daddy didn’t go back home with him.”

“Well, you know when Dad sets his mind to something, not even Pop  can change it.” Gus commented.

“You’re right, but I think they are working it out right now.  I’m just leaving them alone when it comes to that situation.” Brinn smiled to herself, “Gus, I haven’t seen Tammy yet but I did a home pregnancy test and, it says Zach and I are having a baby. Dad and Daddy will have an actual biological shared grandchild.”

“Oh, Brinn, we know they love all our kids but this one...I think they will be so ecstatic.”

“I agree.  We both know they aren’t going to love the others less but this one, well it will be their last and very special.”

“You’re sure it will be their last?” Gus joked with her.

“Yes, Zach is so great, but two children is perfect for us and because we always need to find someone….”

“Yes, two will be perfect for you. Brinn, I know I don’t say it as much as I should but, I love you, Brinny.  I always have and I always will.  Pen has such a cruel family and I don’t want you to ever doubt I will always be here for you.”

“Oh, Gussy, I know that.  I love you, too, and the same goes...if you need anything….”

“Thanks, Brinn. I knew that but it is always nice to hear. I’m almost home so I will talk to you later.  I think I will stop at Pops as I go past. Let me know when you have talked to  Tammy.”

The call ended as Gus pulled up to his parents’ home.  He knocked on the door and let himself in, “Hey, Pops, you around?”

“I’m in the office, Gus. Come back. I want to show you something.”

Gus walked in and gave Brian a kiss. “Pops, don’t take this wrong but you look like hell.  When is the last time you shaved or showered?”

“I guess that was on Friday when your dad was here.”

Gus put his hand on Brian’s shoulder, “I heard about that.  I am glad Jenna showed up.” Gus looked at what was in front of Brian.  “Are these your plans?”  He looked at the floorplan of a house.

“I know I don’t have everything drawn correctly but it will give you the idea of what I am thinking.”

“Pop, your eye for design in advertising transfers well to this.  Ya, your measurements need a bit of adjusting but I can see exactly what you are thinking, I think. Are you done with it? Can I take it with me? I should have time this week to adjust them to fit code.  I should have them ready by next weekend.”

“That sounds good.  I’m really excited about this.  It’s what I’ve needed.  Now I need to find a new project.”

“You know, Pops, I know you’re retired but that doesn’t mean you can’t do some volunteer work.  Maybe check with Matteo.  He works with a lot of young kids that could use an adult to talk to.”

“Gus, I have never been good at that kind of talk.  You know that is your dad’s gift.”

“Pops, you have always sold yourself short.  You have those skills. The kids he works with are a lot like you were when you were young.  You would be great at telling it straight.”

“I’ll think about it.” Brian said as he turned the plans over to Gus. “Now, I am sure the kids are waiting for you.  Taylor was a little shook after Jenna’s escapade.  If it wasn’t for her they may not have found her nearly as quickly. Gus, you and Shelby are much better parents than I ever was.”

“Pops, you and I both know it is Shelby.  I know you had your doubts about us getting married but…”

“I left those doubts behind years ago.  You know that. Now, get out of here and go take a swim with your kids and wife.  It won’t be much longer and it will be too chilly to do that.”  Brian stood and hugged his son.  “I love you,  Gus.  I’m so proud of the man you have become.”

“Thanks, Pops.” Gus grinned as he left Brian alone.

When he arrived home, Shelby opened the door into the garage and Tallia ran into his waiting arms. “Daddy, I misseded you so much!” She kissed Guss all over his face with mushy, wet kisses.

“Oh, I missed you too, Tally?  Did you take good care of your mom and your brother and sister?”

She nodded her head multiple times. Gus grabbed his weekend bag and with Tally in one arm and his bag over the other he walked into the house. He placed the bag on a hook in the mud room and with Tally still in his arms he walked into the kitchen and found Shelby. “You sit right here for a minute, Ok?” Gus said and Tally nodded.  Gus turned and pulled Shelby close.  “Hello, Shelly,” he said softly. His lips played against hers softly and then trailed to the crook of her neck and over to the hollow at her throat.

“I missed you.” She said softly.

“I love you.”

“I loves both of you.” Tally said next to them.

Her parents smiled at each other and then at their youngest daughter.  “We love you, too, sweety.  Did you tell your daddy you were a good girl?”

“I told him I tooked care of you.”

Shelby picked her up off the counter, “You sure did, baby girl.”

“I’m not a baby!” she said loudly.” 

“Well, honey, you will always be our baby. That’s not a bad thing.” Gus assured her.

“Ok, can we swim now.  Mommy you said you would swim when Daddy got home.”

“Let’s go put on our suits,” Shelby said to Tally and then looked at  Gus.  “Taylor is out by the pool and Gage will be home in the next half hour. He went to a movie this afternoon with a friend.”

“Great,” Gus whispered. Louder he said, “Wear your bikini. I'll just pull on the trunks I have down here.”

Shelby went upstairs while Gus quickly changed and went outside to find Taylor.  “Dad, you’re home,” she stood and hugged him.  “I’m so glad.  Did you hear about Jenna?”

“I did.  Is she alright now?”

“I haven’t seen her but she texted and thanked me for telling them where she was. She said her dad was going to be home a lot more.  Dan is going to change his job.”

“That sounds good. I think they will get everything figured out then.  I never thought that Jenna was a bad girl, she was just confused.”

“She said she talked to Grandpa today and he made her feel better, too.”

“Your grandpa is a good person to talk to.  He is very smart.”

“That’s where you get it from.” Taylor kissed his cheek and then pushed him into the pool just as Shelby and Tallia walked out. Gus popped up and saw his girls.  He smiled and was glad he had come home a little early.

Brinn was in Justice’s room for the fourth time after going to bed.  Each time Juss had said she was scared the ground was going to shake.

“Justice, I need to get some sleep.  I have to be in court in the morning.”

“I’m sorry, Mama, but the ground is shaking.”

“Juss, for the fourth time, there is nothing going on,” Brinn snapped.

“But Mama, I can feel it in my head,” Juss’ lower lip began to tremble.  “I’m sorry, I won’t wake you up again.” 

“I hope not,” Brinn said under her breath as she walked out of the room. She got into bed next to Zach who pulled her close in his sleep.

Danny and Elliott laid in bed on opposite sides of the bed.  “Elliott, this can’t go on.  You say you want me and you want us to work but you keep pushing me away.  If you won’t try in therapy I don’t see us coming to a solution.  I’ll start packing my stuff.  I’ll stay with my folks and come to work until I can find another job and a new place to live. I know it might take a month to get everything in place.  Consider this a four week notice.  That should cover most of the appointments I have on the books.”

“Danny, please, I can’t….I won’t be able to live without you. Danny, I love you.  I….”

“You say  you love me but you won’t even try to explain, El.  You won’t talk.  I just can’t do it anymore.”

“Danny, don’t do this.  I know you love me and I love you. From the day we met…”

“From the day we met, I thought we had been honest but obviously… Good night, Elliott.”  Danny turned his back to Elliott.  Elliott touched his shoulder but when he did, Danny just moved out of reach.                                                               

“I won’t let you do this, Danny. I just can’t.”  Elliott turned his back to him and tried to sleep.

“I hate it when Hannah is gone overnight,” Marcus said as Dan moved up behind him. “It’s different then if she is at Danny’s.”

“You didn't have to let her go,” Dan said as he kissed Marcus' neck and he began to enter him.   

“Ooooh,” Marcus said, “She really wanted to go to the play and it didn’t pay for her to come back out here when it was done before going back to school in the morning.” Marcus began to move more along with Dan. “I trust the family.” They moved together until they both shuttered and Dan pulled Marcus tightly against him.

“I know we have reason to be overprotective of her but maybe,” he took Marcus’ earlobe between his teeth causing Marcus’ to cry out. “At least we don’t have to worry about Hannah hearing you. Do you think you can make me shout out?”  Dan turned so his back was to Marcus.

“Oh, I think I can make that happen but first,” Marcus pressed Dan on the mattress and Marcus took his nipple in his mouth.  As his teeth began to dig in and Marcus’ hand encased Dan’s cock, Dan shout from the pain but yet thrill he was feeling”

“God, I love you, Red.”

“I love you, too, Dan,” and with that he pushed Dan back on his side and entered him in one thrust.  Soon both were glad Hannah wasn’t in the next room.

Brian lay in bed in the guest room.  When his phone buzzed he hoped it was Justin saying good night but it was John. “Hey John, are you home?”

“Yes, I landed about 30 minutes ago and am just pulling into our driveway.  I stopped to see Leo before coming home.  I was gone for two days and I swear the little guy has changed already. “  

“Everything good with Nora and Matteo?” Brian asked as he sipped some whiskey. 

“As long as her sister stays away.  I like most people but I just can’t find anything good about that woman.  What George sees in her….”

“I think he sees a way into the family.  He doesn’t realize yet that he is family.  He doesn’t have to be married to someone that is truly related to someone.  He’s my granddaughter’s biological father.  What more could I want?” Brian said off handed.

“I agree. I take it Justin isn’t there?” John turned into his driveway. 

“No.  We talk every couple days but I rarely see him. I hope he is painting fast.”

“He’ll come home and I think he will be home to stay once this project is finished.” John tried to console him.

Brian tilted the bottle once more, “I miss him.”

“I know you do. Well, Tony is standing at the door and I have missed him. It appears he only has on boxers.  I will talk to you soon, Uncle Brian.  Love you.”

“Love you, too, John.

John pushed Tony against the door frame when he got to his husband.  “God, I have missed you,” John said as his lips were pressed against Tony’s. His hand slid between Tony’s leg and stroked his cock through the silky shorts he was wearing. Soon he had found the opening and his hand found his target. Tony took in a sharp breath. He side stepped into the house with John following.  As they shut the door there was a slight trembling.

“Was that just us or….” John stopped talking as the shaking got worse but then stopped. He looked at Tony and they both waited in anticipation and after a few moment John’s hand again began to stroke Tony and all was forgotten. The men fell on the sofa together as Tony unzipped John’s pants.

Justin was in his loft when he heard the door open downstairs.  “Uncle Justin?” he heard Jenna’s voice call out.

“I’m up here, Jen.” He looked over the railing.  “Come on up.”  As Jenna took the steps a tremor ran through the area.

“I wish those would stop.  We’ve had so many lately,” Jenna said as she made it to the top.  “You don’t mind I came by do you?”

“You are always welcome here.  The only rule is you have to do some art while you’re here. You can paint or do some clay or…”

“I’d like to try using clay.  I haven’t done that since i was a kid. One year at summer camp I did a lot of it.” Justin helped her set up but soon could tell she knew how to use water and the warmth of her hands she soon was totally absorbed. Even when another tremble moved through she stayed focused.  Justin went back to his painting.  

“I am glad Jenna asked to go to Justin’s for two reasons,” Molly said as she got into bed with Tyler. The first tremor shook the bed gently.  “I think working with Justin will help her focus on what is important to her and ….” Molly pulled off her top.  She had no bra on underneath and Tyler instantly put his arms around her and pulled her close.  As his mouth began to roam the ground shook again but soon they weren’t sure if it was the ground or just them.

After time in the pool and family dinner Gage and Taylor went to finish their homework before school in the morning.  Tallia sat on Gus’ lap as he read her story after story.  When the ground trembled he would kiss her and then continue.  Once he had tucked her in bed he checked on the other two.  

“Dad, are we supposed to have a big earthquake?” Gage asked.  Having grown up in California the was used to the small tremors that occurred often.  

“I have heard them talk about it but they usually can’t tell when that will happen.  It could be this week or it could be next year.  I hope it is soon and it is a big one.” Gage grinned.

“Well, a big quake will keep me busy for a while. Lights out in 20 minutes.”

“Ok,” Gage looked at his dad.  “Did you have a good weekend?”

“I did, son, but it is good to be home with my family.” Gus said as he pulled the door shut behind him and then he tapped on Taylor’s door.

“Come in,” she called. “Hi Daddy.”

“Are you alright?”

“Ya but it is a little shaky tonight.   I was signing a project and my signature was all over the place.”

“I am sure that’s fine.  I just wanted to make sure you weren’t scared.”

“I’m fine, Daddy.  I have to admit it makes me a little nervous but when I know you and mom are home, I feel safe.”  

Gus walked over and kissed his nearly grown child on the head.  “Well, we are here.  Try to turn the lights off in about 15 minutes.”

“I should be done about then. I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you, too, Taylor.  Sleep well.”           

Gus and Shelby met in the shower with steaming water beating down on them. “The older kids settled for the night?” Shelby asked.

“They are,” Gus said as he ran soapy hands over the curves of his wife’s body. He did a bit of probing and prodding with his fingers as he did and saw Shelby react.  “Gage, thinks it would be fun to have a big quake.”

“Of course he does,” Shelby slid her wet body against his. “I would just like you to rock my world.” Gus obliged immediately as his fingers slipped inside her as his thumb found her clit. She leaned on him as she felt an orgasm coming on at the same time the house began to shake. 

“Shit! Gage might get his wish.” Gus kissed her deeply.  “Maybe we should put on some clothes just in case we do have something later.”

It was about 2:00 am when Jenna stretched, “Uncle Justin, that is amazing!” she hadn’t looked up for a long time.

Justin jumped at her voice, “Oh, what did you say, Jenna?”

“That painting is really amazing. I can almost feel water.  When I first looked at it I thought of raindrops and then near the bottom it has the feel of a river or even the ocean.” 

“Wow, it is like you could read my mind. How did your clay play go?”  Justin felt the shaking as he walked over, “Oh, Jenna, you really did well for your first project!” As Justin looked at the small rabbit she had created, tubes of his paints began to fall off the table.  He reached over and put an arm around Jenna’s waist.  “Let’s go downstairs and get under the table.” He rushed her downstairs. As a window broke somewhere in the apartment, Justin pushed Jenna under the table.

“Zach, holy shit, Juss was right. I need to get Juss!” As Brinn ran out of the master she tripped over the rug in the hall.  As her feet slipped from under her she cried out, “Zach!” there was pure panic in her voice.  

Zach rushed to her side, “Brinn, sweetheart,....”

“Get Juss.  Get our little girl.”   As Zach made it to Justice’ room the world stopped shaking.

“Danny, baby, where are you?”  Elliott reached to the other side of the bed.

“I’m down here,” his hand came over the edge of the bed.  Elliott grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight just as Danny sat up.

“Are you hurt? Let me make sure  you aren’t injured.”

“El, I fell less than two feet onto a rug.  I think I am just fine.” Danny got up and sat on the edge of the bed.  He reached over and touched Elliott’s cheek, “I’m fine, really.” He gave him a quick kiss  before saying, “We should get dressed and open the clinic.  I’m fine but others may not be as lucky.” 

By the time they had dressed, Tammy had texted and said they were fine and she would see if she could make it over to the clinic and if she couldn’t she would try to get to the small hospital in the next town over.  As Elliott drove them, Danny called Dan and Marcus.     

“Jr., are you and Elliott safe?” Dan’s voice came over the phone.

“We are, Dad.  We are on the way to the clinic and I have my go bag in case I need to go out. Are Marcus and Hannah…”

“Red is fine but Hannah was with friends.  He is trying to get them on the phone.”

“I need to go but please text me when you have found her.  I need to get into the clinic now.”

“Jr., be careful.  We love you.”

“We love you, too.” Danny followed Elliott into the clinic.   

“Everyone is ok?”

“Dad and Marcus are but Hannah was at a friend’s and they are still trying to reach them.”

“Hannah is missing?” Elliott’s voice was full of worry.

“There are probably some towers down so not all the phones will work.  We can’t worry about that  right now.  We will probably have a lot of sutures.  I will start putting that stuff together.  Can you start the generator so people know we are here?”  Danny noticed Elliott didn’t move.  “El…. the generator?”

“Oh, ya, the generator.” Elliott picked up a flashlight and headed out the door.

Matteo and Nora held Leo between them.  “It’s all right, Leo.” Nora exposed her breast hoping the crying baby would calm and she hoped she wasn’t too tense to breastfeed.

Matty started walking around the house checking for damage.  He used his phone to find the flashlight and then started scanning the room.  His phone rang, “Papa! I am so glad to hear your voice.  You and dad aren’t injured? The house ok?”

“Oh Matty, I am so happy to hear your voice.  No one is hurt?”

“No, we are fine.  Leo was crying quite hard but Nora is feeding him now and he seems to be calm now that he feels safe.”

“You stay safe and your dad and I will try to come over once the sun is up.”

“Just be careful. We are fine.”

“Take care of your little family, son.” Tony said before ending the call.

“Fuck!” Gus said as he reached for Shelby.  She was already trying to walk across the room.  “Shel, be careful.  You go check on Tally and I will check on the other two.” Gus rushed down the hall.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The shaking stopped just as Shelby rushed into Tallia’s room and there was a crash as the door slammed shut to the nursery.

Gus rushed into Taylor’s room, “Taytay are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Daddy.”

“You stay right where you are until I come get you.”

“Ok,I will.”

Next Gus went to Gage’s room. He was hit by the beam of a flashlight.  “Shit, Dad, that was a big one!” Gage started to get out of bed.

“Gage, stay where you are.  I am so glad you are alright but stay here until I check around.  If you have to get up, put shoes on right away. We don’t know if there will be glass or other sharp items on the floor.”

“Dad, you don’t have shoes on.”

“You’re right.  I need to get them on. Just stay here so I know where you are.”

“Shelby, is Tally…” Gus stopped talking. He heard Tallia crying on the other side of the door.  He wasn’t sure why she would be upset unless she was hurt. He turned the doorknob and  pushed but the door would only open  about three inches.  

“Daddy, come please,” Tally’s tearfilled voice called to him. 

“Shelby, what happened? Can you hear me? Tally, sweetheart, Daddy is right here.  I am trying to get to you.  Can you see Mommy?”

“Yesss,” her voice wavered as she tried not to cry.

“Tally, where is Mommy?”

“She’s under my books.”

“Just your books, sweetheart, or is it the shelves?”

“Daddy, she is under books.”  

“Gage, Taylor! Put shoes on and carefully come here.” Gage had a flashlight and he reached out and took Taylor’s hand and led her to the nursery door. “I think the bookcase fell on your mom.  Taylor, please try to call Grandpa Brian and see if he can come over and help us.  We don’t know if she is just knocked out or hurt worse.”

Taylor called Brian but there was no answer.  “Grandpa isn’t answering.”

“Ok, Gage I need you to help me push the door.  We need to be careful because if your mom is hurt we don’t want to make it worse.  Taylor as soon as we get in there we are going to hand Tally to you.  Take her to your room since that is a safe place.”

Gage and Gus managed to open the door a couple more inches.  “Dad, I think I can slip in. Let me try.” Tally was still whimpering on her bed. Gage managed to slip in.  He grabbed Tally and handed her out to Gus, who gave her a quick kiss and passed her on to Taylor.  “Dad, Mom is really stuck and her head is bleeding.”

Gus called down to Taylor, “Call 911 and give them directions.”

“Got it, Dad.”

“Gage, I know that bookcase is really heavy. Can you lift the end that is blocking the door and move it without hurting your mom, more?”

“I’ll try, Dad.” Gage managed to lift the end of the bookcase and moved it off his mom which also freed the door.  Gus rushed in and dropped down next to Shelby.  She had a pulse and was breathing but she was not responding. He didn’t move her.    

“Gage, give me your flashlight and take my phone.  Try to call Pops again.” Gus stayed next to Shelby watching her breathing and taking her pulse.

Gage tried Brian again but when he didn’t answer he called Justin. “Gus, is everything alright out there?”

“Grandpa,” Gage’s voice was shaky.

“Gage, what is it?”

“A bookcase fell on Mom and Gramps isn’t answering.” 

Taylor walked up with Tally in her arms.  “They don’t know when the ambulance will get here.  They are really busy. What’s wrong with Mom?”

Gage, still on the phone with Justin, spoke to Taylor.  “Dad is in with Mom.”

“Gage,” Justin called into the phone.  “Can you run over to our house and check on your grandpa and then go to the driveway so you can direct the ambulance when they come.”

“Ok, Grandpa. I’ll call you back when I get there.” Gage rushed off without telling Gus where he was going but he grabbed the keys to one of the carts and took off to check on Brian.

“Gage, get me a damp cloth.”

“Daddy, Gage left to check on Grandpa Brian and then he will wait for the ambulance.  I’ll get you a cloth.” She carried Tally and got a wet washcloth  for her dad and then sat on the top step rocking Tally. “Dad, is Mom waking up yet?”

“No, sweetheart, she isn’t but she is breathing well and her heartbeat is strong.”

“Ok, that’s good.”

Gage came around a small turn that brought Brian and Justin’s house into view but Gage was confused for a moment in the dim light.  He saw the veranda and the front porch but the house was gone.  As he got closer the light could shine on it better.  Where the house stood previously there was now a pile of rubble.  Gage pulled out his dad’s phone and called Justin.

“Gage, have you found your grandpa?”

“Grandpa the house….. The house is just …..there aren’t any walls left.  I don’t know where Grandpa is!”



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