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Ben eyed his master in astonishment. Whereas this behavior went with the Sultan of old, it wasn't the man Brian had become since meeting and ultimately falling for Justin. It meant he had been correct in his assessment. The Sultan had totally regressed... or had he ever evolved in the first place? Had he merely been patronizing Justin when he released his harem? He hoped that wasn't the case. The thought of his master tricking Justin to such a degree was distasteful to him.


"Why are you looking at me like that, Ben?" Brian snapped, his heartbeat still racing from his unexpected phone call with Justin. His eyes narrowed at the suspicion in Ben's gaze. What the fuck was wrong with him? He didn't need any of his dramatic, hearts and flowers shit right now. Ben was too sensitive. He always had been. The debacle of his relationship with Michael was proof of that. "Well??"


"It's nothing, Your Highness... really..." Ben wasn't sure he wanted to approach the subject that was troubling his mind. At the moment, the Sultan seemed on the verge of a full explosion. He didn't want to be the one to cause that.


"Since when did you become diplomatic with me, Ben? If you have something to say... just say it. I see no reason for you to stand on ceremony now..."


Ben took a seat on the elongated sofa, his eyes lifting to pierce the Sultan's cold, yet anxious stare. "It's about Justin. Actually, it's more about the time that he was prepared to leave you if you didn't sacrifice the harem."


"What about it?" Brian virtually barked, finding everything pertaining to his blond to be highly irritating at the moment... and yet, something that immediately grabbed his attention.


"Well... forgive me if I overstep, Majesty, but I have to ponder this question due to your intense response now." Ben looked at his Sultan, immediately seeing lines of impatience straining his face. "What I am awkwardly trying to ask... back then, did you ever have any intention of allowing Justin to step on that plane to leave the island... if you couldn't convince him to stay?"


Brian looked away for a long moment. Ben knew him too fucking well. He wasn't even sure of the answer. Would he have ever willingly allowed Justin off this island without him by his side? Slowly, he turned his gaze to the man he trusted more than anyone else. "I gave him that option, Ben... and my word. Of course, I intended to follow through."


"You say that, Sire... but I'm not sure your heart would have allowed it..."


"My heart?" Brian sneered. "Since when have you known me to be a man governed by my emotions?"


Ben smiled fondly and warmly at his Sultan. "I know I vastly overstep my boundaries... but my dear Sultan, I have known you far too long to fall for such subterfuge. Your hardened heart has been cracked, if not much worse. You gave up a way of life... your own personal tradition, all to keep one man happy. We both know you probably could have coerced Justin to stay, and not give up the harem. But you did give up your other men... and why wouldn't you? After Justin, you had no interest in the others. I don't think you can truthfully deny that... can you??"


"You know nothing, Benjamin..." Brian scoffed, yet without exactly denying the brash claim made by his security advisor. "Don't let my actions deceive you, or convince you that I am some besotted, monogamous fool. I am a ruler, my friend. I know when to concede, and when to wage a war. I always play to win. My personal life is included in that."


Shaking his head, knowing when to push... and when to remain more guarded, Ben decided it was time to move toward the latter. At the moment, the Sultan was reasonably calm. He had a complete role reversal from the time of Justin's call. Ben surmised it was much to do with Brian having a good idea of where Justin was now heading... and most likely had a plan of action - whether he had entrusted that information to him or not. "I understand, Sire. However, I also understand that Justin is important to you. If not... you wouldn't be presently going to such lengths to reclaim him."


"I am done with this discussion, Ben. You should know me well enough to know that I am always the one to end things... never the other way around. And I am not ready to end this yet." Brian's voice was dark, and filled with undercurrents that only a fool wouldn't be able to decipher. He knew Ben wasn't anyone's fool. "Now... I have some important phone calls and travel arrangements to make. I suggest you wrap up anything that needs immediate attention and prepare for your own departure. I plan to leave within the next two days."


Standing to his feet, Ben bowed his head in acknowledgment, and with the deepest of respect. No matter if he agreed with his Sultan's decisions or not... and this one he certainly did not, he always respected and obeyed him. "As you wish, my Sultan. I do have one final question, though. New York City is a very big place, and we have no physical leads other than what you overheard on the phone. How do you know you can locate Justin so easily?"


Brian smiled like the cat that swallowed the canary. His eyes were feral, his entire expression displaying utter confidence. "You wound me, Benjamin. Surely you know I have my ways." His decision was already made, and the next part of his plan soon to be set in motion, Brian told him, "Before we land in New York, I will not only know what Justin has been up to, but perhaps even his exact location.." Brian's eyes glittered savagely. "There isn't a price I won't pay to achieve exactly that..."


Ben nodded, quickly averting his eyes, doing his best to hide his unease. His Sultan had regressed in a matter of hours. For him, it was simple to see it to be a direct result of Justin's abandonment. Justin was young and headstrong, and Brian was determined and ruthless. This could end badly for both of them. He only hoped his fears proved to be false. "I'll be in my rooms if you need me, Sire."


Silently, Brian watched as Ben left his suite of rooms, his eyes sharply assessing the tension in his advisor's back. Ben didn't approve of his tactics. He didn't need to look Ben in the eye to know that. That didn't faze him in the slightest. All that mattered was getting Justin back... and in the shortest time possible. Sure, he knew it wouldn't be a smooth process, or that his rebellious blond would quickly welcome him back into his arms. In time, he would restore things back to how they once were... he recognized it wouldn't be an immediate progression.


Moving to his desk, he placed the call to his PI in Los Angeles. Changes were about to be implemented... and time was of the essence. He wasn't sure if he could even make contact. If the investigator had arrived in time, he could be on the same plane as Justin. Needing to speak with the PI more than having Justin followed, he hoped that somehow he had missed the flight. He released a slight sound of relief when his call was immediately answered, his own tone authoritative when he spoke - "This is Sultan Amir Ali Nazari..."


"S-Sultan..." the PI stammered nervously. "I was just about to phone you. I'm afraid I didn't arrive in time, Your Highness. I know where Mr. Taylor is headed... but I couldn't secure a flight. Would you like me to take a later one?"


"Yes; however, I want you to do something else first..." Brian didn't have any reservations about having Justin monitored so closely. Despite what Ben or even Justin would think, having his lover so closely watched was for his own protection as well. Even if it wasn't the most likely of events for Justin to be recognized by anyone that could connect him to the ruler of Al Duran, it wasn't impossible either. "I assume you know which New York airport Justin will be landing at... and the approximate time?"


"I do, Sir."


"Excellent..." Brian virtually purred, much happier with these events. "I want you to contact the best PI agency in New York City. They are to be at the airport when Justin's plane lands. He is not to be aware of their presence; however, his every movement is to be monitored and reported directly back to me through you. When you arrive in New York, you will take over the surveillance. Any questions so far?"


Convulsively swallowing... instinctively knowing failure would not be an option here, he responded, "None that I can think of, Sir. I have the photograph you emailed me; I will forward that to the PI in New York. Being that I have the flight number, they should have no problem recognizing Mr. Taylor."


"Very good. I want them to stay close and observant... but never making contact. Justin is very intuitive. You will need to be discreet." Brian hated the fact that he was forced to delay his own departure. The only aspect that worried him now was one of the investigators revealing themselves to Justin. However, he had to prioritize. He didn't know how long it would take to facilitate Justin's return to Al Duran. The stability and management of his territory had to be completely assured before his departure.


"Your Highness, I was thinking that after I made physical contact with the New York investigators, I could do the leg work following Mr. Taylor, and we could use them to gain the knowledge of the area, and perhaps anyone the young man interacts with during his New York visit."


Brian's lips pressed as he thought of Justin interacting with anyone... males in particular. "Yes, that is perfect. Justin would notice multiple people watching him... and I definitely want to know all there is to know about anyone that he trusts enough to communicate with - that would be extremely valuable information."


"I'll be in touch. Thank you for entrusting this to my agency." Once again, clearing his throat nervously, he added, "I won't disappoint you..."


"I'm sure you won't..." Brian responded in his most caustic of tones. "Failure is not something I will accept in this matter. That is something for you to keep in mind."


Brian ended the call, his head leaning back to rest against the back of his chair. Briefly, he closed his eyes, fatigue suddenly overwhelming him. He had slept very little in the past couple of days. In fact, even before then. He had rushed his business matters to return home to Justin... and then to have to deal with the news of his departure.


He thought back to Ben's question. Even if he didn't want to discuss the private matter with Ben... he could admit the truth to himself - whether it was grudgingly so or not. Ben's assessment had probably been correct. He couldn't fathom ever willingly allowing Justin to step on that plane, leaving him behind. Not then, and certainly not now. He would have stopped him if Justin hadn't changed his mind. Now, his task was more difficult... but one that he would achieve. And he would do so quickly.


Justin would be returning with him, whether his tenacious boy liked it or not. In time, he hoped all would be right between them again... but that time was far away. Justin had some lessons to learn, and he would teach him every last one of them.



Exhausted, knowing he should have remained in his hotel room for the night and started his job search in the morning, Justin kept moving forward... not quite ready to give up for the night. Although he had adequate funds to sustain him for a while, he knew in this city that wouldn't last for long. He needed to find an apartment, and that would put a big strain on his finances. There was no time like the present.


Nearing a section that had clubs lit up almost comparable to the lights of Vegas, Justin scanned them all closely, relieved that he seemed to have found a strip of gay-oriented clubs. Exactly where he needed to be to make some money fast... preferably a paycheck with some sizable gratuities. Being observant by nature helped him now. It was simple to look at the clientele in front of each establishment and decide which one would be his better option.


He had about given up when he saw the sign flashing. It was in neon green lights. Blinding, eye-catching. Electric. This was where he needed to be. It didn't seem overly classy, but he felt an ambiance of electricity, and security seemed to be in place. Xcentricity. Interesting, Justin thought. He wasn't sure what it meant regarding a gay club... but he decided he wanted to find out.


Walking up to the entrance, he stood in line, not a doubt in his mind he would be asked for his ID. He was always carded. Once it was his turn, he supplied his identification and paid the cover charge. Twenty bucks down the drain. He didn't plan on drinking tonight. Most certainly, he didn't come here to trick. All he wanted was about seven good hours of sleep... but a job weighed the heaviest on his mind.


No. That wasn't quite true. The man that he knew was probably amassing a hunt for him weighed even more on his mind. Was he kidding himself? Could he effectively hide from Brian... the Sultan of Al Duran? No, he was sure not. It was only a matter of time before Brian found him. Unless Brian lost the desire to search for him. He needed to make some quick cash, and move along. Staying in one place for too long would lead to discovery. He wasn't ready for that confrontation. Perhaps he never would be.


He sauntered up to the bar, laying a five-dollar bill on the table, smiling in greeting as he ordered a bottle of water. Once the water and change was delivered, he pushed it in the bartender's direction, his eyes scanning the room for someone in charge. "Thanks..." Justin said, unscrewing the cap, and taking a long sip of the cold and vastly refreshing liquid. "Is the boss around?" Justin asked in passing, trying not to appear overly anxious.


Seeing no point in wasting his time conversing with a guy that was only drinking water, and not likely to be building toward any sort of a lucrative tip, he jerked his head to the side, his eyes looking down a long hallway. "He's in his office. But I'll warn you... he doesn't like surprise visitors."


Justin smiled, picking up his bottle of water, preparing to move toward the suggested door. "I'll take my chances. Thanks..."


The bartender snickered as Justin began to walk away. "Don't say I didn't warn you..."


As he walked down the semi-darkened hallway, and towards the door marked ‘Office', Justin felt a bit of trepidation. The bartender could have just been fucking with him. But he didn't think so. He lifted his arm, and he knocked assertively on the door. He figured a timid knock would only get ignored, and insecurity wasn't how he wanted to start off with his possible new boss.


"Come in..." the voice called out harshly.


Justin took in a deep breath before turning the knob and stepping inside. He barely restrained himself from curling his lip up in disgust as he looked around the shabby office. It contained adequate furnishings for a place of business, but the state of it, as well as the odor of alcohol and cigarettes in such tight confines, was almost revolting.


Looking up from his desk, the much older man swept his eyes over his visitor, his irritation only growing. "Who the fuck are you?"


Closing the door, Justin's eyes widened at the harshness of the man's tone. Was this how he did business? Right now he wasn't certain if he wanted to work for him. Then he remembered how badly he needed to find gainful employment quickly. This club was filled to capacity, and with men that appeared to enjoy having a good time. He could earn a lot of tips... if he was given a position and one that placed him in a favorable light with the customers. "I'm sorry to disturb you, uhhh Mr.- I'm sorry, I don't even know your name."


"Sapperstein. Gary Sapperstein." He spat out, continuing to eye the young blond assessingly. "That still doesn't answer who you are... and why you are in my office."


Justin moved closer. "My name is Justin Taylor... and I was hoping to get a job here."


"A job? Doing what exactly?" His eyes once again moved over the young, and very hot blond. "Are you old enough to work in my club?"


"Of course, Mr. Sapperstein. I can furnish you with my ID - if you would like." Justin smiled his most engaging smile, not backing down for a single minute, still trying to decipher more about this man, and why his instincts seemed to urge him to recoil from him.


Waving off that information, he snidely retorted, "ID's mean nothing. They can be falsified."


"Perhaps they can... but mine isn't." With an intense, serious expression on his face, Justin told him, "I am looking to work... I can dance; in fact, that's what I want to do. Dance on the bar for your customers... and hopefully make us both a lot of money."


Head arching back as laughter erupted, Gary told him, "You are a cocky little shit. Normally I would have already tossed you out on your ass... but you fascinate me, Blondie. I am inclined to interview you; however, I will warn you, it is not the typical job interview."


Justin mentally groaned. Why did he fear what was coming next? Maintaining his fierce bravado, he arrogantly stated, "Mr. Sapperstein, I think you would be making a mistake if you don't hire me. I can bring your customers back - night after night. Not only am I blond, but I also have a great ass. You have no idea how far that gets me."


Stepping from behind his desk, and around to the front of it, Gary looked at the young blond even closer... but not as close as he would soon be. "Prove it."


"Prove it?" Justin parroted, his stomach plummeting with thoughts of just where this ‘interview' could be heading.


"Dancing on my bar is a privilege. A talented young man can make a lot of money. I need to know if you are capable before I waste my time and reputation on you." Gary gave the apprehensive blond a cold, unyielding stare. "Remove your pants; I want to see just how special your ass is. If you can't do it for me, then I doubt you can perform for them." Gary's look was full of challenge. "How badly do you want this job?"


Justin reached for the snap on his jeans. He wanted the job. Looking around the club, he knew it was where he could make the most money quickly. Perhaps he had to sacrifice a degree of self-respect during this bizarre interview process... but it would be worth it once his goals were reached. He had his first true moment of apprehension when he noticed the much older man's eyes darkening with unmasked lust. Fuck. What if he wanted more? Was he willing to go through with that?


"Turn around..." Gary rasped, desire ripping into him as he viewed the cock nestled in the blond's tight briefs. He was quite a surprising package and one that could make him a great deal of money. So far, he was more than pleased. He licked his lips as he looked at the bulge in Justin's briefs, then lifted his eyes to pierce the blue eyes, doing nothing to disguise his hunger.


"So... umm, you're satisfied, Mr. Sapperstein?" Justin asked, his instincts telling him it wasn't going to be quite so easy.


Gary reached his hand out, his fingertips brushing along the bulge he was hungry to taste. "Not quite, Justin... but I have a feeling I will be. And call me Gary."


Justin groaned when Gary began to stroke his cock through his briefs, this entire act repellent for so many reasons... and yet, his dick had no conscience. It hardened despite his own personal disgust for the actions of this man, not to mention the man himself.


In the back of his mind, he could hear Brian's voice warning him. "You can run, my own, but you can't hide from me. Guard yourself well. You won't like the consequences when I find you if you allow anyone else to touch what belongs to me."


Shaking his head, Justin forced himself to brush the warning aside. He couldn't worry about that now. Brian was out of his life. What he did had nothing to do with the controlling Sultan now. Silently he watched as Gary Sapperstein went down on his knees, a feeling of inevitability seeping into him. ‘G-Gary... is this really necessary?"


"Yes..." Gary growled, his hand pulling the briefs away from his much-desired prize. "This is just an initiation, Justin... and I think you'll love it. Nothing more will happen between us. I always suck the cock of my new hires. Call it my own personal endorsement." Gary laughed hollowly. "You can always walk away if you don't want the job..."


At the moment, uncaring of any future consequences, Justin reached out and grasped the back of Gary Sapperstein's neck, pulling him closer to his dick. As he felt the rough tongue sliding over his cock, Justin closed his eyes and thought of another man's mouth on him... pleasuring him. Right or wrong, Justin knew it would be enough to keep him hard, giving his new boss the experience he so obviously craved.


As Gary's mouth took him in, Justin couldn't help wondering what would happen if Brian found out. Would the Sultan take his vengeance out on him... or would it be directed at both of them? Realistically, Justin knew Brian would find him. He already knew he intended to hunt him. He shuddered as he thought of the jealous rage that would erupt. Even though he felt he had to leave Brian... he knew he now played with fire.


The extent of the flames was yet to be determined...




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