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Brian lay on the bed - replete and partially relaxed as he watched the surprisingly adequate trick squirming back into his work uniform. He was never completely relaxed... not even following a vigorous and satisfying fuck. This had been one of those fucks, albeit a quick one. He quirked a brow as he watched the haste in which he moved. "I assume you don't do this on a regular basis." When the dark-skinned man looked at him in confusion, Brian shook his head in disbelief. Hot, but dense. "Fuck during working hours."


"Oh... right." Luiz smiled a toothy grin. "I haven't had this job for long. Mr. Taylor would definitely frown on such behavior."


Shrugging, Brian breezily told him, "Go down on him. You are good at sucking cock. That should get you past the reprimand."


Luiz snorted. "Craig Taylor is in his fifties, and he's straight as an arrow." A sudden dreamy smile came over his face. "Now his son, well, that's another matter entirely. He's got an ass to make your mouth water."


Not moving from his comfortable repose, Brian asked, "Straight too?"


"Hardly..." Luiz laughed. "He doesn't do relationships, though. If a guy just looks like he wants a commitment, Justin tosses him to the curb."


More than casually interested, Brian sat up on the bed, knowing there was a story to be heard here. After all, he was here to absorb information for Salvatore. If he did that and found an even more pleasing trick than Luiz had been, well, he wasn't going to complain. "Sounds like my kind of man. Does he work at the resort?"


"Rumor has it that his father wants him to take over the family resort business in time. Justin seems to rebel against the very idea." Luiz shook his head. He couldn't imagine anyone turning their back on such an opportunity. Hurriedly restoring his clothing to order, knowing he needed to get back to work, Luiz smiled at the resort's newest and probably most attractive guest, before hopefully offering, "I could come back later. Show you all the hot spots on the island, and more."


His interest more than casually piqued by the bellhop's analysis of the resort owner's son, Brian's face transformed from interest to coldness in a fraction of a second. "No. I can find my own way around."


Taken slightly aback at how the hot-blooded man changed directions so quickly, Luiz further prodded, "So, we can't hook up again?"


"That's not how I operate..." Brian retorted, barely able to keep the acid from his tone. "You were a good fuck, but it's over now." Brian's gaze dismissed him in one uncaring glance. "We're done here. Goodbye."


Lifting his chin, knowing he couldn't issue a scathing retort to a guest that had only just arrived - not to mention not feeling it wise to challenge a man that could go from passionate to ice cold in a mere instant - Luiz nodded his understanding, before moving in the direction of the door. His back tensed when he heard the beautiful, yet cold man calling out to him.


"Oh, and Luiz?" Brian called out, lithely standing naked from the bed, his stance aggressive even in his nudity, his eyes and overall expression rivaling in a competition of coldness. "Have housekeeping change the sheets. I want them fresh when I return."


"Enjoy your stay, Mr. Kinney." Luiz walked through the door, wishing he could savage the man with a cutting response. Despite his unprofessional actions today, he needed his job. Pissing off a paying guest wasn't the best way to protect that. Insistently, he pushed the button to call the elevator... returning to his post at the top of his list. No matter how the interlude had ended, he couldn't regret his moments of bliss with the arrogant Mr. Kinney. The man's prowess in bed was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Any man was lucky to be on the receiving end of his lust. His only regret would be knowing he wouldn't get a repeat performance.



Ethan looked on in disgust as Luiz returned to the lobby. His clothes were in place, but he looked overtly unkempt. He had just spotted the boss making his rounds. Seeing Luiz in such a state wasn't good for any of them... him especially. Mr. Taylor would expect him to be responsible enough to report such inappropriate behavior. For his own reasons, he hadn't done that. Snapping his fingers vigorously, he discreetly sought out Luiz's attention, his eyes glaring at the beautiful, yet totally disheveled bellhop. "Get over here..." he hissed, his voice just low enough not to be overheard by guests coming and going from the lobby.


Luiz sauntered over, not in the least bit intimidated by Ethan's ever-present overbearing manner; however, not oblivious to the fact that he did have a message from the immensely sexual, and cold Mr. Kinney to deliver. "Save the speech on decorum. I'm not interested. However, you might want to send housekeeping to his room. He wants fresh sheets on his bed before he returns."


Ethan snorted. "If this is his typical behavior, he might need his own personal housekeeping staff."


Luiz chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised."


Looking around nervously, Ethan spoke in an imploring voice, "Please go into the bathroom and tidy yourself up. You are a disgrace! And Mr. Taylor was just making rounds a short time ago."


Slightly grimacing, Luiz knew he had no choice but full compliance. "Okay, I rushed back as soon as I could."


"You should have never gone to his room in the first place!" Ethan hissed, his eyes bulging in his anger. "If anything, you should have waited for non-working hours."


"It's still against Mr. Taylor's policies regarding guests and staff." He boldly winked at Ethan. "I'll try to do better in the future."


"I don't intend on discussing this any longer. I won't risk my job for you." Ethan stared down his nose at the inappropriate bellhop, his tone icy, and yet, barely over a whisper. Not for one moment did he consider his anger to be centered more in jealousy - first regarding Justin, and now with their hot new guest. "If this happens again, I will report your behavior to Mr. Taylor..."


"Why so hostile on such a beautiful day?" Justin came up behind Luiz, his hand idly stroking along the bellhop's hip, his eyes challenging Ethan's displeasure with the impropriety.


"Justin..." Luiz cooed. "I didn't hear you. Umm, we were just having a little disagreement. Nothing for you to worry about."


Ethan rolled his eyes, his hatred for the bellhop only growing. Justin never touched him like that. What did these other guys have that he didn't? Was it his attentive behavior to him? Perhaps Justin liked to do the chasing. That was it, he decided. It had to be. He had been giving Justin his most devout attention since the day he arrived back home from college. It had gotten him nowhere. However, the less deserving had Justin circling them lustfully and eagerly, stalking them mercilessly. He wanted to be them. Not just wanted. He needed to be that man, and he would be. Although, with one difference. He wouldn't be dumped in the aftermath. He would be the man Justin wanted to keep. If it was a question of changing his approach, he could do that. Ethan lowered his eyes, knowing Justin usually recoiled from his looks of adoration. He would become more aloof. Then, his beautiful muse would notice him. "Perhaps you should return to your post, Luiz... before Mr. Taylor passes through the lobby again."


Justin scrunched his nose, unaware of how adorable both men found the look to be. "I guess I'd better move on. I really don't want another pep talk from my father this morning..."


"Awww..." Luiz sighed sadly. "You brighten the lobby up more than the scenic art and plants that decorate it."


Ethan rolled his eyes. Amateur. That was the best form of flattery he could devise? Given the chance, he could do so much better. Drolly, he placed a dig at Luiz that would be sure to create questions in Justin's mind. "Luiz, you don't spend enough time in the lobby to make that determination. This morning in particular..."


Luiz glared at Ethan, knowing very well what he was trying to do. "I think you should just watch the front desk, and not worry so much about everyone else." He stared pointedly down the desk, looking at how the rest of the front desk staff were handling the guests as Ethan continued to meddle in his business, and attempted to score points with Justin.


Justin cast a knowing look in Luiz's direction, yet not ceasing his caressing motions on the darker man's hip. "I heard rumors that a new guest had checked in. One that had a face and a body to remember..."


Snorting derisively, Ethan retorted, "He's not all that. I checked him in. I'd stay clear of him, Justin. He's arrogant and overbearing. And he's much older than any of us."


"Hmmm. Older men can be so much fun. All of that delicious experience..." Justin pondered aloud, finding himself casually interested in this new guest that was reported to be oozing in hotness. Justin was poised to say more when he heard his father's voice in the distance, not a doubt in his mind that he would be upon them soon. "I gotta go. Later boys..."


Luiz pouted when Justin's hand fell away, his voice hopefully asking him, "Can I see you tonight?"


Justin patted his cheek fondly, before brushing his lips lightly over the other man's. "No, I've got plans tonight. Sorry."


Without another word, Justin scampered away, both of them watching him yearningly. Little did they know that another man watched from the distance, his eyes hungry and hot on the departing blond. A man that took what he wanted without mercy. A man that always found a way to win no matter the name of the game played. A predatory smile curving his lips, the man deemed this time would be no different.



Ben knocked on Don Caletti's study, only entering once he had been granted access. "Boss, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I thought you'd like to know that Brian phoned. He has arrived safely on the island."


"Excellent..." Salvatore answered in approval. "This will be good for Brian. A bit of work, mixed with much leisure."


"I agree. Brian never seems to take long breaks in between jobs. It's amazing how it never affects his accuracy."


Salvatore smiled, unable to mask the pride in his eyes. "He's dedicated to the Family, and he comes by his skills honestly."


"That he does, Boss." Ben frowned as he remembered the other reason he came to see Salvatore, realizing his concern was likely groundless. Salvatore Caletti generally had everything covered. It was very difficult to catch him off guard. More men than he could count had failed in that unlikely task. "Boss... I was going over the report on the island, and I noticed something of interest. I wondered if you had as well."


Salvatore cast an amused look at his guard, shaking his head in disbelief. "You should know me by now, Ben. Of course, I know who has an operation in that area of the Virgin Islands."


"You sent Brian there... knowing how he feels about that man?" Ben asked incredulously before the sudden light of comprehension dawned on him. "I get it, Boss. You want Brian to take him out. Once that's done, you can move in..."


"Let's get this clear, Ben. I don't need Brian to remove Gary Sapperstein in order for me to set up business on the island. Any operation the Sap has will be small in comparison to what I can surmount." Salvatore frowned as he thought of Brian coming to the same determination. "I can see how you would think that. In business, I often need to be cunning and without a doubt cutthroat. Not this time, though, and certainly not with Brian."


Immediately, Ben felt guilty. "My apologies, Boss. I wasn't thinking. On the plus side, though, it will be good to have such a skilled ally there on our side should unpleasantness arise."


"Indeed," Salvatore agreed. "I don't imagine it will take Brian long to alert me of Sapperstein's presence."


Ben smiled. "I'm sure of that. In fact, I think the only way he won't discover Gary Sapperstein right away is if he becomes immersed in more pleasurable activities."


"A definite possibility. After all, this is new terrain for Brian. That's another reason why I booked him for three weeks. I decided that would cover Brian's various pursuits - both business and pleasure."


Laughing, Ben commented, "It always amazes me how well you know him, Boss. Then I remember... who could possibly know him better than his father?"


"Ben..." Salvatore spoke in a low and thickened voice, his eyes suddenly becoming cold and unforgiving. "I know we are safe within my study, but such slips of the tongue can be dangerous. I will advise you not to speak of that again."


Cursing himself for being the fool, Ben apologetically murmured, "I am deeply sorry, Don Caletti. My only excuse is that my heart wishes the two of you could share that secret with each other. I get lost in myself the moment when I see how much he takes after you."


"Brian has always been the world to me, Ben. You know that. I built what was only a mediocre empire into one of the most powerful organizations on the east coast. I have always hoped the day would come when I could turn it all over into his capable hands. Until I am certain his safety is assured, the connection cannot be revealed." Salvatore took in a deep breath, before releasing it even more quickly. "If that means the truth never gets revealed... that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make."




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