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Michael and I shoot daggers into the back of Uncle George as he steers Brian, Justin, the Gorgon and Simpleton towards the private plane he conveniently forgot to mention until after I paid for our non-refundable tickets! On top of that, we're stuck with Mel; apparently she’s also got meetings too so is taking this time to talk shop with Michael. Although I don’t swing that way, I’ve been a bit flattered by the looks she’s been stealing…a very small bit!

“See you in the cheap seats.” Mel tosses over her shoulder as she strides to god knows where.

“They weren’t cheap!” I mutter darkly, still smarting from being saddled with paying for them, not that I can’t afford them of course, but Michael didn’t even offer. When I complained to Brian, during the journey to the airport, thankfully it was just the two of us, he was so cross that he insisted on holding onto them. A small act of contrition I suppose, but he’s got a lot more making up to do!

“This week has been absolute shit.” Michael sighs, as he pushes the trolley. “I don’t see why Manning couldn't come with us.”

“Me neither. Let’s grab a drink first.” Within five minutes we're having a vodka tonic each and sighing. “It’s at moments like this that I wish I had completed finishing school.” He looks astonished. “It was for two years but it was so very boring, one part was secretarial, then I would be working part time for Brian and on that plane, we both would.”

“Hah! Even if you didn’t drop out…” I glare at Mel's snotty tone. “...Brian and George are no fools. They won't have you anywhere near anything that you can use to your sneaky-snaky advantage.”

“You overstep yourself, Mel.” Michael glowers. “I refuse to deal with you until you apologise to Lindsay.” 

“Want to see if I can get Brian’s share?” She snaps, he goes pale. “How nice a non-verbal answer, it won’t take long, let's do it now.”

“I’m sorry, Lindz, this is my livelihood. At least we don’t have to suffer her company on the plane.”

“I understand.” I pat his hand. “I will do some shopping.”

Twenty minutes later, I’m heading back to Michael, even more upset. Thankfully he’s alone; upon seeing my face he signals for another drink. “What’s happened?”

“I was going to buy some things but couldn't because I had left my cards with Brian.” 

“Why?” He frowns.

“He always carries my money when we travel. Such a shame, they would be the perfect trousseau additions.” He looks puzzled. “For the wedding night.”

He looks at his watch. “You got the tickets. Let’s go and get it; maybe I can get some for mine.”

I am so happy that Michael is proving the opinions of others, like Debs, Vic and the Simpleton, that he is stingy and a moocher, wrong.


I follow Lindsay to get what she wants whilst thinking of the last few days. I’m still not over the shock of Justin having a threesome with Brandon and whoever muck-monster he was with. I don’t have too much problem with him screwing around, but why did it have to be Brandon? I’ve seen him in action in the back room; the guys he’s serviced have been enthusiastic before, during and after! 

“Come on, Michael, let’s make the best of it.” Lindsay jostles me. “Or you could share your woes, you’ve not said what’s ailing you.”

“It’s okay, I will figure it out. Thanks for asking, which is more than my supposed best friend did.” I sigh, still hurt. When I was trying to find out from Justin about that night, he said he thoroughly enjoyed himself and what he does in his free time is none of my business. He got annoyed and spat “but I never want to hear it’ when I pointed out that I always tell him everything, thankfully it was just us in the car. Emmett would’ve been such a smug bastard if he was there. 

“This is the place. Your selection is over there. See you in ten minutes.” I frown at her sudden enthusiasm. “Think of this as a post quickie shopping trip, and you can wear them on your wedding nights as a reminder.” 

“Great idea! And if we're lucky we can have a quickie in New York at that dinner!”

“At Asteridge?” She gasps. “That wouldn't be at all proper. However, it would be one in the eye for those groupies and hangers on.”

“Especially Emmett!” I declare. “Set your watch and one, two, three, go!”



It's just the two of us - Ems and Daph are playing canasta with George in the front, we’ve commandeered the back. He’s a dead weight; as much as I’m enjoying us being back together and hearing that wheeze, my leg is going numb! Shifting him slightly makes me wince as the blood returns, then smile as the wheeze turns into snuffling. 

I never got to be thanked by him because first he got a call from a company he had been stalking for months, which meant he and Daph were speaking to them for about three hours. Naturally, Punani monopolised the entire evening basking in ‘yet another soon to be client, he’s just such a beautiful and smart best friend’ and trying to pump Emmett for information about my shows…he firmly resisted. Then second, when they returned and announced they had to do a series of pitches for the next week and flying first thing, sister-mare and I had something else in common - frustration! 

“Before you explain how the bollocking hell they got in there…” He sits astride me. “...I need this.” His mouth is warm and tastes of coffee and chocolate. Fifteen minutes later, our lips are swollen, we're trembling and panting. “Water?”

“In a sec.” I groan against his chest. “Don’t suppose there’s a shower or a lot of moist towelettes?”

“Yes to the shower, La Mer stocked - including robes, and…” Uncle George grins as he wheels in a trolley ladened with juice, champagne, a bottle of whisky, an ice bucket, tableware and a cool box! “...behind those curtains is a door. Want me to lock it on my way out?”

“How didn't we see that?” Brian laughs, covering my lap with the blanket and keeping his back to him, he’s made a lot! 

“You missed each other!” Uncle George snickers, it turns to chortling when we blush. “I will tease you no further. Just to let you know that Vic and Flick will meet you at the gate.”

“Vic and Flick came? Why?” 

“Ah, fuck it, I’m thirsty.” Brian declares, turning around, Uncle George’s eyes pop. “So why are they gonna be there? Still or sparkling?”

“Don’t suppose that’s guava juice?” I toss the blanket aside, but pull my tee down a little bit.

“Of course it is.” Uncle George looks mildly afronted, before waving us back to our seats and pouring the juice. “Because I asked them to be. Now answer his question, how the bollocking hell did those emotional panhandlers get to you guys?” 

“Creepily.” Ems and Daph join us; both look unimpressed. “It was because he got it from Ben.” I am furious. “No, not Ben’s fault. He was at the bar when he heard Ben telling his gardener friend he would give him your address, but he needed to piss, so he followed him; sadly the rest is history.”

“Gardener?” I frown, Daph jerks her head, I turn to a slightly sheepish looking Brian. “Why is there a gardener?”

“The woods that back on to the property need to be fenced off as there’s nothing between it and the garden; the boys will get lost.” 

“Aww, I was thinking of doing that!” I beam. “So now what do we do? The boys are exhausted.”

“Why?” Daph opens the whiskey and fills all the glasses. “We won’t stay long, just catch us all up at once. Now begin.”

“Between the two of us we walked them 22 times.” Ems grumbles. “And that was just during the day, he never opened the shop once or used the office space. You know, since they both had to work from the lounge, and the only reason they didn’t stay the nights, yes I mean, nights as they got there on Monday, was because - thank Christ - all of your paintings were in the other rooms. By the way, she ordered me to arrange a meeting with Sidney so they can discuss their rehoming at Bloom, since she and Michael will now need a room each, amongst other things.”

“Christ.” Brian sighs. “At least we can escape to the bolthole for a bit whilst we're here.”

“What bolthole?” I look across at Daph, she shrugs.

“I was going to tell you last night, but couldn't…”

“I’ve never seen a man look as heartbroken as you did when she handed you that glass of whisky.” Ems grimaces. 

“Several things broke when she handed me that!” Brian grouses. “But a kiss fixed one of them.” 

“Back to the bolthole.” I jab him in the ribs.

“We signed those clients on Wednesday, so I got us a waterfront loft, high ceilings, lots of light. There’s a rooftop, you can…” He stands, tugging me up at the same time. “...we need to talk about this alone. What you don’t know…”

“We can’t accidentally tell.” Daph kisses my cheek. “See you in New York.” 


After they lock the door behind them, we kiss and strip slowly before he walks us into the bathroom.

”What about the Brownstone?” He turns on the shower. “Want to body scrub?” I answer by pushing him under the water and clicking it open. 


He’s doing my back with the La Mer body oil. I've already ordered two boxes; had to get them delivered to Ted’s when he mentioned that the typhoid taloned twosome have been checking the post!

“Going to keep the Brownstone. As for the bolthole, let me show you where it is.” I hand him my phone. After he picks up his jaw, he flicks through the pictures, nodding and smiling; I mentally cross my fingers and slow my heart rate. “So where and what is our bolthole in Pittsburgh going to be?” 

“Definitely a house, which we will call Britin, that place is now called Hellhole. Needs a massive garden for the boys, and…” He’s interrupted by a text. “...oh dear, your best friend seems a little upset.” He returns my phone, now it's my jaw that drops. “I bumped into her on one of our walks, so she decided on a little payback!” 

“A little!” I growl. “They’re going to want so much best friend time!” 

“So you’re going to have to be very quiet when we have at it in her bedroom aren’t you?”



I feel Michael’s pain, he’s about seven rows in front, it matches mine for devastating disappointment. “Ma’am, I repeat, you need to put on your seat belt.” The steward orders.

“Yes, I know, I was just checking on my companion!” I snap, tugging at it. “It’s stuck. I need to move…”

“There you go, Lindsay.” Ted smirks. “All freed.”

“Thank you, sir. Have a pleasant flight, sir.” He simpers then wafts off to annoy someone else. 

“I’m looking forward to the shopping, what about you, honey?” 

“Oh, so much. I can’t persuade you to swap seats, Lindsay?” Blake asks.

“No, as I said, I prefer being in the middle.” I retort, at least making them as miserable as us; he has Debs and Kiki with him, but has the window seat. “What are you doing?!” I gasp.

“Since I’m a nervous flyer, as we always do...” Blake returns. “…we’re holding hands. Think of them as another safety belt. Don’t worry, it’s only during take off. I’ll try to doze on the window side, but I can’t guarantee it.” 

“Fine, let’s swap!” I hiss, unbuckling my belt.

“Ma’am! Sit! Or I will have you removed!” The steward bellows. 

Face aflame, I obey and because of turbulence they have to hold hands all the fucking way!


Chapter End Notes:

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