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Frank walked back and forth in front of the remainder of the household staff that he still hadn't completely cleared, finding himself irritated and tired from a combination of travel and his most recent interrogations of Jim Stockwell, and James ‘Hunter' Montgomery. The chief wasn't being the soul of cooperation. Whereas the young rookie was frightened enough to be much more accommodating. However, Stockwell was no longer the real issue. They had enough on him to keep him behind bars, as well as his young accomplice. Bruckner had been more than happy to chat freely in the hopes his cooperation would shorten his length of time. That was a deal Brian wouldn't be thrilled about, but Frank wanted Stockwell above all else. Ben Bruckner was small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.


What troubled Frank the most was the fact that a part of the puzzle still hadn't fallen into place. There was someone else. His gut told him such, and if Frank Farmer ever lived on anything - it was his gut. He wasn't even certain if they were tied up in the entire ‘Stockwell' plan. It could be something else entirely. Before Brian returned Justin home, he had to find out exactly. He looked at them coldly, having already questioned each of them, yet knowing he either had to continue his interrogations or let them all go. Even in his position, he could only drag this out for so long. He looked down at the list of the house occupants that he held in his hand knowing there was something he was missing here, an answer that he was determined to find out.


Moments later, a harsh throat began to clear, causing Frank to look up to see Melanie Marcus looking at him impatiently and expectantly. Arching a brow, he asked coldly, "Miss Marcus, wasn't it? Did you need something?"


"Agent Farmer, this has been going on for hours now. I am an attorney and know our rights. This can't continue on indefinitely..." she told him, with a biting cut in her tone.


Ethan began to whine petulantly. "Sir, can't you resolve this more quickly? I really need to get the house in order before Justin returns."


"Mr. Gold, this is an important matter that has now fallen under the scrutiny of the federal government. Your household duties are insignificant in comparison to the matter at hand. Now, if we could get on with this without pointless interruptions, we could clear everyone in the house in a much quicker manner," Frank clipped out coldly. "And Miss Marcus, regarding your concerns, I can do whatever I deem necessary to make Mr. Taylor's home secure once again."


"None of us wishes any harm to Justin," Lindsay responded in a bored tone. "I would like to see this resolved in order for him to return my son back home - where he belongs."


"Your son is perfectly fine and is much safer where he is now," Frank answered under his breath; wondering how Brian had found the patience to deal with this group - knowing that his patience was floundering rapidly. He looked back down at his list, noting that all had been checked from the list, except one name, along with a question mark next to Lindsay Peterson's name - finding he wasn't completely convinced of her innocence yet, largely due to her negativity toward the father of her child. "There is one name here that hasn't been available for questioning. Daphne Chanders. Can someone tell me where I can find her?"


"I can answer that," Ethan piped in to answer. "She went off on vacation shortly after Justin left with Gus and the bodyguard."


"An odd time for her to do that, isn't it?" Frank asked, with a narrowed sharpened gaze.


Lindsay shrugged. "Not really if you know Daphne. She can be a bit flighty. However, she is very devoted to Justin. They have been friends since primary school. As she never takes her vacations until Justin actually forces her to do so, I am assuming she went thinking the time was right when he was gone."


"It has her listed as manager here. What exactly are her duties?" Frank asked.


"Daphne handled Justin's day-to-day schedule, his public appearances. Basically, if he needed to do anything, or anyone wanted him to do anything, the path went directly through her," Melanie supplied matter-of-factly.


"I see," Frank answered, placing a question mark next to her name as well. "Can you tell me how she felt about the addition of the bodyguard to the house?"


Ethan stiffened at the mention of the bodyguard, hating how the man had monopolized Justin's time and attention; his most fervent hope was that Brian Kinney would have no reason to join Justin and Gus on the return trip. "She was the one who pushed Ben to add more security, who in turn, went and acquired the bodyguard's services. The last attack on Justin before Mr. Kinney arrived rattled her a great deal - as it undoubtedly did all of us."


Frank's eyes scanned over the others, finding none of them overly concerned with Justin's predicament, all to the exclusion of Ethan Gold. Of course, it was more than apparent that Justin had shared a personal involvement with Ethan, at least before Brian came along. That fact alone, made the young man a suspect - although, he had already scratched him from the list. He closed the folder, looking at them all sharply, as always looking for any sign of weakness that often led to guilt. "I don't feel the need to hold you any longer. You are all free to go. However, I may need to speak to you again. If you have any immediate travel plans, I will need the information regarding contact information."


When they all nodded and moved to leave, Frank went on further, "Mr. Gold?"


"Yes, Mr. Farmer?" Ethan asked in obvious annoyance at the delay.


"I have searched everyone's room except Miss Chanders. I would like to do that before I leave. Could you direct me, please?" Frank asked, not one to ever allow an avenue to be unexplored. By the sounds of what he had been told he wouldn't find anything there, but still, that sick feeling kept pooling in the bottom of his stomach. They were missing something, and he felt it was big.


"Of course, although, I doubt you will find anything there. Follow me, she is in the same wing as Justin and Gus," Ethan responded, his tone implying it to be a complete waste of time.


After ascending the large staircase, Frank followed Ethan to the middle of the long hallway to the room that was Daphne Chanders living quarters. When Ethan looked at him expectantly, Frank was quick to dismiss him. "That will be all, Mr. Gold. I will see myself out when I'm finished."


"Very well. It isn't like I don't have other matters that require my attention..." Ethan responded in continued exasperation.


Frank rolled his eyes, as he let himself inside the room, pausing briefly to wonder how someone of Justin's obvious intellect had ended up with this group in his inner circle. He smiled, thinking that was about to change, though. He thought back to Brian's rapt fixation on the young man, along with his concern when he had asked for his help, knowing Brian as he did, one thing was for certain - Brian Kinney could be completely off the market now. The question remains - how long would it take for the stubborn man to accept it.


Opening the door, Frank's first thought was this wouldn't take long. The room was very large, but it was meticulous and very pink. Grimacing at the overall girlishness of the room, he began to casually walk around, his eyes taking everything in. He found a picture sitting on her vanity table, a very old one it appeared. Daphne and Justin were in dress clothes, and much younger. It would be his assumption for it to be a school dance - most likely a prom. So, they were very close and still remained so. As he proceeded to walk around, he realized this was probably a complete waste of time when his eyes fell on the magazine rack near her bed. He sat down on the bed, pulling out some of the magazines, his brow furrowed at the mass quantity. Tossing them on the bed, he pulled them out, finding them to be a mixture of dates, on the surface seeming to be unread with the perfect and glossy condition.


Idly spreading them out, Frank's eyes centered on the front of one that was missing several letters in the magazine title. Picking it up to look closer, he groaned as it became obvious the letters had been cut out. "Fuck, could it be?" he breathed in a combination of dismay and realization. He began leafing through the magazines, many fully intact, others butchered apart; not pages or articles - but deliberate large print letters missing from the copy. He tossed them down, before standing to pace the floor in an uncustomary nervous fury. He moved to look at his file, eyes scanning all the details they had on Daphne. The girl was as clean as one could be. The kind that always would slip under the radar, that is, until it's too late. He only hoped it wasn't this time.


Glancing at his watch, Frank observed the time and realized Brian should have arrived in Tahiti a few hours ago. It would be night time there now, and he had no way of knowing the reliability of the cell phone service, yet still, he had to try. Much as he expected, the call went directly to voicemail. He hoped it was a case of Brian just having it turned off for the time being, but would check his messages later. Not knowing where the missing Daphne was at present, made his decision more than clear. When the recording stopped, Frank sent a brief but thorough message. "Brian, this is Frank. We have a problem. Call me as soon as you get this. I will be there as soon as I can secure a flight. Keep your eyes open. Do not trust anyone."


Frank ended that call to make another to his men waiting downstairs. When the connection was made, Frank clipped out succinctly, "I need a team up here to scour this room. I want everything touched. Next, I want a search put out on Daphne Chanders. I have a photo in the file. Hopefully, she feels comfortable enough not to be traveling under an alias. In any event, she must be found. Also, I want on the next connecting flight to Tahiti. In addition, contact Rivers who is watching over the bungalow. Advise him that he is on high alert."


"Yes, Sir..." the young agent responded. "We'll find the girl."


Frank looked down at the file and the smiling face of the girl, seemingly angelic in the pose, but in reality, wrapped up in her insane love for the unattainable - Justin Taylor. This was a familiar scenario for him. Harmless at first, but when the stalker finally realizes they will never have the object of their profound desire - death was always quick to follow. He was not going to allow that to happen in this case. "Yes, we will. This is a priority, Jenkins. Many lives are at stake here, and I don't intend to lose any of them!"



Brian smiled as he peered into the room, watching as Justin was tucking an exhausted and more than content Gus into bed for the night. He looked over his shoulder to see Debbie coming up behind him, drinking a fruity island cocktail, looking at him with a knowing look in her eye. He gave her a mock scowl, before mumbling, "Something on your mind?"


"Nah. I just enjoy being a part of history in the making," she chuckled in between drinks.


"Right," Brian answered with a slight eye roll. "How many of those have you had?"


She glared at him for a moment. "I'll have you know I don't drink when I'm tending to Gus. This is my first one."


"Well, it looks like he's down for the night. I'd say it's a good time to cut loose and relax and get some rest. I have a feeling Gus will want to explore the beach and the island tomorrow," Brian told her, clearly remembering how excited Gus had been when they had landed, and disappointed they had arrived near nightfall; most particularly upon realizing he would have to curtail his desire to tour the island until the morning.


"I don't doubt it will be a busy day. I'll say good night, then." She turned to walk away, before she looked at him with concern deeply etched into her expression. "Brian, everything's going to be alright, isn't it? You can keep those two safe?"


Brian sighed deeply. "I've got the best in the business working with me. I have more hope than ever that this can be resolved quickly. I will do everything I can to keep them safe."


"I know you will, Brian, but don't forget to keep yourself safe, too. It's a bit more challenging to see what's behind you when your eyes can only see what's right in front of you," she responded in typical Debbie fashion, cutting quickly to the chase; once again letting Brian know how well she knew him, and how attached he was to the two he vowed to protect with his very life.


Rolling his lips under, Brian smoothly retorted, "That's what I have you around for, Debbie, to pick up my slack. Good night. We'll see you bright and early in the morning."


Brian returned his gaze to find Justin slowly backing away from the bed, his eyes lighting up when he found Brian waiting for him. Once Justin moved through the doorway, Brian closed it softly behind them, before he asked in a hushed whisper, "Now that you have Gus asleep, how would you like to see the master bedroom?"


"I've been waiting for that all night, Mr. Kinney," Justin purred as he ran his fingers up and down Brian's chest.


"Have you now..." Brian mused. "And here I thought you would be so jet-lagged that you would be up for an early night."


Justin boldly moved closer, pressing his body tightly against Brian's, allowing him to feel every single inch. "It seems I'm ‘up' alright, but I don't think it's for an early night. What do you think about that, Mr. Bodyguard?"


Brian clasped his hands around Justin's perfect ass, as he pushed his hips forward, showing the blond in one simple motion his exact thoughts on that. He looked down into the beautiful face that so beguiled him, before he smashed their lips together - effectively molding their bodies and mouths together in one solid motion. His tongue swept the interior of Justin's mouth, moaning when Justin immediately returned the favor. Pulling back, Brian rasped, "The hall isn't made for what I have in mind. Let's go to bed, Justin."


Justin smiled, clasping his hand tightly inside of Brian's looking up at the man that was quickly becoming his hero, and unequivocally his everything. "Lead on, Brian. There's nothing I want more."




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