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Brian wasn't entirely sure what had awakened him from a not-so sound sleep. He only knew he had finally succumbed to sleep a few hours ago, and now found himself jolted wide awake... all with the feeling that something wasn't right. It wasn't any wonder he hadn't slept well. Tonight was their first night home - together after so long, but it wasn't the typical reunion. They still had to worry for their safety. Brian wasn't overly concerned about his own. His priority was completely centered on keeping that demented freak away from his partner. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to protect him.


His eyes becoming accustomed to the dim light, Brian glanced around the room, instantly realizing that all was in order. He soon discovered the source of his discomfort when he noticed Justin twitching in his sleep. Since when did Justin have nightmares? Of course, after what he had endured the past three years, he asked himself - why wouldn't he? He wasn't sure how to proceed. Jolting someone awake during a dream, especially a bad one, could have even more negative results. He couldn't watch him suffer, though. It was a matter of waking him up without upsetting him even further.


Rolling completely on his side, Brian began to lightly run his finger down Justin's arm, his voice soothing as he spoke, "Sunshine, wake up..."


Justin began to toss in the bed even more fitfully, in his sleep, his body physically recoiling from Brian's touch. His beautiful face was drawn into tight lines, his expression the very definition of terror. Brian didn't need to question who Justin was dreaming about. The knowledge was enough to fill him with even more murderous rage. Knowing it wasn't always good to shake someone awake from a nightmare, Brian felt he had no real choice. His voice raised, as his hand curved tightly around Justin's arm. "Justin! You need to wake up - now!"


Sweat pouring down his forehead, his lips quivering ferociously, Justin shot up in the bed, a scream ripping from his throat. His eyes slowly opening, Justin's body began to shake as violent sobs overtook him. His words were barely coherent, when he gasped, "N-never b-be o-over..."


Brian turned the light on to full capacity, his arms swiftly reaching out to pull Justin's quivering body into his arms. Mother-fucking Sap. He had never been a man of violent, murderous intentions; however, the Sap changed all that. Right now, he worried if he would be around for Justin when this was all done. He might have his ass seated permanently in a prison cell...


"Shhh..." his voice nearly crooned into Justin's ear, not even the slightest bit annoyed by the lesbianic sound of his voice. They had moved far beyond such concerns. Now, it was all about survival and embracing the incredible bond they had always shared. In actuality, a bond that had only grown stronger. "I don't want to hear that kind of negativity from you. You are not a man driven by pessimism. That has always been more my calling."


His sobs slowly lessening, Justin turned to face Brian, his eyes shining from the result of his recent tears. "I know that, Brian, but I also know what Gary is capable of... and how far he's willing to go just to win."


"You think I don't know that too? And don't forget, I'm more than prepared in going over and beyond when it suits my needs." His eyes were intense as they stabbed heatedly into his partner's, never more determined in making his point. "I can and will take care of this, Sunshine. Gary Sapperstein will never lay his hands on you again. That I promise you."


Justin reached out and stroked his fingers along the side of Brian's face, his smile was tender as he stared intently into the intense hazel eyes. "Brian, I don't doubt that you'll do everything humanly possible to keep Gary away... but that isn't realistically accomplished with a man of Gary's power. At some point, he'll get to us. It's just a matter of us being ready to face him."


Shaking his head, seeing this discussion was going absolutely nowhere, and now, casting an even darker cloud over their reunion, Brian stood from the bed, silently slipping into his pants. "I'm not a naive fool, Justin. I might not have the experience of dealing with Sapperstein these past years, but I know how such a sick fuck thinks. Obviously, I know a confrontation is inevitable. However... I intend for it to be on my terms. When that does happen - then, this can be finished."


"It's not going to be easy, Brian. I just want you to understand that. I've seen things you can't begin to imagine. You might think you know about Gary's sinister world, but you don't really know him." Seeing Brian's back tense as his protective lover became even more disgruntled, he sighed in slight regret. He wasn't trying to upset Brian. Anything but that. He just needed him to understand the power and unmerciful man they were fighting. This wouldn't be as easy as he thought. Understanding that would give them a better chance.


"Try to go back to sleep, Justin. I'll be back soon. I'm just going to get something to drink and check-in with the agents. In the morning, we'll discuss this more, and hopefully, come up with a concise plan." Brian moved toward the door, pausing to only look back to watch Justin settling comfortably on the bed, despite the determination of his words, having a portion of fear in his heart.


As he slowly moved down the stairs and toward his den, he wasn't sure what inspired his unease. There were so many variables. At this point, it was difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Pouring himself a full glass of Beam, he sat behind his desk, his eyes pulling to the phone on his desk. Realizing the hour was late, and that Carl was probably long asleep, he debated on making the call, knowing that he really had no cause. Perhaps he should go out and speak with the agent about his concerns instead of relying on Carl as his sounding board... but something pushed him in his friend's direction. It could be something as simple as knowing Carl's reputation, and having a deep trust in him... or it could be more. Right now, he wasn't sure which.


Taking a slow, burning swallow, Brian elected to incur Debbie's wrath as he picked up the phone to dial. He figured she would understand, but the lateness of the hour would probably induce immediate panic. The phone rang several times before the lady in question answered, an irritated, yet seemingly alert response following. "What's wrong? Has something happened to Sunshine??"


Brian grimaced realizing she had been awake enough to look at the caller ID, immediately regretting he hadn't called Carl's cell phone; however, he was honest enough to himself to admit that he wanted to be certain of getting an answer. "No, Tiger. Everything is fine; I just wanted to talk to Carl for a minute." Knowing exactly how to momentarily divert her mind, he teasingly insinuated, "Of course, if you are awake because you are in the process of being fucked - well, I'll call back in the morning..."


Eyes widening, a rare blush crawling up her cheeks as amazement settled in that Brian could still find a way to shock her, she hotly scolded, "Asshole! You call at three a.m... and that's what I get!?"


In the background, Brian could hear Carl demanding to know what was going on. Brian smirked. "And you responded to the bait beautifully."


Debbie slapped the phone into her husband's chest, slipping from the bed and into her robe. "Talk to the fucker. I'll start a pot of coffee just in case you need it."


Carl mouthed a ‘thank you' to his wife, and quickly placed the phone to his ear. "Okay, Brian. What's going on?"


"I'm not really sure. I just feel uneasy." Brian frowned realizing how foolish he sounded. He had called Carl at three o'clock in the morning, with nothing solid to base his fears on. What had the fucking Sap done to him?


"Uneasy about what? Aren't the Feds patrolling the grounds, and covering the entrances?" Carl sat up in bed, his brow furrowed in confusion. "At this point, I don't think much more can be done."


"I know that, Carl... and I'm not sure why I called you, especially in the middle of the night. But something just feels off to me. It has since we escaped, but I was so anxious to get Justin home that I didn't think it through."


Carl grunted in response. "You think you escaped too easily? We covered that, though. Sapperstein was conflicted at the time... definitely not his focused maniacal self. He had drug deals going sour, and that was his priority. Had he been home, Justin probably would still be there. It was a stroke of good luck and even better timing. Don't read too much into the rest of it."


"You could be right... However, I'm not so sure. I don't like how he can move about freely, and make phone calls to me whenever he fucking pleases."


"That's the problem with unregistered phones, Brian. They are virtually impossible to trace."


Brian took in a deep breath, knowing Carl spoke the truth whether it helped him or not. "I know that. Listen, I want to check in with the guards, and get back to Justin. I don't like leaving him alone."


"That's understandable, Brian. I wish I could say something comforting... but right now, we don't have much. We'll get him, Brian. Never forget that. We just have to be smarter than him... and even more patient."


"You better hope I don't find him first..." Brian hissed.


"Brian, that kind of talk needs to stop. You've been warned about that repeatedly already. How about we meet in the morning? We can talk this through and maybe come up with a plan. That might settle your mind."


"Sounds good, Carl. Thanks again... and I hope Debbie doesn't take this call out on you." Brian laughed grimly. "I know how difficult she can be..."


"Don't worry about it, Brian. You know as well as I do - she loves both you and Justin. She wants this to end just as much as anyone else does."


Nodding to himself, knowing nothing could be more true, Brian told him, "I'll see you in the morning."


Standing from behind his desk, Brian exited his office, taking quick strides to the front door, and where he knew the agents were closely monitoring the house. As long as they had nothing to report, he would feel much more at ease. A meeting with Carl gave him a more positive outlook. In the meantime, they just had to get through tonight.



Justin couldn't sleep. He didn't know if it was due to the nightmare or the fact that Brian wasn't beside him. Brian hadn't been gone for long, but he still missed him and felt utterly alone with him gone. He hoped that was something that would dissipate in time. Each of them would have lives to carry on with. Realistically, they couldn't be attached at the hip 24/7.


His eyes strayed to the nightstand when he heard a buzzing sound, a frown developing when he found it to be Brian's cell phone. Who would be calling him this late? Picking it up to look, Justin didn't find his answer as the number was completely unfamiliar to him. Without any thought, Justin answered the phone, his first thought being to make sure it wasn't anything important. As soon as he had pressed the talk button he realized his mistake as he heard the rough, heavy breathing over the phone. Fuck. What had he been thinking? Once again - he had not.


"Hello, my little pet. It's so good of you to answer..." Gary rasped into the phone. Finally, he had made the connection he most wanted to make. He knew precisely how to manipulate the over-sensitive blond. Gary eyed the video surveillance he had just received, never more thankful than he was now of all the steps he had taken to watch Kinney's every move after he had taken Justin.


"I'm not talking to you, Gary. In fact, I am going to wake up Brian now..." Justin hedged, hopeful that Gary would hang up if he thought Brian to be that near to him.


A cold, menacing laugh followed. "I know you are alone, Justin. You wouldn't believe the information I'm able to acquire. I also realize you probably won't be alone for long, so I will be brief. This is your last chance to spare your lover's life. Do as I say, and he will live."


"Lies! As always, you are spouting total lies! You had marked Brian for death from the moment he found me. In fact, you told me back in Barbados what would happen if I ever reunited with him." Justin's insides were quivering in fear, yet, he knew he had to remain strong. At the first sign of weakness, Gary would rip him apart.


"Very true..." Gary agreed, not the least bit affected by the boy's false bravado. "However, I'm feeling magnanimous tonight, but only if you do what must be done."


"Magnanimous!? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm ending this call, and I am going to tell Brian." Justin knew he had to end this call with Gary in doubt about his plan, and his ability to maneuver him. If not, he would once again be the defenseless prey. Despite how scared and weak he might feel - he wasn't going to be that man again.


Gary felt the rage swelling within him. He didn't like this rebellion in Justin. That was something else to blame on Kinney. The list continued to amass against the meddling Brian Kinney. Determined not to be bested by his entirely too-spirited former captive, Gary lowered his voice, his tone becoming his most threatening. "You do what you want, Justin. However, keep this in mind. If I knew you to be alone in the room at three-thirty in the morning, I must have someone very close watching your every move."


Spinning around, petrified when he heard the bedroom door slamming behind him, Justin turned to see Brian glaring at him... and in particular, the phone he now held. Determined to see this through and not let Brian be the one to continuously save him, Justin ignored Brian's outstretched hand that demanded his phone. "You are a fucking liar, again. If you had someone in the house, Brian would already be dead and I would be taken."


Despite his pride in his boy for finally standing up to the demon that had destroyed their lives once before, Brian gently urged Justin to hand the phone over. "Justin, give me the phone. Let me handle this now. You've suffered enough from this monster."


Holding up his hand, asking Brian for some patience, he bravely continued to square off against the only man he had ever feared. "We are together now, Gary. And we are stronger than ever before. Whatever twisted games you have planned - we will face them together."


"You are a fool, Justin. And you have been warned..." Gary snarled into the phone.


Brian smiled at his precious boy, his admiration and hope growing in bounds. This was the Justin he remembered. The tenacious stalker that had stolen his heart. "Disconnect the call, Sunshine. He's wasted enough of our time."


Not even thinking about it, Justin did just that. He tossed the phone onto the bed and ran into Brian's waiting arms. He was trembling as he wrapped his arms around him. "I was so scared, Brian, but I just had to fight back. I couldn't let him victimize me again. I just couldn't!"


Pulling back, he looked intently at Justin, more proud of him now than he'd ever been. "You did the right thing. In fact, the perfect thing. He's thrown off balance now. The frightened kid is gone, and the strong-willed man has returned. Separated, he can pick us apart, but together we are strong. It's just a matter of time now."


"We have problems, though. He knew I was in the room alone. Someone has to be helping him..."


"That's possible... or it could be something even more revolting. What if he has cameras in place here? You've told me of how he tormented you with videos of me. One thing we know for sure - the Sap is creative, not to mention thorough." The more he thought about it, the more he believed it to be true. That was the source of his unease. The demented fucker had been watching them. Perhaps not the bedroom, but some area of the house that had revealed Justin to be alone.


Justin visibly shuddered. "Brian, you don't think he has a camera in the bedroom? That he watched us when we..."


Brian felt the same disgust as Justin did. As much as he had loved men watching him fuck other men in the past, this was different. He didn't want Sapperstein's eyes on Justin ever again. "No, I don't think that, Sunshine. In fact, I'm sure of it. He would have made the reference... unable to resist it. I suspect it's somewhere in the house; an area that wouldn't be noticed, but one that would show me coming and going."


Justin began to tremble. "We have to find those cameras, Brian. I can't stand him watching me. I won't be able to sleep until we do."


"I will get one of the agents on it now. The Sap has no place in our home; I want him out of it now." Brian leaned forward to place a tender, although intensive kiss on Justin's lips. "I'll be back soon. Stay strong, Sunshine. Each step takes us closer to the end of this."


"My hero..." Justin whispered, love and hope finally swelling in him. "I'm regaining my strength, and it's all due to you, Brian. Thank you."


Brian rolled his lips under, his head shaking in denial. "No, Justin. You always had that strength in you. It was just buried for a while. Once it totally resurfaces, nothing can stop us. Not now, or ever."




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