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"Damn... Jus. You look like you've been up all night!" Daphne exclaimed, as she watched him walking through the front door in the early morning hours.


Justin flopped down onto the couch, his eyes closing briefly, thankful that his roommate appeared to be rushing around preparing to leave for class... knowing that was all that would save him from a full inquisition. The journalist in her never went to sleep, not even with her best friend. "In a manner of speaking... yes," Justin smirked at her through half-closed lids.


Walking from the kitchen with a bowl of cereal and orange juice in her hands, Daphne sat across from him, his words not sinking in until she placed her bowl and glass on the table, her nose scrunching up when his meaning belatedly hit her. "Eww, that's gross."


"How's that gross? You like guys..." Justin needlessly reminded her, laughing at her show of discomfort.


"Uhhh, duh... but I don't think about you like that..."


Justin sent a mocking gaze her way. "Right, except that time you wanted me to rid you of your virginity..."


"Justin! You swore you'd never mention that again. I was a mess." She grimaced as her mind went back to when she begged him, and almost convinced him, now thankful he had backed out at the last minute. "I'm so glad we didn't. That could have fucked everything up."


Shrugging, Justin teased her, "Who knows? You could have been the woman that made me go straight..."


Nearly choking on her juice, she glared at him, her eyes narrowing on him in knowing reprimand. "You aren't fooling me, Justin Taylor. You brought this old shit up just to distract me. It won't work. I'm a journalist. I always smell a story a mile away. Now, let's hear it. What happened last night?"


"I don't think you want to hear the finer details, Daph..." Justin hedged, in the back of his mind remembering he did have a non-disclosure contract with Brian, not that he imagined he would be in trouble if he confided in his best friend.


Daphne thought about that for a moment, her head tilting slightly sideways. All of a sudden she visibly shuddered, before answering, "Nah, perhaps not, Jus. I'm eating my cereal. I don't want to be grossed out before school."


"Uh-huh, right." Justin winked at her before closing his eyes again. "You don't know what you're missing..."


Eyes widening on the quickly passing time, Daphne began to devour her breakfast more quickly. She stood to her feet after a few quick gulps of juice, and mouthfuls of cereal, before running to the sink to rinse out her dishes. She came rushing back through, pausing only to sling her purse and attaché over her shoulder. "Will you be home tonight?"


Justin shook his head. "No. Tonight is my final performance at Babylon."


Halfway to the door, Daphne gasped and turned to face her roommate. "You're still going through with that? Is Brian okay with it??"


"I guess he'll have to be." Justin shrugged, in the back of his mind seeing how this could still be a potential problem... especially since he'd neglected to remind Brian last night that the performance in question was looming so near. "It's just one night, then it's over. Brian will be happy with that."


"I think you're kidding yourself, Justin. This is Brian Kinney. I've studied him, and written an intensive piece on him. He is a primitive." Daphne bit her lip thoughtfully, before adding, "If I were you, I'd call him today and remind him. Depending on how the night goes, this could end badly for you."


"Nah. It will be fine. If he calls me, then I'll tell him. I've been disrupting his workdays enough." Justin smiled at his best friend, more in the hopes of soothing her obvious worry. "Get to class. You graduate soon. Now isn't the time to slack off."


"Slack off..." Daphne groused. "As if I ever do that!" She continued to the door, mumbling under her breath the entire time about hard-headed men that never listen to reason, and how it wouldn't be her fault when it all backfired in his face.


Justin chuckled from the couch. "Love you too, Daph."


With a slight groan, Justin hoisted himself from his comfortable position, knowing that he needed to bolt the door, before taking a shower, and hopefully a long day of sleep. Brian had taken him over and over last night. Each time had been more intense, with him achieving more orgasms than he could count now in the aftermath. Brian's hunger had been merciless... and he loved his fierce Dominant like that. Now he needed rest. He couldn't help thinking about Daphne's advice, and how it could be advantageous for him to call Brian and let him know about his performance tonight. Stepping into the shower, he decided to take his chances. After their progress and intimacy last night, he didn't want to upset Brian. It wasn't a deception really. Brian knew this night was coming. Once it was finished, that part of his life would be over. He was certain that would be good enough for Brian. It simply had to be...



Brandon looked at his breakfast companion with more than a slight degree of suspicion. "I don't get it, Novotny. What do you get out of this?"


Michael smiled engagingly at Brandon, purposely ignoring his mom staring at him accusingly from across the room. "Not a thing, Brandon. I'm just helping out the gay community, not to mention the economics of Babylon with this free and extensive publicity."


"Is that so?" Brandon scoffed. "It couldn't be the fact that your husband works for Brian Kinney, and it's a known fact you don't get along with the richest man in town??"


"Does it really matter, Brandon?" Michael asked. "I have come to you with posters to decorate the entire city. In addition, I have placed ads online directed to every horny gay male in the proximity detailing this is to be Justin's final performance. Do you have any idea how packed Babylon will be tonight? You should be thanking me!"


Brandon was elated... at the same time, he was also apprehensive. "I am grateful, Michael... even though I know you are doing this for your own nefarious reasons. Kinney will be livid. If he shows up, all hell could break loose..."


Of course, Brian will show up, Michael thought to himself. He had to know tonight was the night of Justin's final show. A frown appeared on his face. What if Brian didn't know? He was a very busy man, so it was entirely possible. He doubted it was something Justin would be foolish enough to bring up in casual conversation. A cold smile twisted his lips. He'd make certain that Brian was reminded. But not now. He didn't want Brian to change Justin's mind about appearing. Later he would make sure Brian became well aware of Justin's performance and just how many men would be there drooling and seeking out the attention of his favorite new pet. "I don't see that being a problem, Brandon. After all, Brian Kinney has a business reputation to uphold. He won't cause a public scene. I guarantee it."


"You had better be right, Novotny." Brandon looked up when Debbie approached the table, smiling graciously at her, grimacing when he saw the look of distrust and dislike on her face. "Can I get the check, Debbie?" Realizing it was the least he could do, Brandon amended, "For both of us..."


Looking at the two of them suspiciously, Debbie pursed her lips, before pulling out her order pad, and quickly totaling their order. Her eyes were assessing Michael as she handed Brandon the bill, not uttering a word when Brandon stood to his feet, handing her a twenty and briskly striding toward the door. Her head turned to watch him with a narrow-eyed gaze, quickly whipping it back around to glare at her son. "What's going on, Michael? And if you tell me nothing, I'll smack you upside your head!"


"I don't know what you're talking about, Ma..." Michael replied belligerently. "I was just having breakfast with a friend."


"Friend?" Debbie parroted in disbelief. She took the seat that Brandon just vacated, her eyes sharply on her son. "Since when are you friends with Brandon??"


"What's wrong with him?" He countered defensively.


Debbie shook her head in disapproval. "I don't have all the answers, Michael... but I know one thing. You are up to no good here. I'm sure it's all a coincidence that Brandon owns Babylon and that Justin's job there is a sore spot in Brian Kinney's ass!"


Michael snorted. "Since when do I care about Brian Kinney?"


"If you have a brain in your head, you'll start caring. Your husband works for the man... and from what I've read in the papers, you don't want to piss that man off. If you are up to something that has anything to do with Justin Taylor, I'd suggest you get out of it right now!"


Standing, and refusing to have this conversation, especially with his meddling mother, Michael spat out, "I'm not afraid of Brian. I never have been. If he can't handle his little boy toys, that's his problem... not mine."


Debbie shook her head, watching what she equated to a train wreck rushing from her diner. She was filled with worry for her son, and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. If Brian Kinney came after Michael, God help him. God help them all.




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