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Justin's arms were straight and extended forward, his gun under his firm control, yet he held it in a comfortable grasp. The protective equipment he wore was his only source of unease. He despised rules, even those designed for safety. The sound of his weapon discharging was a thing of beauty to him. He felt empowered at the moment of the release, his eyes narrowing on the bullet ripping into the target. Today, it was the still figure at the target range, but his comfort in firing his weapon remained the same no matter what the circumstances. In the back of his mind, he wondered if that would ever change... especially now that he had met the renowned and entirely too captivating ‘Surgeon'.


He couldn't help wondering about the connection between Salvatore Caletti and his assassin of choice. There were so many rumors about their relationship, but he doubted anyone knew the complete truth. No one but the two men themselves. Each of them was intriguing and terrifying. It was his job, and a difficult one at that, not displaying that fear. In their own ways, each man instilled fear in all men. How a man responded to the terror they invoked, whether together or separately, could mean the difference between life and death.


Continuing to finish out his round on the unmoving target, Justin recalled his first meeting with Salvatore Caletti. It was a day that forged his path forever. At the time he had felt there had been no other choice than the alliance he had forged. He still held to that decision, and he did so without regret. Salvatore Caletti was a man of honor in his world, astute in his assessment of all those around him. Don Caletti had essentially saved his life, regardless of the fact of his own personal agenda. Giving him his life through his loyalty was a small price to pay.


He had never looked back.




Justin's eyes had been wide as he entered the semi-darkened room, unsure and frightened of why Pittsburgh's most powerful crime lord had demanded his immediate presence. Warily, he watched as Boss Caletti inclined his head, noticing how his guards and enforcers scattered immediately. He swallowed nervously, wondering what he had done to gain the interest or displeasure of this man.


"Have a seat, Justin." The voice came at him brusquely, immediately telling him they would be jumping quickly to the matter at hand. "I realize we have never met. Is it all right that I call you Justin?"


Nodding his head in a jerking motion as he took a seat, Justin could barely squeak out, "Yes, of course, Sir."


"Relax, Justin. I mean you no harm. In fact, I am interested in enabling you so that others treat you the same." Salvatore looked the young man directly in the eye, never flinching from another man's gaze... in the process establishing his power over anyone that came before him. "It has come to my attention that you are in some trouble, Justin. More to the point, trouble is coming for you."


"T-trouble? I don't know what you mean, Sir. I-I haven't done anything..." Justin protested, his hands gripping the arms on the chair across from the powerful Salvatore Caletti's desk, a hurried departure in the back of his mind. A thought he discarded immediately. He was in the home of Pittsburgh's most notorious crime lord. Escape wouldn't be an option.


"I'm sure you haven't, Justin. You seem like a fine, upstanding young man. Outspoken, which isn't always a bad thing. Sadly, in your case, it seems to have been." Salvatore watched the young man closely, hopeful that his instincts about him were correct. "Does the name Chris Hobbs mean anything to you?"


Justin grimaced. He wasn't certain how much of his personal life he wanted to reveal to this dangerous man. In the end, he supposed it didn't really matter. Salvatore Caletti made sure to know everything about everyone that came into his orbit. Justin surmised that Salvatore already knew the full story. "I made a mistake, and now Chris seems to want me to pay for it. I've been dodging him reasonably well. I'm in my final semester; I just need to do that for a bit longer."


Salvatore nodded, a cold smile curving his lips. "Of course, Justin. You can do that. At least, you can try. There's only one problem as far as I can see..."


His hands gripped the chair tighter. Oh God, he thought to himself. I'm going to die - here and now. "P-problem??"


Tapping his chin thoughtfully, completely aware of the young blond's discomfort, Salvatore continued to make his pitch, as always thankful for the information he received as the leader of the Caletti Family. "Indeed. It seems that you don't only have Chris Jr. to contend with... you also have his father. It appears he is preparing to open up his wallet to make certain you don't infect his son's life further."


"Infect??" Justin angrily bristled. "He enjoyed every minute of it. I can't help it that he is so deeply embedded in both the closet and his daddy's pocket that he can't see that."


Rarely did Salvatore Caletti allow a man to raise his voice to him. The fact that the boy's anger wasn't directed toward him didn't really matter. His tone alone was a form of disrespect. That was something he would learn given time. Smiling tightly, Salvatore admonished him, "I appreciate your candid answer, Justin; however, don't ever raise your voice to me. You won't get another warning."


Justin trembled under the crime lord's gaze. Swallowing with the greatest of difficulty, he stammered, "M-my apologies, Mr. Caletti. I-I was caught up in my distaste for the situation. You said that Chris' dad is after me? How can I possibly stop that?"


Once again, a shark-like smile curved Salvatore's lips. This was his favorite moment. Young Justin was helpless without his assistance. In the end, he believed this would make for a favorable alliance for both of them. His instincts had never been proven wrong. He didn't think they would be with this young man, either. "I am what can save you from death, Justin. If you do not accept my proposition, I can let the wolves close in on you. And if they do, there is nothing I can do then. Once a contract is placed it's very hard to combat it. There are too many sources, not only local but globally. Your only hope is for Hobbs to be eradicated before he pays for a hit on you."


"What if I go home to the Virgin Islands? I don't have to finish the semester. I-I can leave tonight..." Justin countered, desperation causing his voice to quiver.


"Justin, I realize you don't know how my world functions, but allow me to advise you." Salvatore affixed a narrow-eyed gaze on the squirming young man, surprisingly far more composed than most would be under the circumstances. "An assassin can be contracted anywhere. If you return to the islands, leaving this unresolved, Hobbs will contract a hit, and you will be killed. Not only that, but you will also bring it to your parents' door. You risk them at the same time. Is that what you want?"


His parents. Fuck. He hadn't thought about that. No, he couldn't do that. Dejectedly, he answered, "No, I don't want that. How do I fix this?" Justin cast a worried, yet pointed glance at the crime lord. "More importantly... what do you gain from helping me??"


"Your absolute loyalty. I have watched how you carry yourself, Justin. You have honor, and you possess an inner strength that will only grow under the proper tutelage. Not only will I end the threat that hangs over your head, but I will also personally train you. When we are finished, you will never be a victim again. All I need is your word. Then, your future will be assured." Salvatore didn't blink as he encompassed the young man with a hard stare, not a doubt in his mind of the answer to his question. "Do I have your word, Justin?"


Nodding emphatically, his hand reaching out to grasp the larger one across from him, Justin answered, "Yes, Don Caletti, you have my word."


"Excellent..." Salvatore responded boisterously, his other hand closing around their hands and he shook Justin's vigorously. "I want you to return to your dorm, and remain visible in the presence of numerous witnesses for the next twenty-four hours. Once you take your final exams, your training will begin."


"Yes, Sir..." Justin answered, standing to his feet, intuitively knowing this interview was over.


"Ben will show you out, and see that my driver delivers you home safely." Salvatore watched as Justin made his departure, his hand reaching for the phone almost immediately. "Brian, I have a problem. One that needs an immediate resolution." With very few words spoken, Salvatore gave Brian the name of Christopher Hobbs, Sr., confident the odious man would be dead within the hour. With this act, his future plans were set in motion. A plan that would not only cement his legacy, but his son's as well.



Brian made his way back to the resort, methodically trying to work out all he had learned. As much as he realized Sapperstein was small potatoes when pitted against the leader of the Caletti family, he didn't feel good about the set-up here. In particular, he didn't view this as a standard move-in and take-over opportunity. As nonchalant as he'd tried to appear as he faced off against Sapperstein's young guns, he hadn't seen them in action yet. Until he did, he couldn't be sure what level of threat they represented.


Ignoring the greetings of the resort staff, not to mention the interested glances from both male and female guests, Brian moved quickly to his suite with only one thought in mind. He needed to speak with Salvatore again, and hopefully get some sort of perspective on what the conniving old man was plotting. He knew him too well. Something wasn't adding up, and now that he was involved in his plans, even if only indirectly, he intended to know the full story.


His finger hovered over Salvatore's name in his contact list, slightly uncertain of the timing of his call. It hadn't been that long since he'd called the much-in-demand crime lord. Only a fool wouldn't have a qualm or two regarding disturbing Don Caletti, whether he had an extended open invitation to do so or not. Brian frowned as he pressed the number to connect, confused as to his hesitation. He had always been given a form of carte blanche with Salvatore. Why would he question that now?


"Caletti..." the answer came across the line, muffled and filled with a slight degree of animosity.


Brian was surprised by the curt answer to his call, particularly since the call came from his phone, with Salvatore knowing from where the call originated. "Have I called at a bad time, Boss? I can always get back in touch with you later..."


"Nonsense, Brian. I didn't look at the caller ID before I answered." Salvatore softened his voice marginally, before explaining, "I just concluded a problematic meeting. What can I do for you?"


"Is there anything I can do?" Brian asked, his eyes darkening as he stared off blindly into the distance. His loyalty to Salvatore Caletti was unlimited. He didn't work for any one man, yet still, he would jump through fire for this incredible man. He wondered if Salvatore had any idea of how devoted he truly was to him and to everything the crime lord found to be important.


Salvatore smiled, his eyes suddenly taking on warmth, where coldness had only moments ago resided. "No, Brian. This matter is well in hand... merely a tedious chore. What you are doing for me now will have a much greater impact on my peace of mind."


Brian frowned. It wasn't like Salvatore to speak in riddles, and that was exactly what this was starting to feel like. He never got a genuine answer; at least, not since he'd taken this bizarre assignment in the Virgin Islands. "Boss, regarding this task, I'm still not sure I'm the right man for the job... unless you are thinking of rubbing out the Sap. I am not at my best merely observing... especially when I have no idea what I'm looking for..."


Salvatore frowned. Brian was far too intuitive and immensely impatient. He knew something was off, and not giving him any answers merely increased his suspicions. He couldn't expect anything else; after all, Brian was his son. "Brian, you are doing exactly what I need to be done - keeping your eyes and ears open. I'm not saying this won't turn out being a hit in time; it just hasn't escalated to that yet."


"It probably will..." Brian concurred. "The Sap isn't as defenseless as he was in Pittsburgh. I don't know the full extent of his operation here, but he does have his own personal thugs. I still have to determine how skilled they are, and how much of a threat they represent."


A smile crossed Salvatore's lips. He was certain that one of the ‘thugs' was far more skilled than the other, and undoubtedly much more interesting to his son. "That is definitely something I wish to know. The islands are full of opportunity, and certainly far more restful than Pittsburgh."


Exactly as he had thought. Salvatore was looking at semi-retirement... at least, as retired as Salvatore Caletti would ever be. "Yes, Boss. The Virgin Islands are very promising, especially for a man of your specific skills. And I'm sure the rest of the Family can handle anything in Pittsburgh."


"Very true, Brian." His eyes lifted to the doorframe when Ben quietly stepped into his office, his hand motioning for him to be seated while he continued his talk with his son. There were very few things Ben didn't know of his operation, and the things he hadn't shared with his personal guard, he was certain Ben could readily discern. Ben was both loyal and observant. "I'd like you to keep a close watch on Sapperstein's activities. In turn, that means those that he surrounds himself with as well."


Brian smirked. That wouldn't be any sort of hardship. There was one in the trio of men that he would definitely enjoy ‘observing', as well as so much more. "That should be easy enough to manage."


"Don't get too complacent, Brian. Remember, he does have two hired guns. Should Sapperstein become spooked, he could turn them loose on you." Salvatore knew that Brian could handle himself, but the unexpected could always happen. "Always look out for yourself. I didn't send you there to see you hurt."


Detecting a hint of concern in his mentor's voice, Brian didn't issue his standard sarcastic response. He could never do that with this man. Although he didn't fear Salvatore as most men did, he did admire and respect him. It was a combination that always resulted in him treating him much differently than his interactions with anyone else. "I always watch my back, Boss. Don't worry about that."


Salvatore ended the call, his eyes warning Ben not to overstep his bounds. "Not a word, Benjamin."


Ben shakes his head, censuring not in mind, but concern very strongly in him. "Boss, I'm just worried. I've never brought it up, but seeing how things are moving forward, I fear you haven't thought this out completely."


"What are you saying?" Salvatore growled, unaccustomed to being questioned - no matter who the source.


"Well, I know I am not privy to the full details of your plan, although some aspects are becoming very clear to me."


"I'm intrigued, Benjamin. Tell me exactly what you think my plan could be??" Salvatore inquired, uncertain of how he felt about Ben reading him so effortlessly.


Ben smiled. He knew if he were anyone else, he would be killed for assessing Don Caletti so thoroughly. In the end, he wasn't certain he wouldn't be for the warnings he was about to place. "I think I was wrong about you withholding your identity from Brian indefinitely. I think you do plan on telling him, but only when you have everything in place."


Salvatore stared blankly at his personal guard, his brow arching as he impatiently waited, oblivious to how his appearance was a mirror image of his son's own bored expression, whenever he decided to display it. "Do go on. I'm fascinated."


Gasping softly, Ben shook his head. "I-I never noticed it before, Boss. Certain expressions of yours are so similar to Brian's."


"That is only because you know our connection. It wouldn't be so to others." At least, he hoped not. The last thing he wanted was for Brian to learn the truth in a way that wasn't optimal of circumstances.


"Probably not..." Ben agreed. "Initially, I thought you were staging an elaborate matchmaking attempt between young Justin and Brian. However, now I'm not so sure."


"I am a busy man, Benjamin. I may have intervened and manipulated events regarding Brian's upbringing... however, I am no fucking Cupid! Now, get to the point..."


Ben's eyes widened. Irritating the Boss hadn't been his intention. Evoking concern in him had been his primary motivation. "I apologize, Sir. Here is what I see. You personally trained Justin. Essentially, he could be Brian's equal. What if things don't go well between them? Have you ever considered that? Justin could be the man that takes down the ‘Surgeon'.


Salvatore laughed. "Is that your great worry? That Justin will take out Brian? Ludicrous. Certainly, Justin is empowered more than most men. However... Do you really think I would teach him all that Brian knows? If a war escalates between them, don't doubt the winner!"


"Well, I suppose that is a relief, Boss... although the young gun is always to be feared. It still makes me wonder... why did you need Justin when you have Brian's undying loyalty?"


"A very good question, and one that will be revealed in time. For now, though, I feel the need for a change of scenery." Laughing when Ben's eyes lit up in slight surprise, Salvatore told him, "I need to make some arrangements first, and then, we are going to the islands. It's time for things to come together."



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