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"I do hope that is NOT your standard pick-up line." Justin arched a brow in slight amusement. "In your line of work, it's just a bit over the top."


Brian's eyes glittered, not the least bit taken in by the blond's attempt at bravado. However, he did find himself becoming more intrigued with each passing moment. That in itself was troubling to him - his life functioned best when he only held a passing interest in a man. His immense curiosity in this man made him wonder about everything there could be to learn. He considered himself to be an astute judge of character, and there were too many factors here that didn't add up.


"You didn't answer the question, Junior." Brian's eyelids lowered, before he lifted them again. He did nothing to disguise the lust that was now smoldering within him.


"Junior? I may be younger than Brandon, and less experienced, but I am no protege!" Justin groused, his arms crossing in irritation across his chest. Refusing to back down from the man he knew as a legend, Justin countered, "Perhaps I should show you..."


"Show me?" Brian's eyes swept up and down the hot blond, his tongue striking out to swipe along his lips, his eyes hungry as the fever in his body raged. He wanted to devour this audacious little fucker. Doing so was high on his list of immediate priorities. "There are many things I'd be inclined to have you show me, young gun. How about you come back with me to my suite at Daddy's resort, and we can go to it..."


Raising his head, Justin met the beautiful hitman's gaze, his eyes cold as he forced himself to maintain a comfortable stance. He felt anything but that, yet knew he had to keep the upper hand here... or at least an even footing. Despite his experience, he knew Brian Kinney could kill him as quickly as the blink of an eye. "I'm fine with that... Killer. However, should we do that, it will be you on the receiving end. Not me."


Brian's head arched back as laughter erupted. The sound was full of mockery. When his eyes once again met the irritating blond's, his brow arched at the continued coldness that remained in beautiful blue pools. "Oh, you were serious... Let me make something very clear, Junior. I. Don't. Bottom. I am the most alpha male you will ever meet. If you were smart, you would take advantage of my offer and renowned experience." He reached his hand out, stroking the back of his hand against the pale skin, instantly struggling with dwelling on the silky-soft texture. This man was perfect and so fucking hot. He wanted him more than he'd ever wanted any man. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that he would have him.


In an instant, Justin pulled the knife from his back pocket, a loud click reverberating in the room as he placed it against the aggressive gunman's ribs. "Back down, Tiger. I don't know you, and I certainly don't trust you. You will NOT be fucking me."


"I would advise you to remove your blade from my ribs - immediately." Brian's eyes narrowed sharply on the self-satisfied blond, a bloodlust mixing with his immense hunger for the far too cocky thug. When the blond pressed the knife tighter against him, Brian's lips twisted savagely. "Final warning, punk. Step away or be disarmed even more painfully than your little lover boy..."


Justin gritted his teeth. "Disregarding me due to my youth could be your most costly mistake, Mr. Surgeon. I am nothing like Brandon or any other man you have ever run across." Justin pressed the knife even closer, completely aware that any further pressure would tear the man's expensive designer shirt, puncturing the skin at the same time. He really didn't want it to go that far. Brian Kinney was a legend, he knew all about the repercussions of striking out against him. He wasn't sure he would have a choice. "Simply back away, Mr. Kinney. Do that and this little dispute will be resolved. Don't keep pushing me."


Brian felt consumed by a lust unlike any he had ever known. Right now, he wasn't sure what he most wanted to do to this man. There was no denying how much he wanted to fuck him; however, no man had ever placed him at such a disadvantage. He didn't like that at all. Weakness was something he didn't tolerate. It had no place in his world. From the moment he had begun following Justin around town, ending in finding himself cornered much like his own prey, he had lost his edge. It was time to regain that edge. That was how it had to be in his diverse world.


His eyes burning in their intensity, Brian's hand reached out to clasp around the wrist holding the knife, his lips twisting at the look of shock on the blond's face when he skillfully and without any apparent effort, placed a squeezing grip that instantly had Justin wincing in discomfort. "Drop the blade..." Brian hissed, his breath ghosting over the blond's perfect lips. When the pained man continued to resist, Brian coldly told him, "I can turn this knife until it impales you. And I think you know that."


Justin's hand trembled in the tight grasp. He tried to tell himself it was solely from the pain, and nothing akin to fear. He knew that wasn't true, though. How could he not feel fear when in the hunting sights of this man? No matter how skilled he found himself to be, he'd be a fool not to recognize the greatness of Brian Kinney. He wasn't a fool. In that instant, he did what he felt he had to do. His grip slackened, and to his surprise, the knife fell to the floor. He wouldn't have been surprised if the renowned ‘Surgeon' had carried out the process of impaling him or threatening him further. However, the more experienced gunman seemed content in making his point. "Happy now?" Justin gasped, his uninjured hand rubbing at his wrist that continued to throb.


"You know who I am," Brian told him in a low, almost faraway voice. "What do you think?"


"I think you never felt threatened. You just have to always maintain control." Justin narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, his gaze assessing the arrogant and devastatingly handsome killer. "I wonder if it's ever occurred to you that one day a man could come along that won't be so simply handled. A man that will concede a battle or two, but in the end, wins the war and the ultimate prize."


"The ultimate prize being my downfall..." Brian snorted. "I suppose you think you could be up for that challenge."


Justin inclined his head. "I could be - if the circumstances were right. I have been trained by the best." When Brian stared at him in obvious skepticism, Justin explained, "I haven't always worked for Gary Sapperstein. He had nothing to do with my training. That was done during my time at school in America. I simply fell into his organization once I returned home."


"You fell unwisely. He is a bottom feeder, and will only stay in power until someone bigger comes along." Disparagingly, Brian added, "I'm amazed it hasn't happened yet."


Shrugging, Justin told him, "I can adapt to any situation."


"That's good. You may need to do that." Brian hadn't forgotten that Salvatore had sent him to this island to scope out the terrain, which equated to him wanting to know if the island was ripe for his brand of takeover. The Sap would be an easy mark if Salvatore decided to take it. "Perhaps this is the ideal time for you to get out... while you still can."


"Why is that, Mr. Kinney? Because you are here? And because everyone knows you are the Caletti enforcer?"


Brian took a step closer, their bodies almost touching. "Let's be very clear here, Junior. I don't answer to anyone... not even Salvatore Caletti."


"Mmm-hmm. I wonder if Caletti knows that?" Justin surmised aloud, laughing when angry flecks appeared in Brian's eyes once again. "I think our little meeting is concluded, Mr. Kinney. I just need to warn you that any attacks on Mr. Sapperstein or his holdings will result in immediate retaliation. So, if you are here on vacation... Well, that shouldn't be an issue."


"I don't believe I answered the question regarding the reason for my visit to the Virgin Islands." Brian's breath deliberately fanned Justin's lips. "It could be business, then again, it could be pleasure. That is my own personal and private business. I definitely won't be discussing it with Sapperstein's thug."


Justin refused to respond to the constant demeaning in the hired killer's words. He knew he was trying to provoke him, keeping the edge as much as the circumstances would allow. "It's time for me to be perfectly clear, Mr. Kinney - should you decide to become personally involved in my boss' business... Well, our next encounter will be much different."


Brian's hand twitched at his side. He wasn't certain what he wanted to do more... kiss those ripe, perfect lips, and shove the offensive words down the blond's throat with his tongue - or wrap his hands around the pale, slender throat and strangle the life out of him. Both had advantages and disadvantages. However, despite how much it was the antithesis of his existence, Brian found himself hating the idea of destroying this specimen of such immense beauty. "Trust me, Junior..." Brian drawled insinuatingly. "Our next encounter will be very different, and one you will remember."


Once again taken by surprise, Justin gasped when his mouth was smothered under the lips of the mesmerizing hitman. His breath was immediately pushed back into his throat with more force than Justin would have ever thought to be possible from a mere kiss. Justin tried to focus, yet his eyes drifted shut. He couldn't enjoy this kiss that was both smoldering and savage. More than that, he couldn't allow himself to want this man. It was dangerous, and it led to distractions he couldn't afford.


His hand reached up and captured the back of Justin's neck. He applied just enough pressure to keep the boy in place. He wasn't going anywhere until he decided it was time. As his tongue devoured the warm and sweet mouth, Brian decided that time might not arrive quickly. He growled into the heat of Justin's mouth. The boy was delicious. He could only imagine how good more intimate explorations would taste. It was doubtful he would find that out - here and now, but he vowed that he would.


Justin knew that Brian was using this kiss to exercise his dominance over the younger and inexperienced man. There was only one way he would gain the advantage long enough to be released. He had to capitulate... or appear to be doing so. Reaching up, he began threading his fingers through Brian's hair, his mouth softening as he returned the tongue curling kiss... barely able to remember why he was suddenly acquiescent. It wasn't until he moaned, that he was given the chance to breathe freely, his eyes cloudy yet self-satisfied when he surprised the other man by moving his hands from his hair to shove roughly against his chest.


Stumbling a few steps back, Brian's eyes were alive with lust and determination. "Don't tell me you didn't like that."


Edging his way to the door, uncertain he could push him away so easily a second time, Justin nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. "I don't intend on answering that. The answer is obvious. That doesn't matter, though. Any interlude with you would make me vulnerable." Justin's eyes suddenly became as cold as the man studiously watching his every move. "That is something I won't ever be."


Brian watched as the blond made his hasty retreat, finding himself thinking about what the young man had just said. His words held a great deal of determination, but he wasn't sold on his conviction to them. The statement made perfect sense in their line of work, but something still didn't feel quite right. He had the feeling the young gun could be impulsive at times, and that was taboo in their world. One thing was for certain... His curiosity was far from satisfied. He wasn't a man that stopped until he knew everything he wanted to know. Sapperstein's young thug would be no different.


Looking out the window, Brian watched as the three men reconnected, and walked away in the opposite direction. Exactly what was either of these men doing under Sap's thumb? Neither of them seemed like his typical brand of enforcers. He had so much to learn here. Pulling his phone from his pocket, Brian dialed the number that would connect him directly to Salvatore. "Good morning, Salvatore."


"Brian! It's good to hear from you. I've been wondering how things were going for you in the Virgin Islands." No matter how thrilled he was to hear his son's voice, he was very anxious about what could be happening on the island.


"I just have one question, Sir." Brian paused briefly, before asking, "Were you aware that Sapperstein was operating his business here on the island? And if so, is he the real reason you sent me here?"


Salvatore chuckled heartily. "Ahh, Brian. You always cut to the chase. I do admire that about you." He wished he could refer to it being something they genetically had in common, but sadly, he could not. "I think you know me well enough to realize if I wanted Sapperstein terminated, I would have given those exact instructions. At this point, I want your eyes and ears. Once you make a full determination, then I will decide how to proceed."


"So you are planning on expanding your business to the Virgin Islands?" Brian observed, his tone making it more of a statement than a question.


"All in good time, Brian. There are many things to consider in such a move. The circumstances and timing must be right. Keep me posted, and above all else, watch your back. Sapperstein will view your presence as a threat. His fear of me should keep him under control, but his underlings could be another matter."


After ending the call, Salvatore held the phone receiver to his chest, his heart filled with both love and concern... a look that bespoke of a man with a capacity of deep feeling. A man his various business associates wouldn't recognize. In his world, he was the leader of the Caletti family, cold and without any remorse. In times like this, though, he was simply a father. One that loved his son more than his massive empire. Silently to himself, Salvatore had the same thought he had every day of his life, a thought he could only dream of one day saying aloud to his son.


Be safe, my precious son. Be safe.




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