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Chapter 12

By Monday, Brian had bought enough clothes, in Justin's opinion, to last him the next ten years.
He watched as Brian carefully packed his bags ready to leave shortly for the airport. Justin had finished packing much earlier and he sat sketching as Brian finished up.
Brian, as always, noticed Justin busily sketching and he smiled to himself. He was, Brian surmised, drawing Brian, his favourite subject. He finished putting the last few items into the suitcase and locked the bag, setting it on the floor beside the rest of their luggage.
“We've got time for lunch,” Brian said coming over to Justin. He glanced down at the sketch the artist was working on. “Wanna go downstairs to the restaurant?”
“Sure. What do you think?” Justin held the sketch out to Brian.
“Mmmm, I like it.” Brian complimented and meant it. The sketch wasn't of Brian but of Gus, his son.
“Lindsay sent me a picture of Gus a few weeks ago. He's grown so much.”
“Gets bigger every day. He misses you.”
“I miss him too.”
“Better pack your tools away so we're ready to leave for the airport after we have lunch,” Brian suggested to the artist.
“OK.” Justin slid his sketchpad and pencils into his messenger bag and closed it. “Let's eat.” He smiled brightly at Brian.
* * * * * * * * * *
A little over two hours later, the men were sitting in the airport lounge waiting for their flight to start boarding. Brian was reading the newspaper, Justin sat as close to him as possible and was listening to his iPod music.
Brian enjoyed the closeness of the young man beside him. In just a few more hours, they'd be back in Pittsburgh. And they'd be together.
Brian had no idea how they'd cope with living in the loft together, this time as a couple. He would, however, make every effort to make it work this time.
Eventually, their flight was called and they boarded quickly. Brian had, of course, booked first-class seats, so they would be quite comfortable on their journey.
Brian actually was quite relaxed and lightly dozed during the flight. Justin had his sketch pad out almost before the plane took off and spent the time drawing.
Once the flight landed, they quickly grabbed a taxi and in no time were pulling up outside Brian's apartment building. The men unloaded their luggage and Brian paid the driver.
They'd barely spoken during the cab ride from the airport, each knowing what an enormously important step they were taking.
They rode the lift in silence, then Brian unlocked the huge metal door and turned off the alarm. He dropped his luggage just inside the door and waited for Justin to do the same.
“Well,” Brian queried. “You coming?”
“Sure,” Justin replied hesitantly. He set down his bags beside Brian's. “It's been so long since I was here.”
“Yeah, I know.” Brian sensed the uneasiness in the blonde, and in himself as well. “Want a drink?”
“Thanks.” Justin tentatively moved further into the loft. It had been months since he was here last, after the Liberty Ride and his few days visiting Hollywood. Then he moved to California to work on the movie.
Brian poured their drinks and brought Justin's over to him. Still little was said.
After a few minutes, Brian knew he had to say something, anything, to alleviate any fears Justin had about moving in with him.
“I missed you,” Brian Kinney said softly.
“You did?”
“Yeah, place wasn't the same without you,” Brian admitted.
“You're the one who convinced me to take the job in LA,” Justin said cheekily.
“I know. You were offered a great opportunity and I didn't want to be the one to deprive you of that.”
“If you'd asked me to stay, I would have,” Justin told him, edging closer to the older man.
“I'm sure, but I wasn't about to put you in that position. You deserved the chance to work on the movie after all your hard work creating the comic.”
“Selfless as always,” Justin commented.
Brian shrugged his shoulders. “Not really. I would have preferred it if you had stayed.”
“Really?” Justin was intrigued and moved a couple of steps closer to Brian. “Why is that?”
Brian hesitated and took another sip of his drink. “Thought you might not want to come back after all the fun you were having.”
“I'll admit it was fun at first, meeting all those important people,” Justin said. “But the novelty wore off pretty quick. Most nights I preferred to stay in.”
“So, I didn't need to feel … jealous?” Brian asked.
“I thought you didn't do jealous?” Justin threw his words back at him.
“I don't usually. Except where you're concerned,” Brian smiled shyly, rolling his lips.
“Why, Mr Kinney, what exactly are you saying?” Justin was standing in front of Brian now, his iridescent sapphire blue eyes looking into Brian's sexy hazel eyes.
“I'm glad you're home, with me,” Brian practically whispered.
“I'm glad too, Brian,” Justin said. “I missed you too, very much.”
“What would you like to do now?” Brian asked, lightening the mood.
“I don't know, but I'm sure we can come up with something.” Justin said the last few words in Brian's ear.
“I knew there was a reason I liked you around,” Brian smiled softly at the young blonde. “Let me reacquaint you with the finer things of this establishment.” Brian removed the glass from Justin's hand and set it down with his on the coffee table. He then took Justin's hand in his and slowly pulled him towards him, giving him a soft, gentle kiss.
Very slowly Brian walked his delicious blonde up the steps to the bedroom never breaking physical contact.
* * * * * * * * * *
Quite some hours later, the two lovers lay closely together. After becoming 'reacquainted', they dozed, happily entwined in each other's arms.
Justin stirred in Brian's embrace causing him to hold him closer. The last few hours together had been emotional, satisfying, comfortable, wonderful.
Brian Kinney sighed deeply, then breathed in the scent of the man in his arms. He'd missed this so much, more than he had even thought possible. Apart from the last few days, this was the most relaxed he'd been in months. Having Justin back home was the best feeling.
Brian knew he should sleep. He had that important meeting first thing in the morning and he always liked to be at his best. But right now all he wanted to do was enjoy holding Justin against his chest. Brian lightly kissed the blonde hair.
“Welcome home, Justin,” Brian whispered to the top of Justin's head. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Brian,” Justin whispered back. He never moved from his usual position on Brian's chest. Justin didn't want to embarrass the older man who had finally said the words Justin had always wanted to hear, and Brian was glad Justin didn't look up at him.
Otherwise, he would have seen a few silent tears fall from those haunting hazel eyes.
The End.
Kinnetik Eagle is the author of 5 other stories.
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