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Chapter 6


"Have you had a chance to look through the research?" Daphne asked Jake as they sat at the table in the restaurant. They had arranged to meet there at 7:00.

"You know I didn't ask you out to talk about the case, right?"

"I'm sorry, Jake. I guess I have been living and breathing this case for so long..."

"Actually, as much as I want to get to know you better, I would love to talk about the suit."

"Well, tell me what questions you have or what you want to know."

As they ate their meal, Jake asked questions and Daphne answered besides telling him her opinion and asking what he thought of her opinions. "I think you have a good instinct. How did you and Kinney hook up for this project? I mean it is unusual for two news agencies to work together. How did you connect up?"

"He had an interview with Justin and..."

"Justin Taylor? I saw that interview. How does that connect with you?"

"Justin has been my best friend since we were about 13."

"Is Justin one of the victims, too?" Jake asked with interest. "Was that the hidden tension behind those two?"

"Jake, I am not talking about my best friend." Trying to change the subject, "You do know what happened during that interview?"

"No, oh wait! It was when that building collapsed wasn't it?"

"Yes, Justin's studio is about two blocks from that block. They were trapped overnight."

"They are very different people and didn't get along well at the beginning but they have made peace now." That's not all they have made, she thought.

"So what is Brian's story? Was his childhood really as bad as the notes sound?"

"I think it may have been worse. He had to learn to deal at a very young age so what was normal for him wasn't normal for other kids his age. He didn't even think about his assault as being abuse until..." Daph reached across the table and touched his forearm, "Please don't say anything. You should be getting this first hand from him."

"Oh, I will. Staff from my office have already spoken to several of the plaintiffs and I have an appointment with Brian on Monday."

"Don't let his aloofness fool you. Brian Kinney feels very deeply, when he allows himself, too."

"You sound like you have gotten to know him well."

"No one knows Brian well. Now, tell me about yourself." Daphne made it clear she was done talking about Brian Kinney.  

After ordering a dessert to share, Jake and Daph talked about themselves.  They learned about their childhoods and families. Jake was a few years older and came from a large family.  He had been married for a short time right out of college but his wife had left him and he hadn't been in a serious relationship since.

"Daphne, how come someone like you is still single? You are beautiful, intelligent. You are a wonderful dinner companion." 

"So are you. I mean you seemed to enjoy talking about my case while we ate. That's usually where my dates end."

"Have you ever thought about switching jobs? I really think we could use you in our office. I know you have a journalism degree but..."

"You have been checking me out?"

"I checked you out before I met you. I had heard of Kinney, but, I hate to admit it, I had never heard of you. That was my bad. Your work is amazing."

"Did you just use ‘my bad' in a sentence?" Daphne smirked at him across the table.

Jake reached over and took her hand. The heat of his fingers sent a shock through her arm. "Are you up for a nightcap somewhere?"

"How about my place?" Daph asked as she stood up.

"I can't think of a place I'd rather go."

Jake paid the bill and, placing his hand on the small of her back, he guided her out the door. "I'll ride with you, if you don't mind. You can drop me back at my car when you go home in the morning."

When Jake opened the door for her, Daph put a hand on his cheek and kissed him. Jake pulled her close and kissed her long enough for her to melt inside. "Can we make it after lunch?"


"Let me guess, you got laid." Brian smiled at Daph. "Funny thing is, when I met with Jake yesterday, he had the same look on his face."

"What did he say?"

"He was a total gentleman." Brian smiled across the table, "He seems like a really good guy.  He respected my boundaries, not that I have many. The only thing I found odd was he mentioned Justin and spoke of the explosion. I think he wanted to ask about Caleb and Justin."

"You didn't say... Of course you didn't." Daphne looked over at Brian, "We are about done with our part, you know."

"I have a feeling Mr. Assistant District Attorney is going to keep coming up with things for you to do."

"He thinks they could find a place for me at his office. He said they are always looking for good investigators."

"I know you enjoy your job, and I know you aren't in it for the fame. I think you might enjoy a job there."

"At one point I had thought about becoming a lawyer, I even took some classes in the law.  Maybe I could become a paralegal."

"I have a feeling you have already made up your mind."

"If the offer is good, I think I will. Jake said today the police in Iowa are picking up Caleb and he will be extradited back to Pittsburgh."

"We both know he doesn't have any money. Jake said they may try to sue the school district."

"What good is that going to do? I know you have the list of Board Members that served while Caleb kept getting passed from school to school."

"I do. What are you thinking, Brian?"

"Somebody on that Board had a connection with him. If they had that much power they had money, too."

"Brian! Why didn't I think of that?"

They spent the next two hours making a list of all the Board members in Pittsburgh over the 12 years Caleb Franklin taught in the county. They narrowed it down to two men and a woman. "Let's each take one of the guys and then whoever is done first can take the woman or we can check her out together."

Thirty minutes later, Brian said, "This guy was a real sleaze in his early years but it couldn't have been him. We failed to notice, although he was on the Board the whole time, ten of those years he was on the Board in name only. He had Alzheimers. After the first year, he didn't know his own name. He was the kind that went down hill mentally but his body hung on for years."

"I don't get the feeling it is mine either. I just have one more thing I want to check but it isn't looking like him. Why don't you start on Ms. Perdue?"

Ten minutes later, just as Daphne finished up the other man, Brian said, "Fuck, we got her. How could this have gone unnoticed. It took me, what, five minutes?"

"What did you find, Brian?" Both Daph and Brian jumped at the sound of Justin's voice. "I couldn't get either of you on your phones so I thought I would stop by." Justin kissed the top of Daph's head and then moved to the other side of the table where Brian had stood and by the time the two separated, Daphne was as flushed as they were. 

"Um, Justin, Brian thinks he knows who kept Caleb in the school system. Perdue was the sorority sister of Caleb's mother. The Jonas family..."

"Wait! Who is the Jonas family?"

"That is Caleb's real last name. They fell on hard times and Caleb's father committed suicide while Caleb was in college. It appears he made some terrible business choices and Caleb had gotten in trouble with the law several times by then. Caleb then took his mother's maiden name to get the teaching job in the first place. If he had picked a random name, I might not have noticed." Justin sat on a chair next to Brian and took his hand.

"Brian, are you about done for the day? I made reservations..."

"You two go. I will put some of these leads together and pass them on to Jake.  By the time Franklin, Franken, whatever his name is, gets to Pennsylvania, Jake's team will be able to nail both of them. Please don't tell me she's dead."

"She is alive and kicking and sits on at least three major Boards in the city." Brian commented as Justin pulled him to his feet. He put his arms around Justin and kissed him lightly, "This is about over. All of this will be over soon."


Justin was very quiet all the way to the restaurant. It wasn't a fancy place but it was relatively new and all the reviews were steller. Brian wasn't sure why he had gotten silent but he didn't want to push him until he could hold his hands and look into his eyes. 

Brian slipped the maitre d' a $50 to get a private table. Justin had been doing so well the last couple weeks. Dr. Shannon had said the two of them both had come so far. Brian had come to realize how he had let Caleb manipulate him, and Justin was learning how to deal with the memory and not ‘get over it' but ‘letting go' of the humiliation."

As they were seated at a cozy booth, Brian ordered a bottle of wine and an appetizer platter and then put both his arms around Justin. "Tell me what's wrong."


"Don't fuck with me... well, don't do that now. You came into my office full of energy and then you shut down."

"I want nothing to do with this and for the first time in years I am pulling my shit together. I think I am going to leave the country. My agent has wanted me to do a tour in Europe. I've told him to set it up. I'm going to leave in about a week."

"Don't be rash, Justin. We can..." Brian stopped talking when the server came with the wine and first course. He started to pour the wine but Brian snatched it away. "I can do that!" The server quickly handed it to him and rushed away. "Fuck, I'll apologize later." Brian poured them each a glass.

"Brian, I know we were starting to head somewhere and none of this is your fault. Well, maybe it was. I don't think I would have been able to do this without the confidence I have gained because of you."

"Don't tell me that. Justin, please, think before you jump..."

Justin popped a calamari ring in his mouth. "We have a week and I will come back when this all blows over."

Brian faced the table and ate the ring and popped another bite in his mouth. "You do know how long some of these cases can last. Are you ready to be gone that long?"

Justin was quiet as they both ate a bit more and then he said, "I don't think I have an option. If I don't, I'm afraid I will disappear from the world, and myself."

Brian took his hand and squeezed it. "I don't like it but I think I understand." Brian kissed him. 
"Let's order dinner."

"Let's order it to go. We can finish our wine and this while we wait."

"I like that idea." Brian kissed him again as the server walked up again. After apologizing profusely to the young man, they ordered their main course to go.

Two hours later, the meal finished, dirty plates on the counter, and Brian and Justin moved to the bedroom. They did not leave the room until the sun was up. "Are you sure there is no way for me to change your mind? I could move in here with you. I could..."

"Brian, I care about you, but right now, I need to think about me. Let's just enjoy our time left." Justin rolled over and straddled him, leaning down and biting his nipple.

"Fuck," Brian said softly as he rolled over, pinning Justin below him. The remainder of the weekend, they didn't leave his apartment.


On Monday morning, Brian appeared in Daphne's office. "Did you know?"

"Looks like you spent the weekend in bed," she said with a smile.

"Daphne, did you know?"

"Thursday we talked and he said he was thinking about it but he hadn't heard from his agent. He just told me it was definite this morning."

"Can't you change his mind?"

"Brian, as much as I'll miss him, this is the right thing for him. It may not work for you or me but Justin needs to worry about himself." Brian dropped into the chair across from her and she got up and hugged him from behind. "You love him, don't you?"

Brian took a deep breath and let it out. "I really don't know. I have never been in love before but I do know that I like to have him around. I like to wake up with him next to me." 

Daph kissed his cheek and stood up. "I understand that."

"But, as much as I hate it, you're right. It is up to him." Brian pulled out a notebook and flipped a couple pages. "Speaking of being in bed all weekend, did Jake say anything about Caleb being arrested?"

"A couple of officers are on their way to Iowa right now to bring him back here. He didn't tell me much but Jake said all Franklin would say was they had the wrong guy. Are you sorry you got into all this?"

"No, not at all. I just wish I wouldn't have been so blind to all this." Brian got up and paced the small office.

"Brian, you were a kid and a victim yourself." 

"I know. It's just, after reading all these affidavits from all the men... He has to be in his late 40's isn't he?"

"I think he is 47."

"If I would have said something 15 years ago..."

"Who would you have told? Debbie? She would have fought for you but we both know she probably wouldn't have known what to really do."

"I know you are right."

"Brian, if you have time to take off. Go spend as much time with Justin as you can."

"I have to go film a couple shows today but I will take the rest of the week off."

"He will probably have to work on some things..."

"And I will just sit and watch him work. I swear I could watch him..."

"Ya, ya. I don't want to hear it. Jake said he will contact you as soon as Franklin is locked up.  He is hoping you will verify he is the right man."

"I can't wait to look him in the eye and show him he didn't beat me."  Brian stood up, "I'm going to go tell Justin I understand and ..."

"And that you love him and will be here when he gets back," Daphne said.

"I will tell him that as much as I don't want him to leave, I do understand."

"If that's as good as you got." She smiled at him and softly said, "That will do."


Brian and Daphne went their own way. Brian called Justin as he drove to his office. "Brian, I really don't want to ..."

"Justin, I was just hoping you wouldn't mind if I took time off to hang out with you later this week.  I can help you pack up some of your work or whatever you need help with."

Justin was silent for a second and then said, "You don't have... I would love that."

"I have to work tomorrow but I hope to take off the rest of the time before you leave."

"Brian, you don't have to. I am glad you want to but I know you have a job to do."

"Justin, I have plenty of vacation time. I would not be feeling the way I am if it wasn't for you.  For the first time in my life, I understand so much I didn't before, and that's because of you."

"No, it is because of Dr. Shannon."

"Justin, I would never have gone if it wasn't for you." Brian paused. "I just got to the office. I'll see you Wednesday. Let me know when and where you want me."

"Brian, I want you everywhere, all the time." He laughed a bit and then said, "I'll let you know.  Pack a bag so you can stay?"

"I will. See you Wednesday." Before Brian could get out of the car, his phone pinged. It was a message from Jake. ‘Franklin has been booked. He wants you to interview him.' Brian responded, ‘Where do I go?' The response came in and Brian threw the car in reverse and left the garage, squealing the tires as he did.


"I'm Brian Kinney. I was told I would be able to speak to Caleb Franklin."

"Mr. Kinney, thanks for coming." A tall,well dressed man walked up from behind him. "I am John Thomas. I will be representing Mr. Franklin. If you don't mind, we can speak in private in this room before speaking to Mr. Franklin."

Brian followed the lawyer into a small interrogation room. Brian dropped into a chair by the table before speaking. "I'm not sure why he wants to speak to me."

"Before we speak with him together, I would like to know what to expect."

"Franklin has abused more than two dozen men, then boys, in Pittsburgh alone. You and I both know if he did hit here, he did it in other places, too."

"I just received some of the documentation last night so I haven't read it all yet. I'll find you in the list of complainants, won't I?"

"Yes. What has he said to you?"

"About the only thing he has said is he wants an interview with you."

"I'll talk to him, but I have to have the exclusive on his story."

"I don't think that will be a problem."

"And if he is just talking shit, I keep the exclusive because then I can kill the whole story."

"He may not go for that."

"Those are my terms. See what he says. Write up something he can sign. I have something to do. I'll be back in thirty minutes."


While the lawyer talked to his client, Brian planned for the rest of the week. He ordered a couple meals that had to be ordered ahead of time. He ordered peking duck for one evening with Justin and ordered a lobster mac and cheese from another place just to make sure they would have a serving for each of them for another evening. He wanted to have a couple special meals for the end of the week. Brian then took a deep breath and walked back into the station ready to confront a man that had probably changed his life.

Caleb had already been moved into an interrogation room and was shackled to the table. When Brian walked in, he stood and smiled. "Brian Kinney, I knew you would be as beautiful as you are. I've followed some of my boys. You have become a real success. I always knew you had that kind of drive. I mean, I remember the first time you walked into the shower and..."

"You aren't in charge here, Franklin. I was a child. You set up that encounter. You knew my weakness."

"Brian, it was nothing like that. I just wanted to give you the love and support you needed."

"Fuck off, Caleb. I have read statements from more than 25 men. We have 20 that are going to face you in court. You are going to crash and burn for this. If you want to say something about your behavior all these years, this is your chance. Did he sign something?"

Thomas nodded and Caleb said, "But Thomas said you wouldn't print my story if you didn't like it."

"I already don't like it, but that isn't exactly what I said. What I won't put in my interview is anything I know isn't true. I will tell the world why you did what you did, not anything that claims you didn't do it."

"I agree with that." He looked at his attorney who nodded. "I admit I was with some underaged men, including you, but I don't remember you ever complaining. I was just educating them. That was what I was hired to do."

"So now you are trying to say this was part of the educational experience?" Brian was keeping his voice professional. "You don't think that the age was a bit young?"

"What 14 year old doesn't want sex? I was just there to help them learn. You weren't upset when we played. I remember you coming to me most of the time."

"So what do you think the age of consent should be?"

"Oh, I never would approach anyone younger than 13. I didn't want a child. I wanted a willing teenager. I don't rape men."

Brian looked at the lawyer whose mouth hung open. "I think we should stop for now." John said.  "I think it would be smart for you and me to review a few things, Caleb."

"I will be unavailable until next week. I have a day of interviews tomorrow and then I plan to be off. John, you have my number. Let me know when next week you want us to get together again. I will have some preplanned questions which I will send you ahead of time."

"I'll talk more now. I have nothing to hide," Caleb said.

"Caleb, we need to talk before this goes any further. I want you to be aware of the consequences to what you are saying."

"But I..." Caleb began.

"I'll be in touch, John."

The whole trip, Brian kept going over what the bastard had said. He could not believe Caleb really thought that. He didn't want to even think about that right now. He had a day of filming to do tomorrow and then the case was going to be forgotten for four days. Justin was all that mattered. He didn't care what they did during the day but at night he wanted to spend it in bed with him.


After spending a day taping shows, he finished earlier than expected so he texted Justin. ‘Free for dinner tonight?'

Brian had driven home before getting a response. ‘A late one? Bring a bag. 9:00 at the studio.'

‘I'll be there and bring dinner.' Brian packed a bag with a few changes of clothes and plenty of condoms. He picked up Chinese on the way and grabbed a bunch of flowers at the shop next to the restaurant and drove the last few blocks to the studio. He ran his hands through his hair before grabbing the food and flowers. He pressed the doorbell and heard the door unlock. He moved up the steps and found the studio door open. "Hello?" his voice echoed through the walls but then he heard movement in the upper living area. "Justin, are you up there?"

"Come up, Bri. I just got out of the shower."

Brian walked up the steep steps and found Justin pulling on a pair of briefs. "You know I wouldn't mind if you left them off."

As Justin pulled on some sweats and a t-shirt he said, "I need some sustenance first. I haven't eaten since this morning." He walked to the kitchen and grabbed two beers from the fridge and then some plates he had set out.

They enjoyed their meal. Brian talked about his day. There were a couple well known celebrities in the city for a movie premiere and he told Justin about how rude and childish the women were. "They had both hit on me and then they got pissed at each other. I said I couldn't choose between them because they were both so charming."

"You weren't tempted?"

Brian stood and pulled Justin to his feet, cocooning him in his long arms, "You never have to worry about me and women." He brushed his lips on Justin's, "What did you do today?" Brian trailed his mouth down Justin's neck and his hands moved into his sweatpants. 

"Fuck what I did today. I thought since this was where we first ‘slept' together we should really..." he stopped talking as Brian tugged off his shirt. 

Brian guided him to the bed. He slipped the sweats down off of Justin's hips along with the briefs. Justin stepped out of them and then did the same with Brian's. When they were both naked, they began to explore each other's bodies. They were soon prone on the mattress. "I hated you so much when we first met. I know now it was all undeserved."

"Maybe not all... but I'm glad you realize that now." Brian moved slowly down Justin's body, kissing or nipping each freckle or skin crease. As he worked his way down, Justin's need grew more intense and when Brian finally took him in his mouth he sighed from the pleasure he felt. Brian teased and taunted until Justin couldn't hold off any longer. Brian licked off every last drop of cum before Justin repeated the exercise on Brian. The only difference was when Brian knew he was about to lose control he pulled Justin up and, laying him on his back, he slipped on a condom and, as he crushed Justin's mouth, he entered him and just the feel of Justin around him sent him over the edge.


A few minutes later as they lay next to each other Brian said, "How do you do that to me?"

"Do what?"

"I've always been known for the stamina to hold off but with you... all I have to do is feel you and... I lose myself."

"All of us need to lose ourselves sometime."


The rest of the week they spent every minute together. When they weren't packing up a few of Justin's canvas, they were at Justin's apartment and Brian helped him choose what clothes he should bring. He also took him out and he helped him find some new clothes for his interviews, both casual and a couple suits. 

The one thing they never did was speak about the case, however, as they lay in bed the last morning, Justin asked, "Is he back... In Pittsburgh, I mean."

"Yes, he's been in here all week."

"Have you seen him?"

"I have. I will be interviewing him." Brian turned to fully face Justin. "I have the exclusive but I promise, you will not be mentioned. I think he is going to try to claim diminished mental health. He tried... Never mind. I do not want to spend our last couple of hours talking about it."

"Brian, why don't you come with me? Have you been to Europe? We could explore it together." Justin kissed him.

"Justin, I understand why you are doing what you are doing but I need to do what is right for me. Justin, we don't have an exclusive relationship and I would never expect that, but just know that when you return, I hope to continue this."

Justin pushed Brian flat on his back. "I was hoping you would say that." Justin straddled him, kissing him deeply. "I think we have time for one more round. Brian would you let me..."

"You can do anything, Justin." Brian rolled so his back was to him. "I want you to." 

As Justin entered him, Brian absorbed the pain and then the pleasure. Justin moved slowly, letting the tension for both of them build and, when he knew he was close he stopped moving and, reaching around Brian began stroking him ever so gently, sending an electric shock through him. As Brian started to shiver from Justin's touch, Justin thrust in hard and fast about five times. They both climaxed and laid there as long as they could, Justin still buried deep inside him with an arm draped across Brian's waist.

"I have to shower," Justin said. "Join me?"

"No, I want to carry your scent with me as long as I can." Brian pulled his clothes on quickly while Justin watched him from the bed. Brian walked over and kissed him once more. "I can't wait until you get back. Call me? Let me know the final itinerary?"

"I will, Brian. We'll talk, right?"

"Be careful, over there," Brian said. "I've gotten used to having you in my life." With that sentence, Brian left without turning around.


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