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Justin approached the ticket counter, feeling he had made minimal progress towards it in the past thirty minutes, unable to believe the number of other hopeful passengers looking to purchase a ticket, or at the very least getting put on standby. As he got closer to it being his turn in line, he was a bit more hopeful when he heard people purchasing tickets that were not the same destination as him.


Right now, the last thing he wanted was to sit around this bustling airport, not knowing anyone at all. He kept looking around, trying to be discreet, but the longer he remained out in the open at LAX, the more anxious he became of Brian having sent someone to intercept him. Would Brian do that, though? That would be like repeating the past. He didn’t fool himself that Brian wouldn’t come after him in one way or another… it was a question of how and when.


“May I help you, Sir?” The perfectly manicured young woman asked, as she stood behind her computer screen, not a hair on her head out of place.


“Uhhh, yes.” Justin was momentarily at a loss for words. He had been in this line for so long, he hadn’t even noticed the few that remained in front of him being gone. “I’d like to be on your next flight to New York.”


“New York City, Sir?” She inquired, her eyes scanning over the upcoming flights.


“Yes please.” Justin waited almost breathlessly as she looked over what was available.


She smiled at him, before asking, “How many tickets? Non-stop or with a connecting flight? One-way, or round trip?”


“I’m traveling alone. Preferably non-stop… and definitely one-way.”


“Oh, well that is easier to manage.” She frowned as she viewed the available flights, clicking on several options before looking up again. “A flight for LaGuardia left just moments ago; however, I have another departing in forty-five minutes for JFK that has available seating. Shall I book you on that one?”


Forty-five minutes wasn’t so very long, Justin thought. Most of that should actually have him seated on the plane. He just needed to be inconspicuous until then. “Yes, that will work out just fine, thank you.”


“Very good, Sir. I will need identification, and will you be paying by credit card today?” She asked, as she began to process the ticket purchase.


Handing his ID to her, Justin shook his head. “No, ma’am. I’ll be paying cash.”


“Okay, Sir. That will be $387.74.” Her eyes widened as Justin handed her four 100 dollar bills, quickly pushing the button that would print his ticket and boarding pass. She handed him his change with them, before smiling curiously at him. “You’re all set, Mr. Taylor. I do hope you enjoyed your stay in Los Angeles.”


Justin pocketed his ticket, boarding pass, and change, before thanking her in response. “I didn’t get a chance to see your city. I’m only passing through.”


“That’s a shame. There are so many beautiful sights and landmarks to behold. Enjoy your flight, Sir.” She inclined her head as he began moving away, eyes and attention alert on the next passenger.


Glancing down at his ticket, then up at the signs that displayed the various terminals, Justin took a seat in the lounge, pulling sunglasses from his pocket and slipping them on. They weren’t much of a disguise, but for now, he would use whatever means he had not to be recognized. He couldn’t imagine Brian would have someone on him so quickly. However, with Brian, he couldn’t rule out any possibility. He wasn’t sure why he had chosen New York. Los Angeles was huge, but it would be the logical place to search for him. A man could get lost in the crowds in New York City. He would find some sort of employment, and he would blend in for as long as he felt necessary.


The more he thought about his departure from the island, the more he wondered if it had been the right thing to do. Right or wrong, he intended to stay on his present course. Clearly, he had trust issues regarding Brian’s fidelity… and more important than that - his commitment to him. In the back of his mind, his instincts urged him that he could have jumped to the wrong conclusion… but his reality was still the same.


He didn’t trust Brian. More than that, he didn’t believe that Brian gave up his harem with a willing heart. What bothered him the most was his own guilt. Once his emotions had settled, he had thought back to that time. Had he truly been fair asking Brian to immediately cease what had been his way of life? The only thing he had ever known? He thought he could have been more accepting of it if he hadn’t been taken there against his will as he had been. The circumstances around his arrival in Al Duran had his emotions unbalanced… and his decision-making not the best. All of that was in the past now. He had left Brian, and that was how it had to be. When, or if Brian came for him, he would feel stronger in his ability to resist him.


Resist Brian? Who was he kidding? Certainly not himself. Especially in his Sultan persona. That was laughable at best. Who could truly deny the most predatory, sexual being ever born? He could have any man he wanted. History had proven that. In all truth, the men in Brian’s former harem had been the hottest men he had ever known. In the back of his mind, he had often wondered if Brian had lost contact with all of them. He had his doubts. Brian had formed a bond with each of his former slaves… they would return to him without a moment of hesitation. In fact, he couldn’t help wondering at how fast Brian would replace him… both in his bed and as a part of his life.


For now, he had to watch his step, plan every move carefully, without making any mistakes. Regarding the Sultan, there would be no margin for error. Justin knew if Brian truly sought to find him, the end result would be inevitable. This was just him buying some time until he was ready for the eventual confrontation. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that one day a face-to-face confrontation would be imminent. Preparing himself for that eventuality was all he could do.





Brian stared broodingly over his grounds that were so lushly displayed from the view of his terrace… unable to forget how often Justin stood here admiring the same view, as well as his daily walks through the gardens. Justin loved this location. He constantly caught him sketching drawings of the varied floral arrangements, amazed at how they were as vivid as the actual flower itself.


Shaking his head as he absorbed the reality that Justin wouldn’t be making his way into their rooms, or walking through the gardens toward the palace, Brian’s jaw set in anger. All of it was directed at his rebellious and hot-headed blond. He shouldn’t have so empowered him. If he had left him in the harem, whether it was filled with other men or not, this wouldn’t be happening now. Justin had been given too many freedoms. He wouldn’t be when he had him back under his control again.


He couldn’t believe how much he missed him in such a short amount of time. It wasn’t even about his hot, beautiful body, always so tight and warm when he fucked him. Of course, right now, that did factor in. It had been weeks since he’d fucked Justin. His trip had actually been shorter than it should have been. He had missed Justin in an unreasonable way. His impatience with the various dignitaries had been evident, as well as with his people as he toured his lands. He shortened so many appearances just to get to the next stop… all in the desire to get home to Justin. However, there was so much more to the emptiness he felt right now. He just missed him. His smile, his attentiveness as he listened to him… quite simply everything about him.


Brian had never believed himself to need anything or anyone. That was no longer true, though. He needed Justin… and he would get him back.


His cell phone rang several times before it permeated the haze that surrounded him. Not even looking at any caller ID, he pushed the button to answer, his voice more barking than answering. “Yes?” He rasped savagely into the mouthpiece.


“Uhhh, B-Brian?”


Brian’s heartbeat quickened as he heard that voice, the tremor in Justin’s voice instantly making his dick hard. How could he possibly physically respond to that … knowing that Justin was so far away? Brian decided that was how it would always be in regard to this tempting little blond. “Justin…” Brian growled, immediately moving inside to his bedroom, wanting no outside noises to distract him from hearing every detectable sound. “I am surprised by your call. You know I can trace this.”


“I don’t think so, Brian. I left my cell phone behind. I have one of those prepaid devices. It will be discarded as soon as we end this call.” Justin knew his words would sound arrogant to the domineering Sultan… but knowing Brian as he did, realizing he had to affect that kind of image - whether it is a true one or not.


“Such a clever little boy…” Brian hissed, barely able to concentrate on any identifiable sounds and not simply on the man himself… and all that he would do to him once he had his hands on him once again. “Where are you?”


Justin swallowed deeply. He closed his eyes as he heard the first class passengers being called to board, thankful that he wouldn’t have a long time on this call. Brian’s voice was nearly his undoing. How could the man sound so erotic when he was so distrusting of him… and when they were so many miles apart? It was just the charisma of the Sultan… or Brian. It didn’t matter which persona. They were intermixed. “T-that doesn’t matter, Brian. I just wanted you to know that I’m fine and that any money I withdrew from the credit card you gave me will be replaced as soon as I find work.”


“I don’t give a damn about the money, Justin! I gave it to you for your use… of course, not to empower you to leave me!” Brian took a deep breath. He knew Justin. Raging at him wouldn’t get him anywhere. He needed to use sound judgment. That was the only thing Justin would respond to now. “Listen, Justin. This was all a misunderstanding. I don’t know what happened, but I will find out. Get on a plane and come back home. We can work this out..."


His breath momentarily caught in his throat. Brian was asking him… and not demanding? Brian did care. That didn’t surprise him… but there were so many other problems. They had so many differences between them, their cultures in particular. He had asked too much of Brian, and he could see that more clearly now. Leaving Brian and starting over seemed to be his only alternative.


“Justin??” Brian impatiently demanded. “You only get one chance. If you don’t come home now, I will be finishing things my way..." So much for cohesive reasoning, Brian thought. Fuck. Why did he lose his control so much with this man? This wasn’t going to help him get Justin back here of his own free will.


“There’s the Brian I know and love…” Justin said in sarcasm. “Sorry, your esteemed highness, you will have to find yourself a new pet… or a bevy of them.” Justin heard his boarding call, hoping that Brian couldn’t decipher it on the other end. “I have to go now. Goodbye, dear Sultan.”


Brian growled, his earlier pacing now returning. “I know you are not deliberately trying to provoke me, Justin. I think you remember how well that works for you!” A predatory smile curved his lips, a part of him almost anticipating the upcoming hunt. “You can run, my own, but you can’t hide from me. Guard yourself well. You won’t like the consequences when I find you if you allow anyone else to touch what belongs to me.”


“I don’t belong to you, Brian!” Justin said, quickly standing up to get in line to board. He glared at the other passengers that gave him an annoyed look at his outburst, uncaring of how anyone felt regarding the context of his conversation. “I never did. You just didn’t get that.”


“That’s where you’re wrong… and something you will understand better the next time around. Heed my warnings, Justin. There are certain lines you know not to cross with me… and that one is at the top of the list..."


Brian cursed as he heard the clear sound of the phone disconnecting. Fuck. The little shit hung up on him. He advanced past his sitting room, and out to where his guard stood by his door. “Summon Benjamin to me - immediately!”


“At once, Your Highness!” The guard bowed, moving quickly to obey his Sultan’s demands.


Slamming the door to his suite of rooms shut, Brian paced back and forth, his mind racing at what he needed to do to leave as quickly as could be arranged. He didn’t even look up when Ben rushed toward him.


“Sire, has something happened? Justin?” Ben asked him urgently, his eyes taking in the rage and purpose defining his Sultan’s face.


“Yes, the little fucker just called me to let me know he was safe.” Brian cursed again as he recalled the conversation. “He might not be when I get my hands on him!”


Ben’s eyes widened in alarm, yet he felt relief as well. “Don’t be too hasty, Sultan. Remember how young he is… and keep in mind he did call you. Knowing he is safe has to be a tremendous comfort.”


“You use the excuse of his youth far too often!” Brian growled. “Yes, I am glad to hear from his own lips that he is fine. But he made a mistake making the call when he did.”


“Oh? You traced it?”


“Not exactly. I heard boarding calls that seemed to be very close to him. He was rushed, and I believe he was about to board another flight.” Brian was certain of it. What Justin didn’t realize was how familiar he was with New York City. He had stayed there on numerous occasions.


Ben nodded his head. “I’m not surprised. I didn’t think he would stay in Los Angeles. So, where is Justin heading… and what are you planning to do about it?” Ben wasn’t going to attempt to change the Sultan’s mind. He had known him for too many years. Justin’s departure had hardened the ruler’s heart. He had regressed back to the man he had been before meeting Justin. It could be a very long road back… if Brian even allowed his obsession to be that close to his heart again.


“It will take me a couple of days to wrap up some business matters, and appoint one of my ambassadors to rule in my place. Then, we will leave for New York.”


“If Justin won’t return once you find him?” Ben asked, thinking he knew the answer even without Brian telling him.


A muscle jerked in Brian’s cheek, his eyes becoming stormy and merciless.


“That’s quite simple, Ben. He either comes back on his own… or I will take him. Either way, he returns to where he belongs."



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