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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thanks to everyone who has commented - I really appreciate it :) 


Chapter 3


After the wedding ceremony, everyone had moved to the banquet hall for a delicious five course wedding dinner. Emmett had outdone himself and everyone had praised him for the great food.


Justin and Brian had been like teenagers all throughout dinner, hardly eating anything, being too busy to kiss and kiss some more.

“Jeez, it’s not like you two don’t know what that feels like,” Debbie said jokingly at one point when they kissed again.


They separated for a second, coming up for air, before Brian turned to Debbie with a smirk. “It feels very different now. It’s a completely new experience. Much to experience in fact.”

“But Daddy, you have to eat,” Vicky pointed out, looking at the still filled plates in front of her fathers.


“They are eating each other,” Luke joked, before he pretended to cough and hid his face behind a napkin after he had earned himself an angry look from his grandmother in response.


“That’s not food,” Vicky pointed out seriously.


“She’s right, Dad. That’s not food. You need to eat some food,” Gus winked, earning himself a glare from his father in response.


“Traitor,” Brian muttered in the direction of his son, before turning to his plate and picking up his fork. He made a show of picking up some of the broccoli lying on the plate and put it into his mouth. Once he had chewed and swallowed, he turned to his daughter.

“I am eating, see?”


“Good,” Vicky nodded, before turning to her Papa as well. “You need to eat, too, Papa.”


Justin started eating as well. “I am actually quite famished.”


Everyone laughed and Vicky just looked around in confusion, not quite sure why that had made everyone laugh. To her being famished sounded very serious.


“Tell us something we don’t know,” Blake joked, still laughing.


“And he can’t even say that he’s a growing boy any longer,” Jennifer threw in, making Debbie nod, reminding her of the amounts of food Justin could pack away as a teenager.


“Well, I am pretty sure I felt something grow just a minute ago,” Brian piped up, earning himself an outraged ‘Brian!’ from his husband by his side.


“I can only repeat myself, tell us something we don’t know already,” Blake replied dryly.


Vicky once again felt confused and left out of a joke when everyone at their table once again laughed. “Why would Papa still be growing? I don’t understand it. Only children grow and Papa is not a child.”


“This is on you,” Justin said in Brian’s direction, smirking when he saw Brian’s panicked eyes meeting his.


“Uhm, I meant your Papa’s stomach. It’s growing because he always eats so much, you know?”


“Did he just say Justin is getting fat?” Ted stage-whispered to Emmett at his side which earned him another glare from Brian and a disbelieving look from Justin.


“And on his wedding day. You’d think he’d be smarter than that, thinking of the wedding night and all, you know?” Emmett replied, laughing heartily when he saw Brian turning to Justin immediately, almost snapping his neck with how fast he had turned.


“That’s not what I was saying,” Brian defended himself, meeting Justin’s gaze. “You’re not getting fat. And even if you were, I wouldn’t care.”


“Right answer,” Justin just winked, nearly doubling over with laughter when he saw the relief on Brian’s face when Brian realised that he wasn’t angry at him for what he had said. Justin leaned in, whispering into Brian’s ear. “That teaches you to watch your mouth in front of the children.”


Brian just sighed, leaning closer to his husband’s face, before he whispered back. “If I obviously haven’t learned by now, do you really think I will before she gets old enough to understand these things?”


“For your sake, I hope so.”


Justin then turned back to his plate and his food and continued eating, smiling to himself as he felt more than saw Brian watch him from still slightly scared eyes. Taking pity on his husband, not wanting to make Brian suffer more than was necessary on this day, Justin turned back to him and smiled at him with his best sunshine smile. “I love you,” he said seriously, hoping that Brian would understand that they were okay and he was joking and not angry. With the family they had, this wasn’t the first time one of their children had been exposed to inappropriate comments and he knew it wouldn’t be the last.


He saw that Brian had understood the meaning of his declaration of love and smiled even brighter when he saw him relax and turn to his own plate again.


Just as Brian was about to take another bite of his vegetables, he put his fork down instead, turned to Justin and pulled him closer for another kiss.


“I thought he was supposed to eat his own food, not Justin’s,” Ted mused, making everyone laugh once again at the antics of the couple in front of them.




After dinner it was time for the best man/best woman speeches. When Ted stood up, his eyes met with Brian’s and he enjoyed seeing the slightly scared at first and then threatening look he saw in his friend’s and boss’ eyes. It was clear that Brian was scared of him saying anything too outrageous or embarrassing and he just smirked back at him, enjoying this position of power that he had.


“First of all, let us raise our glasses in a toast to Brian and Justin. Congratulations!” Ted started and everyone joined him in raising their glasses in a toast to the happy couple.


“I know that nobody really wants to listen to endless, boring speeches and as an accountant and finance person I feel way more comfortable with numbers than speeches, so I promise that this one will be short and sweet.”

He smiled when he saw something akin to relief on Brian’s face.


“I can honestly say that twenty years ago, I would have bet all my money on this day never happening. I have known Brian for many, many, way too many years by now and 20 years ago marriage was the last thing on his mind. I will even go as far as saying he detested marriage and everything connected to it. Back then I would have even bet all my money on never seeing Brian in a serious relationship. Well, I guess it’s good that I am not a betting man and that betting was never one of my vices. I would have lost a considerable amount of money otherwise.


I still remember the night Justin appeared on Liberty Avenue and even though Brian would have never admitted it to himself or us, it was clear that he was immediately attracted to him. I think in all the years I’ve known Brian, Justin was the first man he broke his “Once only” policy for.”


When Ted took a breath, Vicky’s voice piped up. “What’s a ‘Once only’ policy?” she asked to the people at the table, looking confused.


Brian and Justin just looked at each other and then at Ted. “This one is on you,” they said together, making the whole table laugh.


Vicky turned to Ted with big eyes and looked at him, clearly expecting an answer.


Ted blushed and was getting nervous when he was saved by Emmett, who leaned over to his goddaughter. “It means that your Dad was very selective and only talked once to a man. He didn’t waste time talking to them again if he didn’t like them. Your Papa was the first man he talked to more than once.”


Vicky nodded as if trying to understand the information she had been given, then turned to her fathers. “That’s not very nice, Daddy. Maybe the other men would have been nice as well.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Brian agreed, pulling Justin closer. “Thankfully I learned to be nicer when your Papa showed up.”


“Yes, thankfully,” Vicky agreed, nodding happily.


Being engrossed in her conversation with her fathers, Vicky missed Blake leaning over to Ted’s side and whispering that he should keep it PG rated from now on.

Ted’s eyes widened and everyone around the table laughed when he just sputtered “But… it’s Brian and Justin… there is nothing PG rated about them.”


“Then you were right, it will really be a short speech,” Carl threw in, earning himself a nod from most people around the table.


Ted took another deep breath, before he continued. “Anyway, where was I… right, Justin showing up on Liberty Avenue. Well, uhm…,” it was obvious that Ted was trying to find the right way to give his speech and keep it PG rated for the children at the table. “It was obvious that Brian cared a lot about Justin and Justin proved that he cared quite a bit about Brian as well. Stalkers all over the world would be envious of his talent. For various reasons, it took them some time though to figure out what they really wanted, which was each other. Thankfully, they figured it out and I can only say that I am honoured to be here on this day when they are making their love for each other official and to be here as Brian’s best man. Over the years, Brian and Justin have started a family, have raised three beautiful children and have become something I never would have thought was possible 20 years ago: A committed, happy couple that loves each other through whatever life throws at them, that loves their children, their family and friends and I am sure I am not only speaking for myself when I say that I wish you all the best for your future.


We all know of the struggles that you have already mastered. Today and from hereon out, I wish you nothing but happiness for yourselves and your family.

You deserve it more than anyone I know,” Ted finished, raising his glass once more in a toast. “To Brian and Justin. May you be forever as happy as you are today.”


“To Brian and Justin,” everyone chorussed and toasted them.


Ted sat down and it was clear that he was slightly embarrassed. Blake immediately rubbed Ted’s thigh in a soothing manner and smiled gently at his partner.


“Thanks, Ted. That was a really nice speech,” Justin said, coming over and giving their friend a hug. He was joined seconds later by Brian, who also gave Ted a hug.


“You messed up less than I expected. I am impressed,” Brian announced tongue in cheek, earning himself a wide-eyed look from Ted. “I mean it. I am impressed. Thanks, Theodore!”


After hugging him once more, Brian and Justin moved back to their seats, getting ready for Daphne’s speech.


Only seconds later Daphne got up and raised her glass as well.


“Well, I guess it’s my turn now to embarrass Brian and Justin on their wedding day. Congratulations!”


Everyone raised their glasses once more, before Daphne began her speech.


“Well, what can I say? I have known Justin since we were pre-school kids playing in the sandbox. He has always been very determined and went after what he wanted in life and that showed very early in our first meeting. He stole my toy shovel that I was playing with in the sandbox, you know?”


Everyone chuckled, imagining pre-school Justin and Daphne in the sandbox and Justin taking her shovel.


“This first meeting should have prepared me for what was to come later, but I guess I was too young to realise, but well, hindsight and all that. There were a lot of tears, lots of drama, then big forgiveness, a sunshine smile, some more forgiveness and then we were best friends after that. Which pretty much sums up my whole life with Justin, I guess.”


Some more chuckling at the table, before Daphne went on.


“I remember the day Justin went to Liberty Avenue. I was the one that took him there and gave him a ride.” She then turned to Jennifer, smiling at her apologetically. “Sorry, Jennifer, but you know how he is when he looks at you with his pleading, big eyes.”


Jennifer and several other people around the table nodded, knowing that pleading look all too well.


“Anyway, what I remember even more is the next day in school when I met Justin again, asking him about his night out.”

A loud groan could be heard from Justin who hid his face in his hands. “God, please don’t…,” he just muttered, but of course that didn’t stop Daphne.


“He was euphoric like I had never seen him before. I think we all know why,” she winked, before looking at Vicky and smiling at her. “He was very happy to have met your Daddy,” she said and could see the small girl nodding, before she continued. “And he couldn’t stop telling me about this man he had met. The face of God, he had called him. The most beautiful man he had ever seen, he had said.”

Justin hid his face some more, now hiding it in Brian’s shoulder. “Make her stop,” he whispered jokingly, which only made Brian laugh.


“I like what I am hearing. Go on,” he said to Daphne, who did as she was told.


“And that was how Justin’s obsession with one Brian Kinney was born. For the next couple of years it was Brian this, Brian that… I think if he could have, Justin would have already married Brian the day after they met, but maybe it was for the best that Brian wasn’t interested in that.


To be fair, I didn’t quite know what to make of Brian back then. He was obviously handsome, Justin was right about that, but other than that I just thought that he was very, very old.”


“Okay, stop, Daphne,” Brian said now, clearly joking.


Justin turned to him, looking at him in mock horror. “Now you want her to stop?!?”


“As in every relationship there were good times and bad times and there were ups and downs. The one thing that has been obvious through all the ups and downs however is how much these two love each other. They might not always have been able to say it, they might not always have been able to show it properly, but looking back, I think it’s obvious that these two are made for each other. No other person would be willing to put up with either of them. And I would know. I shared an apartment with Justin and it’s not nice living with him. He’s messy, his art supplies are everywhere, not the best of roommates, I have to say.”


While Brian nodded, only being too familiar with Justin’s messy ways, Justin looked horrified. “You are supposed to be my friend.”


“And I am. Your best friend. Which is why I get to give this speech,” Daphne smiled sweetly at Justin, before continuing as if there had been no interruption. “Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I am very, very happy that you two have made it work and that after all this time you finally took this step.


I wish you all the happiness you can get for the future, hoping that you will be as happy together for the rest of your lives as you have been in the last few years. I love you and your wonderful family and we all wish you the same happiness you feel today for the rest of your lives.”


The whole group once again raised their glasses and toasted the happy couple.


Daphne sat down and both Brian and Justin felt quite happy that the part for speeches was over. Not that they didn’t like the speeches, but there was only so much walking down memory lane either of them wanted to do on this special day.


Everyone had a couple more drinks, before Emmett announced that it was time for the first dance. Brian groaned and Justin just took his hand, squeezing it in comfort. “You’ll survive,” he whispered, as he got up and pulled Brian with him.


They had danced before, many times, but mostly in a club setting and not in a formal setting like this and Justin knew why Brian wasn’t necessarily looking forward to this dance. Well, he might be looking forward to this dance, but not the memories it brought with it. The one time they had danced in a formal setting like this, dressed to their nines in lovely suits it had all ended so wrong.

Justin still had no memory of most of that night, but he knew that Brian remembered every second of it and he knew that Brian would definitely be taken back to that night, no matter what.


It had been Brian’s only request for their wedding, for everything else he had given Justin free reign and had been happy enough to go along with whatever Justin had wanted and asked for, but he had requested that ‘Save the last dance’ would not be played at their wedding under any circumstances.


Knowing how much what had happened at the Prom still bothered Brian, Justin had agreed immediately. Their wedding was supposed to be a happy occasion for both of them and if that was what was needed to keep Brian happy, Justin was only too happy to go along with it. Not that it mattered much to him. He had always thought that that song was corny anyway.


They made their way to the middle of the makeshift dance floor and Justin smiled his best sunshine smile when Brian took his hand and started leading him all over the dance floor when the music started.


It felt as if they were floating, them using the whole dance floor as they danced their first dance as a married couple. Both Brian and Justin had learned classical dances, Justin growing up in the country club set that his parents had been part of and Brian when he had pretended to be Lindsay’s boyfriend and had accompanied her to meetings in the same set.


Even though they hadn’t often danced like this before, it felt natural and their movements were absolutely in sync. Without having to look at the people watching them from around the dance floor, Justin knew that they looked magnificent.


Them both in their suits, dancing as if they had never done anything else, clear passion and emotion only too obvious between them for everyone to see. They truly were a sight to behold.


When the music ended, Justin could see that Brian’s eyes were glassy and he knew only too well what was going on in the older man’s head. He leaned in for a gentle kiss and kissed Brian for what felt like forever. When they pulled apart, he looked at the older man from shining eyes, his voice full of emotion.


“I won’t forget this one. Ever.”


Brian just nodded, not able to reply anything, pulling Justin closer and holding him tight. They stayed in that hug for what felt like it was minutes but probably only was seconds, before the next song started.


“You okay?” Justin asked quietly, running his hand through Brian’s hair as he looked at his husband in concern.


Brian nodded, before he spoke quietly. “I love you. So much. You have no idea.”


“I know,” Justin whispered, before resting his head on Brian’s shoulder, starting to gently sway to the music. He was glad when he started to feel Brian sway with him.


He felt secure in Brian’s arms and knew he always would be. Brian would always protect him and their children, no matter what.


“Was it like this?” Justin asked quietly after a minute of just swaying to the music, pulling back to meet Brian’s gaze. He knew that Brian knew what he was referring to and he knew that he didn’t have to explain that he was talking about the dance they had shared at his Prom.


“Yeah,” Brian said quietly after the longest silence, his gaze always staying on Justin. “But this one will always be more special.”


“Hmmm,” Justin sighed happily, before resting his head on Brian’s shoulder once more. “And this one will always stay with us, no matter what.”


“No matter what.”


They gently swayed to the music for two more songs, before they were interrupted by Jennifer.


“You promised me that I would get the first dance after you had danced with Brian,” she said, smiling gently and Justin nodded.


He gave Brian a kiss, before he turned to his mother and started dancing and talking with her. He smiled when he saw that Brian wasn’t alone for long, as only seconds later Vicky turned up at his side and asked for a dance with her Daddy.


Justin smiled as he saw Brian and his daughter dance together, his heart ready to burst with the love he felt for them.


“I am so happy for you, honey,” Jennifer whispered, looking at her son as they slid over the dance floor.


“Thanks, Mom. I am happy. ”


“You and Brian looked beautiful dancing like that. I… I will never understand how somebody can take offense from something as beautiful as that,” she said sadly.


“Some people are assholes and always will be,” Justin stated, knowing that it was a fact of life.


“I am sorry that you met so many in your life,” she whispered, running her hand through his blond locks, stopping where she could feel the scar that would always be a reminder of the worst night of her life. The night when she had thought her son would die because a bigot had hated him so much he had felt that it was his right to take his life for the only reason that Justin had wanted to be treated the same as everyone else.


“Mom,” Justin started, but was interrupted by Jennifer.


“Your father doesn’t know what he’s missing. What a wonderful man you’ve turned out to be and what a wonderful family you have. I… I know I haven’t always told you, but I love you, Justin and I am so proud of you. You have no idea.”


“Mom,” Justin said once more, now stopping to dance and just holding her close. “I love you, too.”

They stood like that for a few seconds before they broke apart and Justin smiled at his mother. “I think your grandson wants to dance with you.” He nodded towards Luke, who was coming over their way and smiled when Jennifer started dancing with her grandson.


He went back to where Brian and Vicky were still dancing and cut in, taking over from Brian, dancing with his daughter while Brian danced a dance with Debbie.


They continued dancing for hours, before the party broke off and everyone went home.


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