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Author's Chapter Notes:

(What happens when Kip shows up?)

Justin was happy to be working at Ryder's.  While he was primarily a gopher for the Art Department, Justin found it easy to keep an eye on Brian.  His knowledge of the art programs on the computer was extensive and had the people thinking him a very fast learner.  Sometimes, though he had to dumb it down.   


He was careful to make sure nobody knew of his and Brian's relationship.  It wasn't nearly as hard as he had expected.  On school days he got up and took a bus to school, after school he either took a bus or Daphne drove him to Ryders.  He worked his hours, then either took a bus to the loft or if Brian was leaving at the same time walked one block and Brian picked him up.


He made sure not to treat Brian any different from any of the other account reps.  When he went on a coffee run, he also made sure to deliver coffee to the entire floor.  That, in turn, made him very popular, especially with the secretaries.


On this particular day, he slipped into Brian's office with his special order of coffee and listened in at Brad and Bob's ideas for a shoe campaign.  Just as he was leaving another guy came in with his own cup of coffee and bumped into Justin. 




"You looking for someone?"  Brian asked.


"Yeah, the Shullman Shoe Meeting.  Mr. Ryder said I should sit in, learn a thing or two he said."


Justin recognized Kip Thomas.  He hurried away not wanting Kip to recognize him.  Then he remembered they hadn't met yet.


Later on, the art department got a workup for Shullman Shoes.  It was fairly simple.  A shoe with a bubble over it saying "I'm not hip.  I'm a classic.". 


At the water cooler, Justin learned more about Kip Thomas.  That he'd only been there for two months and hadn't seen Ryder in all that time.  That the girls thought he was cute but creepy.


Justin tried to remember more later when he got back to the loft.  He remembered Michael complaining to Deb that Brian had fucked Kip in his office and that if Kip was accusing him of sexual harassment Brian probably deserved it.  The problem was how to stop that from happening.


The next day while at school Justin recapped what he remembered of the Kip episode to Daphne.


"He actually fucked the guy in his office?"  Daphne asked.


Justin nodded.  "That's what Michael told Deb.  He also said the Brian could lose his job."


"Fuck."  Daphne's eyes widen.  "What did you do?"


"I blackmailed him into dropping the suit by telling him I was only 17."


"Wait, back up."  Daphne requested.  "I want details."


"Well, I conned him into having sex with me then gave him a cock and bull story about my dad having the last guy I had sex with arrested."


"You didn't!"


"Yep."  Justin was rather proud of that.


"You are not doing that this time.  Think of another way," Daphne was adamant. 


When Brian got home, Justin expected him to say something and when that didn't happen, he decided to bring up the new storyboard the art department was working on.  That opened up Brian to give his comments on Kip which wasn't much. 


So, Justin did his best to make sure Brian didn't lack for sex.  Fortunately, Cynthia came through.  As Brian and Justin shared a meal of Thai food, Justin said he'd heard that someone at Ryder's had made a pass at Brian's assistant and she was thinking of suing for sexual harassment.  It wasn't strictly true since Cynthia had handled the situation, but Brian didn't know that.  Justin then brought up whether Cynthia would win her suit.  That lead to a discussion of whether men could be victims rather than perpetrators.


"Suppose you fucked someone in your office and later on he decided he wanted a special favor from you?"  Justin asked.


Brian spit out the beer he'd just swallowed.  "Where the fuck did that come from?"


Justin shrugged.  "I don't know."


But at least the thought was out there.


One thing in Justin's favor was that what with Michael being in a relationship, Brian was planning to go to P-town with Ted and Emmett.  Justin wanted to go too, but Brian was firm on his not going.  Said it would cramp his style.  When Emmett backed out because of the See the Light thing, the trip was called off.


Brian was pouting and Justin thought it was because the trip to P-town had been called off.  He was very surprised when he found out differently.


"He admitted lying to me!"  Brian growled.  “You were there.  Remember when the slimy weasel came into my office and said Ryder suggested he work with me?”


Justin was confused until he remembered that Brian had been to Babylon the night before.  Kip Thomas must have been there.  "Uh, I would have thought you'd have been ..."


"Insulted? Believe me, I was."  Brian was incensed. "You know what?  Fuck him. Fuck Ryders.  Do you want to start a new ad agency with me?"


Justin was so surprised he didn't know what to do.  He wanted to leap into Brian's arms and shout for joy.  With this decision, so many wrongs could be righted.   The only thing wrong is Brian was scowling.


"Now I have to get Mel to go over my contract to make sure I can do this."


Justin couldn't help it, the giggles just escaped and soon Brian joined him, and they were both laughing up a storm.   Justin assumed that Brian would want to fuck, but Brian was too keyed up.  Brian immediately moved to his computer to make a list of what he would need to do.  It was a long list.


Justin was surprised when Brian asked him to go to the munchers' house while he dealt with Melanie.  He was even more surprised when he got there.  For one thing, Melanie seemed happy to see Brian. 


Brian explained why he was there then demanded, "Where's my son?"


Melanie was looking through the papers that Brian had brought.  "Probably upstairs with his mother."


Justin and Brian exchanged looks and Justin went upstairs to see Gus.  When he came back down carrying Gus, Lindsay followed, but she avoided Melanie like the plague.  Justin enjoyed watching as Brian took his son and cooed over him while Melanie went over Brian's contract. 


It hit him that a lot had been going on that he hadn't been aware of.  Justin vaguely remembered that the girls had split and that Lindsay had almost married a Frenchman.  Something about him and a green card.  It hit him that that was when Brian had given up his rights to Gus to get them back together.  Now it looked like he would have to think of options to prevent that.

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