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Emmett's eyes became wide with amazement at Brian's stunning threat. He wasn't afraid of Brian, although he knew he probably should be. Brian's powers were far more immense than his own. He would never hold his own in a true battle with him. His fear was non-existent for the simple fact that he knew Brian would never hurt him. Torment and harass him - yes, but physically harm him - no, that would never happen. "Okay, Brian. First of all, you need to relax."


"Relax?" Brian repeated in what was an eerie calm. "You have placed a protection spell on the very boy that your other good friend wishes vicious acts of violence upon... and you want me to relax! You had better answer my questions, brother. Or I will take the boy out of your apartment tonight." Brian's eyes glowed as he savagely stared down his brother, his intentions clearly to intimidate his astounded sibling.


"T-take him?" Emmett stuttered. "I am not some helpless human you can effortlessly maneuver. I do have my own abilities... and I will use them against you. Now, I suggest you leave Pittsburgh, and most importantly, Justin. He was fine before you came back. In fact, Michael hadn't paid him any attention before you arrived."


"He was fine..." Brian mimicked derisively. "Explain how he was so fine when he was bashed and would have died without your timely intervention!?"


Emmett hitched in his breath sharply. "Who's been talking to you?" He looked at his brother shrewdly for a long moment, instant understanding assailing him. "It was Michael. You got him to talk. No wonder he's freaking out again. Now he knows how much you're into Justin. That's just great, Brian."


"It's my fault that Michael has these impossible dreams about me?" Brian glared at his brother heatedly, knowing exactly what Emmett wasn't clever enough to do successfully. "It's quite obvious you are trying to distract me from my question... but it won't work. Now, I'll ask you again - why the fuck have you been protecting Michael as well; the same man that wants to see Justin hurt - if not dead?"


A shriek escaped Emmett's mouth. "Dead? No. It's not that serious, Brian. I would know that."


"Your skills must be greatly diminished," Brian visibly sneered. "That obviously comes from not consistently practicing your witchcraft. I, of course, don't have that problem..."


"Of course not, ‘Oh Powerful One'." Emmett's voice was filled with mockery, and a slice of contempt. "You know, my suggestion would solve this just as well. Stay away from Justin."


If only it were that easy, Brian thought to himself. He was quite taken with Justin Taylor. Staying away from Justin wasn't a possibility; at least not until this need that he instilled in him had burned out. He didn't see that happening for a very long time. "That's not going to happen. I won't stay away from him. I don't even think he wants that. The problem as I see it, is Michael. He is the threat to Justin... not me. The only question is simple - what are we going to do about it?"


"We? I'm not doing anything. Michael has been fine." Emmett looked at Brian accusingly. "The problem all resides with you, dear brother. You need to make Michael understand that he has no chance with you; then, maybe he will forget about Justin."


"I had this little talk with Michael tonight. He shouldn't be in any doubt. Should his delusions continue on, I will deal with him in my own indelible fashion." Brian's eyes were cruel, his eyes cold as he thought of all the ways he could torment and incapacitate Michael should his malicious intentions toward Justin persist.


Emmett swallowed, trepidation immediately besetting him. "Brian, I know what that means... and I don't think it needs to go that far. We can handle this without physical violence."


Brian inclined his head. "That is always my preference... but sometimes matters need a more aggressive handling." He affixed a deep, penetrating stare on his brother; wishing in this precise moment he could overwhelm him with his will. Regardless of the fact of his powers being superior, that was one line he couldn't cross. For the first time, he wished he could. "Release Justin from the protection spell. Let me handle it all."


"Are you out of your fucking mind? Release him from the spell?? How will that help - except to make him even more vulnerable?" Emmett's hands flailed as he spoke, unable to fathom why Brian thought he would agree to such an absurd idea.


"For two very good reasons. One, I can protect him far better than you... and secondly, I need to get inside to see what happened to him on the night of the bashing. I have a feeling many of our answers could be there." Brian's eyes were stormy as he spoke, not a doubt in his mind what he would do if he determined the identity of Justin's attackers. He didn't stop to think about why he was so protective of this boy; most especially since he hadn't even fucked him yet... but he knew without a doubt - he would do anything to keep him safe. Brian further rationalized that once he accomplished the matter of Justin's safety, he could move onto other more pleasurable matters. They had so many of those to see to yet.


Emmett's back stiffened defensively. "I think I've done a fabulous job protecting him so far. Just go away, Brian. You're not needed here." His eyes stabbed into the unrelenting ones of his older brother. "I know why you want the protection spell lifted. It isn't about Justin's safety; it's more about getting inside his mind so you can win the little game the two of you are playing. I won't let you do it, Brian. He's been hurt too much to be broken by you." Emmett reached for the door handle; in his mind this conversation was truly over.


"I'm not trying to hurt him, Emmett." Brian looked at his brother fiercely, not trying to halt his escape; he knew there was no need. They both knew he could stop him with a mere thought. "I don't intend to deny that I want him... but that's not what this is about. This isn't just about Michael at Babylon tonight; I feel there's more. Release the protection spell and let me inside. If there are real threats against him - I can handle them, once and for all."


"I don't believe it." Emmett's voice was filled with awe, his eyes stricken by disbelief. "You really do care about him. Of all people - you."


"Let's not analyze it, Emmett. Just let me do what I do best. Okay?" Brian surprised himself at how his voice was imploring and not demanding. That little blond beauty that lies sleeping in his bed had the man that was reputed to be formed out of granite feeling things he didn't understand. Erratic behavior and constant tormented thoughts. He had to make him safe - first and foremost. Then, he needed to determine what was going on between them. Brian promised himself to do both.


Emmett reluctantly nodded, unable to deny he felt the same aura of danger around Justin. It was a human danger, one that was manageable... but one that needed to be resolved if Justin was ever to have a happy and normal life. "What did you have in mind?"


"We are going to go inside, and you will lift the spell in my presence. Then, I will use my powers to allow Justin to relive the night of his attack through his dreams. We will learn the identity of his assailant... and perhaps more." Brian's gaze was as unrelenting as his spirit. He knew Emmett wouldn't like his idea... but it was the best way to make Justin remember, yet be easy to erase the trauma from his mind afterward.


"Absolutely not!" Emmett snapped. "I will not subject Justin to that night again. He doesn't even remember it... and what's even more - he can't handle it!"


"Anything he manages to remember will be gone once he awakens. Much as in the normal transference of dreams... but in this case, the substance will be magically induced." Brian felt his impatience increasing, in his mind thinking this was the best way to not only learn everything... but to see all of it clearly. "I'm not taking no for an answer, brother. I will find a way to break your spell in other ways. Working with me is the best thing you can do for him. And another thing... Justin is much stronger than you realize. He can handle this."


Emmett sighed. It was more than apparent that Brian wasn't going to relent. Perhaps it was for the best if they learned all the details of Justin's attack. It hadn't escaped his notice that Justin seemed to matter to Brian; a realization that surprised him immensely. This possibly was the right thing to do. "Alright," he conceded. "But hear me well, Brian... I will be there the entire time. And I will not allow you to use this to manipulate Justin. If he is with you - it will be of his own free will."


"I wouldn't have him any other way..." Brian responded, slightly surprised that he meant what he said. He wanted Justin fiercely; it was a want unlike any he'd ever known. Yet, one thing was for certain. He wanted a desire that was returned from Justin... one that was true and not produced by the many effects of his magic. "Let's go. The sooner we resolve this, the happier I'll be."


Nodding, Emmett slid from the car, his eyes straying to his brother's tense posture and suddenly distracted mind immediately. He groaned when he found the reason for Brian's aggravation. Michael. Fuck. When would he get a clue? "Michael darling, go home."


"Yes Michael, do go home..." Brian's tone wasn't as understanding as his brother's; he had already handled this at the club earlier - or so he had thought, a repeat performance wouldn't do anything for his mood.


Michael smiled, his eyes darting back and forth between them. "I couldn't sleep. I decided to go for a walk." A sudden inspiration lit up his eyes. "Hey, why don't the three of us head on over to the diner? We can catch up."


"We've done that, Michael... and tonight isn't a good time." Brian was past the point of understanding; his margin for compassion was none. His eyes began to glow as he stared deeply into Michael's. Brian ignored Emmett's gasp of resignation. "I tried the simple route with you earlier... but it appears I need to be more forthcoming."


"W-what do you mean? I r-remember what you said. I'm not hounding you." Michael couldn't look away from the penetrating and fiery stare.


Brian tilted his head to the side as he considered the much weaker man. "That's very true. You're not hounding me - exactly. That could only be the case if you had followed me here. You didn't, did you?"


"N-no, of course not. You made your point loud and clear at Babylon..."


Emmett looked away from the train wreck he knew was about to happen. He had felt a chill as soon as he'd stepped out of Brian's car. Something wasn't right here. He felt as if evil had somehow swarmed down on them, but it wasn't emanating from Brian. It was Michael. Had it always been there and he'd been too blind to see it? Emmett flinched when Brian's hand reached out to close around his arm, yanking him forward to face the man in front of him. What was Brian up to now? One thing was clear - he was certainly about to find out.


"Emmett, our plans have changed. We need to resolve this first." Brian sneered the words; uncaring that he spoke the directive aloud - once again finding himself in protective mode. Michael hadn't followed him here. He knew that to be true. Brian had already seen the tire iron behind Michael's back. Only one reason for that came to mind... and one that he would resolve tonight. Brian began to whisper a litany of low-pitched chants, luring Michael completely under his spell. "Follow us back to my car, Michael. We need to talk."


"Is this really necessary, Brian?" Emmett hissed under his breath. "I thought we were going to help Justin..."


Brian's eyes narrowed on how Michael's hand clenched on the tire iron when Justin's name was spoken. Very interesting, he thought... and very damaging. "Yes, it is... and I think our efforts here will help Justin a great deal."


Michael obediently followed Brian to the car, his lips twisting every time he heard Justin's name. Oblivious to how closely both men were watching him, he began to mutter, "Justin, always Justin."


"Yes, Justin..." Brian whispered, the savagery in his voice not quite hidden. "We're going to talk about Justin... and you will answer all of my questions. Now, get in the car." Brian tossed his keys to Emmett, directing him stiffly, "Drive us somewhere private... and if you get one scratch on my car, I will haunt you for an eternity."


Emmett scoffed indignantly. "Hmmph. You already do that."


As Michael was about to slip into the car, Brian hissed into Michael's ear, "Drop the tire iron. Your weapons are of no use with me."


Michael blinked as he looked down at the weapon, his hand dropping it almost as if suddenly burning. He gasped and pulled his hand away, a quiver quickly appearing on his lips. "Brian... w-what's going on?"


"You'll find out soon enough." Brian slid into the car next to Michael, nodding to Emmett when their glances connected in the rearview mirror. When his brother pulled away from the curb and off to their destination, Brian closed his eyes, his hand closing tightly over Michael's leg; this time enforcing a physical connection with the man's mind he was about to savage. He knew he should have done this on his return when he'd fully observed Michael's obsession... but it had always been a line he tried not to cross with acquaintances or friends. As much as Michael hadn't ever been that much of a friend, it was still something he typically preferred not to do. Justin had changed so many things for him. This was only but one of them.


Emmett gasped as he steered the car, the aura of evil and tragedy swelling inside of him. He could barely maintain his focus on driving as he began to feel destruction and near death. But whose? He hoped Brian would determine that quickly. His unease was continuing to overwhelm each of his senses. "Brian..." Emmett whispered almost brokenly. How he hated to be the brother that felt things so deeply. Brian was more of a seer, but he was cursed with feeling emotional. Tears began to stream down his face. He couldn't place how or why... he just knew it involved someone he loved deeply. "Justin," he gasped. "We have to go back, Brian. Something is wrong with Justin!"


Brian growled in a deep, primal rage. "Keep driving. Nothing is wrong with Justin. At least, not tonight."


Michael looked back and forth between them in confusion, wondering what they were talking about. He hadn't done anything to Justin... at least not yet.


His hand became a brand of the hottest fire when he squeezed Michael's leg. Michael would be lucky if he didn't die in this car before they arrived at their isolated destination. "Your instincts are good, Emmett. But they are not from tonight. The pain you feel is from Justin's past." His eyes blazed in an unforgiving fury at the man seated next to him. "You are feeling Justin's pain from the night of the bashing."


"Y-you mean, Michael?" Emmett gritted out in between clenched teeth.


Eyes looking out the window to see an abandoned old store, with an empty parking lot, Brian savagely snarled, "Pull in here. This will more than suffice..."


Emmett quickly turned the steering wheel in the direction of the parking lot, driving them at high speed to place them at the back of the building. Once he applied the brakes, Emmett slid out of the car, not even bothering to turn it off. He slid into the back of the car on the other side of Michael and looked at him almost beseechingly. "Please tell me you didn't hurt Justin. Tell me now, Michael."


Michael swallowed deeply, uncertain of how the truth of his most ugly past had surfaced, but knowing it had and there was nothing he could do to hide it now. "I-I did it, Em. He was alone, defenseless... and looking too damn beautiful. I knew Brian would be coming home again soon. I couldn't let them meet. I-I just knew Brian would want him... and much more than the others."


"How did you know Brian was returning?" Emmett asked, barely holding in his own rage not to kill Michael. He spared a momentary glance at his brother, able to quickly ascertain that Brian's control was practically non-existent.


"We were all at Babylon. None of us knew Justin then. He was fresh on the scene, and every man wanted him. He was just like Brian. A top, and so confident in himself. You mumbled under your breath - wait until Brian sees him. I knew then that Justin was different; that he was the one man on Liberty Avenue that could take Brian away from me." He stared ahead, in his mind seeing Justin's prone body on the pavement, the baseball bat in his hand. "I wanted him to die. I would do it all over again."


Brian's hand reached out, but he didn't touch the skin. There was no need. His eyes began to bulge as he opened and closed his hand that wasn't even close to Michael's neck, his lips twisted in savage fury. "You fucking fool. Do you have any idea the torturous forms of death I can inflict on you?" Brian tightened the pressure on Michael's instantly gasping throat. "No, you wouldn't, but you will, though." Brian's face was filled with menace as he almost casually remarked, "All that remains to be determined is how quick your death will be... and what exact method will be used." He clicked his tongue across the roof of his mouth. "So many difficult decisions... how will I decide?"



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