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Two Years Later


"Great game, Brian..." the assistant coach boisterously praised him, his hand enthusiastically patting him on the back.


"Thanks, Coach." Brian stripped and headed into the showers, rolling his eyes as the other players averted both their eyes and bodies from the process. It had been this way since he had come out about six months ago. On the field they trusted him to do the right thing to secure the win; in the locker room, they kept their distance. He didn't judge them for their actions. People were victims of society. That just transcended here. It was progress that he could be an openly gay athlete. Not only an athlete, but the starting quarterback for the New York Jets. In time, maybe it would amass into more.


Brian didn't look at anyone as he took his shower, his mind simply relived the glory of today's game. It was only his second year on the team... his first full year as the starting quarterback. They had taken great strides in their progress. A couple more seasons would bring a championship - he was certain of that. They just needed more time together as a unit and a few more solid players. This season was nearly over, and a run for the playoffs was still within reach. They had to win out the rest of the season with only three games to go. If they did that, they would be in the postseason. It was a dream come true if it could be reached. As he finished his shower and wrapped the towel around his waist, Brian realized it was one of two dreams. The other was much more unlikely, yet still, one he desired more than any other.


As he made his way to the locker that held his street clothes, his eyes closed briefly when he thought of the man that dominated so many of his thoughts. Justin. Always Justin. They hadn't spoken since that night years ago; a night that forever lived in his memories... however, one that he knew to be lost to Justin. It had only been a few weeks later when tragedy struck his beautiful blond, although he hadn't known about it immediately. He had discovered the news report about a week after the incident. Justin had gone to a party when things had started getting out of control, he had elected to walk home, only to be accosted as he walked through the park - beaten, robbed, and left for dead. His assailant had never been found.


Now, Justin had no memory of his former life. It wasn't due to not remembering, it was all because he hadn't awakened. Justin was lying in a coma, unresponsive to all that was around him. He knew it to be true from seeing it firsthand. Initially, he had been a constant by Justin's bedside, then Justin's father had stepped in. As he finished dressing and heading out of the locker room, completely ignoring the press and the other players, his memories took him to another time - one where he still had hope of a future with Justin. One that had since diminished each day Justin lay in a comatose state.


He wondered if Justin had come back to the land of the living yet? And if he had, did he remember anything about him... or them? He called Justin's mother every week. The answer was always the same. "I'm sorry, Brian. There's been no change." With the way his visits had come to an end, he couldn't help wondering if she told him the truth.


Perhaps it was time to find out for himself. He had promised to stay away, but maybe it was time to try again. He would wait until the end of the season. If nothing had changed by then, he would return to Pittsburgh and see firsthand. He could tell himself he did so merely for a resolution; however, he knew it went far deeper than that. He missed Justin, even those hours sitting by his bedside, watching and waiting for a response, he even missed those tense, yet precious moments.


The bottom line was simple. He wanted Justin back. No matter how much work that entailed, Brian wanted his little spitfire blond back in his life... and back in his arms. His life wouldn't be complete until he had that.




He had just ditched another practice, and in his all-important senior year, his thoughts wrapped around one thing and one thing alone - Justin. His beautiful blond boy needed him. In actuality, he knew that wasn't the case. All Justin needed was the medical staff that attended to him, and the life-sustaining fluids and monitors that kept him in the land of the living. He had become powerless, each time he left his room, his spirits became even more deflated. It was good that Justin couldn't see him. His outlook couldn't be good for his recovery.


On this day, he had been about to enter Justin's room, when a hand on his shoulder forestalled him. He looked in irritation at the man creating the contact, instantly realizing it was Justin's father. "I'm just going in to see him. You're welcome to join me - if you like."


"No. I'll let you visit in private. However, I'd like to talk to you first, Brian."


Brian nodded and followed Justin's father in the direction of the waiting room lounge. He waited apprehensively for the other man to speak, for some reason instantly filling with apprehension. "Has something changed? Justin's condition has worsened?"


Craig sat close to Brian, uncertain if he and Jennifer had made the right decision, but for now, agreeing to follow it through. "Nothing has changed, Brian... that's why we have come to a decision."


"What kind of decision?" he demanded curtly, having no doubt he wasn't going to like it.


"This has been going on for months now, Brian. Jennifer and I both appreciate your concern for our son, but we feel it's time for that to come to an end." Craig had to look away from the pain that appeared in Brian's eyes. Brian clearly cared deeply for Justin; what he had assumed to have only been a one-sided crush on Justin's part, could really be so much more. That didn't matter now.


"Why?" he questioned, realizing his voice elevated to a much higher level than was appropriate in his current environment. "I can't be doing any harm. I talk to him during every visit; I do everything I can to bring him back. Why would you want that to end!?"


Craig took in a deep breath. "Justin's doctor feels your visits could be hindering Justin's progress. If you are not here, perhaps Justin's subconscious will work harder at finding a way back - in order to find you again. As it is now, he is unchanged after your visits. We are hoping with your absence, something will trigger in him."


"Are you trying to say I'm hurting the process?"


"It's possible." Craig ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to say, or think here. All I know is that my son isn't waking up! Every day he falls deeper into this sleep, or whatever the hell they call it. I will try anything to get him back." Craig affixed a stern look on the man that he knew his son had formerly been crazy about. "If you really care about him, you will step aside and let us try this. If he regresses, I will tell you. But for now, you need to keep your distance."


Brian stood to his feet. "No, Mr. Taylor. I see what this is. You want your son back, but you want him to come back as a different man - one that has no personal interest in a member of the same sex."


Craig flushed; he refused to have this discussion with Brian... in particular, in such a public place where anyone could hear their discussion. "Think what you like of me, I don't care. I'm just asking you to stay away. Go live your life. Justin wouldn't want you to sacrifice your future for him. If he comes back, he will expect you to be on track."


"If?" Brian hissed. "I think as his father you should be saying when he comes back!"


A nurse approached them from the far corner of the lounge. "Mr. Taylor? Is there a problem?"


"None at all. I have just informed Mr. Kinney that his visits have become detrimental to my son's recovery. I have asked him not to return." He gave Brian a firm, unyielding stare. "I doubt he'll make me resort to calling security."


"Can he do this?" Brian demanded to know. "Justin isn't a minor."


The nurse raised her chin, her eyes stabbing aggressively into Brian's. "I cannot discuss Justin's case with you. I realize you have been a frequent visitor in the past; however, you are not a family member. As Justin is in a coma and cannot speak for himself, his parents are in charge of his care. I do hope that answers your question..."


"Oh yeah. Crystal clear, actually." Brian's tone was cutting when he addressed Craig Taylor, at this instant, unsure if he was right or wrong... for Justin's sake he hoped he was wrong. Justin loved his father so much. In fact, probably more than anyone else in the world. "You win, for now, Mr. Taylor. I'll stay away, but you haven't seen the last of me. One day, Justin will awaken, and he will ask for me. Then you will truly have to accept the choices he has made."


Brian walked out of the lounge and away from the man that seemed determined to be rid of him. As he neared Justin's room, his heart urging him inside, Brian trailed his fingertips along the closed door. His voice was hollow when he whispered, "You'll come back to me, Justin. I swear it. When you do, I will be out and proud. I will be the man you deserve."


Had he stayed longer, he would have noticed his brother coming around the corner, Craig Taylor appearing almost immediately behind him. Craig looked at Brandon intensely, uncertainty lining his face. "I'm not sure I made the right decision, Brandon. Your brother seems to have deep feelings for Justin."


"It's all an act, Mr. Taylor; I told you that already. Brian is a player, a user. He cares nothing more for Justin than any other guy he picks up at the clubs he frequents. Brian never scored with Justin, so that makes him special to him. Either way, it doesn't matter. Brian has his precious career to look forward to, and I'll be here to guide Justin back to us. When Justin wakes up, he can make his own decision." Brandon smiled reassuringly at Justin's gullible, yet at times, astute father. He had never given up on getting Justin back - nor would he ever. More important than that - Brian would never have him now. As Brian continued to live his life, Brandon would be here every day, talking to Justin, telling him what he wanted him to know. In the end, it would bring Justin to him... and forge an impenetrable barrier between him and Brian.


The years of being second best to his much sought-after half-brother was now over. At least, it would be regarding the one Brian wanted the most. Brian would be broken when Justin not only awoke, but gave himself to him. Revenge would be sweet, but claiming Justin as his prize would be even sweeter.




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