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Author's Chapter Notes:

The last chapter was so large that I had to break it into 2 parts.  Brian attends the art show.

Chapter 17
"Justin.  We've been doing this for 10 months, as you said.  It's not like you are some new guy that I just met.  You've spent almost every weekend with Gus and you helped me build his bed.  You've taught him about photography and you've helped him gain an appreciation of artistic things, something I point out that his mother has never been able to manage.  I can't see any reason that he wouldn't be excited about you and me moving things to the next level,"  Brian explained and picked up his sandwich to take a bite.
Justin grinned and reached over to Brian and picked up his hand.  "This is corny, but I'm really excited about us."  He brought his hand to his mouth and gave it a small kiss, and then laid it back on the table.  
 Brian grinned and said, "Me too."

Chapter 18 
They finished their respective lunches, asked for the check, and were gone their separate ways less than 30 minutes later; Brian went back to his office for a few short hours and Justin picked up his suit and got ready for the evening.

Brian returned to the office and was met by Ted.  "Hey, boss.  I have the new numbers for the third quarter and the projections for the last quarter of the year.  Do you want to go over the numbers now or next week?  I know you have to leave early to pick up Gus."
Brian had a large smile on his face and he didn't think anything could bring down his good mood at this point in time.  He said, " Sure.  Come on in and we'll review them.  I've got time to at least get started."
When Ted sat down he took a moment to look at Brian and said, " You look especially happy today.  Did you win the lottery or something?"
"No, I didn't win the lottery, but I feel like my life is moving forward."
Ted raised his eyebrow and gestured with his palms up to signal that he wanted Brian to elaborate on his statement. The sun shone through the large picture window, illuminating the room.
"No, lottery but I think I'm finally understanding what it means to date,"  Brian said, answering Ted but still leaving out some of the key pieces. Brian picked up a coaster on the glass table in front of him and twirled it in his hand.  
"Dating?  I thought you and Justin were dating.  Did I miss something?"  Ted asked, confused at Brian's statement.  Ted looked around the office, everything neat and orderly, and thought about Brian's sentence.  Dating was fun and exciting; a thrill when it was new.  He could understand how dating could be dangerous in early recovery.  
"No, I'm still dating Justin, but I finally understand what everybody was trying to tell me.  Dating is more than going out and doing activities together, it is wanting the person to be a part of your life and to want to share what is going on every day,'  Brian tried to put into words what he was experiencing.
"Okay,"  Ted said, still a little question in his tone.  "And how did you come to this realization?"
"Do you remember a couple of days ago I ended up at Woody's as I was really restless?"
"I may be old Brian but I do remember what happened a few days ago," teased Ted.  
"Well I didn't share the whole story,"  Brian said, not trying to be obtuse but also a little hesitant about sharing his latest update.
"What didn't you tell me?  I mean, you don't owe me any explanation but it sounds like you have something you want to add."
"I didn't tell you what happened after I left the diner and Cleo.  On my way home, Justin called and said he was on his way over to surprise me.  Said he missed me too."
Ted nodded his head in understanding and said, "And...  I hear that there is more to this tale than he came over."
"You are good at this,"  Brian said, stalling a little bit longer.  "Yeah, he came over and we talked, but when we finished talking, I asked him to stay over."
"That's big, Brian.  Especially knowing that you don't let tricks stay over.  I've heard enough rants from you in the years that I've known you that this is a pretty hard and fast rule.  But Justin isn't a trick; he's someone you are dating."  As soon as Ted said the word dating, a light bulb went off in his mind.  "So, this is what you mean by saying that you finally understand what dating is all about.  I'm not going to ask for specifics, your sex life is something I'd rather not contemplate, but I take it from your good mood that it went really well."
Brian enjoyed talking to Ted, appreciating his light touch and lack of prying.  His friendship was supportive and genuine and he did not feel that he was ever owed anything from Brian.  He knew that sharing this information with Ted would not result in ribbing or the second-degree interrogation he would receive from others.
"He stayed the next night too and he's planning on coming over after the show tonight.  He asked me to join him at the after-hours party, but I have to pick up Gus from Debbie's.  He has to make an appearance since he is one of the contributing artists, but he said he could stay there for a while, maybe an hour or so, and then leave.  But tonight I have Gus and it won't be just the two of us."
Ted listened and heard the hesitation in Brian's voice.  "Are you worried about what Gus will think? I take it from our conversation Justin has never spent the night before."
"Bingo, you are definitely on the ball today, Ted.  Part of me thinks Gus will be fine with Justin sleeping over.  It's not like we're going to have sex."  Brian said.
Ted tried to keep his face neutral but wasn't 100% successful in his attempt. 
Brian said, "Justin tried unsuccessfully to keep his feelings under wraps, but we all know how that ended.  We've messed around a bit, hand jobs and a few blow jobs... I remember the first night we met, I tried to get him to go to the bathroom so he could blow me and he flat-out refused.  He made it very clear that sex was not on the table and if I insisted that he would leave.  There was something about him, even then that I agreed with.  And as a person who's been there, done that, you know that relationships are genuinely frowned upon in early recovery."  Brian said, even though he knew that Ted understood exactly what he was referring to.  
"Ted, I see the questions on your face.  It's a good thing you don't play poker.  I've never been shy about my sexual activities, but I'm different now.  Let me rephrase that sentence.  We've not had penetration and honestly, I'm fine with that.  I find kissing, touching, and mutual hand or blow jobs just fine at that moment.  Either way, I'm not going to do any of those things in front of Gus.  If and when those occur, it will be behind closed doors."
"Brian, you do not owe me an explanation of your behaviors.  I'm really proud of you.  To go from as much sex as you engaged in while you were drinking to the level that you have now must have been a huge adjustment. But back to Gus.  It sounds like you have some concerns about Justin staying over with Gus there too."
Brian nodded in agreement.  He put the coaster that he's been fidgeting with down and swirled it on the table.  "He adores Justin and when Justin isn't there, he's always asking about him.  I'm not really concerned about Gus, but more about him saying something to Lindsay.  She's just looking for any excuse to stop me from seeing Gus.  I'm sure if she learned that Justin spent the night, she would try to use the information to her advantage. I can hear her now, 'It's not good for Gus to see me with Justin.  What would happen if we broke up?  It's not a good example to be parading my tricks in front of my son.  Etc etc etc.'  " Brian shook his head as he heard each and every one of Lindsay's statements in his head.
"Brian, you've got the law on your side.  That is why you talked to the lawyer and had Gus' DNA taken.  Unless you were having sex in the living room and having Gus watch, drinking, and driving with him in the car or some other dangerous or detrimental activity, no judge would take away your rights to him."
"You think so?  I feel like I always have to be extra vigilant since Melanie is looking for any excuse to keep me from him."  Brian said, the obvious fear coming through in his words."
"I'm not a lawyer, but I do really believe that.  Maybe, I've watched too much tv.  But it's not like it's a gay thing.  You know, a judge granting one parent sole custody when the other parent turns out gay.  All three of you are gay, so that shouldn't be an issue.  And, as you told me what the lawyer said, according to Pennsylvania law you are mandated to provide his support, regardless of marriage, sexuality, etc.  Biology rules."
Brian nodded in agreement as he listened to Ted.  "I guess you're right.  I wish you were available at 2 in the morning when I'm thinking about this shit.  It would sure help to hear your voice of reason."
"Brian, you can call any time.  Even at 2 in the morning.  I'm always here for you.,"  Ted said and reached out to give him a supportive hug.  Brian hugged him back, appreciating the physical support.
"You know, before I became sober, I never really appreciated the power of touch.  Thanks," Brian said as he pulled away from the embrace.
"Now, we've spent enough time on my dating life, I do have a business to run,"  Brian said as he pointed to the reports that were laying on the table.  
Ted picked up the reports and they reviewed the information for about an hour.
Brian's phone beeped and he said, "That's my cue to wrap things up.  I need to pick up Gus.  I guess all my speculation will end when I tell him that Justin is coming over tonight."
Ted stood up, gathered the papers, and said, "I'm sure he'll be fine with it.  And remember, Brian, you can call my phone any hour of the day or night and I'll be there for you."
"Thanks, Ted.  Have a good weekend."  Brian shut down his computer and put a few files in his briefcase.  He didn't expect he'd have a lot of time to work but maybe he'd have some time between putting Gus to bed and Justin arriving after the party.  He said good night to Cynthia and went to his car, placing his briefcase in the back seat.
He drove to Gus' school and sat in the carpool line to pick him up.  As he waited, he thought about all the changes he's made in his life in the last 10 months and marveled at the person he was today.  Wrapping his car around that tree was the best thing that ever happened to him.  Soon, it was his turn to be in front of the school and the aid recognized him, calling out for Gus.  Gus ran to the car and put his backpack in the back seat, joining Brian's briefcase.  
"Dad, I can't wait for the weekend.  I know Justin's got his show tonight and I'm going to Grandma Debbie's, but what have we got planned for the rest of the weekend? Can we go to the zoo?  It shouldn't be too hot.  Can we go to those gardens where he showed me how to take pictures?  Are we going to eat at the diner?  And, by the way, my pants are getting really short.  Can we go shopping for new ones sometime this weekend, too?   Is Justin going to join us?  Now that his show has started, he should have more time.  I've really missed him."
Brian drove through the pickup circle and onto the street, smiling as he listened to Gus's litany of questions and enthusiasm for spending time with Justin.  His fears were quickly disappearing. 
"Slow down, Sonny boy.  One question at a time.  I'm not sure what we will do this weekend, but I'm fairly certain Justin will join us.  Speaking of Justin, what would you think if he stayed overnight?"  Brian wasn't sure how he was going to ask Gus about his plans, but to his surprise, that is what came out.
"That would be really cool.  Then we could go to breakfast and start the day really early.  I know you like spending time with him and it made you really sad when he couldn't come to hang out with us.  Do you think he would want to do that?"  Gus said, his enthusiasm easily heard in his voice.  
He looked at his father and asked,  "Dad, does that mean you guys are together?  Carlos said when his dad started dating his stepmom that he knew it was serious when she started spending the night.  Are you and Justin going to get married like Mom and Momma?"    He thought for a few minutes before adding.  "That would be so cool, I'd have two moms and two dads."  He smiled so wide that it lit his entire face.
"Woah, Sonny Boy. You better slow down.  I just asked what you would think if Justin spent the night.  I didn't say anything about getting married.  I haven't even thought about what I'm doing next week.  I'm taking things one day at a time.  But I'm glad to hear that you're okay with him spending the night."  Brian drove toward the mall since Gus had mentioned needing new pants.  He hated shopping in stores like American Eagle or Hollister but Armani didn't exactly make children's clothing.  At least he wasn't shopping at Walmart or the Big Q.  
"We can't spend a lot of time shopping today, but we can grab some new pants and maybe a few shirts for you before I have to drop you off at Debbie's.  She'll feed you dinner and  I should be there to pick you up before 10:00."  Brian parked the car and locked it before they walked into the mall.  
Bran cringed every time he shopped in the commercial space, something he found ironic since it was his job that pushed people to these types of stores, convincing them that they needed the latest shirt or pair of pants in order for their life to be complete.  He knew it was utter bullshit, but it made his clients happy and it made him a lot of money.  He decided that he was also a product of someone's advertising as he bought into the idea that he needed the latest season of clothing from the prestigious men's wear collections of Armani and Prada. 
"Sure Dad, I'll make it quick.  Do I have to try the stuff on or are we going to just buy the next size up?"  Gus asked as he made his way toward the preteen boy's section.
Brian sighed heavily as he realized that Gus had a point. "Better try it on.  I don't want to have to come back again if the stuff doesn't fit."  Brian walked toward a rack of pants and looked for Gus' size.  He did not pay any attention to the cost or to the sign advertising the latest sale.
"Dad, these are on clearance.  Do you want me to look here?  Momma always said we have to watch our pennies."  Gus said as he pointed to several turnstiles of clearance items.
"Gus, I'm not interested in finding a bargain and I really don't care how much it costs.  If you find something you like, you can try it on and if it fits we buy it.  We don't have all day to shop.  We need to get in and out quickly.  I have to get home and shower and get ready for the show.  I'm picking up Justin's sister and we're going to dinner before the opening."
"Oh, that's right.  You're taking her on a fake date. Is she like Justin?  Do you think she'd like to join us on one of our outings or do you think she is boring?"  Gus asked, curious about Justin's family.  He'd never thought about Justin having a family and now he was curious.
"She's nice and funny and she likes Justin's art.  She supports her brother and I think that is the most important thing about her.  I can ask Justin if he'd mind Molly joining us some time,"  Brian said, thinking it might be interesting to get to know her a little better and see how she and Justin interact.  He seemed to like his sister and was pleased that she attended his shows.  
Gus grabbed a few pairs of jeans off the rack and Brian had also chosen 3 pairs and two shirts.  "Let's take these to the dressing room.  I think you can only have 5 things at a time.  I guess they are protecting their assets, but why someone would want to steal this stuff is beyond me,"  Brian said as he walked with Gus to the dressing room and the attendant waved them in.  Brian hung up the items on the hook on the wall and left the dressing room so Gus could have some privacy in trying on the items.  "Come out so I can see the clothes,"  Brian said as he walked out of the dressing area.  There was no place to really wait but Brian moved to the side of the doorway as he waited for Gus to come out.  
Gus walked out wearing a pair of relaxed blue jeans and Brian gave him a thumbs-up.  He had also put on a short sleeve graphic T and when he pointed to it, Brian shrugged.  He understood that Gus was still a kid, and that he needed to wear age-appropriate clothes, but he still cringed at T-shirts.  
Gus went back into the dressing room and tried on a pair of slim-fit jeans and a different T. When he went out, Brian shook his head, no.  "I like the other pair better.  We'll get a few pairs of those.  Didn't you have some sports stuff too?"
"Yes.  I saved those for last."
He tried some joggers on and long shorts and Brian nodded in agreement. "Let's grab three pairs of joggers, 4 pairs of shorts, and 4 pairs of jeans.  You can pick out your favorite three T's too,"  Brian said as he looked at the clock by the dressing room.  
Gus changed quickly and handed Brian the clothes.  Brian checked out and they walked to the car and drove toward Debbie's.  
"Dad, you asked about Justin staying the night?  Are you going to ask him to stay or was this something for the future?"  Gus asked, hoping that it was something his dad was planning on doing.  He'd been thinking about it the entire time he was trying on clothes, imagining him, Justin, and his Dad as a little family.  Justin was cool and so was his Dad. Way better than his moms. His Dad cut right to the chase and didn't play any games with him.  He knew exactly where he stood with him.  He had rules just like his moms but his dad's rules made sense.  Also, he was pretty sure that his Dad would talk to Justin about meeting his sister.  He was really curious about her.
"I already asked him but wanted your thoughts on the idea.  If you were against it, I would have told him that he couldn't come,"  Brian said, realizing that he never finished their earlier discussion having focused on checking off one of the chores for the weekend, i.e. shopping.  
"You mean if I said I didn't want him to spend the night you wouldn't have told him no?"  Gus asked, surprised at his father's statement.  "I mean Dad it is your life, not mine.  The moms are always telling me that they have the final say in what I do,"  Gus said, sharing some of his mom's parenting ideas.
"I'm not your moms.  It's a little different with me, Gus.  I don't see you all the time, only on weekends.  If you weren't comfortable with Justin spending the night when you were there, I could always have him spend the night when you weren't there.  I have choices.  But I wanted you to be comfortable when you come to visit me.  That is why I asked,"  Brian explained his thought process to Gus, feeling that he should have a say in the matter at hand.  
"Got it. I like Justin and I think it's cool that you want him to spend the night.  Like I said if he spent the night we wouldn't have to wait to start our day until he got there. So is coming over after his show tonight?  Can I stay up till he comes over?  I want to say hi and give him a hug."  
"Yes, he is coming over and no, you cannot stay up until he gets there.  It may be very late, midnight or later. You can give him a big hug tomorrow,"  Brian said.
"But if he isn't coming over till midnight, he'll just be coming over to sleep.  I thought he'd come over to spend time with you?"  Gus asked, way more observant than Brian had thought he would be.  
Brian did not want to explain to Gus about wanting to have Justin in his bed when he woke up.  This was going too deep into the physical side of their relationship and Gus was only 10.  He probably had no idea what sex was.  
"He is coming over to spend time with me, Gus.  It's nice to have someone you like to sleep with. Your moms sleep together and they enjoy that.  It's the same kind of thing,"   Brian explained, trying to keep it simple and the sexuality portion out of the conversation.
"Like hugging someone all night.  I like hugs and I guess that would be kind of nice to have someone hug you while you sleep,"  Gus commented. 
Brian was relieved that Gus had accepted his explanation.  He knew that this reprieve would not last for too much longer.  He remembered learning about sex when was about 11 and Gus would be 11 in just a few months.  He didn't relish the idea of having that discussion with his mothers about teaching Gus about sex.  He hoped that they would leave it to him to teach about this all-important topic as they tended to be naive and blind when it came to certain areas, and sex was definitely one of them.  While he didn't relish the sex talk, he thought that Justin and his emerging relationship might be the perfect time to discuss these changes with his son.
"Exactly,"  Brian said as he pulled into Debbie's driveway.  "We're here.  Leave your packages in the car and I'll take them home."  He got out of the car and walked with Gus to the front door.
Debbie opened the door immediately, enveloping Gus in a big hug.  "We're going to have such fun tonight.  I've got cookie dough all ready for us to make cookies and then we can watch Master Chef Junior.   Maybe we can come up with some things to make."
"Cool.  I love cooking with Auntie Emm,"  Gus said as he went off to the kitchen to investigate the cookie dough.
"Thanks again, Deb.  I should be here between 9:00 and 10:00 to pick him up."
"Brian, I love you but I gotta ask...."  Deb said as she looked to make sure that Gus was nowhere in hearing distance.   "Michael said he saw you at Woody's the other night.  Are you okay?"  
Brian cringed when she started talking, knowing that the conversation was likely to be about his unexpected visit to Woody's.  He was pleased that she asked and didn't just jump to her own conclusions.
"Yeah, I'm good.  I'm not even going to ask where you heard that piece of information since Michael was the one who saw me and based on the phone calls and unsolicited visits that I've had in the last few days, I don't have to guess what he told people.  Yes, I went there, but no I didn't go into the building.  I realized that it was a mistake and high-tailed it out of the parking lot.  I'm fine and I have no intention of making that mistake again.  I've worked too hard and too long to go back to the life I had while I was drinking."
Deb engulfed him in a hug and said, "I'm proud of you.  Just ignore Michael.  He is not a person you need to be hanging out with, despite the fact that he is my son.  I never thought I'd say this, but this time, he is in the wrong."
Brian was amazed at Debbie's words and hugged her back.  He didn't want to discuss the situation as he was done defending himself.  "Thank you for believing in me,"  he said softly and enjoyed her warm and comforting hug.  "I have to go, Ma.  Don't give Sonny boy too many ideas about cooking.  He and Emmett can cook all they like, but I'm still mastering basic chicken."  
"No thanking me, Brian.  I love watching Gus.  You have a good time at the show.  I'm so proud of you.  The old Brian would have never considered going to an event like this.  I only met Justin one time, but he seemed like a wonderful person.  In my book, anyone that can get you to stay sober and reinvent your life has a star by their name. 
Brian let go of Debbie and called out,  "Sonny boy,"
Gus came out of the kitchen. "Yeah, Dad,"
 "I'll see you later tonight. Don't try out too many new recipes,"  he teased.  
"Bye Dad. Grandma, can we bake the cookies now so we can eat them after dinner?"  Gus said as he watched his father turn around and walk out the door."
"Let's start dinner first and then we can work on the cookies,"  Debbie said.
"Okay,"  Gus agreed and followed her into the kitchen.

Brian went home and quickly showered and dressed for the show.  He thought about his afternoon with Gus and the conversations with him as well as Debbie.  He smiled as he thought about their comments.  Gus' first thought had been that he wanted Justin around since he was fun and Debbie had told him she was proud of him.  The biggest surprise was that she had told him to ignore Michael.  He didn't think that would ever happen, but maybe she was changing too.  He was excited to tell Justin about Gus' seal of approval.
He drove to Molly's home and went to the door to walk her to the car.  
"It's a shame that you're gay and like my brother.  I wish all men had your manners,"  She said as she got in the car.  "Maybe, it's just easier since you aren't plotting how you can make a move on me and get me in your bed,"  Molly remarked as she got in and did her seatbelt up.
"I can't say that I totally understand as I never had any difficulty getting a man into my bed.  That is until I met your brother.  The first day we met, he turned me down.  Some silly excuse about wanting to be my sponsor did not include becoming another notch on my bedpost.  Not that I was counting,"  Brian said, tongue in cheek.
Molly looked at Brian.  He was a very attractive man; his brown hair cut trimly, his suit fit him as if it was tailored to his body in order to accent every feature. He was fit, well dressed, and she enjoyed his no holds barred attitude. "Was that suit tailored for you?"  She asked, recognizing good quality.  "Who's your tailor? I should encourage Justin to meet him.  While he dresses well enough, I think he could come across even better with a custom-tailored suit."  
"Yes, my suits are all tailored to accent my build.  I've only seen Justin in a suit on one other occasion, the other show that I attended and I'm fairly certain I was not looking at his suit.  I'll have to take a look tonight.  But of course, I'm not there to look at the man, but rather his work,"  Brian said as he wondered what Justin's latest work would be like.
"I remember that night.  I thought you were trying to pick me up.  I was very glad that wasn't the case.  I do enjoy a good dinner companion who isn't trying to get in my pants,"  Molly said.  " By the way, where are we going for dinner?  While I would love to savor some good food and good conversation, the show opens to the public at 6:30 and I'd like to be there by 7:00."
"We're headed to Eddie V's Prime Seafood. The food is delicious and the service is first-class.  While I prefer to go at a proper dinner hour, 5:30 will just have to suffice tonight.  We might not make it by 7:00, but I think 7:30 is more likely.  Still, the show doesn't end until 9:30, so I think we should have sufficient time.  Of course, if you would like we could go somewhere else."
Molly thought for a few moments and said, Eddie V's is a treat but maybe a different time.  It usually takes at least 2 hours to eat there and I really don't want to arrive that late to the gala.  What about Zarra's?  Italian is always quick and usually good."
Brian nodded and said, "Zarra's it is.  I'm sure I can find some chicken or steak dish there."  Brian put the car in drive and headed toward the restaurant.
"You don't like Italian?  We could go somewhere else,"  Molly said as she watched Brian.
"No Italian is fine, I just try and stay away from carbs but there is always chicken and steak available.  Besides, we are not the ones going on a date.  We're here to support your brother,"  Brian said.  
"Speaking of my brother.... Are you guys officially dating now?  I mean he tells me that you guys spend a lot of time together.  Sounds like a little more than friends,"  Molly asked, hoping for an inside scoop on their relationship. She looked at Brian who developed a slight red blush on his throat and face.
"Oh my!  You are officially dating.  That is so awesome.  Let me tell you that you are the best guy he has ever dated.  He's dated some real losers in the past.  I'm sure getting sober helped a lot.  But I can officially tell you that you have my 100% seal of approval."  
Brian laughed.  "Good to know that you gave us your seal of approval.  I'm sure your brother would be pleased,"  he said tongue in cheek.  "Honestly, I'm glad you approve of our relationship.  As my son would say, ‘it would suck if you didn't like me.' "  
"Has Justin met your son?"  Molly asked, curious about how much Brian had shared with Justin about his personal life.
Brian shook his head a second, pretending to make sure he heard her correctly.  "Of course, he's met, Gus.  He's spent a lot of time with Gus.  In fact, he practically spends all weekend with the two of us.  Gus and Justin came up with a master list of all the great and wonderful things to do in Pittsburgh and we are slowly going through the list.  Did you know there is a bicycle museum in Pittsburgh?  We went there.  We've gone to the zoo, the park and to the Science Center.  Justin has taught Gus how to photograph things.  Your brother is quite the artist, not just a painter,"  Brian said, bragging a little bit about the amount of time Justin and Gus spend together and the things that they have listed to do.
"That's pretty cool.  I mean Justin was always good with kids.  I don't know if he wants any of his own, but kids seem to flock to him,"  Molly said, throwing the comment about kids into the conversation.
"We're here.  I'll park the car and we can walk in unless you want me to drop you at the door?"  Brian asked.
"No, it doesn't look too crowded so we can walk in together.  At least we can pretend to be on a date,"  Molly said.
They walked in and were seated fairly quickly.  After ordering, they talked about the gala tonight and Molly shared that she was going on a small vacation with her girlfriends.  She was excited to spend a long weekend hanging out with them.  Their food arrived quickly and they continued their light banter as they ate.  If Brian were interested in dating, he would have found Molly a great companion.  After dinner, Brian paid for the meal and they made their way to the gala.
There were a number of people walking into the venue and Brian took that as a good sign.  "The parking lot looks packed.  I know Justin's work is only a small portion of the gala tonight but he will definitely have a lot of people looking at it,"  Brian commented as he drove up and down several isles looking for a place to park.
"He is really excited about tonight.  His agent said there were going to be a lot of important people here and if his work is noticed, it could mean a solo show,"  Molly said as she grabbed her purse off the back seat.  "Every time I go to one of his shows, it seems that he is getting more praise and notice.  His agent seems to be doing a great job."
They showed their tickets at the door and were let inside the gallery.  There were at least 100 people milling around in the front of the gallery and as Brian glanced down a few isles saw that they were also packed.  "I don't see Justin anywhere, but I'm sure if we start to view the art, we will eventually run into him,"  Brian said as he took Molly by the elbow and led her down a corridor.  They stopped at each piece and gave their opinion of it and then moved on until they completed the first corridor.  
"It really is a very eclectic show.  Justin said he has four pieces here tonight.  I think that is impressive as most of the artists only have one.  That is if this corridor is any indication of the rest of the gallery,"  Molly commented as they turned right to view more artistic work.  
They had viewed three hallways.  The gallery was a series of short hallways that led to larger rooms.  Whoever designed the space maximized the walls and Brian and Molly both commented on the layout of the gallery. At the beginning of the fourth corridor, they saw Justin talking to a small group of people. They weren't going to interrupt him so they waited until the group walked away before approaching him.
When he saw Brian and Molly he reached out both arms to give each of them a hug.  "There are so many people here tonight.  The gala is going really well.  "I have talked to people nonstop since the doors opened.  My throat is getting dry,"  Justin said as he fingered his throat.
"I'll go find a waiter and see if I can get you some water,"  Molly offered, giving Brian and Justin a chance to be alone.  
"That would be great,'  Justin said, smiling at his sister. 
When she had stepped away, Brian said, "I had a chance to talk to Gus after I picked him up this afternoon.  He's all for you spending the night.  He asked if he could stay up and give you a hug.  His first reaction was excitement that we wouldn't have to wait for you to get to the loft on Saturday morning."
Justin smiled and said, "Well, what did you tell him?"
"I told him he couldn't stay up as it would be late. Then he asks if it was so late why were you coming over if we were just going to sleep." Brian smiled thinking of spending the night with Justin.  He was ready for the gala to be over so they could sleep together.
"Oh,"  Justin said, raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah.  Then I explained that it was nice to have someone give you a hug while you slept.  He seemed to accept that for now.  He'll be 11 in a few months.  I don't think he will accept that we are only hugging at night for very long,"  Brian said as he spotted Molly coming with a flute of water.
"Sorry, it took so long.  I had to ask someone for water since the waiters are all serving wine," she explained.
"That is fine,"  Justin said, taking the flute and drinking all of it at once.  
Brian looked around for the first time and saw four paintings with JT signed in the corner.  He had already started to recognize Justin's style and stepped up to the first one to study it.  Molly also stepped up the painting to view it in more detail.
"These are beautiful, Justin.  Does the sticker mean that it is already sold?  Because if it is not sold, I want to buy the one with the pinks, reds, and purples.  It would go great in my living room,"  Molly said as she pointed to the painting.
"Sorry, sis.  The sticker does mean it is sold.  But if you really want something with those colors, I can paint you something,"  Justin said.  
"No, I'll not have you giving me your work.  I'll just have to get to your next show earlier.  Speaking of shows, have you had any bites from galleries?  You said Carol thought you might have an opportunity to get some offers tonight?"  Molly asked, hoping that her brother was getting the attention he deserved.
Justin smiled very wide and said, "Yes.  I've already talked to three gallery owners tonight.  One wants a really large piece for an upcoming show and the other two want to talk to me about solo shows.  I'm so excited and the night isn't over yet,"  Justin said.
"That's great,"  Brian said as he stopped his urge to hug and kiss Justin congratulations.  "Well, I see your adoring public is headed your way.  I'll take Molly and keep the vultures at bay while we explore the rest of the artwork.  We'll stop back by after a bit."  Brian took Molly by the elbow again and led Molly toward the next corridor.
"I'm so proud of him,"  Molly said as they explored the next corridor.  "He's worked so hard for this."  
Brian and Molly spent the next hour and a half looking at the pieces on display and then returned to the corridor where Justin was talking with a patron about his art.  "....And that is how I came to paint this piece,"  he finished explaining and smiled when he spotted Molly and Brian.  
The patron soon left and Molly and Brian took their place in front of Justin's work.  "So what did you think of the art?"  Justin asked.
"Your's is by far the best,"  Brian said.
"Brian.  There are some amazing artists showing tonight.  I'm not nearly as good as they are,"  Justin said, chastising Brian.
"Ah, but you're wrong.  I only know one artist and I can have my opinion.  As you're always telling Gus, ‘art is a personal experience' I personally like your art the best.  What do you think, Molly?" Brian asked, putting Molly on the spot, but also teasing her."I agree.  Maybe, it's because I know the artist.  But I really like your stuff, Justin." She reached out and gave him a hug.  Looking around she saw the crowd was thinning and it was getting late.  "I guess it is time for us to go, Brian.  I think you said something about picking up your son."
Brian nodded and said, "Yes.  I do need to pick up Gus.  I know he'll want to grill me about the show, even though he really doesn't know about an art show.  I promised him we would come to see the work next weekend when the crowds died down."
Justin leaned over and gave Brian a quick hug, whispering in his ear.  "I'll try to be quick.  I'll meet you later."  Justin broke from the hug and gave Brian a big smile.
Molly and Brian left the gala and Brian drove Molly home.  On the drive, Molly asked Brian, "We were talking earlier about you dating Justin. Even though you didn't spend much time with him tonight, I could see the two of you are good together.  He seems really happy and I just wanted to let you know that I approve."
Brian smiled, " I approve too, but I'm pleased that I have the Molly Taylor seal of approval.  I'll have to let Justin know."  Brian drove onto Molly's street and parked the car in her driveway.  He got out, opened her door, and walked her to the door.
"It really is a shame that you are gay. You're such a gentleman.  I wish you could teach straight guys how to take a woman out,"  She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.  "Thank you for a lovely evening. You were talking about how your son and Justin get along.  I would love to meet him sometime.  I bet he's a real charmer."  Molly commented.
"I bet he would like that.  I'll talk to Justin and set something up."  Brian said and then walked back to his car and drove to pick up Gus.
When he got to Debbie's he knocked on the door and Gus answered.  "Dad, how was the show?  Were there lots of people there?  Did Justin sell a lot of pictures?  Did you enjoy your fake date?"
"Gus, let your father come in the door.  It's hot outside and I'm sure he can answer all your questions from the comfort of the air-conditioned living room," Deb said as he sat on the sofa and clicked off the tv.  "Brian, how was the gala?"
Brian shook his head.  "It was fine.  There were lots of people and Justin sold all of his paintings.  I'm glad that you'll have a chance to see the art, Gus.  I think you'll find a lot of it really good."  He turned toward Deb and said, "Thanks again for watching him.  Come on, Gus.  We have to get home."
"When is Justin going to get there?"  Gus asked, hoping it might be soon and he would get a chance to see him.
"Justin's coming over?  Hmmm,"  Debbie said, as Brian saw the wheels turning in her head.
"Yes, Justin is coming over after the party with the other participants.  And if you must know, not that it is any of your business, but he is staying the night."  Brian said.  He didn't really want any speculation on Debbie's part as to Justin's or his intentions and thought if he just admitted that he was spending the night, it might nip any curiosities in the bud.
Debbie smiled and said, "I'm proud of you, Brian.  I never thought I'd see the day when you allowed someone to spend the night,"  Debbie said, keeping her comments to a G rating.  
Brian smiled back at her and said, "Come on, Gus.  We really need to get home."
"Bye Grandma. Thanks for making cookies.  See ya."  He and Brian walked to the car.
As Gus got into the car, he buckled his seat belt and waited for his dad to start the car.  Once they were on the main street he asked, " Dad, what did grandma mean about allowing someone to spend the night? I spend the night all the time?"
Brian glanced at Gus.  He was torn between being evasive and telling him it was late and they would talk later and answering him.  He knew that his past would come back to haunt him one day, but he didn't expect it to be Gus asking at 10:00 o'clock at night.  He thought about what he wanted to say and was silent for a bit as he started to answer.      

Chapter End Notes:

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