[Reviews - 7] Printer ePub eBook


Brian owns a casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. He finds nothing beyond his reach. Justin soon finds himself ensnared in Brian's world. In a battle of wills - which one will prevail?


Rated: M
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Ethan Gold, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Out of Character
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes
Word count: 51522 Read: 26880
ePub Downloads: 4 Published: May 30, 2021 Updated: Jun 04, 2021
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters of Queer as Folk. This is done for entertainment purposes only!

WARNING: Dark/OOC Brian!

1. Chapter 1: Sabotage or Destiny by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (1955 words)

2. Chapter 2: Into the Lion's Den by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (3008 words)

3. Chapter 3: A Meeting Like No Other by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (2815 words)

4. Chapter 4: A Fate Revealed by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (2847 words)

5. Chapter 5: Truth and Consequences by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (2667 words)

6. Chapter 6: Knowledge is Power by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (3124 words)

7. Chapter 7: An Evil Truth by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (2119 words)

8. Chapter 8: A Tempting Offer by confused_bliss [Reviews - 1] (2644 words)

9. Chapter 9: Whatever it Takes by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (2838 words)

10. Chapter 10: Deadly Intentions by confused_bliss [Reviews - 2] (2170 words)

11. Chapter 11: Protection Comes At A Price by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (2520 words)

12. Chapter 12: An Unquenchable Passion by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (2696 words)

13. Chapter 13: A Haunting Reality by confused_bliss [Reviews - 1] (3530 words)

14. Chapter 14: Confrontations and Realizations by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (3219 words)

15. Chapter 15: A Judgment Delivered by confused_bliss [Reviews - 1] (2556 words)

16. Chapter 16: Home Sweet Home by confused_bliss [Reviews - 0] (3310 words)

17. Chapter 17: The Test of Unconditional Love by confused_bliss [Reviews - 1] (3704 words)

18. Chapter 18: The End is Only A New Beginning by confused_bliss [Reviews - 1] (3800 words)