Just like on the show, Brian and Justin had sex that first night Justin went to Liberty Avenue. After that, the story goes off-canon and Brian will find out that there is more to Justin than meets the eye. Justin isn't just a normal trick like all the others.
The story is finished and will be updated once a week.
Rated: M
Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 100k+ Word Count
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes
Word count: 106034 Read: 47677
ePub Downloads: 75 Published: Jul 31, 2022 Updated: Mar 12, 2023
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Chapter 1 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 11] (1056 words)
Thanks for giving this story a chance :)
2. Chapter 2 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 4] (2188 words)
Thanks to everyone for the comments. They are much appreciated :)
3. Chapter 3 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (1776 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - I really appreciate it :)
4. Chapter 4 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (2808 words)
Thanks to everyone for the comments - they are much appreciated :)
5. Chapter 5 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 5] (2882 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated! :)
6. Chapter 6 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3801 words)
Thanks to everyone for the comments - they are much appreciated :)
7. Chapter 7 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 7] (3427 words)
Thanks to everyone for the comments - they are much appreciated :)
8. Chapter 8 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 7] (2777 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
9. Chapter 9 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 5] (2807 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
10. Chapter 10 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 4] (3492 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated! I am traveling right now, so will only get a chance to reply to your comments next week.
11. Chapter 11 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (2348 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
12. Chapter 12 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3543 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
13. Chapter 13 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3415 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
14. Chapter 14 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3745 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
15. Chapter 15 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (2919 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
16. Chapter 16 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (2263 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
17. Chapter 17 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3510 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :)
18. Chapter 18 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 5] (3774 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - it's much appreciated :-)
19. Chapter 19 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 8] (3693 words)
Thanks to everyone who has commented - I really appreciate it :)
20. Chapter 20 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 5] (3028 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they're much appreciated:)
21. Chapter 21 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3867 words)
Thanks for all the comments - they are much appreciated :)
22. Chapter 22 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (5482 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they are much appreciated :)
To everyone who is celebrating: Merry Christmas!
23. Chapter 23 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (4635 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they are much appreciated :)
And sorry for the delay in getting this chapter up. I am having massive issues accessing this site at the moment (works fine with my mobile data on my phone, but not with the much faster WIFI at my laptop at home or my work computer and it's only this site, no other - very weird!)
24. Chapter 24 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (4052 words)
Thanks to everyone for their comments - they're much appreciated :)
25. Chapter 25 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3856 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they're much appreciated :)
26. Chapter 26 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3277 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they're much appreciated :)
27. Chapter 27 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3598 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they're much appreciated :)
28. Chapter 28 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 6] (3194 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they're much appreciated :)
29. Chapter 29 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 7] (2823 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they're much appreciated :)
30. Chapter 30 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 3] (3394 words)
Thanks for all your comments - they're much appreciated!
It's 1am over here but at least I found the time to post. Enjoy :)
31. Chapter 31 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 5] (3080 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they're much appreciated :)
32. Chapter 32 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 4] (3345 words)
Thanks to everyone for your comments - they are much appreciated :)
33. Chapter 33 by Moffel83 [Reviews - 7] (2179 words)
Thanks to everyone for the comments - they are much appreciated :)