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A cold smile twisting his lips, Brian Kinney stalked his prey, moving at a much slower pace than was normal when he was hunting his next meal. In actuality, there was no reason to rush. He was immortal; therefore, no human could outrun him. Nor could they hide from him once he had captured their scent. His fangs remained retracted as he slightly increased his pace. There was no need to reveal himself to strangers, or even this man that began to pick up his steps; the end of tonight's hunt would be soon. Brian almost laughed when the man darted down a dark alley, an abandoned area that saw very little activity. Fools. Didn't these mindless humans ever watch the films they created? Nothing good ever came from a dash down a dark alley... whether inhabited or not. When would they ever learn?


He had been a vampire for nearly seventy-five years now. His skills were practiced and refined. He only killed when circumstances necessitated it. As he had progressed in his specific craft, the killing occurrences had lessened; however, it was something he could do with ease and discretion. Brian whistled as he quickened his steps, the sound an echo in the alley that would otherwise only produce the sounds of each of their hurried footsteps. He was closing in now. The smell of the man's fear was redolent in the air. He could almost taste the life-giving essence now. Soon, he would be.


Suddenly, the man stopped and turned to see who appeared to be approaching him, his smaller legs shaking as the beautiful man with the glowing red eyes now closed in on him. Terror gripped the man as he was consumed by the red orbs, unable to look away as the monster's supreme power overwhelmed his weaker will. "P-please... don't kill me."


Tilting his head to the side, Brian repeated, ‘Kill you?" With very little effort, Brian pushed the man forward until his back was against a brick building, his hand reaching up to clasp around the other man's throat. "As long as you give me what I need without causing me any difficulties, you will walk away reasonably unscathed." Brian laughed as the man's eyes widened further in fear, uncaring of his terror, his only concern now that of feeding his hunger and going about his evening.


Almost instantly, the man made the mistake of reacting how so many others tried to escape; a last attempt at resistance, when all hope of success had been extinguished. This nameless offering didn't realize that... but soon he would. As soon as the man opened his mouth, a scream poised at the back of his throat, Brian tightened his grasp around the man's neck, not tight enough to crush the fragile bones he held, but enough that he was cutting off the vital airways. His glowing and feral eyes became angry now, it was always the case when his meal delayed the feeding of his hunger. When the man's face began to change colors, Brian relaxed his grip. He couldn't have the man die on him; at least, not before he was fed. "Quiet, or I will break you in half..." the beast in him raged, his tone both impatient and contemptuous.


Once the man stilled, Brian turned his prey's head to the side, with his night vision able to see the pulse that was beating wildly in the man's neck. He licked his lips, his fangs now extracting. It was time to feast, for some reason, his hunger being of ravenous intensity tonight. He wasn't sure this man would be enough. The man was rather petite, although, a man he would normally pick to service him in other ways... but not tonight. His survival was all that mattered for now. He needed to feed. Sometimes he became lost in the pleasures of the flesh that he pushed his more elemental hunger aside. Brian knew he really shouldn't be doing that. Waiting too long, the need for blood became overpowering. It led to mistakes being made. That was something he prided himself on not doing.


Hungrily, Brian slid his fangs into the man's neck, growling when the blood hit his throat, his hand remaining on the other man's throat to hold him in place; however, once this connection was forged, that force was never required. Now, the man was under his power. He wouldn't attempt to escape or even call out. The man was his until he released him. Brian greedily drank the life-sustaining blood, his eyes closing as he fed in a devouring intensity. Drinking for as long as he knew it was safe to do, Brian used his saliva to close the wound, healing it to where the evidence was no longer visible.


Stepping back, Brian commanded the man to look at him. They weren't finished quite yet. "Look into my eyes."


Silently, the man obeyed, his eyes wide open, unblinking, and pulled into the hypnotic trance the vampire flawlessly invoked. When the predator remained silent, the man blinked, one small part of his mind resisting, knowing he had places to be... a home to return to. "P-please, let me go. I-I won't tell anyone." He laughed nervously. "No one would believe me---"


"Of course they wouldn't. My kind is not only feared but a myth in the eyes of humans. They can't cope with the realities of the supernatural world." Brian frowned, as his eyes stared intently into the other man's, for some reason feeling the need to utilize one of his most special skills - seeing what was in the other man's mind. It was almost like an old silent film. He could see the images, but he couldn't hear what was being said. In the forefront was an old apartment building. It appeared to be Brownstone style, an old building that appeared to be drastically in the need of repairs, and with countless windows, from the ground to the top of the building.


"C-can I go?" the man asked, his head pounding from the strain he was exerting trying to pull his mind free.  


"Not quite yet..." Brian growled, his eyes holding the other man in place, silently willing him to keep his thoughts and visions open to him, for some reason, compelled to view them all. He focused on the vision of another man; one slightly taller than this man, but shorter than himself. He was asleep in bed. Brian frowned when he realized it seemed to be a bed that was accustomed to holding two men. The young man was blond, and from what he could see of him through this man's eyes, he was one of exceptional beauty. Instantly, he became hard. One appetite had been fed; now, another was manifesting. He wanted to taste him in every way he savored such rare finds. There wasn't any conquest that ever evaded his pursuit. This man wouldn't be any different.


"Who is he?" Brian demanded, his eyes glowing again, mentally absorbing all he could of the hot young blond, and the room that surrounded him. He wanted to know everything about him. In particular, he wanted any knowledge that would entice him. If the nameless blond was committed to tonight's victim, that was about to change soon.


In a monotone voice, fully in a spellbound state, the man asked, "Who is who?"


"The blond that is in your thoughts. Who is he?" Brian hissed, impatient for an answer, aware that he had this man in a transfixed and confused state, yet uncaring of that particular detail.


"That's Justin... my roommate."


Brian arched a brow, slightly backing away, allowing the man to pull free, deciding he might get better answers if the man was coherent. "Just your roommate?"


"Uh yeah, well --- kind of... w-why?" the man stammered, his eyes still helplessly fascinated by the man that held him powerless.


"No reason." Brian's tone was devoid of any inflection, his eyes boring into the other man's, commanding his attention as he erased their encounter from his memory. Silently, he replaced the man's fear with a feeling of tranquility, releasing him from the spell a moment later. Before the man could blink, following the stupor that had held him enthrall, Brian was gone. However, not far. He wasn't finished with this encounter quite yet. His hunger had been fed, but now he needed to find where the enticing Justin lived. Following this man home would answer his question without going another path that would lead to a longer encounter with this man.


Uncertain why he was so intrigued by the sleeping blond, he followed at a distance, this time not wanting to alarm the man to his presence. He had served his purpose, and now he was onto another one. He wondered what he would see when he looked into the blond's eyes. Would they be green? Or perhaps they would be the deepest blue. That was only one question he sought to answer; although, he knew he probably wouldn't have that answer tonight. Location was an excellent place to start. After that, the blond would be his to take.




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