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Justin Taylor paced back and forth in the small apartment, his teeth anxiously biting into his bottom lip. Seth should be home soon; at least, he should be if he didn't stop along the way. His arrival was always difficult to predict. Some mornings he came straight home, and others, he was out for hours. Whenever he was going to stop for coffee or breakfast with his other co-workers, he always called to let him know. Seth hadn't called yet... so, he had to assume he'd be coming directly home.


He had awoken with a slight sigh of relief. The fact that he hadn't received a call during the night indicated that his premonition hadn't come true. Although his premonitions usually weren't time specific - it didn't have to be last night. All he knew was that his senses had told him it would be soon. A cold chill suddenly coursed down his spine. The more he thought about those penetrating and mesmerizing eyes, the more he became convinced that something had happened. The eyes were so cold... but through it all, he still remembered them as being beautiful. Who did those eyes belong to? And, was the man as dangerous as what his few glimpses of him had indicated? He might never find out, but he couldn't deny how curious he was about the rest of the man. How he wished he could have seen his face, but his premonition hadn't given him that.


So lost in his inner musings, Justin didn't hear the door being unlocked and opened, when he turned around and saw Seth walking inside, he nearly shrieked in response. "Seth! You're home. I didn't hear you come in!" Justin rushed forward, urgently wrapping his arms around him, holding him close to him. "I've been so worried. You're okay. Really okay---"


Seth grunted, his arms reaching out to hold Justin to him. "Of course I'm okay. I told you I would be. There was absolutely nothing to worry about. Perhaps one day you'll learn not to place so much importance on your so-called visions."


Justin pulled back, scowling at the almost condescending tone in his boyfriend's voice. "So-called visions?" Justin repeated. "Up until now, they have been very accurate. They just haven't been anything as serious as this one. And, how do you know it is false? It didn't tell me the date of the incident. It could be tonight, tomorrow, next week, or even beyond that. I think it's foolish not to take every precaution and treat it as a viable threat."


Seth shook his head, exhaustion causing him to feel aggravated with Justin, something that had been happening even more lately. "Justin, listen... I am tired. I worked all night, and I need to get some sleep." He didn't tell his boyfriend that he'd struggled often during his shift in staying awake. Things had been more quiet than usual at the hospital last night, and keeping his eyes open hadn't been a simple feat. He had had plenty of sleep the night before as well. Why he had suddenly become so tired was a mystery to him... but his fussbudget boyfriend didn't need to know that.


"This is how it always is, Seth. You don't want to have a discussion and an excuse prevents us from doing that. I get that you worked and that you are tired... but, my concerns are valid. I'm just trying to keep you safe!" Justin fervently urged, a grim look on his face as he analytically examined the lines in Seth's face, the fatigue clearly present.


"I get that, sweetheart... but you exaggerate everything. These visions, or whatever they are, cloud all of your common sense. They aren't real, Justin." Seth motioned to himself with his hands. "I'm here and nothing happened to me." Seth knew this would agitate Justin further, but he needed to make his point. "I even went down the alley that you warned me to stay away from... and guess what? Nothing happened! You need to get a grip on this, Justin. It's ruining your life... in fact, our lives. I think it's time we thought about therapy."


"Therapy!?" Justin shouted, uncaring of how loud he was, outrage and disbelief causing his voice to crack. "I have been through all the testing after I woke up from my coma. Everything came back normal... and you know that, Seth. After all, you were there!"


Rolling his eyes, Seth grumbled, "Of course I was there. That's when we met. I was taking care of you. The only time I have ever become personally involved with a patient." Shaking his head, Seth bit back what would be hurtful words - first time... and last. "I know the severity of your head trauma. Complications could have developed that wasn't present then. I think it warrants checking it out."


"No!" Justin snapped. "I am fine. The headaches have lessened over time. My yearly checkup with the neurologist is next month. That's as far as I intend on taking this." Justin stared heatedly at his boyfriend, not intending to back down when faced with Seth's irritated expression. Seth was extremely stubborn; although, not quite as much as himself. He wasn't backing down in this because he knew his visions were unavoidable and not a figment of his imagination. He believed in them. There wasn't a psychoanalyst that would make him believe anything different. "I need to get dressed. I work at the coffee shop this morning."


"Just consider what I'm saying, Justin. We can set the idea aside for now. I just want you to think about it..."


"There's nothing to think about, Seth. I am fine. I don't need some shrink poking around in my head, dredging up a past that I no longer want to remember. I just want to live my life now." When he noticed Seth shaking his head in irritation, Justin told him, "If you want me to keep my premonitions to myself, then fine, I can do that. I was only trying to protect you!"


Seth grunted, his eyes rolling simultaneously. "Protect me? I can look out for myself, Justin." Moving closer, Seth placed his hand on the side of Justin's face, staring deeply into his beautiful blue eyes. "I don't want you to keep anything from me. If it makes you feel better to talk about these things you see, then I want you to do that. I just want you to understand that it won't make me believe in them too. That will never happen."


"Okay, I get that." Justin half-heartedly laughed. "I suppose it's hard to believe something you can't see for yourself. I'm glad nothing bad happened last night... but I'm confused at the same time." Justin bit at his bottom lip. "Are you absolutely sure nothing unexpected happened?"


"Yes, Justin. I'm sure. I worked all night; although, I have felt exhausted all night." Seth frowned for a minute, before he continued, "I have no explanation for that. I was wide awake when I left for work, but once I got there, I was just totally depleted. I have no answer for what could have caused that."


His brows furrowing in concern, Justin observed, "That's not like you, Seth. You are always alert and particularly attentive on the job. I would know..."


Seth nodded, unable to argue that point. He didn't tell Justin that part of the walk to walk was a blur to him. He did remember going down the alley Justin warned him about, and then, nothing until he was well out of it and on his way to the hospital. Why couldn't he remember those minutes he had walked through the alley? Vaguely, he could remember a slight moment of fear, a feeling that had been replaced with a more tranquil feeling as he neared the hospital. Perhaps something had happened, but not what Justin had predicted. "I think I'll get some juice and lay down for a few hours. That should recharge me."


Leaning forward, Justin kissed Seth briefly on the lips, knowing he needed to be moving along as well. "I hope so. I know you're off tonight. Maybe we should just hang out here. Take things easy."


"No!" Seth protested, uncertain why he was so against the idea. "I want us to go out. You have never been to any of the clubs on Liberty Avenue, and I know you've wanted to see them. I thought we could stop at one of the bars, and then see if any of the clubs appealed to you. It's so rare that I get a weekend night off. I'd like to take advantage of it."


"I can't deny that I'd like to check it out. We live close to that neighborhood, it's strange that we've never been there together." Justin smiled warmly at his boyfriend, hopeful that a night out would rekindle the passion in their relationship. At times, it felt they stayed together because it was a familiar routine neither one of them wanted to change. It used to be more. He wanted it to be more again. "However, only if you're feeling better."


"Well, I'm not exactly a novice. I've been to Babylon a few times. It was a bit crazy then, but I hear it's under new ownership, so it could be a good place to start." Seth yawned, his eyelids beginning to droop, his fatigue strangely worsening. "I'm going to get that juice and go to sleep. We can firm up our plans later."


Justin kissed him again, telling him goodnight, watching him closely as he slowly sauntered into the kitchen, pouring his juice before taking it with him into the bedroom. He shook his head. Seth hadn't seemed ill, but what else could cause such sudden fatigue? As much as he would enjoy a night out, he wanted Seth back to normal even more.


Without any warning, a chill coursed down his spine. Justin gasped as another vision assailed him, this one much stronger than the first one.


Again, it was those glowing red eyes. And yet, still, no face attached. Who did those eyes belong to? Was it man or beast... or perhaps both? Justin rolled his eyes at his own impossible thought. It wasn't possible it could be both man and beast. Perhaps he was losing his mind. Closing his mind, he tried to focus on what he had seen.


Glowing red eyes. This time, they seemed to be fixated on him. Justin saw himself walking toward them. He couldn't sense any fear present; in fact, just the opposite. As he walked towards the man with the penetrating eyes, he saw the hunger in them, and still, he kept walking forward, unable to do anything else.


Who was this man? And, even more important than that... if these premonitions were true, what were his intentions for him?




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