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Lindsay watched as her son scooted even closer to Justin, malice in her heart, hatred shining in her eyes. Justin alarmed her in more ways than she would have ever thought possible for a mere slave. Except, she knew he was anything but that. Justin wasn't ordinary, nor did he come from common bloodlines. His mother was another indication of that. The dear Lady Jennifer. Her head turned to look at Justin's mother as she watched as her son interacted with the king's child, a look of approval and deep pride on her face. There wasn't a doubt of her aristocratic ways. It was in every gesture and word that she spoke. From what little she had heard of Justin speaking, it was the same with him. Neither of them belonged in this country, nor in this particular life.


She looked at Jennifer, narrowing her eyes at the regal way she held her head, the straightness of her back, the definition of prim and dignified. At once, she envied and hated her at the same time. Only one thing marred her perfect appearance, and that was the ice pack she held to her mouth where Sapperstein had struck her. Once again, she looked in Justin's direction, astounded by how her son listened to him so raptly. It was inconceivable. Gus rarely took to strangers; in fact, he was quite reserved for his age. Brian kept him sheltered from outsiders, and in her opinion, went overboard in his protection. It was odd that Gus would respond so enthusiastically to Justin. Even more so, it was the first meeting between them. She didn't dare speak the words aloud, but she couldn't help thinking that it would have been in her best interest if Sapperstein had succeeded in removing him. Then, her life would be much simpler.


Standing to her feet, moving closer to where Gus sat with Justin, she took a seat that would be much closer to them, feeling the need to absorb everything. She wanted to hear everything Justin had to say to anyone. Being rid of him was her top priority, much more than dealing with Michael's cryptic remarks. The more she learned about Justin Taylor, the better position she would be in. "Justin, tell me how you ended up as my husband's slave." When the pristine Lady Taylor gasped, Lindsay waved her concerns away, telling her, "I don't have a problem with it. My husband has an insatiable appetite for the male flesh." Lindsay clicked her tongue. "As long as Justin doesn't mind being one of many, then I guess it's a perfect fit for him too."


"I wasn't displaying shock for myself or Justin." Jennifer looked pointedly at the king's son that was so rapt on listening to Justin that he hadn't even looked up when his mother spoke. That surprised her, but with the context and venom in her words, she thought that was for the best. "I was actually referring to your child. This is hardly appropriate."


Michael snickered. "Our dear queen knows very little about etiquette." Casting a warm and hopeful smile in Jennifer's direction, Michael knew his suggestion would enrage Lindsay, and did so largely for that reason. "Perhaps you can tutor her in that, Lady Jennifer."


"Tutor me!?" Lindsay screeched. "How dare you, Michael! These people are lowly servants, and I am a queen.


Jennifer flushed in embarrassment, Justin's head suddenly turning in her direction. He looked incredulously at the king's wife, in his mind, unable to think of her as his queen. She was the most unpleasant woman he had ever met, and undoubtedly lacking in the most basic of manners. He couldn't fathom how this adorable child could belong to her but decided that she had had very little to do with Gus' upbringing. When he noticed Gus slightly recoiling away, and standing to his feet, Justin was silent as he watched the child that was so mature for his years walking toward his mother.


Everyone was silent as Gus spoke to his outraged and unreasonable parent. "Momma, I realize you must be scared of Daddy's enemies attacking him, but don't worry, Daddy can handle anything. Please don't take it out on these people. They are good and don't deserve it."


All eyes widened at the maturity of the child that would one day be a king. Not a word was spoken as the future ruler had what could have been another vicious outburst from the queen effectively silenced. Unblinking, he looked into his mother's angry eyes, kindness in his own as he waited for her to respond, all of them knowing that Lindsay only delayed to calm herself first. They were all aware that if Lindsay lashed out at her son, whether directly or not, there would be harsh consequences from the king later. She wasn't that much of a fool.


With a forced smile on her face, Lindsay concentrated on blocking out all the opposing forces around her and focused on the task at hand. One, pacifying her son... but just as important as that, saving face here so it didn't get blown out of proportion to Brian, and in doing so, having her facing his unforgiving wrath. "Gus, sweetie... I didn't mean to upset you. Mommy is just a bit upset right now, and not used to being locked up with strangers. Please forgive me."


Justin rolled his eyes as he met his mother's from across the room, each of them saying in a single glance that neither of them believed the act the unpleasant woman was trying to convince her son of. He wasn't about to dispute it, nor did he think anyone else present would, either. Everyone seemed focused on keeping the enchanting child happy, most of them for Gus' well-being, but the mother, more for her own self-serving needs. Despite not knowing much about Lindsay, Justin had already easily deduced that sad fact.


"It's fine, Momma. But I'm not the one you should apologize to." Gus stood with his arms crossed in front of him, his determined stance and fierce expression almost mimicking the one his father possessed. When his mother remained silent, Gus asked her, "Is it too much to ask? I think you know that Daddy would demand it of you."


Clearing her throat, Jennifer awkwardly spoke, "It's quite alright, Gus. I'm not offended, although I can't speak for Justin. Right now, I think we just need to co-exist in this tight but extremely adequate space. I'm sure we're all anxious about what could be happening outside."


Lindsay gritted her teeth, barely able to tolerate the clearly sanctimonious Lady Jennifer. Everything she said was proper, and yet, she could easily discern the cutting undertones that in her opinion was encompassed with layers of subterfuge. She despised both mother and son and vowed to have them gone - one way or another. Each of them was a threat in their own way, but Justin could be the one with the most lasting impact... and that was something she needed to remember and act on in the quickest time possible. For now, she had overplayed her hand, and she needed to make reparation. News of her behavior couldn't reach Brian's ears. After this night finished playing out, she knew his patience would be non-existent. It would be most unwise to do anything that caused him to find displeasure with her again so soon.


A forced smile on her face, Lindsay's eyes touched on everyone in the room, not making any attempt at displaying any kind of warmth, not even toward her own son. She resented the fact that Gus would side with these outsiders over his own mother, something she blamed Brian for, more than anyone else. "I apologize if I offended anyone's sensibilities. It wasn't my intention." Instantly, she knew it to be unwise to look in Michael's direction. She only did so for a moment, but in that short span of time, the mockery was clearly displayed. She hated Michael so much, almost as much as she was beginning to despise the Taylor's... Justin in particular. The day would come when she would even the score with all of them. Having them gone would be enough to pacify her, but if they did not leave, she would find another way to make them all miserable. "I am not accustomed to being trapped in such close quarters, nor of having a deranged criminal so close."


Grunting, Michael cut in. "And what changes, my dear queen? The venom will have no excuse then. At the very least, let's be honest within our captivity."


Casting a scathing glance at the man that she perceived to be one of her greatest oppressor's, Lindsay spat, "Cease with this now, Michael. No matter how you feel about me, I am still your queen. If you persist, I will demand that punishment is rendered. I assure you... it will be dire!"


Gus frowned as he looked between his mother and Michael, continuing to display an aura of strength, despite his young years. "Michael, why don't you come sit with me and Justin. You can tell us the story of how you met Ben. It always makes me laugh, and I'm sure Justin would enjoy that too."


Michael smiled, unable to deny the future king anything his young heart desired. Gus wasn't only an adorable child, he was also skilled in the protocol and etiquette his station required. As much as Gus was constantly encouraged to live in the moment and be the child that he still was, he had also been tutored in his heritage. One day, Gus would make a remarkable king, but at times, the young man needed to be reminded of all that being a child offered. As he approached Gus and moved with him toward Justin, he decided a gentle reminder was definitely in order.



"Despite how much pleasure I would derive from torturing this filth, I want this finished quickly..." the king hissed, his eyes focused on the door he was about to smash through, uncaring that he could just as easily open it. He was about to make a statement, and do so in his own way, with Sapperstein having no doubt of the outcome, and who was in charge - now and always.


Ben grunted, agreeing with the king's decision, and yet, surprised by it. He had expected the ruler to drag the punishment out, deeming to torture Sapperstein as long as possible. In yet another way, it was an example of his greatness as a king. Despite how much pleasure he would gain from prolonged torture, he also accepted that a quick closure was best for everyone involved. This decision, as well as many other difficult ones he had witnessed his king make over the years, deepened his respect for him. "I'm by your side, Your Majesty. I know you want to lead this charge, but I am here for anything you require. Always." Ben's words were heartfelt and earnest, earning him a nod of approval from his king, and a scathing look of contempt from Tucker.


Silently, the king waited for more guards to pour in, essentially swallowing up the small cottage, before he gave the order that he wasn't certain that Ben would be comfortable with, but the one he felt he had to issue. Ben wouldn't be there to witness the act, that was the only concession he could grant. "This man is a traitor to his king and to his country. He is to be taken to the prison and put to death in the morning." Brian looked at Tucker in disappointment, almost wishing another reality could exist. "This is as merciful as I can be with you, Tucker. You wrote your own end."


Tucker was silent as the guards took him away, knowing nothing positive would come from lashing out at the king, and with all things considered, his end could have been more torturous. Briefly, he glared at the cottage. He was about to die, as was the man being held inside, but he felt the fool now. For years he had plotted and waited for the right moment to take his revenge against the Safar family. It didn't matter to him that the son wasn't the father, all that mattered was the restoring of his own father's honor. He had listened to the plan that Gary Sapperstein had flawlessly outlined. In the aftermath, he realized he had been guided by his desire for revenge, a fool for believing the outcome to be a possible reality. Now, not only had he failed, but tomorrow, he would die.


Ben watched his leader intently, yearning to ask him if this end for Tucker was the only way, but quickly pushed the thought aside when he met the stormy gaze of the monarch, knowing that this was clearly not the time. The king was about to burst into the cottage, and unless he was mistaken, the enemy would be quickly dispatched.


"Do not distract me with inconsequential matters, Benjamin... not now!" the king spat, his eyes filled with fire, his body tensed and ready to spring into action. "Let's get this done..."


In one sudden motion, the king kicked at the door, the wood quickly beginning to split, a long and jagged line displaying even more breakage. Unable to help himself, Brian snickered. He would need to replace the door immediately, and do so with more sturdy materials. Kicking the door aside, he proceeded confidently and full of aggression into the room, pausing only when the guards fell to their knees before him. The king looked past them and over to the man in the chair, his legs tied together, his hands tied with thick ropes behind his back. Even in his most hopeless hour, rage and contempt blazed in the eyes of his most dangerous enemy. Briefly, he toyed with playing mind games with this insidious man, making him beg for mercy that didn't exist... but he wouldn't do that. A quick resolution was best for all of Sapperstein's victims. That was what they would have...


"Rise," he told them, his eyes coldly piercing the unflinching gaze of Gary Sapperstein, waiting for the moment his hatred transformed into that look of futility, and that unmistakable look of fear. Brian looked to his side at Ben's stoic stance, deliberately asking a question he already knew the answer to. "This depraved man struck Lady Jennifer, a guest under the king's protection, to the extent of blood being drawn. Is that correct, Benjamin?"


Ben nodded, anger turning his cheeks red upon the reminder. "Sadly it is, Your Highness."


Rolling his lips under, Brian spoke in a hollow tone, the sound the only thing heard in the room filled with armed guards and a doomed prisoner. "I see. Well, my ancestors always believed in an eye for an eye." Tilting his head to the side, Brian considered his prey carefully, as a slight flicker of fear flashed over Sapperstein's face, he knew they would soon be building to the much-anticipated end. "I have always found that to be barbaric, even more primitive than I am accused of being, however, perhaps they were onto something. What do you think, Benjamin?"


"I think that circumstances often dictate extreme reactions." Ben met Sapperstein's icy stare, one that was beginning to display genuine fear. That being the case, he doubted the king would delay much longer.


"Yes, I couldn't agree more." Moving closer to the vile man that had occupied too much of his mind and time these past weeks, Brian realized it was time to resolve this turmoil. Only then could they look to a future. A sneer on his face, Brian reached out and backhanded Gary Sapperstein across the face, the force moving the chair backward, yet remaining upright. When Sapperstein began to curse at him, the king's lips curved into a cold smile. "Did that hurt? Trust me, there's so much more..."


"Just fucking kill me!" Gary raged, his cheek throbbing, despite his immense fear, and anger at his failure, knowing that a quick death was his only way out. "Unless you're not man enough to do that..."


The king released a tirade of Arabic curses, each one more vicious. The guards winced at the tone of the king's voice. Ben watched the ruler warily, doubtful that he would stick with his decision of giving this evil man a quick and merciful end. He backhanded Sapperstein again, this time on the other side of his face, the force of the blow causing the wooden chair to collapse, this time resulting in the prisoner falling to the floor. Brian looked on incredulously, none of them believing that this man continued to rebel, but the icy stare he directed at the king, and the king alone, indicated he was far from done.


"Savage!" Sapperstein hissed, soon beginning to cough, cursing again when blood began to ooze from his mouth. "Send your guards away and let's fight this out - man to man. I know you won't do that. You are a coward." He continued to stare malevolently at the king's impassive face, knowing there was another way to push him over the edge. It would either give him what he requested or instant death. Either way, the limbo would be over. "It's a shame I never got my hands on your hot little slave. He needs a real man to master him... not a man that hides behind his guards and title!"


Ben gasped, unable to still his tongue, he pleaded, "My King, let me end this for you. He's trying to provoke you into taking a risk that he can take advantage of... please don't allow that."


"I know what he's doing, Ben. I won't fall for that." Turning to look at his guards, Brian told them, "Take him outside, behind the cottage. I don't want all of his blood spilling inside. Untie his legs; he can walk to his death."


The king followed at a close distance as Sapperstein was dragged to his feet, and pushed in the direction of the door. Ben followed closely behind the king, more than certain this would be over quickly. The king had shown more restraint than he'd ever thought to be possible. It was admirable.


"Stop..." the king ordered. "This is far enough. Turn him around to face me," he further commanded. Once Sapperstein was facing him, Brian coldly asked, "Do you have any last words before I carry out my judgment?"


"Fuck you, and all that swear loyalty to you..." Sapperstein spat out. At once, he laughed maniacally. "You have other enemies in your country, men, and women that despise you for how openly you display your sexuality. This is an old country, with outdated ideas, one day your lifestyle will bring about your destruction. I regret that I won't get to see it."


"That's all you can say in your final moments?" The king turned to his guards, instructing them to take ten steps back. "When I count down from five, light it up. A single shot fired from each of you. However, I want them strategically placed. I will be the one to send this parasite to the depths of hell!" Brian looked over his shoulder to see Ben's shocked expression. "You don't have to watch, Benjamin."


"I'm fine, Your Highness. I would prefer to be here with you... should you need me."


Nodding, Brian turned back to face the suddenly squirming Sapperstein, panic replacing the fight in his eyes. "Very well. Five. Four. Three. Two."


"S-stop! Please don't do this. Lock me up. Hang me. A-anything else! Don't torture me like t-this..." Sapperstein pleaded, yet instantly seeing there would be no mercy from the king, the response following his plea, an unmistakable confirmation.


"One. Fire!" The king watched as each guard fired a shot into Sapperstein, as commanded each was placed to inflict pain, but not immediately life-threatening. Almost instantly, Sapperstein fell to the ground, his body writhing in agony, unaware of the king approaching, and that his end would be swift now.


Summoning two of his guards forward, he ordered them to pull him to his feet and hold him upright. Brian waited, his eyes icy and unforgiving, the other man's death clearly displayed in them. "You disgust me. Death is too good for you; however, I want to wash my hands of any further association with you... so, this ends now. You spoke of a regret, although yours was a depraved one; I have one as well. I should have done this when I found you trying to rape what belongs to me." Looking into the madman's eyes that were now dilated in pain, barely holding on to lucidity, Brian slid his sword into Sapperstein, twisting it with precision, knowing in this instance, he was the primitive he was accused of being. As he pulled the sword out, he nodded to his guards to release the now dead man, allowing him to fall to the ground. "Have this filth cleaned up. His stench is nauseating."


Approaching Ben who awaited him, a pallor on his face that bespoke of how much such graphic violence disturbed him, Brian chuckled, slapping him on the back before they walked. "This is why you supervise my personal security and not manage my armed forces."


"Yeah, that's a good thing." Ben shook his head as they walked, still trying to grasp everything that had happened tonight. It had been a long and eventful one, starting with his time in the king's secret room. He had to talk to him about that as well. "It's over, and that's all that matters."


"Yes. It's finally over." Brian frowned as he thought of the changes that should logically bring. The end of Sapperstein had been the timeline for Justin being under such strict security. He would have to determine exactly what to do with him now. He had no intention of placing him with the other slaves; although that would be what was expected, or questions would be asked. First, he would release them from the room, and then, he would figure out the rest.


Ben glanced over at the king as they walked, sensing that he was still troubled, even if danger no longer hung over them. "You're thinking about Justin, and what his safety now means." When Brian nodded in response, Ben told him, "I know you'll make the right decision, one that works for both of you."


"I hope so." At the moment, Brian wasn't sure what that decision would be, but he knew one thing for certain. It wouldn't involve him letting Justin go. He wanted him. He had killed for him again. Justin was his, and that was how he would stay...




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