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Amal approached Justin, despite his jealousy, finding himself more than a little bit curious over this new addition to the harem. His master didn't acquire a large number of slaves. He had always respected his restraint in that. With such power, he could claim as many as he liked, but he didn't seem to favor uprooting a man from his life, only to cast him aside when the fever lessened. It was evident that he didn't take a man without giving the now and later much thought. Perhaps that was why Justin was such an oddity here. "May I sit with you, Justin?"


Looking up in surprise, Justin glanced around the harem, surprised it was just the two of them. Shrugging his shoulders, he replied indifferently, "I don't mind, but won't your other brothers get mad about you fraternizing with the enemy?"


Sitting down, a perplexed look came over his face. "Frater, what was that you just said? I apologize, my English is not always so good."


"No, I'm the one that's sorry. You were only being polite. I shouldn't take my displeasure out on you." Justin meant every word he spoke. If he was going to be here... and it certainly looked like he would be for now, he needed to find a way to coexist with these other men. It was evident that some were more approachable than the others, but still, he needed to find a way to get along with all of them. If he could make a friend or two in the process it would be even better. At this point, he had given up on anyone aiding him in any escape attempt. They were all fiercely loyal to the Sultan, and besides that, he would never get off of this island without the Sultan's permission. There wasn't a doubt that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.


Realizing Amal was still awaiting his answer, Justin told him, "It just means spending time together. I was saying the others probably wouldn't like you being friendly to me."


"Oh, I see." He laughed as understanding came over him. "I'm not bothered by what they think. I was the last new addition; I know how it can be. All that matters is what our master thinks. And he obviously finds great pleasure with you."


Justin snorted. "Not as much as he'd like..."


Amal gasped in his surprise. "Y-you mean... you haven't submitted to him yet?"


"I know it must be shocking, but not all of us find him irresistible." Justin barely managed to maintain a bland tone, knowing he wasn't being quite truthful. The Sultan was nearly irresistible; each encounter proved to be an even greater challenge. If he was winning the battle of wills - he knew it wasn't by much. In fact, he wasn't certain he was winning it at all.


"You don't mean it! You can't!" Amal exclaimed, the young blond's words unfathomable to him. "I assumed he took you in America, and just decided to keep you. Why would you come here if you don't want him?" Amal eyed him in suspicion. "I don't believe for a minute that you don't desire him. Everyone does!"


Justin laughed. Attempting to refute that would be equivalent to denying the obvious. "I won't deny that; however, my beginning with him isn't the same as the rest of you. He brought me to his island because I refused him in America. He expects that I will surrender in time."


"And you will." Amal's voice was filled with confidence. Sighing, almost in defeat, he observed, "Our master must have a great desire for you to go to such an extreme. He has never done anything like this in the past... all of us asked to be his. I envy you, Justin."


"Envy me?" Justin asked in disbelief. "Please don't. I really don't want to be in this position, whether I find him desirable or not. And don't forget, his attention will wane. Then, he will be focused on his other slaves again."


"Yeah, you're right. That's how it always is, I guess." Amal breathed a sigh of relief. Justin had to be right. They all just had to be patient. There wasn't a doubt of how much they all desired their master. And excluding Justin, each of them understood just how much pleasure could be attained in the master's arms. Being deprived of that special bliss was a punishment for each of them.


Casting a knowing look at the friendliest of Brian's slaves - outside of Brandon - Justin asked him, "Did they send you in here... to umm feel me out?"


Eyes widening, Amal sputtered, "F-feel you out? Not at all! The master has forbidden such behavior. We can't touch each other unless it is for his pleasure."


Justin frowned, before understanding came to him. "No... you misunderstand. I'm sorry. Some sayings probably don't translate easily. I was asking if the others had sent you in to find out more about me."


"Oh!" Amal smiled as he grasped the meaning behind Justin's words. "No, they didn't. I was just curious; I hope you don't mind me asking such personal questions."


"Not at all. If we are going to be living so closely together, we should get to know each other." Justin found his own curiosity getting the better of him. "Uhhh, I know that it is forbidden for the slaves to have sex with each other... but is it always? I- I mean, does he ever let you?"


"Sometimes he likes to watch us; of course, that's not all of the time." Amal looked at Justin thoughtfully for a moment, a realization suddenly occurring to him - one that he didn't really like very much. "I have a feeling that won't happen with you, though. The way the master looked at you on the night we first met was unlike anything I've ever seen in him. He won't share you with the rest of us. I'm sure of that..."


Uncertain of how he felt about that, Justin stood to his feet, a genuine smile curving his lips. "It's been nice talking to you; I do hope we can do it again soon." When Amal looked at him in confusion at the abruptness of his words, Justin added, "I'm going to lie down for a bit. I am summoned for tonight, and I suppose I should rest."


"Yes, you should. Our master can be insatiable at times." His eyes moved over Justin in an assessing manner, despite his jealousy finding much to like in him. "I have a feeling he will be that way with you tonight. Whether you realize it now or not, you are in for an amazing experience."


"We'll see." Justin forced himself to be noncommittal in his response. He wasn't going to admit that he agreed with Amal's assessment. As the morning had passed, he had made his own decision. Brian might have been deceiving him, but he was going to take a chance. He would play the game a bit differently from this point on. His surrender could lead to the Sultan's desire lessening. He didn't delude himself that it would be a quick process, but it appeared to be his only hope of ending his captivity. And that was what he wanted.


At the back of his mind, a question formed as to his conviction of that. His greatest fear was that time, and further intimacies would confuse his resolve all the more. Should that be the case, he would have so much more to think about.



Michael was elated by his initial attempt. It had progressed without either an interruption or issue of any kind. Brandon was now under his control... at the very least, he was vulnerable to his suggestions. It was perfect. His importance to Brian and the harem made him the perfect tool. He couldn't wait to implement his entire plan. Retribution would be swift for the unsuspecting Sultan. He wouldn't see it coming.


His voice low, almost monotone, Michael gently yet firmly spoke to Brandon, his eyes intensely staring into ones that were deeply hypnotized. He continued to implant images in Brandon's mind, ones that would overtake him at a time of his choosing. It amused him when Brandon felt the compulsion to resist his words. The attempt was futile at best. Michael knew he would be the victor in this minor battle. He continued on, knowing with each word he spoke, his goal was all the more closer.


"Your desire for Justin is beginning to consume you. As the day moves on... and the ones to follow, you won't be able to think about anything other than fucking him." Michael smiled, as the frown creased Brandon's brow. He knew the dishonor in the words to Brian's most loyal slave, and yet, Brandon couldn't fight them either. He wasn't certain if this hypnosis was a true manipulation, or if the words he implanted really were true. Should that be the case, and Brandon's lust was that prevalent for Justin - this would work all the better. "Soon, you can't help but to act on those desires. The consequences will no longer matter."


Shaking his head, Brandon uttered what was a minimal protest. "No. It's forbidden. My master would never forgive me."


"You are right - your master will never forgive you. Either of you." Michael forced his tone to stay even, and hypnotic when a part of him wanted to celebrate his victory. Brandon was going to follow his commands... he could see it in his glazed eyes. He might issue a token protest - now and then - but his control was absolute. This new sense of power was exhilarating. "That doesn't matter, Brandon. As much as you love your master, your desire for Justin is far greater. You won't be able to stop it."


"Justin..." Brandon whispered, hunger making his voice an almost inaudible rasp. "I do want him."


Michael almost cackled in delight, yet, knew he had to stay focused. The more Brandon revealed in his answers, the more difficult that became. "You will have him. Until you do, you will go mad with desire. Every moment you are with him, the lust will be more painful. Touching him will be your every waking thought. You won't be able to fight it."


Brandon was silent. It was as if he was trying to formulate words to make sense of his conflicting thoughts. However, both his mind and mouth found it impossible to function.


"When I count to three, you will return to normal, and forget my involvement in this discussion, but you will remember your feelings of desire for Justin. Those thoughts will be with you every minute." Michael's eyes widened when he noticed his partner angrily staring at him from about ten feet away. How much had he heard? That was a troublesome thought. He hadn't practiced hypnosis on him. He wondered if he should give it a try. Looking at the fierce glare on Ben's face, he suddenly realized he might not have a choice. He paused for a moment longer, his eyes returning to pierce into Brandon's. "One. Two. Three."


His eyes flickering in confusion for several moments, Brandon frowned when he looked at Michael, and then, Ben's approaching. "Ben? Is something wrong? I remember you coming out here to get Justin... then, I'm blank."


"I wonder why..." Ben icily retorted. "Everything is fine, Brandon. Perhaps you should rejoin the others in the harem."


Nodding, Brandon stood to his feet, "Yeah, I think that might be best."


Michael smiled as he watched Brandon retreat, at the moment, uncaring of his lover's displeasure. He almost laughed as Brandon slowly made his way back up to the house, certainty in his mind that Brandon's torment had only just begun.


Ben advanced forward, his hand tightly grasping Michael's arm. "What the hell is going on here, Michael?"




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