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Chapter 10 

“Get the hell out of my way! I need to see my husband!”  A guard appeared out of nowhere and tried to stop Brian and if it hadn’t been for a nurse recognizing him, he may have been taken down to the ground.

“Joe, he’s good.  Mr. Kinney, come with me.” Brian stepped around the guard and followed the nurse.  She didn’t say anything else but led Brian to Justin’s room. As they entered, there was another nurse in the room along with Jenn. Justin lay in the bed.  His skin had a more natural color than he had before but he was now pale and lay deathly still.

“Oh, god, Brian.” Jenn rushed over and threw herself into his arms but he went past her and just stood watching Justin’s chest.  It seemed like an eternity before Justin took a breath.  Brian than reached back and pulled Jenn into his arms. 

“How is he? The seizure stopped?”

“It stopped only because they put him into a coma of sorts.” One of the nurses stated.  

“And will he...how long will he be like this?”

“They will keep him under for a few more hours just so he can rest and then they will let him come out and hopefully not have another seizure.” Jenn said to Brian, repeating what she had been told earlier. The afternoon drug on and eventually Brian sent Jenn home.  She said she would stop by her place and then go out to Britan. “Call me if anything happens.”

“I will, Jenn.  I’ll stay with your boys if you will watch mine?”

“I love you, Brian, but more important, my son loves you.” Jenn kissed his cheek and left. 

Brian wouldn’t leave Justin’s room. The doctor came in and nodded at Brian.  After checking Justin’s vitals he looked at Brian, “You the husband?”

Brian heard an undertone of mockery in his voice. “Yes, Brian Kinney.” He was too worried about Justin to cause trouble with him. “Dr., what’s next?”

“We have been slowly taking him off the med for the last hour.”

“Will he be awake soon?”

“I can’t tell that.  Hopefully he will slowly gain consciousness and not go into another seizure.”

“So tell me the good and the bad.”

“Well, the good would be he would wake up and go home in the morning.”

“Is that really possible?”

“Anything’s possible.  Hopefully, he will wake and be well enough to leave in a day or two on seizure medication.”

“And the worst case?”

The doctor looked at Brian, “He will wake up and go back into a seizure.”

“What are his chances?”

“If he hadn’t had the head injury, he would likely be fine but he has had so much trauma. How long have you been...um, married?” he smirked a bit as he said it.

“Dr. you don’t have to agree with our way of life. In fact, you can say anything you want to me but I love this man.  We have two sons that right now are probably wondering where their daddies are.”

“You are parents? Who thought that was a good idea?”

That was all Brian could take. He took the doctor’s arm and led him out of the room.  The doctor sputtered as Brian propelled him to the nurses’ desk. He looked at the young girl, about Justin’s age, standing there. “This man is not welcome in that room again.  Justin’s neurologist will be here in the next half hour.  He will tell you who will be in charge of Justin’s case if he can’t for some reason.”  

“No one talks to me like…..”

“Well someone sure as hell should have long ago.” Brian turned around and walked back to Justin’s room.  He tried but if he had to listen to that man say one more thing…. He walked back into the room and sat down next to Justin taking his hand. He rested his head on the bed, eyes closed. He wasn’t sure how long he had been there when he heard the door open and Justin’s doctor walked in.

“Brian, how is he?”

“You’re supposed to tell me that.”

“I read over his chart. They did what I would have done, even though I may have given him a little less of the drug.  Brian, I hate to say it but we just have to wait.  We both know how strong he is.”

“He may be but I am not sure how strong I am.”

“I can stay around for a bit. Why don’t you go and get something to eat.”

“No, I couldn’t eat anything. Are you going to stay around?”

“Brian, I will give detailed instructions to the doctor on call. I know you ran into the biggest asshole on staff but all of them are good.” The doctor made notes on the chart and then went to the door. “I will stop by early tomorrow morning.”

Before Brian could sit down again, Ted walked in.  He brought Brian a sandwich and chips , along with a soda. “Ted, thanks but I’m not hungry.”

“Well, I’ll just leave it in case you are later. Do you want me to stay for a while?”

“No, Theodore, you were here at 4:00 a.m. and kept my business going all day.  Go home to Blake.  Screw his brains out and tell him you love him more with every breath.  Marry that man and don’t ever doubt that a relationship is worth every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears you put into it.”

Ted put his arms around Brian, and Brian hugged him tightly for a few moments. “Brian, are you sure you don’t want me…”

“Go, Ted.  Justin will wake up.  I know he will.”

“I know he will, Brian.  He has too much to live for.” Ted kissed Brian’s cheek and then, after kissing Justin on the forehead he left them alone.

Brian ate a couple bites of the sandwich and then called to the house and talked to Jenn and apologized to Gus for not tucking him in.  “That’s Ok, Daddy.  Can I say good night to Daddy J?”

“He is sleeping, Gus….but wait a minute….” Brian walked over and held the phone near Justin’s ear, “Ok, Gus, he can hear you.”

“Daddy J, I know you are sick but I love you. Come home soon.”

“Goodnight, Gus, will you give Aaron a hug and kiss for me?”

“I will, Daddy.  I love you.”

“I love you, too, Gus.  I will see you tomorrow.”  After Brian used the bathroom, he slipped into bed next to Justin and pulled the blanket over both of them before resting his arm around Justin’s waist and fell asleep.

Brian began to dream. He was on the dance floor at Babylon.  He was in the middle, surrounded by beautiful men. He was looking for Justin and then remembered Justin was gone.  He had died but he couldn’t have. ‘Brian, let’s go to the back room.’ It was Len. ‘I’ll help you relax.  I promise you will feel better.’ Len had gently stroked Brian’s crotch and Brian took him to the back room. 

The dream went on or was it a memory. Len was on his knees in front of Brian and he had his cock in his mouth.  ‘Damn, boy, you are pretty good at that,’ Brian said to him. ‘If you want to do that for me again, come by my place tomorrow night.’ 

Then he was laying in his bed. Len was naked on his hands and knees and Brian was riding him hard.  All he wanted was Justin, not this guy. This Len guy wasn’t in the same league as Justin but Justin was dead. He would never be with Justin again. He would never be able to put his mouth around Justin’s amazing dick again. 

Now Brian was in a room full of beds. Each one had a different guy in it but everytime he turned one over they were Len and all he wanted to do was find Justin. “Justin, where are you? Justin?”

“Brian, baby, you’re dreaming.  Wake up sweetheart.  I’m right here.  I’m not going anywhere.” Brian’s eyes fluttered open and Justin was over top of him. “There you are.  You were having a nightmare.  You were mumbling.”

“Sunshine! Oh, god, Justin! You’re awake! You’re alive.  I was dreaming...I…. how are you? I need to get the doctor. Oh, god…” Brian kissed him “How are you?”

“Kiss me again and I’ll tell you.” Justin said. Brian gently made him lay down and this time kissed him gently, feeling the inside of his mouth with his tongue.

“Your mouth is dry.  Let me go get a nurse and see if you’re allowed water.”

As Brian got up, Justin said,  “The boys.  Who’s with the boys?”

As he walked to the door, Brian said, “Ronni, your mom, and Molly are there.” Brian stuck his head out and whistled softly, getting a nurse’s attention. “He’s awake.” He spoke softly, not wanting to disturb anyone in the surrounding rooms. Brian walked right back so he could hold Justin’s hand.  He just needed to touch him. As he sat on the edge and bent to kiss him once more someone walked in.

“Well, Mr. Taylor, it is good to see those beautiful blue eyes.” The male introduced himself as a doctor and stated he had talked to his neurologist. “How are you feeling?”

“My mouth is very dry.” The doctor immediately picked up a glass and filled it with water, passing it to Brian so he could hold it for Justin.  Justin took a long draw from the straw. The doctor had to smile seeing the care Brian was giving to Justin.  He couldn’t stand to break contact with him.

“I bet you got an ear full from my associate.”

“I am told he is a good doctor.” Brian tried not to make his feelings clear about the previous physician.

“Oh, he is but he’s a homophobic, biggeted asshole.”  He took out a little flashlight and checked Justin’s eye reflex.  He saw Justin’s pain reflex. “I’m sorry,” he gently touched his shoulder. “It’s obvious you are in pain. Other than the headache, how do you feel?’

“I’m really tired. What happened?” Justin first looked at the doctor but then looked to Brian.  “I was in my studio and it smelled but I was getting cold and thought the odor had finally gotten better. What happened? Was it a faulty ventilator?” Brian sat down and started to lay down but stopped himself.

“Not exactly.  You were poisoned,” the doctor said. “I’m going to get something ordered for that headache. Brian, there is nothing wrong with you laying with him and maybe filling him in on the details you know.”

Brian stretched out and pulled Justin close. “Len?”

“I should have listened to you.  He nearly killed you! If one of the boys had been up there with you, it would have seriously hurt or killed them.” Brian didn’t realize how tightly he was holding him.

“Brian, um, it’s getting hard to breath.”

“Shit, I’m sorry.  I am just so mad at him.  If they hadn’t already arrested him I would have found and killed him myself!”

“They have him? Well, then there is nothing for us to worry about.” Justin couldn’t hide the strain. His head was killing him.  Brian repositioned himself and with Justin now between his legs he began to rub Justin’s temples.  He instantly melted against Brian’s chest.

That’s how the nurse found them. She added something to the IV.  “That should help almost instantly.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Justin started smiling.  “Oh, ya, that’s really good.”  Brian could feel Justin’s whole body relax.

“I’ll leave you two alone.  The doctor said he would stop by before he gets off at 8:00. We’ll bring you both some breakfast around that time, too.  Sleep is the best thing for both of you from the looks of it.” By the time she had filled Justin’s glass with water, both of them were sound asleep. 

Brian woke up just as the sun was peeking into the window. He managed to get out of bed and left the room, hoping he could find a cup of coffee somewhere.  Finding a waiting room with a coffee maker he made himself a cup and was adding a handful of sugar packets when he realized someone was beside him. “Oh, I didn't hear you,” he said as the doctor made a cup for himself. “So, was this an accidental meeting or were you looking for me?”

“I guess both.  I hoped to talk to you but I really needed this,” he held up his cup of coffee.” The doctor motioned to a couple empty chairs in the empty waiting room. 

“I am guessing you have results  from some of the tests they ran. Please tell me he will be fine. I can’t go home to my boys if he isn’t with me.”

“Brian, may I call you Brian?” Brian nodded. “I really think you found him in the knick of time. My opinion is the seizure was his fight to get rid of the rest of the gas in his system. It is obvious he has a life to live for so I don’t expect him to be going anywhere. Ok, I’m rambling. I’m tired.  The tests do not show any permanent damage besides what was there already.  As long as his headache subsides I am thinking he will get to go home before dinner tonight but I don’t have the last word. And don’t take this wrong but you look like hell.”

Brian took a long sip of the coffee.  “Have you ever found something you thought you had lost forever and then just when you think you can breathe again, you fear you are losing it again? I started to blame myself but it isn’t my fault.  He was someone I spent a night with, no strings or promises. He knew who I was and he knew it wasn’t going to be more than one night of sex.  I had thought Justin was dead and I knew I could never love someone else but I still ….”

“You don’t have to explain anything to me.  The food isn’t great here but it isn’t bad.  I told them to double Justin’s food tray so you both can find something to eat and maybe you can have someone bring you some real food for lunch.  Order Justin’s favorite.  Then you can have dinner with your sons. And my guess is by Thanksgiving, this will be just a memory. Now get back there so he doesn’t have to wonder where you are.  He is going to lose the good juice very soon and we will send him home with some painkiller for the pain.  I think in the next day or two his headache will be gone.  He may feel a bit tired. Have him drink plenty of water and I wouldn’t leave him alone with the kids.  I don’t expect him to have another seizure but it is for safety.”

“There is always someone around besides us. Oh, I need to call my boy.  He is going to be beside himself without talking to us.” Brian stood and headed back to Justin’s room and then realized he had just left the doctor sitting there.  “Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I’m not thinking.”

“You might be a bit scattered but you are thinking about what is important. You’re a good father and husband, Brian.  Go.  I have to do rounds anyway.”

Brian looked into Justin’s room and he could see he was still sleeping.  He glanced at his watch.  Gus would be up so he found a quiet corner and called the house. “Kinney-Taylor residence.” It was Tracy’s voice at the other end. 

“Hey, Tracy, is Gus awake?”

“Oh, Brian, how is Justin?”

“Hopefully he will be home by dinner.” He was fairly sure he heard Gus crying somewhere in the background.  “Let me talk to Gus.”

“Maybe he will listen to you. He isn’t happy. Gus, your dad is on the phone.”

Brian heard sniffling, “Is it Daddy J? I need to talk to him.” There was more sniffles and then a little voice. “Daddy J, is it you?”

Brian’s heart nearly broke. “Hey, Gus, your daddy J is sleeping but he is doing much better.”

“Daddy, you said you would come home last night.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Gus.  You’re right.  I did say that.”

“How is Daddy J? Why is he in the hospital?”

“Well, he….”

“Big James was scary.  He got really mad. Ronni told Uncle Em to take him home. I want to talk to Daddy J.” Gus’ voice started wavering again.

“Oh, son, I don’t want to wake him up.  How about we call you as soon as he is awake.”

“Ok. Don’t forget.” Brian heard another voice in the background.  “Grandma wants to talk to you.”

“Brian, how is he? Please tell me he is ….”

“Jenn, he is doing well.  He is sleeping now but he will be coming home late this afternoon as long as he feels up to it.”

“Brian, has he been awake?”

‘Yes, Jenn.  He woke with a headache in the middle of the night.  We talked for a little bit and then he went back to sleep.”

“Have you slept, Brian?”

“I’m fine.  Jenn, thanks for being there for the boys. I’m sorry you have a sad one.”

“Aaron misses you both just as much. He just doesn’t know how to express it.”

“Tell Ronni we will be home for dinner.  I will let you know when I have an estimated time.”

“Brian, tell my son I love him.” Jenn’s voice caught in her throat.

“Jenn, he has never doubted that.  I’ll give him a kiss for you and then tonight you can give him one yourself.”

By the time Brian got back into the room, Justin was waking up. Brian sat in the chair next to the bed and took his hand.  His eyes opened and he smiled at Brian, making Brian’s heart flutter. “Damn, I love you.” Brian kissed him. “That was from your mother. This one is from me.” Brian took him in his arms and kissed him with much more depth. Justin’s free arm wrapped around his neck and slid his tongue into Brian’s mouth.

“God, I want you,” Justin said softly.

“The feeling is very mutual and thank god you are feeling that well. I had a cup of coffee with the doctor.  He said you can go home late this afternoon as long as you eat well and your head is feeling better. How is the headache?”

“I don’t know what they put in that IV but it did wonders.  I am feeling much better.  I think some of Ronni’s tea and I will be back as good as new.”

“Oh, that reminds me.  Are you up to talking to Gus.  He is very worried about you.”

“Poor Gus.  I am sure he is very confused.  Of course, call him.”

Brian called the house and as they got the phone to Gus, Brian handed the phone to Justin.

“Daddy J., is that you?”

“It is, sweet Gus.  How are you? I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too, Daddy J.  I miss Daddy, too.  Are you sick, Daddy?”

“Not anymore.  I will get to eat dinner with you and I promise I will read you lots of stories tomorrow.  How is your cold, sweetheart?”

“It’s lots better. Ronni or Grandma just have to wipe my nose sometimes.”

“Oh, that is so good.” An orderly brought in a tray of food.  “Gus, I have to go.  My breakfast is here.  I love you, Gussy.  I will see you later today.”

“Love you, too, Daddy.”

After eating breakfast, Justin’s neurologist arrived and reviewed the test results.  He told them there was no damage and he was good to go if he went seizure free until later afternoon. After he had left the doctor who had been in last night stopped by before leaving for the day. 

“Well, you look better.” He said, looking at Justin. 

“I feel much better.  Just a small headache and I have those all the time. Thank you for the magic medication in the middle of the night.”

“I knew it would knock you out and that is really what you needed.  So glad you’ll be home tonight.”

“So am I.  Thanksgiving is only a couple days away.”

“Yes, I almost forgot since I will be here.”

“You will be working at the hospital?”

“Well, I had to stay around and my wife and daughter went to her parents so I will probably pick up some take out for dinner.  I have to be within a half hour of the hospital in case there is a big emergency.”

Brian could see Justin’s mind working already, “Doc, you aren’t eating alone.  If you don’t mind eating with a house full of strangers, come over. We have about 20 people coming over. We will have more than enough food and the house is big.”

“Are you sure? I have to admit I wasn’t very excited about the holiday.” 

“You have our address on my records.  Come anytime between Noon and 1:00.  We plan to eat around 1:00.”

“Thank you.  That is so kind of you. I will see you Thursday.” He walked out whistling.

“Well, looks like we have one more for dinner,” Brian ran his hand through Justin’s hair.

“I have to stink. I haven’t showered in over 48 hours and I can tell my hair is disgusting.”

“You are still gorgeous.  I love you, Justin.  And I can’t smell good, either. Would you feel better if I helped you wash up a little?”

“That sounds good.”

Brian filled the little plastic tub that was in the bathroom with warm water and got a washcloth and some soap, along with a towel. Justin had taken off the pajama top and Brian gently washed his back and under his arms.  After washing his chest he rinsed the cloth and handed it to him, “You better take care of yourself under the blankets.  I’m afraid I …..”

Ten minutes later, Justin was sitting in a chair in his room, wearing a clean pair of hospital pajamas. There was a knock on the door and the detective who Brian had seen at the house walked in. He introduced himself to Justin and asked if he could talk to him for a few minutes.

“Sure, but I don’t think I will be much help. I don’t know what I could tell you that you haven’t heard from someone else.”

“I spoke to James and Emmett.  James said you were acquaintanced with our suspect?”

“I really don’t think I had met him but Brian, James, and Emmett had met him.”

“Detective, I had sex with him once, well maybe twice. He came to my apartment once. This was when I thought Justin was dead. Any idea he had of a relationship with me….”

“Yes, both James and Emmett made that clear to me.  I take it, was it James’ idea to hire him?”

“Well, yes but that’s because he is a nice guy and he was trying to help Len out,” Justin said.

“And James, how long has he worked for you?”

“Detective, I don’t know what you are insinuating but James would never do anything like that. He and his mother have been with us a little over six months but both are part of the family,” Brian assured him.

“I agree but I had to see what you said.  Our suspect tried to pull him into his plan but I didn’t believe him.”

“Has he been charged?”

“He is being held on attempted murder although I think that will be lowered.  He actually admits to everything.  He said he had done it but he had no idea it would have the effect it did.  He thought it would make you sick.  Our investigators said his experiment didn’t work correctly.  It was supposed to spray the chemical for 30 minutes and then stop.  It was supposed to do that every time he turned it on but something went wrong and it kept sending out the chemical, rather than shutting off.”

“Did he say what he thought would happen?” Brian asked.

“He said you had rejected him and he knew how much you loved Justin so the best way to get back at you was through him.  The man is totally guilty but I really think he didn’t expect you would end up here.”

“Please tell me this won’t go to court.  I have been in too many courtrooms,” Justin signed and Brian could tell he was getting tired.

“Detective, I think Justin needs to rest.”

“Yes, I’ll be leaving.  I will be in contact.  I think I have enough to give the district attorney.”

“Please let us know what’s going on.”

“I’ll be in contact.” The detective left the room. 

Without a word, Brian helped Justin back to his bed and after he was comfortable, Brian got in next to him and soon they were both sleeping.

Brian woke to someone touching his arm.  His eyes fluttered open and he found Emmett standing next to him and James by the door.  He got out of bed and followed them into the hall.  James looked horrible. “Honey, you have to tell James you don’t hate him.  He hasn’t slept since it happened. Jennifer said Justin will go home today.”

Brian smiled at James, “You are not to blame for this, James.  It was the asshole’s fault. You are just a nice guy who tried to help out a guy who was looking for work. He is in jail.  James, we’re good. I would like it if you got someone to check out that system so it is safe for Justin.”

“That’s already done, sir.”

“Oh, god, James. Do not call me sir.” Brian realized he had no idea why they were there.  “Everything at the house is alright, isn’t it?”

“Gus is very upset but, yes, everything is good.  We are getting some groceries for Ronni and she told us to bring some clothes for Justin to wear home. I have some fresh underwear and socks, along with some jeans and a shirt.” Em handed Brian a bag. 

“Oh, I hadn’t even thought about that yet.” Brian said.

Emmett noticed how weary Brian looked.  “Brian, why don’t I go with James to get groceries and then I will drop him off to drive you both home.  You look wrecked.”

“Well, thanks,” Brian said cynically but then softened, “I would appreciate that.  Thanks, both of you.”

“Brian?” Justin’s voice came from inside the room.

“You want to say hi?”

“No, we’ll see him tonight.” Em kissed Brian’s cheek and James patted his shoulder before, hand in hand, they walked away.

Brian walked in to see Justin coming out of the bathroom. “Who were you talking to?” Justin asked as he walked over and put his arms around Brian’s neck. 

Brian kissed him and held him close, “Emmett and James dropped off some clothes for you to wear home.  They didn’t think you would want to wear home what you had on when you came here.”

“Oh, that’s great.  They could have come in.”

“I told them that but they said they would see you tonight. They are on a mission from Ronni to get groceries for Thanksgiving.” 

Justin started to kiss Brian’s neck as his hand found Brian’s fly, “I want you.”

“Damn, Justin, we really should wait until we get home.”

“I am 100% sure Gus will be sleeping between us tonight.  And he is too old for us to screw while he’s in bed.” As he said it, Justin began to unzip Brian’s fly.

“Shit, just a second.” Brian broke away from Justin and he quickly moved a dresser in front of the door and then moved a chair there and clicked the locks that were on the wheels.  Justin pulled the curtain that blocked the view of the bed from the door and he was naked before Brian could take off his shirt. “God, you are so beautiful.” Justin stood by the bed and lay his chest down on it. Brian undid his pants and took Justin’s hips and began to press into him. 

“Oh, Brian,” Justin reached back and wrapped one arm around Brian’s neck and used his other hand to help him balance on the bed.  As Justin arched, Brian pressed in once more and held Justin tightly around the waist as he orgasmed deep inside him. They stood like for a few moments as they both worked at getting their breathing back to normal. “Was I right or was I right?” Justin said as he turned his head far enough that they could kiss. “I love you, Brian.”

“I love you, too, Sunshine.”  As Brian put the furniture back in place, Justin put on the clothes Emmett had gotten for him. At first glance he thought Em had maybe gone a little overboard.  A sweatshirt would have been fine but he had brought him a deep blue sweater and once he was dressed he had to smile.  He felt better now that he looked like a real person again.

“Brian, can’t we just go home? I want to get out of here.” Justin’s emotions came to the surface.  “I want to see our boys, Brian.”

“I’ll go see if I can get an ETA and James is going to drive us home so I can focus on loving you.  Actually, they think I am too tired to drive and I can’t argue with them.”

When James walked in an hour later, Justin had been given the OK to leave.  As James went to get the car pulled to the front, an orderly pushed Justin in the wheelchair and Brian, carrying the bag of his dirty clothes followed behind. 

Once settled in the backseat together, Justin leaned against Brian, who held him tightly.  He never wanted to let him go.  He had come too close to losing him again.  He could not raise those boys alone.  He had no reason to live if the man in his arms wasn’t here.

“Brian, Justin, we are almost home.  I know Gus will be so excited to see you.  I thought you would like to wake up a bit before going in.” James had watched them in the mirror as they communicated without talking. He started thinking about this last year and how much fuller his life was now. A year ago he could barely admit he was gay to his mother and now he found the man he planned to spend the rest of his life with. Maybe someday he and Em would have a couple children of their own. They had never talked about kids.  Would Em want children? He would be so good with them, although he would definitely have to be the disciplinarian.  His Em had such a sweet nature.

James pulled the car into the garage and then as Brian offered his hand to Justin, he took the bag of dirty clothes from Brian. He hung back so Brian and Justin could go into the house together. Justin and Brian walked in the great room and saw Molly on the sofa reading a book to a very sad little boy.

“Gus, look who is home,” Molly said as she kissed her nephew’s head.

“Oh, my daddies!” Gus rushed over and both Brian and Justin dropped to their knees and together they hugged and kissed him.  He turned and put a hand on each of Justin’s cheeks, looking him straight in the eyes, “Did you really ride in an ambulance?”

“I did but now I am home and I am not going anywhere, Gus. I missed you and Aaron so much.” Justin kissed the boy and held him tight. 

“Come, Daddy J. I think you need to sit down. Can I get you a cookie or some water?” Gus said in his most grown up tone.

“Why don’t you ask Ronni to make me some tea and then come sit next to me on the sofa.”

“Ok, Daddy J.” He gave Justin one more hug and then hugged Brian before running over to Ronni.  

By the time Brian and Justin got to the sofa, Molly hugged her brother. “I was so worried about you, Justin.” She hugged him even tighter. “You scared the hell out of me.”

“Don’t let Mom hear you say that?” Justin kept his arms around her.

“Did you miss me?” Brian smirked as he sat down on the other side of her and ruffled Molly’s hair as he hugged her. “He scared me too.” He hugged her a little tighter than normal. “Enough with the hugfest.” 

Gus came rushing back and sat on Molly’s lap so he could be between his dads. Justin drank his tea and when Aaron woke from a nap, Justin took him for snuggles and Gus climbed onto Brian’s lap.

The remainder of the day both boys insisted on being with their dads and by the time they were ready for bed, so were Brian and Justin. After Aaron was put down, Brian and Justin got in bed with Gus between them, just as Justin had predicted. But as soon as Gus fell asleep, Brian moved to the other side so he could sleep up against Justin but with a hand resting on Gus as well. He softly said, “We have a lot to be thankful for. God, I can’t imagine a better life. The wicked witch of the west has returned to Oz and we are in the land of the munchkins.” 

Justin leaned forward and kissed Gus’ head. “We do have two perfect munchkins.” Justin sighed as Brian pressed against him. “Brian, Are you going to look for him?”

“I don’t have a choice.  I need to but it will wait until after the holidays.  The next five weeks are always the busiest of the year.  And if he had wanted to find me, he would have contacted me long ago.”

“Do you think he knows about you?” Justin moved his ass so it pressed against Brian’s cock.

“Oooh, you play dirty!” Brian managed to move Justin’s pants down far enough that, when he slipped his own down, he managed to slide his cock between Justin’s cheeks. “Are you game?”

“Oh, yes!” He moved ever so slightly bringing one leg up giving Brian better access. Brian tried to be gentle so Justin remained silent, and once he was all the way in, he pressed himself against Justin’s body.

“If anything was possible in the next year, where would you be?” Brian whispered in Justin’s ear.

“Right here with you.  Maybe Anna Claire would be better and come visit.”

“Maybe your father could be here.  You know it is very likely she didn’t tell him about you.”

“Sunshine, do you really think so? Why would a priest want to find out he has a grown son?”

“Because a priest cares about people. He obviously loved your aunt.”

“But that woman...leaves ruined lives in her wake.”

“Brian Kinney, are you saying your life is ruined?”

“Absolutely not, but if it had been left up to her….  You and our family have saved me.  She can’t hurt me anymore.”

“She lost control of you long before I arrived on the picture.”

“No, I had gotten away but her cold clammy grip still held onto something deep inside me.  You loosened that grip and now….”


“You are safe from her. And now….” Justin started moving just the slightest amount until he and Brian both climbed to the pinnacle and then Brian held onto Justin tightly as they drifted off together.

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