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Gary Sapperstein pushed himself into the apartment that Justin shared with Kip, his eyes wild as they scanned the room. "I've been waiting to hear from you, Kip." His eyes narrowed on his employee sharply. "You know I don't like to be kept waiting. Where is Justin?"


Kip swallowed nervously. Usually, he didn't find himself so unnerved by Gary... but this wasn't the face his boss displayed often, at least not to him. If this was what Justin typically saw from their employer - in Justin's case, ex-employer - Kip decided he wouldn't care to be in the same position. "I- I don't know. I told you that on the phone. He left hours ago, Gary. I haven't seen him since."


His face began to redden in anger as he looked at a nervous Kip. In his opinion, an entirely too nervous man. "What are you hiding, Kip? I'd advise you to answer me fast. The longer Justin is out of my reach, the more chances he can fall into another. I won't have that!"


"But Gary, think about it. Justin said he quit. He's not coming back to the club..." Kip backed away when he watched the savage twist forming on Sapperstein's lips.


Gary advanced forward, his eyes narrowed on the smaller man's nervous expression. "What did you tell Justin?"


"N-nothing really. I tried to get him to stay. I told you that..."


"Right," Gary agreed, as if deep in thought. "That brings another question to mind. What spooked him so much that he fled from his apartment hours ago... and still hasn't returned?"


Kip shrugged, his eyes looking everywhere but on Gary Sapperstein. "You know how he is; he's fucking moody. If you ask me - we're better off without him. It can't be that hard to find another blond piece of ass."


In an instant, Gary had closed the distance that separated them and viciously backhanded Kip across the face. His eyes were crazed as he watched the momentum take the slight man to the floor; his lips curving in contempt. "You are an empty-headed fool. I should have never entrusted you to keep an eye on Justin." He angrily kicked his boot into Kip's side, before he hunched down to tower over the recoiling man. "You've never understood Justin's value to me... but you will. I promise you that..."


Watching him warily, Kip knew he needed to agree to whatever Gary wanted him to do. "W-what do you want me to do?"


"Get up..." he sneered. "Fuck. You are pathetic..."


Clutching at his side that he was sure he would find bruised long before morning, he pleaded with the man that had control of every aspect of his life. "P-please, Gary. I'll do a-anything."


"Yes, you will..." Gary answered almost ominously. Remaining hunched over, and at eye-level, he pierced Kip with a cold, unrelenting gaze. "You will go out and search until you find my property. Should you fail, well, let's just say, that's when things will become unpleasant." A cold and cruel smile twisted Gary's lips. "I think you understand your position much better now."


"I get it," Kip gasped, uncertain of how he would complete his task, only knowing he had no other alternative.


Gary patted Kip absently on the same cheek he had just savagely struck, standing to his feet in one quick motion. "I'll be in touch." He walked slowly to the door, his eyes taking in everything as he passed. His hand poised on the doorknob, Gary reminded, "Find him, Kip. Find him or else..."


Kip remained immobile until he heard the door closing behind his employer. Slowly, he moved to the door, hobbling on one leg as he locked and chained the door. Reaching into the cupboard, he grabbed two high-dose Ibuprofen, swallowing them down without any drink to ease the passage. He remained as still as possible, hoping for the discomfort to ease. He began to curse under his breath. "Fucking Justin Taylor. I always knew he was just big trouble." Angrily he spat out, "I'll hand you over to Gary... but when he's done with you, I swear I'll make you pay for all the grief you've caused me..."




Brian watched in amusement as Justin polished off the entirety of a large pizza with the works. "Shall I order you another one?" It hadn't been the dinner he'd intended to offer the young man, but the one Justin had requested. Brian had acquiesced without question. He wondered how often this enticing blond could provoke that within him. So many feelings flooded him regarding this man. Lust, protectiveness, and without a doubt, possessiveness. He could only wonder how much that would increase once he truly had him under his control. Brian was determined to have that.


Justin flushed, immediately realizing he hadn't shared any of it with his host. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I actually ate it all. You must be starving..."


Eyes darkening, and falling to Justin's plump, raspberry lips, Brian answered, "I'm starving... but not for anything that comes in a cardboard box."


Justin merely gaped at him. "Do you ever think of anything else?"


Gesturing around to his extravagant penthouse apartment, Brian deadpanned, "Obviously so. I didn't acquire all of these things by fucking."


Dabbing at the corner of his mouth, while placing the napkin on his now empty plate, Justin eyed him sharply. "You look at everything as possessions... don't you?"


"I'm a banker. It comes with the territory." Brian's eyes slid over the young man that sat across from him; there wasn't a doubt in his mind that he wanted to file the beautiful blond away the same - on all counts, his exclusive possession. Brian realized the feeling wouldn't last, yet while it did, he hoped to maintain an exclusive, and air-tight ownership.


Justin took a sip of wine, nodding in understanding... his surroundings made much more sense now. Well, at least he wasn't being stalked by a drug dealer... or worse. "A banker..." he mused. "Seeing that you own the entire top floor of this building, I'm assuming you own your bank."


"Good assumption..." Brian refilled his own glass, his beverage of choice being whiskey; as the alcohol began warming his blood, Brian wasn't certain it had been wise with this young man so close and accessible. "As a matter of fact, I own banks all over the world. That being the case, I travel regularly."


"Wow. I guess you are loaded. No wonder Gary backed down from you." Justin cast a curious look toward Brian. "Are you one of his lenders?"


Brian arched a brow, amusement etched on his face. "Such a question would stretch the bounds of business ethics - if I happened to be one. However, that's definitely not the case. I would never invest in any of his business dealings."


"I don't get it. Why would he be so scared of you - if you didn't hold some sort of leverage over him?" Justin was only becoming more and more confused.


"You think I scare him?"


Justin nodded. "I know you do. The fact that he argued with you means nothing - he fights everyone. Yet, the fact that he left me with you means he was running scared. I can't help but wonder why."


"He knows me by reputation." Brian took a long sip of his whiskey, his eyes focusing on the amber liquid, before returning them to Justin. "I may not be one of his lenders, but my connections are far-reaching."


Swallowing, Justin's eyes widened at what Brian had just admitted without speaking the words. The meaning had been blatantly clear. Gary had run because he knew what Brian could do to him, given the provocation. This man was clearly powerful and dangerous. As Justin met the darkness in Brian's eyes, he wasn't certain he shouldn't be running as well. "I see," Justin whispered.


"I really don't want to discuss Gary Sapperstein, except to ascertain that the repellent ogre is out of your life." Brian's eyes drilled into Justin's. One thing was for certain - he hadn't rescued the boy, merely to hand him back over to that slime. The boy was worth much more than that. He was meant to be with him. Brian intended for Justin to see that before leaving here tonight.


"It's really not your concern, but I think it's obvious I lost my job during that little encounter at the park."


Brian rolled his eyes. "Justin, you and I both know that the Sap doesn't intend on letting you go that easily." His eyes smoldered over Justin. "I know I wouldn't."


"I- I don't even know you..." Justin bit at his bottom lip. His eyes caught by the blaze in Brian's, he continued his thought, "I don't know you... but for some reason, I do know that."


Rising to his feet, Brian extended his hand to Justin, smiling when the blond stared back nervously. "Come sit with me on the couch. I think it's time we talked..."


"Talk?" Justin replied dubiously, his eyes fastened on Brian's outstretched hand.


"For starters, yes. Take my hand, Justin. If you don't accept the terms of my offer, I won't force you to stay."


Justin narrowed his eyes on the beautiful, yet all too mesmerizing man. "You just admitted that you wouldn't have let me go in Gary's position... and you're telling me if I don't accept your offer that you'll let me go. Which is it?"


"Both." Brian rolled his lips under as he met Justin's curious, and yet clearly confused gaze. "It's easier to let you go now than it would have been if I was already in possession of you." Brian didn't state the obvious. He more than realized if Justin walked out of here tonight, his pursuit of him hadn't ended. It would merely be a delay. Brian didn't intend for that to be his reality. He intended to have a solid deal, and this beguiling blond in his bed tonight.


Not entirely convinced, yet enough to hear him out, Justin took the offered hand; he realized it was unnecessary. He was more than able to find his own way to the couch. But this was Brian's little show. He would allow him to do things his way. Justin realized he had very little choice in that. Grimly, he began to wonder how many choices he had in anything now. Following him along the long and plush white sofa that was placed to overlook Central Park, Justin looked at his host inquisitively, a part of him hoping this 'offer' was more of an arrangement and not an expensive one-night offering. Smiling tremulously, Justin told him, "Okay. I'm listening..."


Brian couldn't take his eyes off him. There wasn't a doubt that Justin had suffered many harsh realities in his young life; it was clear that he trusted no one. Whereas Brian thought that was wise, he didn't want to be part of that package. He wanted Justin to trust him, not only that, but he also wanted him to want him as intensely as he wanted him. Brian knew that would be too much to ask tonight... but it was a goal he intended to reach. "I see no need to play games easing into this subject. We both know where I'm going with this... and what I want."


Justin swallowed. No, there wasn't any doubt about that. "I've been around long enough to know the score. You w-want me."


He kept a conservative distance from the object of his desire on the couch. Not only did he intuitively know that was what Justin needed, but he also didn't trust himself to be closer. Brian had known from the onset, he wanted much more than a rushed moment with this man. He wanted a lengthy exploration of him. And surprisingly to himself, he did want to help him too. Brian inclined his head in agreement. "Yes," he murmured, his eyes hot upon Justin's lips, "I do want you. Fiercely. Possessively... and to my amazement - exclusively."


"W-what does that mean, exactly?" Justin still didn't feel he had learned anything new. He had known Brian desired him... but what did exclusively mean? He knew what it meant in normal circumstances, but in conjunction with this man, he didn't have a clue. His initial perception had left him feeling that Brian didn't do relationships, which prohibited exclusivity.


"It means this, Justin - I want to take care of you; I can protect you from any and all that threaten you. I can give you financial independence." Brian felt his heartbeat increasing as he spoke the words that he knew would give him what he most desired. "I can change your life, Justin. Let me do that."


Justin swallowed, unable to look away from Brian's smoldering, penetrating eyes. He didn't know what to say. Succumbing to this offer made him what he accused Kip and the rest of Gary's boys of being - whores, pure and simple. He had never wanted that life for himself... but did he truly have a choice now? As he looked at the beautiful man in front of him, Justin acknowledged that it wouldn't be much of a hardship. "I- I don't know, Brian."


Brian pursed his lips, unable to believe the lengths he was undertaking to acquire this one man. Looking at him biting at his lip, his eyes wide, and oh so vulnerable, Brian wanted to pounce on him without coming to an agreement. He'd never felt such a savage desire to possess a man. He wanted to own him. Brian felt his stomach fluttering with the desire that now consumed him. He couldn't fail here tonight... he wanted him too fucking much. "I want you, Justin." Brian's voice was ragged, his eyes continuing to devour him in one glance after another. Yet, he kept his distance. He knew that was the only thing that kept him from ravaging the beautiful blond - here and now. "I think if you're honest, you will admit you find me desirable as well."


A nervous laugh tumbled from Justin's mouth. "Who wouldn't find you desirable? It amazes me that you would have to do this to get a man. You can have anyone you want. I just don't get it."


"You just answered that for me, Justin. I want you. In this case, no one else will do." Brian took in a deep breath, realizing he needed to go into a bit more depth. He hadn't wanted to talk this all out tonight; Brian had hoped to gain Justin's agreement, whether it be founded from desperation, or some other reason, and work out the details in the morning. He could see this boy analyzed everything. It was just another sign of how perfect he was for him. "Let me explain my life in a bit more detail. As I told you, I am a very busy man. I travel frequently for business; that being said, I don't have time to meet people - men - in the normal manner. Our arrangement would make things very convenient for me."


"How long would you want me with you?"


Brian smiled; his eyes trailed up and down Justin. "I can't foresee a time when I could look at you and not want you. Let's make that part open-ended. First of all, I will supply you with a brand new wardrobe - all designer labels, of course. If you end up traveling with me, it would be necessary. I will give you your own suite of rooms; there will be nights that I will prefer solitude." Brian's gaze scorched over his beautiful blond. "I don't see that happening often. And I will give you five thousand dollars a week, to spend however you choose."


Justin gasped. "5,000 dollars? That's a fortune, Brian."


"Not to me. Having you here would greatly simplify certain aspects of my life." Brian began to subtly move in closer; at last, feeling close enough to the end of their discussion to trust touching him. Fuck, how he wanted to touch him. Everywhere. "The length of time can be negotiated. Let's say two months to start; after that, we can discuss the possibility of prolonging it - if we are both open to the idea."


Speechless and unsure of what to say or do next, Justin jumped up from the couch, his instincts forewarning him that Brian wasn't going to keep a distance much longer. He began pacing in front of the large window that overlooked Manhattan, his eyes seeing nothing of the spectacular view. Justin's back tensed when he felt arms enclosing from behind him, hot lips sliding down his neck, a tongue that scorched all that fell in its path. "B-Brian... I can't think when you do that. And I need to think."


Brian growled as his fingers kneaded into the flesh of Justin's stomach; he didn't trust himself to venture any further south. "I don't want you to think..." Brian rasped into Justin's ear, his tongue licking, and teeth biting into the sensitive lobe. "All I want is for you to say 'yes' to me. We both know it's what you want. Don't fight me any longer."


Justin moved the position of his neck and spun around in one quick motion; when he looked into the primitive heat in Brian's eyes, he realized he'd made a grave error. "B-Brian... I- I..."


"Shhh. Don't talk." Brian's fingers slid lightly along Justin's lips. "Let's talk in another way." Brian didn't give Justin a chance to respond, before his mouth lowered to claim Justin's as his own. There was no mercy in his kiss. He wanted Justin to feel all the primal passion that he had instilled in him. One hand moved to Justin's lower back to secure him in place, while the other applied pressure on his chin, urging him to open to the demanding thrust of his tongue. It was a war he would win; that victory didn't take long to achieve. Brian growled as his tongue met and tangled with Justin's; nothing had ever felt more right. Undoubtedly, nothing had ever tasted so good. Brian knew this was just the beginning of the delicacies he would be enjoying. "Say yes, Justin..." Brian only allowed Justin long enough to breathe to whisper the words; he knew he was gaining control of his exquisite prey - he wasn't about to back off now.


"Stop... p-please," Justin gasped into Brian's mouth. It took a few moments for Justin's plea to register, but Brian did release him. In his mind, that elevated Brian's worth in his eyes. He wasn't a taker like Gary Sapperstein. While Justin knew he was far from altruistic, he wouldn't take him by force either. He felt comforted in knowing that. "I just need a little time to think this out. This is huge, Brian." Justin moved away from him to begin his pacing anew. "I guess it never occurred to me that you would want more than a one-time hook-up."


Brian didn't admit how new it was for him too. He had never extended such an offer to another man. One night was all he ever desired. He had been honest when he'd told Justin how the frantic pace of his business life often prohibited him from seeking other pleasures; yet... there had never been a man so desirous to have available to him - morning, noon, and night. That had all changed with this man. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to have him. Slowly, he thought Justin was beginning to realize that.


"Can I just sleep on it? Give you an answer tomorrow? I promise I won't keep you waiting longer than that..." Justin grimaced as he thought of going home; he could only imagine what awaited him there. He couldn't go there, he knew that. Gary was undoubtedly waiting for him.


Thinking about that for a moment, Brian forced himself to agree to what he not only thought would make Justin accept his offer sooner, but what was best for the boy as well. "On one condition."


"What's that?" Justin asked warily.


"You will stay here... in a guest room, of course. I don't want you going back to your apartment." A shrewd, and all too knowing look entered Brian's eyes. "We both know the horrors that could be waiting for you there."


Justin smiled. "Protecting me already?"


"Don't credit me with any humanitarian characteristics. I am merely protecting my future investment." Brian's eyes moved blatantly over Justin, his hunger more than evident in his eyes. "I don't want any harm to come to what will soon be mine."


"Very sure of yourself..." Justin muttered, mentally berating his traitorous cock from twitching at Brian's possessive and seemingly arousing words.


"I am. We both know you will not only make the decision that is best for your life... but the one you desire as well." Brian moved across the room to the bar to pour himself another drink; he needed to distance himself now before all his progress went up in smoke. If he touched him again, everything would all be for nothing. His restraint was now virtually non-existent. "Get plenty of rest tonight, Justin. In the morning we'll talk more... and I will expect to hear your decision."


Justin nodded. "You'll have it. I promise."


"Good boy." Brian looked in the direction of the long hallway that all contained bedrooms. "Go to the end of the hall, pick whichever room you like. A shower is in each one." Brian cast a devouring glance on the boy that he knew would soon belong to him. "If you decide during the night not to play this ridiculous waiting game - come to me at any hour. I will be ready for you."


Moving to pick up the backpack that he always traveled with, Justin made certain to keep his distance. "I'll remember. I think I'll grab that shower, and get settled in. Goodnight, Brian."


"Goodnight, Justin." Brian watched his perfect little ass disappearing down the hallway, the feeling of sweet anticipation swelling within him. "Tomorrow night, Justin. That is - if you don't come to me before then."




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