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Three Days Later


Brian stared down at the full report Kip had just placed on his desk, his eyes darkening in rage and utter astonishment. "This isn't possible. Not even for Craig Taylor..."


"It's some of the darkest shit I've ever uncovered, Sir." Kip frowned thoughtfully. He'd never been a sympathetic sort... but this - well, this was unimaginable. "How does a father perpetrate such against their own child?"


"There's no real proof... but this association and the money transferred tells me everything I need to know," Brian bit out grimly. Brian looked at the police report of the bashing that Chris Hobbs had committed against Justin. He didn't ask Kip how he had garnered that information. Brian was only glad Kip had chosen now in such an important investigation to step up his game. He would owe him a raise after this was finished.


The truth was more than apparent, yet nothing that would hold up in court... and something Justin probably wouldn't pursue. His eyes becoming cold and utterly lethal, Brian knew he was more than happy to settle this score for the beautiful blond. Brian eyed the payments that had been registered as transferring from Craig's personal account to Hobbs'. That was only money that hadn't been paid in cash. He could only imagine how many more payments had been made. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that Craig was the mastermind behind Justin's bashing... and that he was paying Chris Hobbs for his silence and his actions. If that wasn't enough, the immoral bastard now wanted to kill Justin's mother. Brian had no feeling for his own mother, but he easily derived that Justin did for his own. He didn't know why he cared one way or the other about Justin. Brian rationalized it to be due to not having fucked him yet. An inconvenience he intended to amend soon. Once he did, he could put the Taylor family out of his life and his mind - once and for all.


"Mrs. Taylor is safe, living her daily life, and being watched as per your instructions. The assassin that Taylor hired is awaiting your final instructions..." Kip informed his boss needlessly, both of them knowing Brian was in charge of the Taylor's fate.


"How is Mr. Taylor enjoying his accommodations?" Brian sneered.


Kip laughed. "I have been informed he is issuing threats toward his captor. He finds his conditions to be barbaric..."


"The cabin is a bit isolated... yet, not what I'd call barbaric." A cold glint appeared in Brian's eyes. "If only he knew who held him, I doubt his tongue would be so loose."


"I'm sure not, Sir." Kip looked at his boss inquisitively. "What do you want me to do next?"


Brian pondered that for a moment. "I want you to return to the cabin and help monitor Taylor. As much as I know him to be weak... there can be no mistakes. He is not to leave that cabin - ever!"


Nodding, Kip stood to his feet knowing exactly what that meant. Craig Taylor was now a marked man... and Brian had assigned himself not only as judge, but perhaps even executioner as well.



Brian strode out to the bar, his intentions clear. He needed to speak to Justin. It was time to tell the blond of his father's treachery. He was still torn on whether he would tell Justin of his father's captive state... and his own intentions for him. As much as Justin obviously loathed his father, Brian wasn't certain the boy would be on board with how Brian intended to handle the problem. In his world, the answer was very simple. Craig Taylor was corrupt. He would continue to destroy everything and everyone he touched. Brian knew Justin would never recover from the loss of his mother. He clenched his teeth in agitation as that unbidden reaction overwhelmed him again. Why the fuck did he care how the boy felt about his mother? Or anything else? He needed to fuck him... and he needed to do so now. Until he did, his objectivity was blown straight to hell. In his life... that was a danger he could ill afford.


It will be settled tonight. Justin had been avoiding him the past few nights, and he had allowed it as he had been learning the paces of his new job. He couldn't allow it to continue. He wanted him. Needed him with a voracious hunger. As his steps took him to the bar, Brian's mind became alive with all the thoughts of what he would do to him. He had made certain that Justin's mother remained safe. That wasn't an issue. Craig was incapacitated where he was powerless to inflict any further damage. Now was the time to move in on his delicious prey. When that was done, only then could he confront Craig and bring this to the only conclusion that could realistically be reached.


He stepped up to the bar, his eyes moving back and forth... all bodies in place, except for the one he most wanted to find. His eyes drilled into Michael as he watched him flirting outrageously with his husband. Brian rolled his eyes. Michael never ceased to amaze him with his lesbianic displays. "Where's Justin?" Brian snapped.


Michael frowned as he turned to face Brian. "Uhhh, Brian... he isn't working tonight. Remember?"


"Oh right." Brian lowered his eyes for a moment, attempting to mask his surprise. Fuck. How this boy had messed with his mind. He never forgot details... especially ones as important as these. "I'll just go to his suite then."


Ben spoke up, the only one at the bar brave enough to do so. "Brian, he isn't in the casino."


Brian's eyes turned to stare blankly at Ben. "Where the fuck is he?"


The normally boisterous bar became uncommonly silent. Michael cleared his throat, before saying, "He had a date."


"Date?" Brian echoed, his eyes taking on a look that none of them cared to find themselves on the receiving end of. A cold smile twisted his lips, his eyes becoming feral as he demanded, "Who?"


Michael and Ben exchanged a wide-eyed glance, before Michael dutifully responded, "Ethan."


"Ethan Gold, my driver?" Brian felt rage swelling inside of him. It didn't matter that he had no hold on Justin... the boy had no right to go out with another man. Fuck. What was Justin thinking? And more to the point... what the fuck was Ethan thinking? There hadn't been any need for any words of warning to be spoken. Ethan knew that Brian considered Justin his personal property... at least, until this fire had been abated. What the fuck kind of game was he playing? Brian's lips curled under, as the ice transferred from his eyes to travel deeply through his veins. "Apparently Ethan has a death wish."


"Now Brian, it's just a date. Where's the harm?" Ben protested, knowing this had disaster written on it with capital letters.


Brian gave Ben a slightly incredulous look, unbelieving that his head of security and good friend couldn't have a solid grasp on how wrong this was on many levels. As he looked at him intently, Brian realized that Ben understood; as always, he was trying the diplomatic and peacemaking approach. That wouldn't work with him. Most definitely not in the case of one Justin Taylor. Brian's eyes narrowed as he watched Ted walking toward the bar... his intentions absolute - getting Justin back to the casino... now. "Theodore, I have something I need you to do..."


Ted audibly groaned, before saying hello to both Michael and Ben. Wearily he addressed his boss. "What is it, Brian?"


"I need you to track down Ethan Gold and have him return Justin to the casino - immediately," Brian spat out between clenched teeth.


"Why can't you do that yourself? Ethan would listen to you far quicker than he would me." Ted gave a pointed look down at his watch. "As it is, I have been off duty for an hour now."


"It's just a phone call, Theodore." Brian became thoughtful for a moment, trying to choose the right words. "I'm not feeling my most patient. I need to speak with Justin... and I need to do so now."


Michael released a dramatic sigh. "I'd just do it, Ted. You know he isn't going to leave you alone until you do."


Ted snorted. "That's true enough. Should I have Justin come to your office?"


Brian's eyes held a faraway look. "No. Have him sent to my suite." He pierced Ted with a cold gaze. "In addition, I want you to relay to Mr. Gold that his services are no longer required. Take a member of the security team with you. I doubt he'll cause any problems... but just do so to be certain."


Ben shook his head in disbelief. "I'll sit in on the meeting. Ethan is intimidated by me."


Michael laughed at that remark. "I've never understood that. Must be the authority thing."


Brian continued as if no one had spoken. "Give him his severance package... and inform him that he is no longer welcome at The Optimus. Remind him that breaking that will evoke consequences."


All three men looked at each other in amazement. None of them were able to believe what they were hearing. Michael shook his head, before saying, "Brian, I don't get it. You're firing and banning Ethan over a case of jealousy? It's just a date. What's the big deal?"


"Michael, I'd advise you to mind your own fucking business. This goes beyond that... and I don't feel the need to explain my actions. Not now or ever." Brian looked at Ted, effectively dismissing everyone else from his view. "Let me know when Ethan is gone from the building... and when Justin is on his way to me."


Mouths agape watched as Brian proceeded toward the elevator, Michael sputtering in disbelief. "I-I just don't believe it. I never thought to see Brian act like this... and over someone he barely knows."


"I feel sorry for the kid," Ted muttered, stepping away from the bar and returning to his office to do Brian's bidding.


Ben shrugged. "I think there's more to it than a case of jealousy, Michael. I don't know everything... but something else is going on here."


"What do you mean?"


After a long thoughtful pause, Ben offered, "It's almost as if Brian is protecting Justin. For him to break that safety net that Brian has placed around him here, would be abhorrent to one such as Brian. And undoubtedly challenges his control. Brian doesn't respond well to loss of that."


"Protecting him from what?" Michael asked, quickly becoming more and more confused.


"I'm not sure. Whatever it is... I hope Justin handles the lion with care. I don't think he is feeling particularly understanding..."



An hour later found Brian pacing in his suite of rooms, agitated beyond his own belief. How dare the little fucker do this? If he was spending his evening with anyone... it should have been with him - not the inadequate and all too forgettable Mr. Gold. The fact that Justin didn't know all that he'd been doing for him behind the scenes, didn't really matter. In Brian's mind, Justin's loyalty should be to him completely. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that the blond wanted him. Why had he done this now? They had been making steady progress. Brian hated the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was foreign... and it was definitely unwanted.


He had smiled in anticipation and acceptance when the call from Ted finally arrived. This would be a long and eventful night for the beautiful and rebellious blond. When it was finished, Justin Taylor would understand his position so much better.


He thought back to Michael's words. Jealous, he thought to himself with a twist to his lips. Brian Kinney didn't do jealousy. When he wanted something... he got it. That was the beginning and the end. What he wanted most now was Justin. He looked at the door that Justin would soon be walking through, his determination absolute. It will be a one way trip tonight. Tonight, he would finally have him. Nothing would stop him this time. Brian felt the rage swelling within him as he thought of all he'd done for the boy... still with no return. He had written off his father's debt. Not only had he promised to spare any retaliation from touching his mother... he had moved to protect her when his poor excuse of a father had threatened her life. Then, to learn how deeply twisted Craig Taylor in truth was... and still continued to be. Now, he held Craig's fate in the palm of his hands. A fate that he had already determined.


He was about to have blood on his hands. That the man didn't deserve to live meant very little to Brian. The fact that remained was that the adorable and utterly aggravating blond owed him. Brian intended to collect tonight. When the knock came to his door, Brian's eyes became feral knowing who waited on the other side. There would be a payday attached to all of his efforts. One that he knew Justin would enjoy paying. Once that was resolved, then they could work together to end Craig Taylor's own demented brand of tyranny.


Justin stood on the other side of the door, glaring at it with unprecedented fury. He didn't give Brian a chance to greet him as the door swung open. "I don't believe you, Brian. We need to get some things settled. If not, I am going home tonight!"


Brian clenched his teeth as rage and desire equally overwhelmed him. "Get your ass in here now, Taylor. You have pushed me beyond my limits, time and time again... but never as much as you have tonight."


Storming inside the elaborate suite of rooms, Justin's fury escalated as he turned to face the advancing predator. "I've pushed you? You've got a tremendous amount of nerve - Mr. Lord of all I survey! I was having a nice evening with Ethan. You had no right to disrupt that."


"You should know by now that I take whatever rights please me." Brian moved back to the doors to secure them. They were both here for the night. Soon, Justin would both understand his position... but embrace it as well. "This little game ends tonight, Justin. Then, we can move on toward cleaning up the mess that you call your life. After that, if you want to leave, I won't attempt to stop you. However, for tonight, my fiery little blond - tonight... you are all mine!"




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