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Hours Later...


Justin's eyes were wide with surprise when Emmett came into the tower room, carrying with him one bag after another, silently watching as they were placed on the large oval table that centered the room, in total disbelief that Brian had acted on his request so quickly. He opened his mouth to speak when Emmett left the room, only to return with a box with the top cut away, along with an easel and various sizes of canvases, all wrapped securely inside the box, tightly wedged with cardboard between each one, effectively protecting the surfaces - front and back.


When Emmett returned, Justin shook his head, amazed by the king's instant generosity and attention to his request. "Wow. I'm speechless..." Justin laughed, a smile full on his face. "That doesn't happen a lot."


"Uh-huh." Emmett was quick to agree, standing back as Justin began emptying the bags, not wanting to interfere in what he instinctively knew was a special moment for the younger man. "The king wanted me to stay and make sure you had everything you needed. If not, he asked that you write down a list, and he will see that it is ordered."


Justin reached out, lightly touching the various supplies, unable to believe they were all here before him, and that they were actually his to use. His father had stifled his creativity, constantly inferring that art was for ‘sissies', and that Jennifer was a fool for encouraging it. He was actually amazed that his father hadn't stopped him from attending art school, but probably relented since it did have him away from Tehara for a large amount of time, particularly since he had obviously been ashamed of his son. "No, this is actually perfect. Thank you for bringing them to me. This should last me for a long time."


Emmett clapped his hands in glee. "I'm so glad I can tell his ‘pissed-off' highness that everything was satisfactory."


Laughing, Justin finished unpacking the bags, uncertain where he would start, but knowing he would inevitably begin with some sketches, then the task of mixing some paints for his more intricate colorations. "More than satisfied..." He looked at Emmett, a more serious expression on his face now. "Do you know why the king is so pissed? I had the feeling it wasn't about me this time."


"No, I actually don't. At first, I thought it was about your visit to the slave quarters, but this behavior is over the top... even for the king." Emmett frowned, unable to determine what had happened either before or after Justin's foolish trip that led to the younger man's inappropriate conduct, but realized he might never know. "I haven't seen the queen around either. At this point, I am assuming she has something to do with his bad temper."


"Oh." Justin's eyes grew even wider. "Well, I suppose if the king was made aware of her behavior when we were in the secret room together, there could be some fallout there."


Emmett sighed dramatically. "I wish I could have seen it. I guess I was too drunk that night to be summoned." He happily giggled. "Oh well, I had a good time. And you're right. I'm sure Michael told the king. I've already heard all about it from him, and he still hasn't stopped ranting about it."


"Is she always that unpleasant?" Justin asked, more than a bit curious how someone as fierce as the king could stay tied to the queen, even if they were only connected legally.


"Sadly yes. I have never understood what makes her tick, but have come to realize that she's only happy when she dispenses misery on others. I would advise staying away from her..."


Justin grunted. "I doubt that will be a problem. I am on lockdown, and I doubt she would deign to visit me - even if I were allowed visitors."


Emmett rolled his eyes. "I think you know this punishment is only temporary. You disrespected your king. There had to be a consequence."


"Yeah, the king basically said the same thing." Justin motioned toward all the supplies on the table, still unable to believe the king made this happen so quickly. "This gesture really makes this not so much of a punishment. I wonder if the king realizes that..."


Arching a brow, Emmett gave Justin an all-knowing look. "I think we both know that he does. Give it time, Justin. I feel that you are making progress with the formerly closed-off king. It's up to you to determine how things continue to progress."


"Even though I can see that the king is more than the primitive he projects himself to be, I will never accept my circumstances, no matter how many grand gestures he extends." Justin's tone was emphatic, once and for all, he wanted Emmett to understand his position.


"Well, the heart can make one minimize more tedious matters..."


Justin's eyes narrowed in anger, as well as in disbelief. "Tedious? Are you fucking serious, Emmett?" Justin shook his head. "Of course, you are. You have one sole agenda, and that is gratifying the king. I suppose I understand; after all, you are NOT a slave. Please thank the king for his generosity, but now, I'd like to be alone."


Emmett inclined his head, knowing no possible good could come from arguing with the outspoken, and hot-headed young man. It was amazing how much Justin and the king complimented each other. In time, he was certain they both would see that. He also believed that Justin's circumstances would change over time... but that wouldn't happen today or tomorrow. "Enjoy your supplies, Justin, and make a list if anything is missing." Emmett proceeded almost stiffly to the door, unsettled that Justin believed he cared nothing for him, and only about the king's interests. That really wasn't the case. He hoped that one day Justin would see that. "And contrary to what you might think, I understand more than you know. If you ever need to talk, I am always available."


Silently, Justin watched as Emmett made his exit, uncertain of what to make of either the man or of his words. Emmett was often highly contradictory, but he did believe that he meant well. He wasn't sure he could ever begin a trusting friendship with Emmett. It would always be a worry that he would rush back to Brian with anything he said or revealed. Brian would know what he wanted him to know, and not something he heard from a member of his staff. He didn't have control over very many things here, but he could marginally control that.


Grabbing a sketchpad and a pencil to begin an outline, Justin sat in the chair next to the window, staring out at Gus petting his dog, with Michael close by his side. Michael was another member of the household that he was slightly curious about. He'd like to know his story, and perhaps get to know him. Ruefully, Justin shook his head. As long as he was under ‘house arrest' that wasn't about to happen. He smiled as he looked back at the table filled with every supply he could possibly need. Art was a great form of escape, and where he often found himself. For now, he was content.



Hours later found Brian tossing Lindsay's cell phone away in disgust. He hadn't found anything, either the first time he searched her phone, or after returning to it a second time. All of her social media relayed the same information - continuous posts of her shameless self-promoting; in doing so, she maligned his name, all because the public, and more importantly... his people believed that they were together. In fact, they functioned as a unit. The very thought made him shudder in disgust.


What had surprised him the most was that there were no contacts that were unfamiliar to him, and no banking apps, other than the ones that he had given her, and deposited all of her funds into. There had to be something missing. For certain, there had to be other bank accounts. She had to be paying someone to care for Jasmine. His mouth set in a grim line. If she had not been personally seeing to his daughter's health, safety, and happiness, Lindsay's future would be even more dismal.


Could Ben's suspicions be correct? Was Lindsay deceiving him in the cruelest of ways? Brian shook his head, swearing at himself for even momentarily doubting his initial instincts. He was the King of Tehara. He did NOT second guess himself - EVER! As he remembered the talk with Lindsay, now that his rage was somewhat under control, he could more deeply analyze every word she had spoken, vividly recalling the arrogance with which she spoke. She had admitted to what he could easily classify as an act of treason, in fact, by definition, her actions could be construed as a double act of treason. That being the case, she still told her story and did so with confidence and no remorse. Both his instincts and common sense told him that Lindsay's words were factual. Now, he just had to find the pieces in order to put them together. That was what he was determined to do.


Contemplating his next course of action, uncertain which direction would lead to the quickest resolution, the king's head turned when he heard the fax machine, he frowned when it appeared to stop after about six or seven pages. This part of his search might not be lengthy at all. Standing to his feet, Brian approached the fax machine, impatiently pulling out the documents that had just stopped printing. His eyes scanned each page, disbelief, and confusion distorting his face. "What the fuck!" he exploded, none of this making any sense to him.


He had been specific with the airlines, doing so to narrow down the time of his search. He hadn't expected the list to be so minuscule. There was only one sheet for each airline, three of them were void of any entries, simply meaning they had no passengers to meet his search criteria. He hadn't requested any flight information on Lindsay for that time period. He knew she hadn't left the country. In fact, she hadn't gone anywhere for several months after the twins were born. He was searching for any handheld infants leaving on a plane from Tehara to any destination. That was the only way Lindsay could have transported Jasmine out of Tehara. None of the children listed on the airline manifests were of appropriate age. Brian scratched his head, unable to fathom the answer that stared him directly in the face.


"Ben, I need you in my office..." the king spat into the phone, rage renewed in him at what this report signified. It was time for him to visit Lindsay in her solitude... and he wasn't about to do it alone. If he did, he might disregard the fact that she was still the birth mother of his children, and kill her with his own bare hands. As good as it would feel at the moment, that could be a catastrophic way, to begin with Jasmine. He wasn't about to sabotage that much-anticipated beginning.


"Fucking hell," Brian swore repeatedly, his eyes wide and unblinking as he scanned the pages repeatedly. "Lindsay never took Jasmine out of the country. My daughter is still in Tehara."




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