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Brian had been in New York for about 3mths now. 2 days after Brian told Marty that he should open an office in New York Marty started looking for space straight away. Within 6 days he found the perfect location. Marty paid cash so was available to do up straight away. It needed painting and getting the offices set up and the art department. 

Brian had put his loft up for sale and got a very nice price for it, then put a deposit on another loft near where the new office would be located. Marty had renamed the advertising agency Ryder to Ryder. Cynthia joined Brian when it was time to interview the staff. Cynthia had to put her flat up for sale and it took longer to sell than Brian's loft.

Brian's phone started to ring. Without looking at who was calling Brian just answered it

"Kinney" Brian said

"Brian it's Michael, I really need to see you" Michael said "Where are you? I went to London to find you" 

"Look Michael, I'm busy. Go and see your baby's daddy" Brian said. He really was not in the mood to talk to Michael. 

"Please Brian. Can I see you in person? Your my best friend and i need you" Michael was screeching

Whilst Michael was talking on the phone Brian heard a noise outside. It sounded like someone was dragging something.

"Michael i have to go, something's come up" and with that Brian ended the call and went to investigate outside. It was very quiet outside and Brian wondered if he dreamt it. All of a sudden in the corner of his eye he saw some cardboard.

"That shouldn't be there, that should be in the recycling bin" Brian mumbled to himself. He went over to move the cardboard when he saw someone under it. Brian knew it was a homeless person. Brian shook the person awake

"Come on wakey wakey, you can't stay there" Brian said

The bundle started shaking and slowly turned his head. Brian noticed he had bright blonde hair and lovely bright blue eyes, and that he looked fairly young. The young boy started to talk

" I aam ssssorry" said the young boy. The young boy saw the hazel eyed man and thought he was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 

"What's your name?" Brian asked him but the young boy didn't reply so Brian tried again

"My name is Brian Kinney, and your name IS?"

"JJJJJjustin. My nnname is jjustin." the boy replied and huddled in the corner.

Brian noticed the boy had a stammer and was cold.

"Would you like to come in and have a hot drink?"  Brian asked. He thought the boy was gorgeous. 

Justin just nodded his head. Brian went to help Justin up but stopped when he saw Justin recoil in fear.

"It's ok Justin. I'm not going to hurt you.Come and follow me and let's get you that drink. Ok"

Justin nodded and got up to follow Brian. 

When Brian got Justin and himself a coffee he sat down watching Justin. He noticed that Justin had trouble talking, That he couldn't walk well on his right leg, That Justin couldn't use his right arm well and that he's clothes were too small and practically falling apart. 

"This kid must of been on the street for years" Brian thought to himself 

"Justin are you a hustler?" Brian asked him

"UMMM a hhhhhustlller, wwwhat is ttthat?" Justin replied.

"Having money for sex" Brian answered him. 

"No no no no i dddddddon't dddddo ttttthat" Justin said. He was getting very upset which was making his speech worse

"Calm down Justin please" Brian said calmly. "How do you get food to eat?"

Justin took a deep breath and when he was calm he replied "I ggggo through the bbbbins. Lot's oooofffff food in the bbbins". 

Brian looked at Justin and he could feel his cock getting hard. That surprised Brian as that was the first time since the cancer, but Brian brushed it to one side.

"Justin come back to my loft and have some dinner with me please" 

"Ok yyyyyyyes i will" 

"Do you Chinese or Mexican or something else?" Brian asked Justin as he was getting all of his takeaway menus out.

Justin just shrugged his shoulders

"I've nnnnnnever ttttried them bbbbefore" Justin was getting nervous. Justin wondered what Brian would do if he didn't like something. Would he hit him or worse. Justin was getting so worked up he started having a panic attack

Brian saw this and went over to him and tried to hold him. Justin flinched so Brian just stood back and spoke.

"Hey Justin listen to me ok, i want you to take deep breaths in and then deep breaths out. Ready, Breath in 1,2 and out 1,2 thats it good boy" They were doing that until Justin calmed down

"Now justin what caused the panic attack to happen?"

"I wwwwas tttthinking wwwwwhat wwwwould happen if you got the fffood and i ddddidn't lllike it" Justin was getting worked up again

"If you don't like it then we can try something else, but we will order a selection and you can try different things, ok" Then leant over and gave Justin a quick kiss on the cheek and went to telephone a big order in.

Whist they were waiting Brian decided to get some information about Justin

"How old are you Justin"

"16 aaand i'll bbbe 17 in 5 dddays"

"How long have you been on the streets because looking at you it's not recent"

"Since mmmmy 13th bbbbirthday" Justin replied. He was getting very emotional. Just then the door went and Brian went to get their food. Brian got it all plated up and gave Justin his. Justin loved it and was so hungry he scoffed the lot. Brian gave him seconds. After the food was eaten Brian asked Justin more about himself. 

"Tell me more about yourself. But talk slowly and calmly" Brian said to Justin. He knew if Justin was calm then that would his speech

"When i was 5 my mum died during childbirth. My newborn sister also died. I was left wwwith my dddad" Justin was getting upset so Brian sat next to him and held his hand. Justin didn't notice. Justin continued with his story

"My dad kept bring all these different women home nearly every night and I had to sit outside. If they were staying all night then i had to sssleep in the tree house. When i gggot older my ddddad locked me in the cupboard in the dark. He used ttto wish I was the one who had dddddied" By now Justin was becoming hysterical. Brian took Justin in his arms and held him. Justin hadn't been cuddled or held since he was 5yrs old. 

"What about your disabilities Justin?" Brian asked as he moved Justin onto his lap. Justin felt safe and carm in Brian's arms. He put his head on Brian's shoulder.

"It wwas cccoming up to my 10th BBirthday and i asked my ddad for a toy car and he said no. I begged him for one but the answer was no"

Brian interrupted him "did you not want a party" Brian asked

"I wasn't allowed to go to school so I had no friends to ask. My dad told people I was being home sssschooled. Anyway I kept asking about the car and my dad got angry. He picked me up and threw me against the wall hard. He then got an ooornament and kept smashing it on my head. The next door neighbours heard the ssssshouting and called the police. I don't kkknow bbbecause i wwas unconscious. I was in a coma for 6mths and ttthen rehab fffor 18mths because i couldn't do anything and then fffoster homes for a year. The other children lllaughed at me and bbbeat me because of mmmy disabilities and the foster parents were nasty. The lllast family i was with the ddad tried to rape mmme. So i llleft and been on mmmy own ever sssince."

By the time Justin was finished Brian had tears streaming down his face. How could someone, especially a father do that to a child.

"Where is your dad now" Brian wondered

"Prison" Justin replied

"Justin, I have a spare bedroom that you can stay in. You can have a shower and be warm and have food"

"Are you ssure Brian?"

"Very sure. Go and have a shower and i'll find you something to wear" And with that Justin walked slowly to the shower.

That night Justin went to bed in the spare room and Brian went in his room. Brian was just going to sleep when he heard a piercing scream. He got up and ran to Justin. Justin was sweating and shaking. He led Justin back to his room and laid him down and then laid next to him. They both went to sleep. When Brian woke the bed was empty. Hegot up to find Justin. He found him on the sofa with a drink

"Morning Justin you're up early" Brian said as he gave Justin a kiss on the top of his head on his way to get a coffee

"Yeah ssssorry but the phone wwwoke mmmme up. They left a mmmessage ffffor you" Justin told Brian. Brian replayed the message

"Brian it's Debbie lindesy had a miscarrage" 

Oh fuck


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