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Justin wrinkled up his nose as he scrutinized his appearance in the mirror. "How do I look?"


"Like you're waiting for me to rip your clothes off and take you back to bed," Brian purred into his ear, hands sliding up and down his arms.


"Could you be serious, Brian? It's not every day that a king demands my presence..." Justin answered, biting his lip in slight apprehension.


Brian placed his lips against Justin's neck, licking and nibbling on the skin... scowling when he moved out of reach. Tying the royal sash around his robes, Brian told him, "I'm always serious about fucking..." He turned to pass his eyes over Justin's body, lingering longest on his perfectly proportioned ass. "And trust me, if you're here long enough you'll come to understand that King Salah often commands attention."


"Well, I'm not going to be here that long. Two weeks, remember?" Justin asked, trying to keep the forlorn quality from his voice, realizing if he repeated it enough it would reaffirm in his own mind that he would be leaving in that span of time.


Hazel eyes shadowed for a moment before he turned to look out the massive window that overlooked his grounds. "Right," he agreed in an irritated tone. He knew he should have never made that deal with the blond. It was as if the boy was mentally ticking off the days in his head. As much as he knew Justin to be enjoying every moment they spent together, he also knew Justin didn't feel comfortable in the situation. He didn't doubt when the two weeks had finished, Justin would have his bags packed... ready to return home. He just had to get enough of him before then. Brian vowed that he would. He'd never wanted more than one night with a man... so that he still wanted Justin was uncommon, but he swore he would work him out of his system by then.


Justin stiffened at the coldness in Brian's tone. It was almost as if Brian didn't want the reminder. It was unfathomable to him that Brian would care that he left in less than two weeks. He clearly understood how Brian operated. He didn't form lasting attachments. This two-week span was a lengthy one in Brian's world. As much as he might want to stay, Justin knew he wouldn't because of the circumstances surrounding his arrival in Brakania. Justin didn't doubt that he'd make a vast amount of memories during his time here, he already had made so many. They would have to be what sustained him when the separation began.


Turning to face Brian who was staring moodily outside, he told him, "Okay. I think I'm ready."


Brian turned to face him, his eyes sweeping over him... unable to disguise the longing in his eyes. "Yes, you are. Don't be nervous, Justin. The king has formed quite a fondness for you - something I've never found him to do with a foreigner."


Justin smiled. "I like him too." Looking at the prince inquiringly, Justin asked, "He didn't say why he needed to see us?"


"No. Only that it was imperative." Brian shook his head as he placed his arm around Justin's waist to lead him out. A loving chuckle fell from his lips. "You'll find that my grandfather often leans towards the dramatic. I'm sure this is one of those times."


"It will be good to see him again."


Brian agreed by inclining his head, his eyes surveying the grounds closely before they slipped into the jeep. "Yes, it is. We'll find out soon. I'm sure it isn't anything terribly urgent. And when we return, you may have your supplies."


"Already?" Justin gasped in surprise.


"Yes. The items you requested weren't very difficult to secure. I've been told they will arrive later today."


Justin beamed inside and out. Nothing could have pleased him more. He would have time to make his gift for the king... and perhaps make one for himself. Justin didn't have any doubts about wanting some sort of memento to take home with him. It made him feel better knowing he would be able to leave something behind as well. Justin knew he would never forget this beautiful land and its people - certain ones in particular. He only hoped they felt the same. As he reflected on Brian's tension since he had placed the reminder about his departure, Justin had the feeling that he would be missed in some way. He was going to try and not dwell on that. They still had many days remaining. He wanted to experience them to the fullest - living a lifetime in that too short period.



Brian approached the king with Justin by his side, his gaze instantly distinguishing his grandfather sitting in his waiting room alone. That in itself was odd. He knew without asking that the king needed a private audience with them... and that he wanted no delays. He bowed before his grandfather, relieved as he watched Justin do the same... his discomfort only continuing to grow as he read the irritated look on the king's austere face.


King Salah smiled tensely, yet warmly, at Justin. His eyes quickly moving to his grandson with a rare look of displeasure. "Please be seated... both of you."


"Thank you, Your Highness. It's good to see you again," Justin told him, taking the seat furthest from the king.


"And I, you, Justin. I had hoped your return would be under better circumstances... yet again, they are not," the king answered, his words directed towards Justin, yet his angry stare completely on Brian.


Brian's eyes widened, knowing he had obviously done something... or the king thought he had. He knew one thing for certain - it needed to be resolved quickly. "Something seems wrong, Grandfather. What is it?"


King Salah snorted, shaking his head at Brian in aggravation. "Brahim, you have made a grave error. One that needs to be rectified immediately. It is up to Justin to make certain it happens."


"Me?" Justin nearly squeaked out in surprise.


"Silence, Justin. Let the king tell us what's on his mind," Brian snapped, knowing his grandfather's temper only too well, a trait he had inherited directly from him. He looked at his grandfather attentively before asking, "What has happened?"


"I had a disturbing call this morning, Brahim. One that needs to be sorted out quickly." His eyes began to bulge as his face reddened. "I did not work so hard on foreign relations the past several years to have it all destroyed by your whims!"


Justin swallowed slowly, thinking that Brian was as confused as him. "Sire. The prince has been with me virtually 24/7. I can't imagine anything he's done to be out of line."


Brian didn't reprimand Justin this time. His shock that Justin stuck up for him overshadowed everything else. He knew that the king would continue his story at a time of his own choosing. Brian was to find that time to be now.


"I had a phone call this morning, Brahim. A call that should have never occurred," King Salah spoke in a low, even tone... one that Brian knew very well - a tone that was similar to his own when the recipient was about to be in trouble.


"What kind of call?" Brian asked almost hesitantly.


"A call of inquiry from The United Nations." The king looked from his grandson to Justin, shaking his head sadly that Brahim had allowed this to happen. In one way he was amused... it bespoke of how attached he was to Justin. Of that, he couldn't be more pleased. On the other hand, it wasn't very responsible behavior for the man he hoped to convince in the near future to become king. Brahim should have taken precautions that such didn't happen. Despite that he had pacified the officials... it didn't look good for either Brahim or their country.


Brian snarled. "Taylor. I didn't think he had the balls to mess with me after our encounters in Pittsburgh."


"My dad didn't even connect you to being a prince," Justin spoke up in defense.


Brian gave Justin a silencing glare, before he continued, "I have a feeling he has now." He looked at his grandfather, his eyes angry, yet apologetic. "We can leave immediately, Grandfather. I don't want my actions to reflect badly either on you or Brakania."


"Nonsense, Brahim. It's handled easily enough. I just can't believe you haven't been taking care of such a minor detail. Justin merely needs to phone his mother. If he assures her that he is well and happy here, the matter should drop."


Justin laughed. "My mom? That makes sense. She would make that phone call. I couldn't imagine my dad doing that."


Brian rolled his eyes, coming to the same conclusion once he had thought it over. "Okay. I'll have Justin call his mother." He looked at his grandfather shrewdly. "You didn't call us over for only this. I know you could have resolved this with a simple phone call. There's something else, isn't there?"


King Salah nodded. He looked at Justin with a warm smile. "Justin, would you go make your call now? Take as long as you like. A member of my staff will direct you to a phone to use in private. I have some business to discuss with Brahim."


Justin nodded before standing to his feet. He bowed slightly before the king before telling him, "Of course, Your Highness. I will reassure my mother, and let her know I will be home in less than weeks. That should pacify her."


The king narrowed his eyes on Justin's statement, finding that to be less than pleasing. He looked towards Brahim, instantly seeing how his grandson's back stiffened at the reminder. He smiled to himself. No, I don't think you will be, young Justin. My persuasive grandson can make much happen in that time. He just needs to lose his stubborn streak and admit how badly he wants you here. "Very well, Justin. Feel free to enjoy the grounds if you like afterward. Brahim and I shouldn't be long."


They both silently watched Justin's departure, Brian averting his eyes quickest... his face staring stonily ahead. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat at Justin's announcement. Brian was well aware of their terms... he had established them. It bothered him that it was so alarming - that wasn't his way. Already he should have been satiated with the blond, but that was far from the case.


Looking at him knowingly, the king said, "Regretting your arrangement already? Two weeks is a long time, Brahim. I don't get the impression Justin is eager for it to end either."


Brian shrugged indifferently. "Doesn't matter. That's the deal. It's longer than I ever spent with one man. I don't see why it should be any different with him."


"You don't fool me, Brahim. Deep feelings have developed between the two of you. In fact, they've grown since your last visit. However, I'm not going to interfere in that. I know in time that will work out." The king took in a deep breath, before he asked, "Have you given any further thought to my request for an heir... and Lindsay providing that for you?"


"Not a lot," Brian smirked. "It hasn't been the most pressing thing on my mind."


"Of course not. Despite that, it's time to approach the matter again. I've spoken with Lindsay, and she is in favor of the idea. She will accept our terms and give you exclusive rights."


Brian visibly shuddered. "I know nothing about raising a child... nor do I plan on settling indefinitely in Brakania."


The king averted his eyes, not wanting his grandson to see the pain that instantly appeared in them. "That's fine, Brahim. Lindsay can raise the child until it's time for him to take my place."


"Aren't you forgetting that it could be a girl? I doubt the country as much as it has progressed is ready for such leadership."


"You are correct. We really need a male child. If that doesn't happen initially, we can always try again." His eyes were filled with fatigue and concern as he looked at his beloved grandson. "I'm not getting any younger, Brahim. Something needs to be done. If you were more inclined to accept your place, I wouldn't worry so much. In either event - you need an heir."


Brian looked intently at his grandfather, the hard lines of his face etched in determination, yet something else was there. It was a quality he had picked up on his return, but hadn't pushed for it at the time. One, he had been clearly distracted... and two, he didn't like to think of this strong man that he had idolized for most of his life as being vulnerable. "Grandfather?" Brian asked with a slight catch in his voice. "Have you been unwell?"


"I had a slight episode a year ago..." the king answered, studiously avoiding his grandson's watchful gaze.


"Episode? How slight?" Brian prodded further.


"A mild heart attack."


Brian stood up, running a hand through his hair... eyes moving around wildly. "Why wasn't I told? I should have been here!"


"Brahim, there was nothing you could do. The doctor said if I eased my load a bit, which I have, I would have many years yet. I am on heart medication, and it is under control now."


"Right," Brian answered, beginning to pace, back and forth... his mind moving a mile a minute. "You don't need any added stress."


King Salah sighed deeply. He didn't want Brahim to make this decision based on his heart condition. He hadn't called his grandson home for that express reason. There wasn't a doubt that he wanted Brahim here in Brakania, and without question, as the future king... but not as the result of guilt. He knew Brahim had a love for this land and its people. In time he felt it would be more accepted. Young Justin was changing his grandson in so many ways. He couldn't be more pleased about that. It was only a matter of Brahim embracing those changes. Knowing his grandson as he did, that would take some time. He only hoped that Justin would have the patience to wait for the man Brahim was meant to be. Gruffly, he told him, "Brahim, I don't want you to do this out of guilt. I want you to do this because you feel it to be the right thing to do."


"It is the right thing to do, Grandfather. I've known this from the moment you mentioned it." Taking a deep breath, Brian nodded his agreement, the words of acceptance quickly tumbling from his mouth. "I'll do it. Go ahead and make any arrangements necessary for this process. I only insist that my custody is a binding, legal agreement. Lindsay might be willing now, but should the time come that I want my child with me exclusively, or you need him to take the throne - I want no problems."


"Yes. I don't envision Lindsay creating any problems, but you and the child must be protected." King Salah knew there was a vital part of this equation that his grandson probably hadn't considered. "There's just one thing, Brahim. This needs to be done before we proceed further."


"What's that, Sire?" Brahim asked, looking at his grandfather questioningly.


King Salah stood to his feet, moving back and forth, similar to the pacing his grandson had done mere moments ago. "I hate this part of the arrangement. I know it isn't what you want for your life, but it is necessary."


"What's that?" Brian asked warily.


"The heir to the throne must have legitimacy. You will need to marry Lindsay as soon as it can be arranged. Only then can we proceed." King Salah looked away from the dismay in Brahim's eyes, not wishing to see how much this pained his grandson. It was clear to his own astute eyes that Brahim had fallen hard for Justin. He may be far from admitting it, but his grandson's formerly cold heart was now involved. This wouldn't be easy for him.


"No fucking way!" Brian exploded, his face paling under his grandfather's reproachful glare.


"I'm not going to call you to task on that one. I realize you're upset." He sighed deeply, moving toward his grandson... both of them so caught up in the moment that they didn't see Justin stepping through the slightly opened doorway. "We both know this is the only way, Brahim. It can be dissolved at a respectful time afterward."


Brian shook his head, knowing this would be the most wretched ordeal of his life. She'd better get pregnant fucking fast! "Fine," Brian growled aloud. "I will marry Lindsay."


Justin's eyes widened at the sound of the words he heard tumbling from his lover's mouth, words he never had expected to hear. He stepped forward, unable to stop the tears from materializing in his eyes. "M-marry? Did I hear you right, Brian? You're getting married?"


King Salah groaned. He would have never brought this pain down on Justin for anything in the world. Brakania needed a king. Regardless if Brahim ever accepted his place, the line still needed to continue. His voice soft-spoken, he motioned him inside. "Please come inside, Justin. It's not as bad as it sounds. Allow me to explain."


"It doesn't appear as if an explanation is required, Your Highness. Brian's words were quite clear."


Brian advanced forward, his stance aggressive. He didn't fucking need this right now. His life had only moments ago been completely transformed... and now, his little blond ball of fire seemed set to unload on him. His voice was even and chilling as he spoke, "You will never use that tone with the king. And you will show him the respect he is due by following his instructions."


Justin looked apologetically at the king. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I meant no disrespect." His eyes became colder as he looked back towards Brian. "This changes everything, Brian. I want out of our agreement. In addition, I want to go home. Today!"



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