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Brian forced himself to remain impassive as Justin preceded him into the dingy apartment that was his former home. Insulting him wasn't something he cared to do, and it would be detrimental to the progress they had steadily been achieving. However, in his own mind, he could clearly ascertain that Justin's living conditions had vastly improved. Despite the fact of Justin's new rooms being above a private club, it was very opulent; in fact, some would say luxurious. This meager little apartment was grotesque. Brian didn't believe for one moment that Justin could have ever chosen it... or the furnishings contained within.


"Uhhh, would you like to have a seat while I gather my things?" Justin asked. "It won't take very long."


Looking around at the furniture provided, Brian arched a brow, before responding, "No, Justin. I'll just stand here while you pack." He placed a couple of boxes that he'd had the foresight to bring with them just inside the door, his eyes warm and knowing on the nervous blond. "Let me know if you need my help."


Justin recognized the heat in Brian's gaze; he lowered his head as a blush overtook him as a result. He had never been overly nervous or shy with a man; Brian brought so much out of him that wasn't normal for him. There wasn't a doubt that he wanted to explore that further. "Thank you, Sir. I-I know this place is a dump. I wish you would have waited outside."


Brian moved from his position close to the door, his steps taking him to Justin's side. He placed a finger under Justin's chin, applying slight pressure to capture the boy's full attention. "Look at me, Justin."


Looking up, Justin didn't see censure or mockery in the beautiful hazel eyes. Concern was etched clearly on every line of Brian's face. "The state of the apartment doesn't concern me. Only one thing concerns me right now... and that is you. Not only do I want you out of this unhealthy, and unsatisfying relationship; I want you safe as well. I intend to see that you make this transition without any added difficulties."


"You are very kind."


Brian snorted derisively. "I'm never kind, Justin. I do everything for a reason. Taking care of you benefits me in many ways."


Arching a brow, Justin conceded him that, but still thought deeper about his words. "I'm sure it does; however, I think you probably do the rare, good deed that has no benefit for yourself."


A slight smirk curved Brian's lips. "Analyzing me, are we? Tsk tsk. We really need to come to terms soon. I can't have that."


Justin looked at him warily, as well as curiously for a long moment. He wasn't always sure how to take him - now was definitely one of those times. "I'll just get my things packed. Thankfully, this was Ethan's place. I really don't have a lot here."


Brian nodded in agreement, his eyes glancing around the apartment. "I had a feeling the décor wasn't of your choosing. Take your time. I'd prefer you left here with everything that belongs to you, and not need to return."


As much as Justin realized he should feel some sort of regret regarding his failed relationship with Ethan, he discovered he had none. He knew that was more of an indication of much being missing in their relationship. Perhaps it was a good thing that it had come to a head as it had. Justin grabbed one of the boxes, his back tensing when he heard the key in the lock. Ethan was home. He never came home this time of day. So much for ending this with any dignity. Justin was certain that Ethan wouldn't allow that.


"Who the hell are you?" Ethan demanded when he stepped into the apartment, staring at the clearly hostile brunet.


"Brian Kinney..." His eyes slid scathingly over the shorter man; in every glance he found him to be lacking. "I am here to assist Justin in retrieving his belongings."


Ethan looked malevolently at his former roommate. "Leaving? Just like that? You have no job, Justin. How will you support yourself?"


"That's not for you to worry about, Ethan. You should be relieved..." Justin snapped. "I'm leaving; you won't have to worry about taking care of my worthless ass."


Brian watched the two of them closely. He wanted to allow Justin to resolve this on his own; however, he wouldn't allow any harm to come to Justin either. Should the insipid Ethan make one move toward Justin - he would step in, and end the confrontation immediately. "Why don't you continue with your packing. I'll keep your friend company."


Both men silently watched as Justin dutifully complied, before Ethan turned to Brian with a mocking laugh quickly following. "Friend? Trust me, we were far more than that!"


"I'm relieved to find that Justin's taste has vastly improved..." Brian continued smugly, determined not to let this insignificant man unduly provoke him.


"Justin never mentioned you." Ethan's eyes flickered over the stranger... the man's insults not deterring him. "Nor have I ever seen you before; I would have remembered."


Brian rolled his eyes. "If that is supposed to be some form of flattery - save it; I am definitely not interested."


"Of course not. You're interested in Justin." Ethan's lip curled insinuatingly. "Everyone always wants Justin. That's something you'll find out. Of course, in the end, he's nothing but a hot piece of ass. He doesn't have any real depth."


He looked away from the mocking expression to stare at the door that he was anxious to see open, with Justin emerging ready to leave. Brian had never been more compelled to strike a man than he was here and now. He couldn't fathom what Justin could have seen in him. In his mind, he wasn't even remotely attractive, and his personality was non-existent. Even without Justin in the equation, Brian knew he would have very little toleration for Ethan Gold. "You are a fool." Brian sneered. "That's fine, though. Your mistakes have helped my cause."


"Cause?" Ethan scathingly retorted. "He isn't the prize you think him to be. If I were you, I'd think about that..."


"I would suggest you shut your poison-filled mouth - now!" Brian's eyes glittered in the deepest anger he had ever felt. "Justin will soon be gone from your sight... and your life entirely." A smug look came over Brian's face. "Or, maybe that's why you are so bitter and aggressive..."


Ethan's face reddened in anger, his eyes looking anywhere other than the brunet that he quickly realized to be far more authoritative than he would like. "Y-you don't know anything! Mark my words, though, Justin is fickle... and he doesn't commit. You are wasting your time."


"On the contrary, Ian. It is you that has wasted your time. It's clear to me what truly galls you. Justin was always out of your league; in fact, you never stood a chance with him." Brian slid a contemptuous look over the smaller man. In his mind, smaller in size, and in every comprehensible way. "That you don't see how perfect he is - inside and out - proves you never knew him."


Justin gasped after slipping through the doorway, unable to believe what he'd just heard. He hadn't arrived in time to hear what Ethan had said to cause Brian's response, but that didn't matter. What Brian had said was all that mattered. "D-do you mean that, Brian? You think I'm perfect?"


Ethan rolled his eyes in disgust, his head raising as he looked at Justin reproachfully. "This is just more proof of how gullible you are, Justin. This man is clearly a player; obviously using you for your physical attributes. He will say anything just to fuck you..."


"Right," Justin snapped bitterly. "He couldn't find me worthy in any other way."


"In response to your question, Justin - yes, I meant it. I never say anything I don't mean." He glanced at Ethan with a coldness in his eyes, at this moment forcing himself to practice restraint more than ever before. "Can we wrap this up soon? If we stay much longer, I'm afraid I will rearrange your scruffy ex-boyfriend's face."


Justin giggled at the very thought. As much as he knew he would love watching such a spectacle, he grimly accepted that the punishment wouldn't be worthy of the crime. "I just need to grab some things out of the bathroom; then, I'm all yours." Justin's eyes widened as Brian's eyes darkened at his choice of words. Instantly he realized the impact such words would have on the dominant that was so intent on possessing him.


"Wonderful..." Brian growled, his eyes sweeping over Justin; the repulsive Ethan was all but forgotten. "Tell me that later, and there will be a much different outcome. For now, I'll just take it that you are about ready to leave."


Biting at his lip, Justin nodded his head vigorously, completely ignorant of Ethan's intense glowering. "I'll be right back."


Seemingly determined to have the last word, Brian's back stiffened when he heard Ethan's nasally tone once more intruding. Forgetting the voice of this man was high on his list of things to do...


"Make sure you leave the key on your way out. I don't want to ever see you here again..."


Eyes moving over the smaller man in disgust, Brian spat out, "You won't ever see him again, Ian. In fact, I'm sure it's safe to say that there is nothing here of interest to Justin." Brian exchanged a brief look with Justin, at once ascertaining his assumption to be correct. "Am I wrong, Justin?"


Justin smirked. He reached into his pocket and deftly removed the apartment key from his key ring. Unceremoniously, he tossed it at Ethan's feet. "No, Brian. You're not wrong at all." Justin had so much he wanted to say to Brian, but he didn't want to be in this apartment any longer. They had things to discuss, but they would do that more comfortably at Boundless. Each moment they shared, Justin felt he caught more of a glimpse of the intense, and unique man that his instincts told him would change his life.


His life had already changed. Justin was certain this was only the beginning.



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